Liang En and the others were extremely shocked by the news. This was not because of the issue of heirs, but because they had always believed that there should be some differences between Joan of Arc as a historical follower and ordinary people.

Especially Liang En and the others have repeatedly confirmed that Joan of Arc was suddenly transformed into this world by some kind of power and was almost perfectly embedded in this world, so it is obviously not normal to suddenly say that Joan of Arc has relatives here.

Yes, I know it sounds strange, but I am indeed your cousin. Mr. Dulis said with a smile, I must thank God for allowing me to meet you in the last few years of my life. .”

For a noble family with a long history, passing on the family is a very important matter, even more important than the life of any family member.

Mr. Dulis had been very upset before because he had no children or suitable relatives so he could not find a suitable heir. This meant that once he died, this ancient family would completely disappear.

You must know that although the ancient Salic law based on the inheritance of European nobility has been loosened in the 20th century, the title will still disappear without close relatives and direct descendants.

This is why he is so excited. After all, now that he can prove Joan of Arc's identity, he can pass on the family smoothly.

For Mr. Du Lisi, it was enough as long as the family was not destroyed in his own hands, so after he confirmed the identity of Joan of Arc, he immediately contacted Liang En and the others and told them face to face.

This matter is too important, so I can't respond to you for the time being. After a few minutes of silence, Joan of Arc looked at Mr. Dulis and said, Please give me some time to think about it.

It's okay, you have plenty of time to think about it. Because I know this matter must be a very important thing to you, Mr. Dulis said with a smile.

But if you have time, I hope I can introduce you to the situation of the Dulis family, so that you can have enough information to facilitate your judgment.

I think I have plenty of time now, Mr. Dulis. Joan of Arc smiled and said, If it's convenient for you, I'd be happy to hear you talk about the history of this family.

Then let's go next door. Mr. Dulis smiled and said, I have put the information about the family in the reference room next door. It should be easier to talk about it if there is information to compare.

Soon, several people came to an iron door at the end of the corridor, and then Butler Robuchon took out a key and opened the door to the room.

Different from other ornately decorated rooms, this room looks very plain inside. There are only iron shelves full of iron shelves and various documents on the shelves. It looks completely inconsistent with the overall situation of the house.

However, it can also be seen from this that the archives are very professionally designed. At least they have tried their best to clean up all the flammable items that can be cleaned to avoid problems such as fires.

This is the beginning of our family becoming a nobility. The earliest title of earl was conferred by King Charles VII of France. After entering the room, Butler Robuchon opened a safe in the corner, and then Mr. Dulis took out a wooden box.

Soon the wooden box was opened and an ancient parchment scroll was revealed inside. Then Butler Robuchon stepped forward and Mr. Dulis unfolded the scroll bit by bit.

Yes, this is the handwriting of Charles VII. As the scroll was unfolded little by little, Joan of Arc immediately recognized whose hand the first revealed signature came from.

After all, this king was once the object of her allegiance. She had received warrants signed by Charles VII many times before, so it was naturally impossible to admit her mistake in this regard.

Soon, the scroll, which had obvious wear and tear, was completely opened. The content on it showed that it was a book of canonization used to confer hereditary nobles in that era.

——Pierre Darc! When staring at the name of the person who was canonized, Liang En and Joan of Arc felt extremely shocked at the same time, because this name was the name of Brother Joan of Arc.

Yes, you read that right, we are the descendants of Brother Joan of Arc. Mr. Du Lisi thought that Liang En and the others recognized the name because they were scholars, so she said with pride.

On the early morning of July 17, 1429, Charles VII was officially crowned king in Reims Cathedral. At that time, the king planned to canonize the sister of our ancestors, which is what people call the noble status of Joan of Arc.

It's just that Joan of Arc refused this reward at that time. She only asked the king to exempt the village where she was born from taxes. So until the sacrifice of our ancestor, she was only a commoner.

But when Joan of Arc was finally cleared of the charges, in order to express her apology and stabilize people's hearts, the then French king chose to canonize our ancestor, Joan of Arc's brother.

But there is a problem here. After listening to what the other party said, Liang En suddenly asked a very important question. If I remember correctly, Joan of Arc's surname is Darc, but why is your surname Doris?

Actually, our middle surname is Darke. Mr. Dulis smiled and said, As for the current surname, it was given to us by the king.

This surname means lily in French and is also a symbol of the French royal family. Therefore, for the French king at that time, giving us a surname was equivalent to accepting us into the French aristocratic circle.

Unlike other countries in Europe at that time, because France had been a powerful country in Europe for a long time, the aristocracy was also very conservative, and there was even a huge gap between the common people and the aristocracy in the country.

Therefore, even if a person of pure commoner background becomes a noble due to merit, he will often be rejected. Only a very small number of people can cross this big gap.

One of the very few methods is to grant a surname by the king. As long as the king grants a surname, it means that these people have been accepted by the noble family and have become true nobles.

Obviously, as a famous national hero and even the person who saved the fate of France, Joan of Arc was recognized by many people, especially during the war, Joan of Arc met many people, and there were many nobles among them.

Therefore, in this case, many of Joan's comrades-in-arms were willing to provide sufficient help in this regard. Therefore, although Joan of Arc's brother was a commoner, he still integrated into the French aristocratic circle.

In the following hundreds of years, the Doulis family continued to appear in history as the king's most loyal ministers, until the king of France completely disappeared.

So I hope you can become the heir of this family and inherit the family's glory. At this point, Dulis looked at Joan with a smile and said.

After all, our family comes from a legend, so no matter from any point of view, it is very valuable to maintain the survival of this family, so I hope you can seriously consider my request, please.

The foreshadowing laid at the beginning has finally been filled in

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