The words carved on the stone slab are Chinese characters. As the radiation range of the ancient Chinese civilization circle, the appearance of Chinese characters here is not enough to shock Liang En.

After all, this place was closely connected with China during the Tang Dynasty when the secret chamber was built. The Chinese people naturally left a large number of historical relics here.

To give a simple example, Suiye City, the birthplace of Li Bai, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty, was near Tokmak, hundreds of kilometers east of where Liang En is now.

Although this place was not the territory of ancient China, it was still one of the vassal states of China at that time. More importantly, the historically important Silk Road passed through here, so it is natural for Chinese characters to appear.

What's written above? Joan of Arc asked curiously as she looked at these Chinese characters. Although she had mastered some spoken knowledge of Chinese after this period of study, she still knew nothing about the characters.

Let me see. After gently brushing off the dirt on the stone slab with a special brush, the lines of text gradually became clear.

On the 13th day of the seventh month of the Wuxu period in the 17th year of Weishi Tianbao, Liu Shenwei, an old soldier of the Jingzhao Prefecture of the Tang Dynasty, traveled to the west of the Hexi River and settled in Khorasan. Today, the bandits are attacking and the country is in chaos. I moved Paoze's remains to the abandoned cave. , and hid it in the wall, so he decided to write a volume of the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra and place it in the cave.

I wish that the eight tribes of dragons and gods will protect and help the city, and that the city will be peaceful and peaceful, and the people will be healthy and peaceful; the second wish is that the robe will inherit this good cause, and will not drown in the netherworld.

I know what it is - no, I know who they are. After a minute of silence, Liang En took a deep breath and then said in a low tone. They are Tang Dynasty soldiers who died in the Battle of Daros.

This Liu Shenwei is most likely the remnant of Gao Xianzhi who was forced to stay in this land. He doesn't even know that the emperor of the Central Plains has changed, and Tianbao's year is only 15 years old.

The Battle of Talas was a battle that resulted from the encounter between the army of the Anxi Protectorate of the Tang Dynasty and the army of the Arab Empire and the coalition forces of Central Asian countries in Talas.

In the ninth year of Tianbao (AD 750), Gao Xianzhi was ordered to send out troops to defeat the Cheshi Kingdom, which was pro-Tibetan, and captured its king Butemi. This difficult expedition earned Gao Xianzhi a great reputation in the Western Regions.

At this time, China had become the occupier of the Tarim area, the Ili River Basin and the Issyk-Kul Lake area and the suzerain of Tashkent. At the same time, it controlled the Pamir Valley area and became the protector of the Tocharian area, Kabul and Kashmir. Gao Xianzhi seemed to be He was the governor of the Tang Dynasty in Central Asia.

same year. Gao Xianzhi also defeated Shi Guo and Tu Qi Shi. Gao Xianzhi conquered Shi Kingdom on the grounds that Shi Kingdom had no courtesy. Shi Guo requested surrender, and Gao Xianzhi agreed. Soon Gao Xianzhi broke his promise and kidnapped the king of Shi Kingdom and his people, and also looted their property.

In the first month of the tenth year of Tianbao (751), Gao Xianzhi entered the court and presented the captured kings to Xuanzong. Gao Xianzhi was awarded the title of General Youyulin and beheaded the king of Shiguo.

At this time, Gao Xianzhi reached the highest peak of his fighting career. The prince of Shiguo, who had a chance to escape, asked the black-clad Dashi (the Abbasid Dynasty of Arabia) for help.

Gao Xianzhi took the initiative to attack Dashi and led the Tang coalition forces to attack Dashi over a long distance and penetrated more than 700 miles. Finally, they encountered the main Arab army in Talas.

The above is all the accurate history that people know. As for the subsequent history, it is hidden in the fog, and there is no one that can guarantee 100% accuracy.

Because whether it was written in the history books of the Tang Dynasty or in the Arab world at the same time, this battle, which was regarded by later generations (especially now) as a direct collision between the two dynasties, occupied less than one page:

It only occupies 3 lines in the Arab Historical Encyclopedia, only 2 columns in Old Book of Tang Dynasty, and only 4 columns in Zi Zhi Tong Jian.

Literati do not bother to record the details of the war. This is true in China and also in the Middle East. This makes it difficult for us to accurately restore the historical truth. For example, the number of Arab armies alone ranges from 20,000 to 300,000. .

Fortunately, people can infer some truths of that era through other historical data. For example, the commander was General Ziad bin Saleh, not Governor Abu.

At the same time, the legendary hundreds of thousands of Khorasan troops do not exist. The core strength of the Arab army will not exceed 20,000, and the servant army will not exceed 40,000. After a long period of counter-insurgency wars, the state Not intact.

The Arab heavy cavalry only exists in the story. There are indeed Turkic cavalry with horses and armor on the battlefield, but they are horse archers and cannot play a decisive role in the overall battle situation.

The Arabs were not waiting for work as some people said. The areas they were in were actually newly occupied areas. Even the main force of the war was directly transferred to Talas after a tough battle. Therefore, they were also marching long distances on the outside.

The most important point is that the Saleh Corps quickly marched to the Daros area after receiving the information. This means that the governor at the time, Abu, knew the information about the Tang Army's advance and the location where it was about to arrive.

Another headache is that the time and location of the fighting at that time are not recorded in the Historical Encyclopedia and New Book of Tang.

The record in the old book of Tang Dynasty is: He led 20,000 troops deep into the Hu area and fought against Da Shi. Xianzhi was defeated. At the meeting night, the two armies were relieved. All the people in Xianzhi were killed by Da Shi, and only a few thousand survived.

Judging from the literal meaning, the war seems to have lasted only one day. The battle started in the morning or noon that day, and the Tang army was defeated. The remaining Tang army took advantage of the darkness to withdraw from the battle.

In Zizhi Tongjian, it is said that Xianzhi heard about it and attacked Dashi with 30,000 Tibetan and Han people. They penetrated more than 700 miles to Talas City and met Dashi. After holding on for five days, the Geluolu tribe He rebelled and attacked the Tang army with Dashi. Xianzhi was defeated and almost all the soldiers died, leaving only a few thousand people.

But after a simple analysis, you will find that the most common theory of a five-day stalemate is impossible. As an experienced commander, the reason why Gao Xianzhi led his troops to move out quickly was to catch the enemy off guard.

Therefore, after discovering the Arab heavy group, he would immediately understand that his plan had failed. Under normal circumstances, he should launch a short and powerful assault to disperse the enemy, and then divide the troops into several groups to retreat alternately.

More importantly, the core of the Anxi Army is about 20,000 mounted heavy infantry and a small number of non-armored heavy cavalry, while the core of the Khorasan Army is 10,000 heavy infantry and 10,000 armored cavalry.

According to Joan of Arc, a fierce man who can go without taking off his armor for a week, once this kind of heavy infantry or heavy cavalry is put into the battlefield, even if they take turns to fight, the battle will definitely end within a day, otherwise there is a high probability that they will fall directly on the battlefield.

This is especially true in field battles in places with sparse vegetation like Central Asia. The heavily armed troops will not be active for more than half a day, otherwise more people will die from heat stroke and fatigue than those who die on the battlefield.

Therefore, in that war, it was very likely that both sides launched an attack at the same time, but Gao Xianzhi's lack of military strength led to a stalemate between the two sides. It was not until night that the Arabs finally defeated Gao Xianzhi's troops with their numerical and intelligence advantages.

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