Next, Liang En and the others visited a series of important locations in the Palace of Versailles, such as the famous garden and the extremely gorgeous chapel.

Of course, they will not let go of the Hall of Mirrors. This building is regarded as a treasure of the palace in the palace of King Louis XIV of France. It is named after the 17 floor-standing mirrors composed of 483 lenses. .

It is the most luxurious and glorious part of the Palace of Versailles in France. Reflecting the splendid dome murals. There are 17 large arched floor-to-ceiling windows with excellent views across the mirror. Through the windows, you can have a panoramic view of the back garden of the Palace of Versailles.

At that time, the Hall of Mirrors was the place where the palace held large receptions and where the king received high-level envoys. The entire Palace of Versailles became a place where the king, nobles and ministers drank, had fun, and enjoyed a luxurious and luxurious life.

Of course, for most people, they know this building from history books. Because of the Franco-Prussian War, France was defeated, Emperor Napoleon III was captured in Sedan, and the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine were ceded.

After the war, Kaiser Wilhelm I, who led his army to approach Paris, the French capital, was crowned in the Hall of Mirrors and declared the establishment of the German Empire.

At the end of World War I, Germany became a defeated nation, and France designated the Hall of Mirrors to sign a peace treaty, the famous Versailles Peace Treaty. The items of the representatives who attended the conference are still preserved here to commemorate the glory of the French and this important ceremony. .

Because this place witnessed many important moments in French history, Liang En and the others looked at it very seriously, but in the process, Joan of Arc discovered some interesting things.

I think this place is very new. It doesn't look like it was left over from the time of Louis 14. Jeanne asked curiously when the two of them finished visiting the Hall of Mirrors and went out.

Although Joan of Arc is not very familiar with archaeological work, she has learned some simple things after following Liang En for such a long time. For example, simply look at the year an item existed.

It's simple, because the Palace of Versailles was looted many times by the people during the French Revolution. The furniture, murals, tapestries, chandeliers and furnishings in the palace were looted. Liang En answered the questions raised by Joan of Arc.

This was devastating damage to the Palace of Versailles. In addition to taking away all the wealth that could be taken away, the people also caused large-scale damage to the palace. Even the doors and windows of the palace were smashed and demolished.

“By 1793, the remaining works of art and furniture in the Palace of Versailles were transferred to another art treasure palace in Paris, the Louvre, and the Palace of Versailles was reduced to ruins.”

In 1833, King Louis Philippe of the Orleans Dynasty ordered the restoration of the Palace of Versailles and turned it into a historical museum. The construction lasted for 47 years, and finally in 1937, the Palace of Versailles was opened to the public as a historical museum.

Having said this, Liang En spread his hands and showed a smile:

So, what we are visiting is a palace that has been under continuous construction since 1833. Except for murals and sculptures, most of the items on display inside were rebuilt after 1833.

So that's it. Joan of Arc showed a clear look. Fortunately, the damage that year did not completely destroy the overall structure of the house, so they could still see some murals left by the Sun King Louis 14th, which can be regarded as Reminisce about the glory that has passed.

In the next few days, they visited a lot of representative attractions in Paris, such as Notre Dame, Sacré-Coeur Cathedral, Champs Elysées and the famous Eiffel Tower.

It wasn't until a week later that they went to see Mr. Dulis again and expressed to him Joan of Arc's willingness to inherit the Dulis family.

I am glad that you are willing to be my heir, my dear cousin. Mr. Doulis said with a smile after hearing this answer. Of course, I assure you this will not bring much change to your current life.

Unlike the nobles who had to do everything themselves in the past, most nobles no longer need to manage their own properties. They will entrust their properties to a trusteeship.

The most popular way for nobles and wealthy people in the Western world to retain their property is to transfer all asset ownership, management rights and beneficial rights to a foundation. Of course, the operators of the foundation are all members of the family.

In this way, future generations can continue to enjoy huge wealth without paying a penny. The same is true for the Dulis family, so for Joan of Arc, the most complicated thing she will face next is a lot of legal procedures.

So until Christmas, Liang En and the others stayed in Paris to deal with a series of tasks related to the succession of the title. It must be said that these tasks were a bit too complicated.

Most of the work can be left to professionals, such as their legal team or economic consultants. Even for this matter, Elizabeth Bathory hurried back from the United States to work overtime temporarily.

Of course, there are some things that Joan of Arc must do herself, such as signing, or attending a series of gatherings to announce to others the existence of the heir to the Dulis family.

At Joan's strong request, Liang En accompanied her to all these gatherings, large and small. And this obviously sends a very obvious message to others.

This kind of banquet is really boring, really. After attending parties for several days in a row, Joan of Arc looked exhausted at the banquet hosted by the Count of Paris.

It's indeed boring. Fortunately, after today's party is over, we don't have to attend later. Liang En comforted Joan and said, After all, this person today is the spokesperson of the French royal family.

The people who now claim the title of King of France are divided into three groups, one of which is the Bourbon party, the other is the Orleans party, and the third party is the Napoleonic party.

Among the two traditional French royal factions, Mr. Doulis did not support the traditional Bourbon succession to the throne, but was a staunch supporter of the Orleans faction.

After all, they are now traditionally descendants of Joan of Arc, so unlike traditional nobles who simply loyal to the royal family, their highest principle is to be loyal to the country of France.

Now the heir to the Bourbon dynasty obviously cannot satisfy the pursuit of the Duris family, because this French king is Louis XX, the great-grandson of King Alfonso XIII of Spain, known to the outside world as the Duke of Anjou, and used to be a Venezuelan bank. of staff now living in Spain.

For the Dulis family, it was certainly impossible for them to have a foreigner serve as the king of France, so they would rather support the Orleans king who lacked legitimacy from the perspective of aristocratic inheritance than support a Spanish.

Therefore, the Dulis family has actively participated in various actions of the Orleans faction over the years, so the importance of the Dulis family in the Orleans faction has also become higher and higher.

So today's banquet can be said to be a very important banquet in the French aristocratic circle, at least for the Orleans faction. Today's party can also be regarded as a gathering of the Orleans faction.

After all, after so many years, the Dulis family has become the backbone of the Orleans faction. The choice of the heir of this family is even related to the future of the entire faction, which is why so many people came today.

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