It seems like someone has moved here. After realizing that something was amiss in the cave, Liang En and the other three quickly turned on the bright flashlights they carried with them and checked carefully.

A few minutes later, Fan Meng suddenly pointed at the wall facing them and said. After hearing what he said, Liang En stepped forward and took a closer look, and found that there was probably a secret door on this wall.

This secret secret door was made very carefully when it was made, and it looks no different from the surrounding environment. However, as time goes by, the different expansion rates between the two still affect the two.

So if you look carefully now, you can see that there is a faint circle of cracks forming on the wall, which suddenly exposes the hidden door below.

After discovering the target, everyone quickly started digging. Maybe the people who made the door at that time were worried that different materials would cause obvious defects, so what blocked the secret door was a thick layer of rammed earth. .

Therefore, although the thickness of this wall is more than half a meter, it would take Liang En and the three of them a few hours to dig a hole if they had the tools at their disposal.

As the cave was opened, Liang En and the others also put on gas masks and used cold light sources to observe the situation in the secret room. They found that the secret room was in a mess:

There are some painted mounds and soil fragments remaining on the floor of the secret room, which look like the remains of some statues. As for the walls, there are large and regular peelings, which are obviously the traces left after the murals were peeled off.

It seems that what the Tsarist general gave to his boss was probably not a little bit of gold, but the cultural relics found here. Seeing this admiration, Liang En quickly guessed what happened.

You know, the end of the 19th century was the era when European colonists were at their most rampant. Countless bandits disguised themselves as explorers, historians, archaeologists, etc. and entered what they regarded as backward countries and plundered a large number of treasures.

At the beginning, they only plundered some movable antiques, but with the development of the times and the advancement of technology, these people plundered more and more things, and the damage to the local culture became more and more serious.

For example, snatching away sculptures and sticking away murals like today was what many explorers often did back then, which naturally caused irreversible damage to the overall local situation.

This is the case with the Mogao Grottoes in China. Although a large number of cultural relics have been preserved because the Sutra Cave has not been discovered, there are still a large number of murals and sculptures in the Mogao Grottoes that have been smuggled in by lawless people. foreign.

After entering the cave and studying it carefully, Liang En and the others found that the Buddha statues that were originally supposed to be here were only destroyed and not taken away. The fragments on the ground were actually what those Buddha statues looked like now.

Why did that person break these Buddha statues? Looking at the fragments, Jeanne looked confused. If I remember correctly, these cultural relics from China should be considered very valuable in that era.

Because there are treasures in these Buddha statues, and the other party smashed the Buddha statues to get the treasure. Looking at the mess on the ground, Liang En quickly guessed what happened here.

According to tradition, Buddha statues often contain some treasures. It seems that the Tsarist Russian general found traces of treasures hidden in Buddha statues, smashed some Buddha statues and took out the treasures, and then had the capital to carry out various activities.

As for the murals at the back that were pasted away, it was most likely done by the other party after they were promoted, because if you want to remove the murals, you must have professional equipment and undergo corresponding training. The ordinary officer who was stationed here at that time definitely couldn't do it. at this point.

The subsequent search work was not optimistic. They found nothing except a small part that should be a piece of silver jewelry.

Obviously, the Tsarist Russian officer had really cleaned up the place and swept away all the gold, silver and jewelry inside. Nothing was left for Liang En and the others.

Do we need to call the local archaeological department to finish it now? After carefully checking to confirm that there was nothing in the house, Fan Meng suggested in a low voice.

. No, we don't need it for the time being. Liang En shook his head and said, then looked towards the cave outside the secret room. Do you still remember the corridor on the roadside before we entered the door just now? The wall next to that corridor seemed empty when you knocked on it.

Yes, you are right. After being reminded by Liang En, Fan Meng, who had just been immersed in the ups and downs of discovering the secret room and then finding nothing in the secret room, suddenly came to his senses.

We really should take a look at what's going on on the walls of the cave outside, because it's impossible for a normal mine to have a mezzanine on the side of the cave wall.

It must be admitted that the side of the wall was excavated much faster than the bottom or other places. After only five or six minutes of digging, they found traces of a small piece of ceramics under a layer of seven or eight centimeters of soil.

The first time they saw the ceramics, Liang En and the others slowed down their movements and began to dig little by little with the bamboo sticks they carried. Soon he discovered that the thing buried in the wall was a small jar.

This small jar is an ordinary ceramic jar. It is the size of a football and looks gray and inconspicuous. It can be sold for more than ten euros in the antique market.

What's the need to hide this thing? Fan Meng asked after briefly checking it with a metal detector and confirming that it was not precious metal. There are at most some ordinary metal pieces inside.

Maybe the preciousness here is not from a monetary perspective. Liang En put his flashlight into the hole in the wall and carefully looked at the situation around the jar and said, Be careful, there seems to be more than one jar here.

There's more than one, what's going on? Joan looked at the jar and asked, why would someone put so many jars together?

I have an idea, but I'm not sure yet. Liang En looked at the surrounding walls with a solemn expression. The only way to figure this out is to find more evidence.

So in the next half hour, Liang En and the others conducted large-scale excavations around the cave, and were surprised to find that the number of these ceramic jars was much more than expected.

The final excavation results were shocking. They identified a total of 173 ceramic jars of this type in this small cave. It can be said that there are two walls made of jars on both sides of the cave.

There is something here. After determining the location of the jars on both sides of the wall, Liang En, who used a steel drill to probe the ground, quickly discovered a stone slab buried under the ground on the side of the entrance.

Quick, see if there are any words engraved on the stone slab. Joan of Arc, who had followed Liang En through several excavations, immediately became excited, because according to his previous experience, this kind of stone slab was often engraved with words.

In archaeology, things with text are much more valuable than gold, silver and jewelry, so Joan of Arc was so excited after seeing this kind of stone slab suitable for carving.

There are real words! Liang En's eyes widened after he turned the slate over and took a look. This is so shocking-

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