Liang En's destination village is located in a basin between mountains. From all angles, it is just a very ordinary small mountain village located in the valley.

The entire small mountain village is mainly a herding village. Many places around it are small mountain pastures covered with green grass, and there are many goats or cows in them.

Perhaps because of the remoteness of the village, most of the villagers in the village are middle-aged and elderly people, and almost all the young people have gone to live in the surrounding big cities.

Rural hollowing out is a global problem, especially in countries with large income disparities between regions.

Liang En and the others also saw many hollow villages similar to the current one. This one was just an ordinary village among countless villages.

Fortunately, this small village called Oak Village is not very far from the surrounding cities. At the same time, the surrounding lakes and mountains are of certain viewing and travel value, so the hollowness of this village is much lighter than that of the surrounding areas.

The hotel where Liang En and the others lived was run by local young people. It was the only hotel among the surrounding villages. After moving in, Liang En found that the situation here was different from what he imagined.

Because the rooms in this hotel seemed to be very clean, and the dinner provided tasted very good. At least everything was far beyond Liang En's previous guesses.

Fortunately, Liang En figured out the current situation while having dinner. It turned out that the owner of this hotel was a local who worked in hotels in big cities in his early years, and later even became the manager of a five-star hotel.

But after working in a big city for several years, because of his longing for his hometown and thinking about his own future, he finally decided to return to his hometown with his savings and open a hotel.

Judging from the situation during dinner, the overall situation of this small hotel is really good. At least it is not the peak season now, but the occupancy rate of guests has reached 60%.

Fortunately, because the store itself is not big, the staff here are not very busy. So after paying some tips, Liang En quickly found out information about his target.

The place you mentioned should be Eagle Mouth Rock. A local young man with black curly hair said after listening to Liang En's brief description of his goal.

I'm not sure where you know this place, because it's a small place that only locals know about. Although the scenery is nice, it's obviously not worthwhile to walk more than three hours on the mountain road to get to this place. I've only been there a long time. I only went there once when I was young——

According to the local waiter, the Eagle's Mouth Rock is actually the location of an ancient guard tower. After all, this place used to be near the border between Hungary and Bohemia, so it is normal to have some guard towers.

However, after the Habsburg family ruled the two countries together, except for some checkpoints used to collect taxes, most of the remaining outposts were abandoned.

It was against this background that the outpost at Yingzui Rock was abandoned. Originally, the outpost on the high ground could monitor a large area around it and prevent enemy infiltration, but the meaning of changing from the border to the inland was naturally gone.

What's more important is that the location of this outpost is too remote, so it is one of the first places to be abandoned after losing its meaning. After all, no one wants to be stationed in such a remote place, or to send food to people in such a remote place. supply.

After being in disrepair for a long time, the stone outpost was completely destroyed by time, so if you look at it now, you will only see a lot of messy ruins covered with a layer of plants.

But what's interesting is that Liang En's destination this time is located around a checkpoint. If there are no accidents, the target is likely to have some relationship with the checkpoint.

So early the next morning, after breakfast, Liang En and the others left the hotel with their bags and climbed along a path towards Eagle Mouth Rock. At the same time, three ravens flew into the sky and surrounded Liang En and the others to carry out investigation work.

Of course, this kind of local reconnaissance is not to prevent human attacks, but just to avoid wild beasts. Fortunately, the sparse vegetation on the stone mountain is conducive to aerial reconnaissance.

However, it may be because of the lack of vegetation around them that the ravens did not find any larger creatures except for a few hares and some small birds.

Under such circumstances, the two people quickly arrived at the place called Eagle Mouth Rock with their backpacks on their backs. As expected, there were several piles of ruins that could be as high as two stories high.

The reason why it is calculated in piles is because this ancient defense facility has completely collapsed, and all the buildings have been completely destroyed except for several walls that are as high as a person.

But the scenery here is indeed as great as the waiter in the small hotel said before. At least if you stand here and look down, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery. It can be said to be a good place to take pictures.

No one has been to this place for at least two hundred years. After stepping forward to check, Liang En had a deeper understanding of this outpost.

According to the architectural style of the outpost and the overall layout style, this building should have been a medieval fortress building at first, but it was later transformed accordingly after entering the gunpowder era.

However, this transformation also caused obvious hidden dangers for the entire building. At least as it stands now, that renovation compromised the structural integrity of the building itself.

As a result, although the overall condition of this building was barely acceptable during the use stage, it collapsed much faster than a normal building after losing maintenance.

Liang En even suspected that the reason why this ancient defense facility was abandoned so quickly was probably because at the end of its use period, the house had become a dangerous building and could no longer be used normally.

What should we do next? Do we need to find what we want from this pile of ruins? Jeanne asked the pile of ruins in front of her.

If this is the case, it may take a long time for the two of us to do it. Especially we need to consider that in this kind of place, we cannot use any machinery at all and can only rely on manual digging.

No, this ruins is just a marking place for us to find our target. Liang En shook his head, and then pointed to an open space behind the pile of ruins that was no different from the surroundings.

In his current vision, he could see the soft white light exposed below the ground. This was the kind of light that only he could see when the card was used to indicate the target.

This place looks no different from the surrounding area. Looking at the flat land, Jeanne scratched her hair, but she quickly took out the shovel from her backpack and started digging with him according to the place pointed by Liang En.

Fortunately, the treasure was not buried too deep, so after digging for more than an hour, they found a wooden box hidden under 50cm of soil.

However, the preservation condition of the wooden box is obviously not optimistic. The iron bars used to reinforce the box have fallen off from the box itself, are covered with rust, and the wooden boards of the box are almost scattered.

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