Compared with other religious organizations, the biggest feature of the Jesuits is that for them the priesthood is the basic factor of their religious life, and every Jesuit is ready to devote himself to the missionary team.

Accordingly, their prayer times are more flexible, and they also abandon traditional Catholic fasting and other ascetic activities to make their clerical work more flexible.

However, compared with the flexibility of the ceremony, the internal structure of the Jesuits adopts a company-like organizational structure, with clear hierarchy. The president exercises centralized control and prohibits members from holding senior positions in the Holy See.

Judging from records in various countries, Jesuits have always been respected for their erudition. In many cases, they relied on their own skills to open up missionary roads in unfamiliar areas. This is inseparable from the rigorous training they received.

To become a Jesuit, you must first apply and pass the basic quality assessment to become a novice monk. After the two-year novitiate training period, he enters the stage of being a priest, spending 3 to 5 years studying literature and philosophy, and constantly taking simple oaths.

After that, he has to assist in specific papal duties for 2 to 3 years, usually teaching in a middle school. Then he entered a four-year period of theological study, at the end of which he formally took the Three Absolutes vows, and finally became the most formal member of the Society of Jesus, with absolute allegiance to the church and obedience to the president.

This is also the biggest difference between the Society of Jesus and ordinary Catholic organizations. Those full members who are ordained must take a sacred vow of allegiance to the Pope.

This makes their missionary tasks or other various actions subject to the papal ruling. This not only allows the religious orders to be closely connected with the pope in a special form, but also often undertakes secret tasks related to the Holy See.

So after seeing the Jesuit logo in this ancient document, Liang En and the others were quickly aroused. As one of the core organizations of the Catholic Church, this kind of document can never be just a draft used to practice calligraphy. .

But I can't see anything in it. After holding this thing and looking at it several times, the Shandong University professor sighed and gave up.

I firmly believe that there is a secret hidden in it, but it is too difficult for me to decipher this secret. In my opinion, it is basically impossible.

Yes, there is absolutely no pattern in these things. Hall, the library director, shook his head and said, I actually tried to crack it before you guys came, but the situation is not worth optimism.

I even used a computer with a high computing speed to decipher the code for this thing. Unfortunately, I haven't concluded any rules yet.

This should indicate that there are some problems with our previous thinking direction. Liang En said after listening to the other two people summarizing the previous situation, These words may contain other contents.

For example? Professor Alexander asked curiously.

For example, this thing cannot be deciphered according to traditional language. Liang En said suddenly. There are so many languages ​​using the Latin alphabet that I don't think it has to be English, French or Latin.

Just when he was listening to their conversation, Liang En discovered that both Curator Hall and Professor Alexander had tacitly acknowledged that the languages ​​were English or Latin.

The reason for this situation is very simple, because according to Director Hall, the first place where this document appeared was in the famous Tower of London in the UK.

So they subconsciously thought that this document should be related to the United Kingdom or the British. The language used by the British at that time was English, French or Latin.

As a result, researchers naturally and subconsciously focused their attention on these languages. Unfortunately, large-scale analysis now proves that this guess is definitely not correct.

Then there are two questions. One is which language the other party uses, and the other, more important, is how everything on this paper is converted into those languages. Professor Alexander asked .

The language is easy to judge, because the other party is related to the Jesuits, so this language should be very closely related to Catholicism, but to find the real answer, we still need to experiment one by one. Liang En thought for a while and said.

The only good news is that after entering the 17th century, many languages ​​​​traditionally related to Christianity have completely become dead texts, so there is not much content we need to experiment with.

After reading for a long time, Liang En also had his own ideas about these hidden secrets. For example, the content recorded above was also divided into words, paragraphs and sentences, indicating that this thing should be a logical document.

And as long as it is logical, there will be an important starting point for future deciphering. Next, you can translate part of it bit by bit, and then gradually find the rules to decipher the entire content.

Of course, finding the direction does not mean that the next work will be much easier, because those who left this record have many languages ​​to choose from, and it is definitely full of difficulties to find the correct answer. things.

Fortunately, Liang En had a lot of language skills before, including many languages ​​​​used by the ancient Christian church. In this case, he immediately began to change the pronunciation of his own language and try one language after another.

Others present did not think anything was wrong with Liang En's approach, because what he did made everyone think that he was an expert in ancient languages, so it was normal to adopt this approach.

After simply switching between several languages, Liang En suddenly found that what he read aloud had a special rhythm instead of the random pronunciation like before. This is naturally good news, because normal language often has rhythm and rhyme, and it is impossible to deliberately twist your teeth like passwords, so as long as you read it smoothly, it means you are looking in the right direction.

It is completely understandable that the read content cannot be translated, because many languages ​​​​have similar languages ​​​​of the same branch. At the same time, as a secret document, the writer is also likely to mobilize some of the content to create reading difficulties.

Have you found any clues? Liang En's voice changed, and others also focused their attention on him, because the difference between the two voices was too obvious.

Yes, I think this is some kind of Middle Eastern language that comes from even earlier. Liang En said after reading a few more sentences, I am now trying to rearrange these languages.

After finishing speaking, Liang En quickly immersed himself in research. Then keep trying various pronunciation and word combinations to see if you can find what you want.

Of course, in addition to using the knowledge in your mind for research, the card [Cryptotext Cracking (R)] also plays a great role.

Therefore, under the combined effect of the cards and the knowledge in his mind, Liang En finally found the rules and the order of the layout, and then in turn used the summarized rules to deduce what the entire document was about.

After all the translations were completed, Liang En discovered that although the document seemed to have no beginning or end, it did point out the existence and location of a treasure.

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