Liang En was not able to relax when he returned to Dublin, because as the various industries he was involved in became larger and larger, he had more and more things to be busy with.

Fortunately, with the arrival of Elizabeth Bathory, those properties were finally taken care of by someone, which relieved a large part of Liang En's work, allowing him to spend enough time to do his own things.

As for Liang En's acquaintances and friends, they were not surprised that he had a new professional manager. After all, it has become a common practice for wealthy people in the UK to hire professional managers. There was nothing special about Liang En's doing this.

Your craftsmanship has improved a lot, Jeanne, but next time you make it, you should put less spices. Liang En commented after eating a bowl of soup and buttered bread for breakfast.

I have to say that Joan of Arc has made great progress in her cooking skills during this period, at least from the perspective of home cooking, her skills are already very good.

It's just that her habit of adding spices has not changed much in such a long time, especially after returning from India this time, the problem seems to have become more serious.

Sorry, there seems to be something wrong with my taste recently. Joan of Arc said with a helpless shrug. I think things should have gotten better in the past few days.

Although Indians seem to be able to make everything into a paste when it comes to cooking, in fact that method should be regarded as the most suitable cooking method in India.

Especially in places like India, the climate is relatively hot and humid, so adding a lot of spices to the dishes is not only beneficial to the sterilization and preservation of food, but also beneficial to people's health.

Joan of Arc obviously appreciates Indian food. After all, Indian food suits his appetite very well. More importantly, in Joan of Arc's time, India could be said to be a rich paradise in their hearts, so the food there was naturally welcomed by them. .

But for Liang En, it was still a bit overwhelming to eat such a heavy meal so early in the morning, so he naturally hoped that Jeanne would put less spices in the dishes.

After breakfast, Liang En walked into his study and began to search the Internet for the previously edited trip to India, especially the treasure hunt video.

Varma found people in India to help them with these things. At least from now on, it seems that the editing level is very good. At the same time, the number of viewers is also rising, with more than 300,000 views in just 24 hours.

Judging from the comments below, these items are quite popular. Especially when a situation like this that looks more like what happens in a story happens in the real world, it can arouse the audience's desire to watch.

Just as Liang En smiled and read the comments from the viewers below the video, the phone next to him rang. On the other end of the phone was the gun shop owner who exchanged an anti-tank rifle for a bamboo slip when Liang En was in the United States. Mr. Carter.

Ah, it's you, Mr. Carter, what can I do for you? After confirming the other party's identity, Liang En seemed a little confused as to why the other party called him.

Although the two parties had a transaction before, it was only a temporary transaction. After all, the two people did not have much intersection in any aspect, so there was no contact since the last transaction ended.

Therefore, it was obviously unreasonable to call him suddenly like today. Therefore, after Liang En received the call to confirm the identity of the other party, he was really curious about the reason why the other party called today.

I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Liang. Carter's apologetic voice came from the phone. But there is something I need to ask you about—

It turned out that the reason for Mr. Carter's call was related to the previously released videos. After all, the two parties had been in contact before, so he would naturally pay attention to the videos released by Liang En.

And in the video of this trip to India, he saw something related to him.

What are you talking about? The George Carter I found before is your ancestor? Liang En showed a surprised expression on his face after the other party told him the reason for his call.

Because according to Mr. Carter, through the ring and the traces of healing on the broken left arm bone on the corpse in the video, he discovered that the remains should be those of his missing ancestor.

According to Mr. Carter, his ancestor owed money and ran away, leaving behind his wife and children. It turned out that his wife was obviously a very creative person.

So as soon as I realized something was wrong, I took my family's cash and valuables and ran away overnight, then crossed the Atlantic and came to the United States and raised my children, and then gradually became the large family we are now. .

For the loan sharks who monitored their family at that time, because of the status of women in that era, they really did not expect that a woman could run away with several children independently.

Not to mention that the mother gave up a large amount of fixed assets and escaped with only a small amount of jewelry, so that the group of monitors did not notice their plan at all. By the time they reacted, the other party was already floating in the Atlantic Ocean.

You must know that it was much more troublesome to contact people in that era than it is today, and information was transmitted much slower than today. Therefore, most European immigrants only needed to run to the United States to truly start over.

Creditors would often give up searching even if they were sure where the other party was going to the New World. This was partly because with the speed of transportation and information exchange at that time, trying to find someone was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

On the other hand, it was mainly because the cost of cross-border travel and communication in that era was too high. If the debtors did not owe much, the cost of such tracking may be higher than the debt fee, which is obviously not worth it. matter.

In particular, Mrs. Carter only took away some high-value items that were relatively easy to take away and left the property in London. Therefore, the creditor who had gained a certain amount naturally gave up the search.

——Although he caused our family to give up everything and leave our hometown, no matter what, he is our ancestor. Carter said over the phone, So I hope you can help me introduce someone from India. , allowing me to bury my ancestor’s remains with his family members.”

Of course, I know that such things are causing trouble to you. So I am willing to do my best to compensate you as a thank you for letting me lend a helping hand.

Nothing, I'm willing to help you in this regard. Liang En said with a smile after hearing Mr. Carter talk about his ancestors. I will help you contact India. I believe they will return the remains of your ancestors.

After all, the discovery of the abandoned temple is a very important discovery for the Indian archaeological community. In this case, it is not strange to return a remains that does not belong to the temple to its family.

More importantly, these remains are really just remains. Apart from being valuable to relatives, they are just a somewhat troublesome nuisance to outsiders.

So when Liang En called Mr. Varma, the other party immediately agreed to return the remains and the belongings that accompanied the remains except the notebook to Mr. Carter, and said that he would bear all the costs.

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