Liang En was very busy during the time he was at home. This was mainly because he had been out for so long that he had too much other work that was backlogged.

Therefore, now that I finally have some free time, I naturally have to deal with all those problems so that I can have enough free time for the next step. The most important part of the work is the jewelry design for the new season.

Fortunately, there are enough sources of inspiration for this jewelry design, so the design work is not difficult to complete.

According to Liang En’s idea, this design mainly uses Atlantis as the design source, so the natural selection of materials uses organic gemstones such as pearl oysters, corals and pearls from the ocean as the main materials.

I am very satisfied with the design jewelry store this time. Because organic gemstones are popular recently, this batch of jewelry is naturally welcomed by everyone, but it will take at least a week or so to make.

As for Liang En, he naturally does not need to wait for the finished product to be produced, and naturally has enough time to invest in the subsequent search activities.

Because it was now late autumn and the weather was getting colder, Liang En naturally focused on the piece of mud from the Library of Alexandria when he was unable to go north to start the search.

Because he couldn't find anything meaningful from this piece of mud with a seal, he consumed a card [Detection (R)] that he had synthesized using four [Detection (N)]. )].

Unexpectedly, the location indicated by this card was not in the Egypt he imagined, or even on the east coast of the Mediterranean, but somewhere in the Little Carpathian Mountains.

Why do you think this thing points to a location in Slovakia? After completing a search using cards, Liang En held the mud seal and turned to ask Joan of Arc.

I really can't think of any connection between an ancient Egyptian library or a tomb in Ukraine and Slovakia. It can't be that the Slovaks dug that cemetery before the Soviets.

But sometimes, history always surprises people. Joan of Arc said with a smile.

For example, none of the books that record me say that the reason why I predicted the failure of the Herring Battle was purely because we had lost too many times before, so it was basically impossible to win as long as there was military action.

You are right, so I want to understand what is going on and the only way is to go to the destination to see it. Fortunately, it is not too difficult to conduct on-site inspections in that place. .”

Liang En thought for a moment and nodded. Although there are cards to guide him, the information the cards can provide is too little, so on-site surveys are absolutely indispensable.

So after a day of simple preparation, Liang En and Jeanne drove the off-road vehicle they had bought at a judicial auction toward their destination in the middle of the European continent.

The Lesser Carpathians are a low, approximately 100 kilometers long mountain range that is part of the Carpathian Mountains. Located in western Slovakia.

The entire mountain range includes the mountains from Bratislava to Novo Mesto nad Vach. To the west is Záhori, to the east is the Danube lowland, and where Liang En and the others are going is to the east of this mountain range.

I remember that Slovakia and the Czech Republic used to be the same country. While driving past Bugadislava, the capital of Slovakia, heading east, Joan looked at the scene on the roadside with a curious expression.

That's right, do you think there's anything wrong here? Liang En became nervous after hearing Jeanne's question, thinking that she had discovered or sensed something unexpected.

As a battle-hardened warrior on the battlefield, Joan of Arc often perceives special situations, so she was naturally a little nervous after hearing this.

Of course there is something wrong, because the environment around him is getting more and more different from the Czech Republic we went to before. Now it looks more like the style of Hungary.

Looking at the surrounding houses, Jeanne Arc explained his findings. He had read a lot of books after coming to this world, so he naturally understood these contents.

This is not surprising, because during the Holy Roman Empire, this country was actually the same country as Hungary, so at the junction of the two countries, the two cultures will naturally blend with each other. Liang Ensong was relieved after hearing what Joan of Arc said. tone, and then explained the specific situation to her.

Especially compared to the land of Slovakia, the culture of the Hungarians is stronger. Therefore, they are more susceptible to the influence of the Hungarians.

“And considering that the capital of Slovakia, Bugadislava, is too close to the western border, while the capital of Hungary, Budapest, is further north, it is naturally more susceptible to the influence of the country in the south.”

If you put it this way, the surrounding situation is very reasonable. Joan of Arc looked at the white walls and red tiles in the obvious Hungarian style and nodded. By the way, let's eat first. You should take a rest after driving for such a long time.

So they quickly stopped at a rest stop on the road, and then started to enjoy lunch that was several hours late. As Joan of Arc had observed before, the Hungarian style here was indeed very strong.

To take the simplest example, what they eat for lunch is the famous Hungarian goulash soup. Unlike most parts of Europe, a large amount of chili powder is added to the beef soup that Hungarians eat, so the taste is more exciting.

Therefore, Liang En only ate a little bit of beef with his own bread during this meal. As for most of the beef, it fell into Joan's belly. But then again, eating something spicy when the weather is cold will really make you feel better. Some.

Don't you really think this is a bit too spicy? Liang En asked after watching Jeanne dip the last bit of soup into her mouth with bread and swallow it, I feel like my tongue is on fire.

No. Joan of Arc said and looked at Liang En with a smile, I think this tastes just right, and the luxury of the way I eat it now is better than that of many nobles at that time.

People from different eras and under different circumstances will naturally have different views on the same item. For example, this difference makes Joan of Arc more accepting of spicy food than ordinary Europeans.

Okay, as long as you feel comfortable eating. Liang En shrugged and said, It's time for us to set off now. I hope we can reach the place we planned before tomorrow.

The reason why they were in such a hurry was because their destination was located in the mountains, and driving in the mountains at night without lighting was obviously not a very safe thing, so they hoped to reach their destination as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the surrounding road conditions were relatively good and they had set off early enough, so they arrived at today's destination - a small village in the mountains - just as the sun was about to set.

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