Many times complex problems will become simpler as long as you master the correct method. For example, this is the case with the document deciphering work in Liang En's hands.

For example, the real content of this document is actually ancient Syriac written in Latin letters, and the entire content is written vertically like ancient Chinese.

Fortunately, Liang En had the card [Secret Text Cracking (R)] in his hand, and he also knew ancient Syriac very well, so after repeated research, he finally cracked the secret inside.

The Syriac here is not the Arabic, French and English used by Syrians today, but an ancient language and writing system, but it has basically become a dead language today.

This ancient language, called Ancient Syriac, belongs to the Semitic family of the Afro-Asiatic language family. It is also related to today's Arabic, Hebrew and Ethiopian Amharic, Tigrinya, and Tigrigna. Gray belongs to the same language family.

Except for Arabic, these languages ​​are basically small languages ​​with a small number of speakers and a wide range of usage. People have not even heard of the existence of these languages.

However, this type of language once left important traces in history. For example, the most representative one is the Akkadian language in Mesopotamia.

The cuneiform tablets and many inscriptions to which these texts belong have left behind the oldest Semitic language, including the famous Code of Hammurabi.

Although the ancient Syrian language is not as old as Akkadian, it still has a long and important history. It is a language used by Christians in the Middle East starting from the 2nd century AD.

Historically, this language was the most important language in the eastern part of the Roman Empire after Greek, and it was also an important medium for spreading Greek civilization to the Arab region. Only after the rise of Christianity did it give way to Arabic.

Because this language played an important role in the development of Christianity, it is quite normal for Jesuits who wrote something to be able to master this language.

After all, the most important thing about the Jesuit organization besides its strict internal structure is that most of its formal members have undergone rigorous training and have mastered a lot of knowledge, so it is not surprising to master this dead language.

At the same time, this also explains why this document is written from top to bottom. In addition to facilitating confidentiality, the most important point is that ancient Syriac itself can be written from top to bottom.

Quick, tell me what's written in this? After hearing Liang En say that he had deciphered the contents of this document, Professor Alexander suddenly became excited.

After all, it has been more than 20 years since this document was placed in his hands, but before that, even if he repeatedly studied it, he could not see the situation in it, and he could not even find any clues.

So under this situation, when he heard that Liang En had deciphered the document in half a day, he became excited and started to ask questions.

This is a letter indicating that an important cargo of 50 barrels departed from Spain and landed near London, and was then transferred to a location around London for the recipient to receive, but there is no other information on it.

Liang En briefly talked about the content of the letter, and then began to analyze the things on the document in front of him based on his previous exploration process and prove to everyone present that he had no translation errors.

Important cargo, what is this? After listening to Liang En talk about his translation process and the contents of this document, Professor Alexander approved his translation and then asked.

It's not written above. Liang En shook his head helplessly, The content written above is very simple. It gives me the impression that these people are doing something secretly.

Your analysis is very possible. Mr. Hall, the library director, pushed up his glasses and said, We have also collected some secret letters, and they are basically like this without beginning or end.

If this is the case, then the only way we can crack this thing is to go to the manor mentioned in the document. I think we can set off now and wait until-

Professor Alexander said after listening to Liang En finish his judgment, but he was interrupted by Director Hall before he could finish his sentence.

Guys, I can understand your anxious mood now, but it's too late to set off directly to find the target. Personally, I suggest you have a good meal first, rest for a night, and wait until tomorrow morning before leaving.

What? After hearing what the library director said, Liang En immediately looked out the window and found that the sky outside the window had darkened. He raised his phone and saw that the time was already past 7 p.m.

It was around 10 o'clock in the morning when they arrived, almost 11 o'clock in the morning, although they relaxed a little in the middle. I did it a few times, but because I was so focused on translating, I didn’t notice the passage of time at all.

Now after looking at the time, I realized that they had been busy here for most of the day. At the same time, the hunger that they had not felt because of their busyness also appeared in them.

So several people quickly chose to accept Director Hall's invitation and went to a small restaurant in a new building on the wing to have a dinner to fill their stomachs.

This small building mainly concentrates some facilities that are difficult to integrate into the old library building, including the kitchen, infirmary and small backup generator.

After walking into this building through a small square, Curator Hall introduced it, and then took everyone upstairs to the restaurant on the second floor of this small building.

The size of this restaurant is not large, but judging from the scale, it should be able to satisfy all the staff of the library. At the same time, the interior decoration of the building is completely different from the main museum.

This should be considered by the library. The main building of the library is too old, and there are many precious books stored in it, so it is not suitable to put these facilities that may use fire into the room, so they built such a separate building. .

The overall situation of the restaurant looks like a university restaurant. Everyone just needs to take their plates to the chef. Interestingly, today's dishes are mainly curry.

Yes, the most popular daily food in the UK is actually a variety of curries. Because of the colonization of India, this food that first came from India has been more popular since it was introduced to the UK.

The reason for this is that curry is very simple to make and goes well with a variety of vegetables, meats or staple foods.

Of course, the curry made in the canteen is certainly not exquisite, but fortunately the ingredients are fresh enough and the portions provided are sufficient, so everyone is quite satisfied with the meal.

During the meal, several people took advantage of their free time to discuss whether there was anything missing or not found in today's document. After exchanging information with each other, they basically confirmed that nothing was missing.

Let's take a look at what that place is now tonight, and then make some preparations. Professor Alexander finally concluded, I hope that the place will not be some private property, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

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