Because Mr. Varma came forward, the transportation of the remains went very smoothly. Just three days later, the remains, which were placed in aluminum alloy coffins, were transported by air to the airport near Carter's home.

Carter naturally thanked Liang En profusely and said that the next time Liang En came to the United States, he could freely go to his warehouse and pick out what he wanted.

Liang En originally thought that the matter would be over like this, but what he didn't expect was that on the second day after the matter ended, an American reporter called him and wanted to ask him for an interview.

Reporter from CBS? Want to interview me about this trip to India? This call made Liang En feel a little strange. After all, he had never seen anyone come to interview him on so many adventures before.

However, after confirming through various means that the other party was indeed a reporter from CBS, Liang En still agreed to the interview and agreed on the time and place of the interview.

Although he doesn't like this kind of thing, he also knows that this kind of thing is inevitable for him, so now he can take this opportunity to get familiar with it.

After hanging up the reporter's phone, Liang En quickly started looking for someone to ask what was going on with this reporter. It turned out that this reporter was the CBS reporter in Ireland, but he was not taken seriously.

This is also something that can be guessed, because valued reporters either go to hot spots or major countries, and the attention received by Ireland is undoubtedly the lowest.

For any motivated person, this kind of marginalization is unacceptable, so Mr. O'Brien has been paying attention to the local situation to see if there is any big news.

So I accidentally saw Liang En's video on the Internet and noticed the popularity of the video, and immediately decided to seize this opportunity to conduct an interview with Liang En.

It was obvious that this reporter was a resolute person. On the day agreed upon by both parties, that is, the day after the phone call, he took a photographer to Liang En's home and began to follow the plan. Conduct interviews.

Sorry, Mr. O'Brien, there may be some confusion here. Liang En said with some embarrassment as he led reporters through a pile of packages stacked in the corridor.

Liang En had ordered these things before. After getting the card about jewelry making, he placed an order to purchase these things, preparing to make jewelry at home in the future.

But this makes the room seem a bit crowded. After all, this house is just an ordinary Irish country house, not too big. After living in two people plus painting equipment and so on, I want to put in another room. The jewelry making workshop is not easy.

So after careful consideration, Liang En decided to find someone to clear out the garage as a workshop, and then build a new simple garage outside the yard.

It's just that the workshop has just been designed and various equipment has been shipped before construction has started, so Liang En can only temporarily pile these things in the room, making the room suddenly become much smaller.

Soon, the three people came to the study and started preparations for the interview. Mr. O'Brien first handed Liang En a notebook with a list of questions that might be asked later. If you find that any question is difficult to answer, you can delete it or Revise.

After taking this form, Liang En found that the modes of interviewing someone in various countries were similar. They always introduced the interviewee first, and then asked some questions that were of interest to everyone or the interviewer.

Because this is a relatively long news story, the overall content does not seem complicated. Liang En quickly read all the content and said that he could conduct the interview according to the content on this table.

When everything was ready, the interview began. It started with a series of introductions. At this time, Liang Encai discovered that he had unknowingly had several titles such as historian, archaeologist, explorer, writer, painter, etc.

Soon, the opening remarks and introduction were all completed, and then the reporter Mr. O'Brien began to interview Liang En, who was sitting opposite.

Hello, Mr. Liang, I noticed that many people are paying attention to your exploration and treasure hunting work in India. Can you tell us about your discoveries and thoughts on this trip to India? Mr. O'Brien asked.

Yes, this trip to India really opened my eyes, because it brought me into contact with an ancient civilization that I had never been in contact with before. In the process of communicating with the locals, I found out what I discovered this time. Ancient temple ruins——

As time went by, the interview became smoother and smoother. At this time, both parties began to break away from the original shooting outline and began to talk about some unplanned content.

This is actually a very good thing for the interview work. It means that both parties can chat together, which will also add a lot of luster to the entire interview work.

——Your Dracula can be said to have led the trend of modern vampire novels. In fact, I have an aunt who has been writing novels in this area for more than ten years. She has written three novels in total, but before No publisher was willing to publish it.”

Because the conversation we had before felt good, we also talked about some more personal issues at this time, such as the content about Liang En's creative art and literary works.

When talking about the value of the novel Dracula, reporter O'Brien also said that one of his aunts had similar creations and persisted for a long time.

Out of admiration for this kind of person who persists in his dream and curiosity about such an author, Liang En asked O'Brien if he could see what the novel written by his aunt looked like.

This request was indeed somewhat beyond Mr. O'Brien's expectations, because he just said it casually and did not expect that Liang En would really want to see his aunt's works.

However, he also knew that this moment could be said to have maximized the value of the entire interview, so he quickly called his aunt to ask about his work.

This woman, who is a semi-popular writer in the United States, felt a little strange when she received a call from her nephew, but she quickly followed his request and sent her work by email.

Only five or six minutes later, Liang En received the lady's novel and began to read it, while Mr. O'Brien on the opposite side signaled the hot photographer to take pictures quickly.

Liang En didn't know what the reporter was doing, because Liang En was shocked the first time he read the title of the novel. The title of the book was Interview with the Vampire. If translated into Chinese, it would be Interview with the Vampire. 》.

Although Liang En had not read the original text of this novel in another world, he had still seen the movie of the same name adapted from this novel. It must be said that it was a landmark work in vampire movies.

After quickly browsing the contents of the novel, Liang En was basically sure that this novel was the original novel of the movie Interview with the Vampire that he had watched in his previous life, so he turned around and said.

This novel is very well written. At least I think it is a landmark work among vampire novels. If you are willing, I can recommend this book to my editor.

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