On-site book signing? Didn't I sign a batch of books online before? After leaving Golden Dawn's manor, Liang En parked the car on the side of the road and called his editor to inquire. Is there something wrong here?

Sorry, there were some problems with our previous work. The editor apologized again on the microphone, We originally thought that readers would be satisfied with the previous online signing activities, but it turned out that your live broadcast attracted more Many readers.

Isn't this a good thing? Although Liang En didn't want to spend time on such things because he was usually busy, it didn't mean that he was completely indifferent to such things.

After all, people are social animals. As long as they are not the kind of extremely sociophobic guy, they will basically be happy with people's admiration. Not to mention that the more viewers there are, the better his books will sell and the more money he will make. The more.

Although it may feel a bit vulgar for an author to talk about money, in fact it is also the easiest way to judge whether his work is popular.

After all, it is absolutely a lie for a reader who is not even willing to spend money to say how much he loves this author and his works. Of course, readers who really have no money can be considered an exception.

It's indeed a good thing. After listening to Liang En's words, the editor laughed briefly and said. But the problem is that there are more people than expected now who want to meet you and attend your book signings.

Of course, what I say next is not forcing you to do anything, but the current situation is that there are too many readers who hope you can hold a book signing. If you don't respond, it can easily be regarded as arrogant.

What you said does make sense, and I've been a little free recently. After hearing what his editor said, Liang En responded quickly.

But I can only guarantee that I will have free time in these two weeks, so you'd better arrange the autograph signing in these two weeks as much as possible. Of course, the location is also best in Ireland, the UK or France, not too far away.

Don't worry, as long as you agree to hold a book signing, then I will help you handle the rest. I promise to arrange everything properly.

After hearing Liang En agree to this matter, the happy voice of the editor in charge came over the phone. For these editors who are responsible for one-on-one, the situation of the author they are responsible for is related to their career, so naturally Very attentive to this aspect.

Of course, the publishing house behind him is also one of the most famous publishing houses in the UK. Therefore, organizing a book signing event can be considered a familiar task.

At least Liang En's request to hold a book signing within two weeks may be a little tight for them, and there may be some flaws in the promotion, but it is not too difficult to hold it smoothly.

Next, Liang En spent his time dealing with a series of miscellaneous matters, including the management problems of his own industries. Although professional managers were reliable enough and could handle most things, there were still some things that Liang En needed to deal with. I make the decision.

To take the simplest example, a plantation in the Philippines sent a report, hoping to use this year's profits to expand the scale of the previously built processing plant.

Matters like this involving overall planning and large expenditures are definitely not something that managers can make on their own. They must ultimately be left to Liang En's hands for him to make the decision.

Obviously, you can't make much money from pure agricultural products, so Liang En has been encouraging the deep processing business of this type of agricultural products before, so after reading the analysis and divination of the legal consultant next to him, he agreed to the expenditure.

These businesses took several days. Although compared to those tycoons, he only had some very small industries, but because there were many industrial projects, they were also very complicated to deal with, which consumed a lot of his time.

It's a pity that there are not many professional managers with high standards and loyalty, so I haven't found a suitable manager at this time, so I can only spare precious time to deal with these chores.

I hope I can find a reliable manager one day, otherwise it would be a crime to waste time on such things. After handling the last business, Liang En thought helplessly.

Time soon came to the day of the autograph session. Liang En went to London in advance and entered the mall. The autograph session started at one o'clock in the afternoon. He took a plane there at eight o'clock in the morning, and it was not even 12 o'clock when he arrived at the bookstore.

The reason why he went so early was because he thought that if he went earlier, he could visit Waterstones Bookstore, where the signing of his works was held, and buy a few books for Joan of Arc that she wanted.

What people didn't expect was that when he took a taxi to the door of the bookstore, he found that half the street was already lined with people, and everyone was holding a book in their hand.

Liang En originally thought that his autograph session had collided with someone else's autograph session, and he subconsciously wanted to complain about why his editor was so unlucky that he chose the same time as others.

As a result, when the taxi passed by on the street quickly, I just realized that those people seemed to be holding their own works, and some people even took several copies.

This time Liang En was at Waterstones Bookstore in the West End of London, which is considered one of the top bookstores in London and also frequently holds book signings. But there are not many cases where there is such a long queue like this time.

At least according to what Liang En observed along the way, the people waiting in line here feel like sardines in a can. What's more important is that there are people coming from behind and queuing at the end of the line.

Liang En took a deep breath when he saw this scene. He knew that the books he sold were not cheap, especially when many of them brought hardcover editions. In this case, he could easily sell thousands of books in one day. Pine can cost £100,000.

After all, the hardcover edition of Grimm's Fairy Tales has illustrations inside and a gold-gilded cover on the outside. Therefore, it is not surprising that a book sells for seven or eight times the price of the paperback edition, and most of the books present are of this type. Hardcover book.

Because he saw a large group of people queuing at the door, Liang En simply asked the taxi driver to park the car far away and let him get off, and then made a phone call to contact his editor.

Soon, a staff member arrived at where Liang En was, then led him to the staff passage at the back of the bookstore and took the staff elevator to the staff area on the sixth floor of the bookstore.

Just as he was bypassing the gate, Liang En heard many passers-by discussing the autograph session. Through their conversations, Liang En learned that many of these people came here out of curiosity after watching the video before. .

This also illustrates the special advantages of modern media in publicity. If it had not been for the previous live broadcast, the number of people coming today might be 1/3 less.

Just before Liang En was about to get on the elevator, he heard a pair of best friends discussing about today's autograph session.

I really didn't expect that those adventurers in the movie actually exist in reality. The video was so exciting, no less than some blockbuster movies.

Yes, especially the part where the fake policeman was caught before, so I say that many Chinese people should really know kung fu.

At this time, the elevator arrived, and Liang En and the staff member quickly walked into the elevator.

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