Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 605 A new beginning

Joan of Arc's performance during this period can be said to be obvious to all. For most people attending the party, it was difficult for them to believe that an orphan who grew up purely in a monastery could have such a temperament.

After all, a person's temperament is mostly determined by the environment in which he lives, so it is particularly rare for people of the Joan of Arc species to show a temperament that is almost completely opposite to their own origin.

In the previous gatherings, those people didn't think highly of Joan of Arc at first. After all, her origin was really an issue. But at the end of each party, Liang En could hear everyone commenting that Joan of Arc was a natural born child. noble.

As the saint who saved France, Joan of Arc had a unique charm that could make most of the people at the banquet fall in love with her after just a few hours of banquet.

Although this seems a bit unbelievable, it is true. In that era when there was a huge gap between French aristocrats and common people, Joan of Arc relied on this temperament to unite all kinds of people around her, and finally saved France. .

Today, the Orleans king is no exception. He even publicly said to Joan of Arc at the end of the banquet, I saw the shadow of your ancestors in you.

Actually, I have been worried that you might not get along well with these nobles. After the banquet was over, Mr. Dulis walked to Joan of Arc with the support of Butler Robuchon and said.

But now the situation looks better than the best situation I imagined at the time. Maybe as the Count of Paris said, you really show the shadow of your ancestors.

I have to admit that these people's evaluations are quite accurate. But what they definitely didn't expect was that the real ancestor of the Dulis family really returned like lightning.

Actually, I don't like staying with these people. At least they are really out of tune with me. Joan of Arc said with a smile. But I think I can still do this simple etiquette work.

You have done very well, at least much better than we imagined, Mr. Dulis said with a gentle smile. “And our family doesn’t really have a lot of that kind of stuff that we need to attend.”

Because the Dulis family has always been underpopulated and they are busy with many things, they usually don't have much time to attend various gatherings.

Therefore, they will only choose to attend more important gatherings like this, and may only attend once or twice a month, or even not even once a month.

Yes, we want to have a good relationship with everyone, but compared to us, they actually need us more, so sometimes maintaining a slightly arrogant attitude is not necessarily a bad thing. Du Lisi finally told Zhen De reminded.

After discussing a series of content about how Joan of Arc should handle interpersonal relationships next, Mr. Dulis turned to look at Liang En and said that there were some things that might need to be discussed with him.

Someone asked me to send you a message just now. He hopes to do a business with you. After arriving in the study, Mr. Dulis told him the reason for coming to him this time.

The previous gatherings were not just about having a meal or chatting together, many important exchanges of interests were also held on such occasions.

For example, during today's gathering, a Duke made a request to Mr. Dulis, hoping that he could help him raise a batch of funds to get out of trouble.

These nobles do have great families and great businesses, but correspondingly, the overall capital chain is relatively tight, and many people may not have much mobile funds available.

Correspondingly, these people have enough connections, so as long as the situation is not too bad, they can always raise enough funds from people they know.

The reason why Mr. Dulis came to Liang En this time was because some of the things the other party took out to raise money were related to the missing treasure, so Mr. Dulis thought of Liang En immediately.

In other words, the other party runs an insurance company, and the insurance company holds the property rights to some missing treasures, and the other party hopes to exchange these property rights for money.

After hearing what Mr. Du Lisi said, Liang En quickly understood the situation. Insurance companies often insure various industries, and under normal circumstances only a small part of those policies need to pay out, and when they pay out, the property rights of these insured items are transferred to the insurance company.

This is why Liang En is not interested in many modern lost treasures, because those treasures may not be ownerless as imagined.

For Liang En, it is obviously not worthwhile to spend a lot of time, energy and money to find something that does not belong to him, so he will naturally avoid these possible things during the investigation before excavation. The problem.

But the current situation is another one. If you are confident that you can find those lost treasures, then it is obviously not a bad thing to take the opportunity to buy the ownership of those lost items from the insurance company at this time.

Of course, before you spend money, you must find out what the ownership of the purchase actually belongs to, and then make a simple judgment before proceeding to the next step.

To give the simplest example, not every item listed on the list that Mr. Dulis has now is worth exploring.

For example, there are many goods that sank with the ship, including various high-value gold, silver, jewelry and other high-value items. , but considering that shipwrecks are often located in deep waters, the funds required to salvage them may far exceed the value of the items on board.

So that night, Liang En spent a whole night in the hotel room to judge which of the items on the watch were worth selling.

The judgment is mainly based on two reasons, one of which is the information provided by the contacts you know, and the other part is filled in through the cards, and then the two are combined to draw the final conclusion.

Are you planning to buy the property rights of this thing? Looking at Liang En's final choice, Mr. Du Lisi frowned. Actually, this is just a choice, and it doesn't have to cost money.

Yes, I understand, but this is the target I selected after careful screening, and I really want to find this missing treasure. After listening to what Mr. Dulis said, Liang En explained seriously .

Because compared to other treasures, this treasure has a higher value, and I think that with the information now known, I am really sure to find these things.

If this is the case, then I can only wish you all the best of luck. Seeing that Liang En has made up his mind to buy this order worth 1.2 million euros, Mr. Dulis said with a smile.

Yes, this kind of thing does require some luck, and I believe luck should be on my side this time. Liang En replied with the same smile.

Although this treasure has been missing for more than half a century, I think it is not impossible to find this thing. If everything goes well, I think these lost treasures should be found soon.

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