In fact, this time the Dulis family came to Liang En and they had carefully investigated Joan of Arc. For such an ancient noble family, although the requirements for heirs were not very high, they were definitely not low.

They can tolerate the existence of an ordinary or even mediocre heir, but they will never tolerate the existence of an heir with moral or three-dimensional problems.

At least for them, if the sole heir is really a big problem, then they would rather let this noble title disappear completely than give up in this aspect.

After all, the title of this earl represents the French hero Joan of Arc. It would be better to end this inheritance by choosing an heir who would bring shame to the ancestors.

Fortunately, the results of the investigation made Mr. Dulis very satisfied. Whether it was Joan of Arc's nationality, her own moral character, or her religious piety, he felt very good.

For example, Joan of Arc had been using the money allocated to her to help the poor, and after Elizabeth came over, they simply established a small-scale charity organization and Joan of Arc was responsible for it.

Unlike many wealthy people who try to avoid taxes through charity, Joan of Arc has only one reason for doing charity, and that is she wants to help those in need.

In the historical vindication of Joan of Arc's heresy charges, the villagers' testimonies all said that Joan of Arc was an excellent, simple, and pious girl.

Another villager recalled that Joan was very generous to the poor, even giving them her bed to sleep on, while she slept on straw. Sometimes, Joan of Arc would give dinner to the poor.

According to the investigators' evaluation of Mr. Dulis, the girl with the same name as the ancestor of the Dulis family is like a true saint, and perfectly fits the historical heritage of the Dulis family.

This is why inheriting the title is obviously a good thing, but Mr. Dulis still uses that tone to speak to Joan of Arc, because for such a family, a perfect heir is naturally very rare.

Especially during such a long period of time, many noble families have completely declined due to improper selection of successors. Therefore, these existing families still have high requirements for successors after absorbing experience and lessons.

I hope that the young lady with the same name as my ancestor will be willing to make the decision to inherit the family title. If so, I will be able to meet my gods with satisfaction.

After Liang En and the others left, Mr. Dulis, who was sitting on the sofa and resting, sighed and said to Butler Lubuchon, with a somewhat uneasy expression on his face.

Don't worry, Your Excellency, I think Miss Darke should be willing. At least I saw from her eyes just now that she should be willing in general, but there are some things that need to be thought through.

Butler Robuchon comforted him, while taking out the medicine from the drawer and pouring some water from the kettle beside him and handing it to Mr. Dulis.

I hope so. Mr. Dulis took the medicine and water glass and drank the medicine, then nodded slightly. But in her current situation, there are really not many things that we can attract her to. Perhaps the only thing that can attract her is Saint Privet. This is the name of Germany.

Because of the previous investigation, Mr. Dulis knew Joan of Arc's current status. From any angle, Joan of Arc's life was very good, so everything about Mr. Dulis did not have much appeal to her now.

While Mr. Dulis was discussing matters about Joan with his housekeeper, Joan and Liang En returned to the hotel they had booked before, and then discussed the situation in this regard.

What do you think about this matter? After they returned to the room, Liang En asked Joan of Arc who was sitting opposite him.

Of course, no matter what decision you make, I will stand firmly on your side, so you only need to make a judgment from your own point of view, without thinking about anything else.

To be honest, under normal circumstances, I would definitely not be willing to accept all this. Joan of Arc said with a slight smile, There must be sacrifice behind all gains.

For example, when I became a marshal of France from an ordinary girl, it seemed like I gained a lot at once, but at that time I was equivalent to shouldering the entire national destiny of France.

Even now I remember the tremendous pressure I endured during that period, so when I heard the other party say for the first time that he hoped I could inherit everything, I immediately thought of the pressure I would encounter.

So for me, after coming to this world, I just hope to be happy with you and spend every day relaxing. As for a life of great pressure, I really don't want to live anymore.

Historically, Joan of Arc was called a saint, and was even considered the hope of France, but in fact she was still just a girl under 20 years old.

The reason why she shouldered that heavy burden back then was just because Joan of Arc felt that she should save France at that time, but it did not mean that she liked this kind of life.

So after coming to this world, Joan of Arc has always placed herself in a supporting position, quietly enjoying the relaxed life now, unlike Elizabeth who takes the initiative to do various things.

Otherwise, Joan of Arc's ability and reliability would be enough to hold the position of steward, instead of waiting until Elizabeth Bathory arrived before Liang En found an overall responsible person like before.

If this is the case, I will help you reject Mr. Du Lisi. After listening to Joan's ramble for a long time, Liang En, who was sure of Joan's intentions, took her hand and patted her gently and said.

As long as you don't want these things, we don't want them. Anyway, we don't lack money or status, and this kind of thing is a good thing. It's not a big deal if we refuse.

No, Liang En, I'm glad you care about me, but what I mean is that I plan to take on this matter. Jeanne let Liang En hold her hand, then smiled and shook her head.

If it were other similar things, I would definitely give up, because these things have little value to me, but the situation of the Dulis family is another matter.

After all, this family belongs to me from a certain perspective, so I feel that I have an obligation to control this family and make the entire family develop in a better direction.

Neither Joan of Arc nor Liang En expected that Joan of Arc would be summoned and given such a background, so after struggling for a while, they made a decision that they had never thought of before.

This decision certainly has nothing to do with the wealth and status of the Dulis family. Although their family wealth is indeed large enough and their status is high enough, it is an achievement accumulated over hundreds of years.

For Liang En, who has extraordinary power, he is confident that he will be equal to the other party in terms of wealth and status in a generation, so what the other party has now does not attract him much.

Not to mention Joan of Arc, she has experienced everything that normal people cannot experience. So for her, worldly status and wealth are really impossible to have the slightest impact on her.

Okay, no matter what decision you make, I will support you. After hearing Joan make her final decision, Liang En nodded and said, Now let's discuss the details.

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