The tents Liang En and the others prepared were exactly the same as those used by the German Alpine troops. Eight of the people present were former soldiers of the French Foreign Legion, so they were relatively good at these things.

Soon, they cleared an entire open space, and then used aluminum alloy frames and polymer material textiles to build three tents that could accommodate four people.

Of course, Liang En and Jeanne were not very good at setting up tents, so they simply took containers to the frozen stream to get ice cubes to boil water, and then cooked dinner using the canned and packaged foods they carried. .

After the tent was set up, Fan Meng and the White Knights took out moisture-proof mats and special blankets and spread them on the ground inside the tent, and then helped Liang En and the others.

Because the mats arranged inside the tent had strong thermal insulation properties, and the two kerosene stoves used for cooking at the entrance constantly released heat, everyone quickly took off their thick coats to facilitate movement.

It has to be said that the things prepared by these professionals are indeed very suitable, and Liang En, whose cooking skills have been enhanced, can also cook these unsavory packaged foods into a delicious dinner.

After everyone had finished eating, Liang En boiled a pot of water with a clean kettle, then waited for a while, brewed the black tea he brought and poured a cup for everyone, and then joined the discussion about the treasure hunt.

I saw that some people on the Internet speculated that this batch of lost treasures from Legion Bank was the gold lost by Dan Erchak. Louis said after taking a look at Liang En, Some even said that this batch of gold exceeds 300 tons.

When you hear this, you can tell that it was just a random guess made by someone who doesn't know much about this place. Liang En said after taking a sip of tea. Because no one who knows a little bit about this would make this conjecture.

Why do you say that? Fan Meng frowned and looked at Liang En, and everyone else present was also aroused and looked at Liang En, hoping to hear what was going on from his mouth.

It's very simple. The Czech Army should indeed have brought out a batch of gold from Soviet Russia, but basically all the gold was used to stabilize the currency value of the Czech crown after World War I. Liang En said with a slight shake of his head.

Otherwise, think about why, apart from having sufficient gold reserves, a small country like the Czech Republic, which had just become independent, could stabilize their currency in such a chaotic era.

But the problem is that when the Germans annexed Czechoslovakia before the outbreak of World War II, Czechoslovakia's gold reserves were already plundered by the Germans. At this point, Liang En spread his hands and made a helpless gesture.

So even if the Czech bank cooperates with the Germans, it is impossible to retain too much gold. Therefore, I think it is true that the wealth mentioned in the data basically does not include the gold from the treasury of Tsarist Russia.

But the good news is that the Legion Bank was in operation for most of the entire World War II, so a lot of private property was stored in the bank and transferred away at the last moment.

Although we don't have a detailed list of items on hand at all, because those personal items are sometimes placed without letting the bank know to protect personal privacy, but we can confirm that the value of this wealth is not low.

Because the compensation paid by the insurance company back then would be equivalent to 68 million euros today, and this is only a part of the lost items.

Mr. Liang, I have a question here. After listening to Liang En's explanation, Louis asked curiously. Why did these people take this bunch of stuff to Bavaria instead of leaving it in Czechoslovakia.

It was normal for him to ask such a question, because in that war era it was not that simple to cross hundreds of kilometers. If you just wanted to hide some treasures, you could find a place to hide them near Prague. No need to travel so far.

I think it may be because those people are Germans. Liang En thought for a moment and replied, At the end of World War II, the Germans built a series of defensive fortresses in the mountains of Bavaria, so these people may have joined the army here.

As the planned final decisive battle site, the Germans built a large number of important fortifications in the mountains of Bavaria during World War II. Many of these fortifications were later turned into secret warehouses to hide wealth.

Although they found most of the hidden treasures during the American occupation after World War II, not all the treasures were found.

At least according to the existing records, what the Americans found were only the treasures that Spicy officials had planned to store here, and it was normal for unregistered things like the Legion Bank not to be found.

According to the records that Liang En and the others are currently looking for, this group of people is most likely planning to go to the command center in the area and contact the garrison. However, I don't know why this group of people did not meet up with the German garrison in the area.

I'm more inclined to believe that something happened after they entered the Bavarian mountains. Speaking of the true location of the treasures, Liang En shared his judgment with everyone. After all, anything can happen in wartime.

The reason for not talking about those people absconding with the money is also very simple, because the things that were transferred include jewelry and tickets. There are even some banknotes with serial numbers written down, and if these things are really absconded with money, they should be discovered by the outside world.

After all, there are many of these people, and they don’t have much contact in advance. It is difficult to formulate a perfect plan and execute it like a real criminal gang.

So after realizing that half a century of tracing had not found any clues related to this, Liang En and the others were able to determine where these things should still be hidden quietly.

Yes, in that kind of chaotic situation, many things will disappear inexplicably, especially small-scale armed personnel like this who carry a lot of wealth. As Fan Meng who has been to the battlefield, he naturally understands Liang En's mean.

So the other party should have encountered something on the road and then the whole army was wiped out and no one escaped. As a result, now we don't know anything except where some people may have gone in the end.

After having a full stomach and chatting to digest, everyone arranged their sentry posts and rested. Compared with searching randomly at night, it is obviously more reasonable to have a good rest and be energetic enough to search again during the day tomorrow.

Because everyone present can basically be regarded as veterans of wild survival and know the importance of rest, everyone quickly returned to their respective tents and fell asleep after the distribution.

Only the people who were drawn out to serve as sentries sat quietly in the camp around the campfire, staring at the surroundings with their semi-automatic rifles in their hands.

Although according to records there are not many ferocious beasts in the mountainous areas of Bavaria, there are two different concepts: not many ferocious beasts and no ferocious beasts, so everyone should be prepared at this time.

Maybe it was because he was tired after traveling all day, so Liang En fell asleep quickly after his head hit the pillow. He had a good rest that night and didn't even dream.

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