According to Mrs. Hannah, because his grandfather was not a particularly famous or wealthy person at that time, the Canadian official search operation was also very careless.

Although the search was said to have lasted for two months, in fact it only telegraphed the news to a few small towns in the south, and nothing else was done.

On the contrary, the $500 reward offered by the Smith family had a huge effect. Based on this considerable reward, many aborigines, gold diggers and even mounted police who received the news devoted themselves to the search.

At least all the clues that the Smith family has about the old Mr. Smith were found by these people, which also gave a clearer guide for the subsequent search work.

With the help of old Mr. Smith's previous money, the Smith family gradually began to rise, and finally became the real leader of a large shipping company that operates across Britain and the United States today.

It is a pity that 30 years have passed by the time Hannah's father and several uncles have fully grown up and have enough power to organize the search, so the new expedition team has no additional gains except a very few items. .

The reason why I came to you is because of Mr. Scoud's recommendation. He thinks you have some special advantages in finding those who have been missing for a long time.

At the end of the conversation, Mrs. Hannah explained the reason why she took the initiative to mention this matter to Liang En. As people of the same class and in similar situations, it was normal for them to have this kind of news flow between them.

In particular, Liang En and Scood have gone out on many adventures together, and these adventure experiences have become a good topic for Mr. Scood's daily communication, so it is also very important for these people to know about Liang En's situation. normal.

Thank you for your trust, but if you need my help in searching, you must allow me to have access to all relevant information. At the same time, no matter how good all the preparations are, I cannot guarantee that I will be able to find your grandfather 100%.

After listening to the old lady ramble on about a series of things related to her grandfather, Liang En thought about it and gave her a reply.

No one can guarantee this kind of thing, especially since so much time has passed, even if there are some clues, they should have almost disappeared by now.

If there weren't cards that could provide help with extraordinary power, and there might be a chance to find clues from other sources, Liang En wouldn't even accept this kind of mission.

This is absolutely no problem. No matter how much money you spend during the search, I will pay for you. Mrs. Hannah nodded and said. In addition, I will also pay you different rewards based on your search results.

Even if you don't find anything, as long as you do your best in this search, I will give these things to you, but at that time you will need to pay the market price for these things.

This is a very fair deal. Liang En smiled and nodded, I am willing to take on this task, but I may need some time to prepare before that.

Of course, entering the Arctic Circle is not a simple matter. You'd better be fully prepared before taking action. Mrs. Hannah nodded after hearing Liang En's promise.

Anyway, I have been waiting for so many years, and my body is healthy enough to continue waiting for a long time, so I suggest you choose a good time to go.

Mrs. Hannah did not suggest that Liang go there now, because it was already autumn and the Arctic Circle was no longer suitable for human activities. Naturally, this situation was even less suitable for search work.

At the same time, it is necessary to mobilize a large amount of resources and manpower to carry out this kind of operation, so more time must be spent on preparations to avoid various problems.

This is actually an unfinished task that our Golden Dawn has been waiting for for a long time. After Liang En and the old woman Hannah finished their exchange, Nelson came over and said.

This mission has been here since Mrs. Hannah became a member of the Golden Dawn. According to the seniors, Mrs. Hannah had this mission when she first joined the Golden Dawn ten years ago.

At that time, the Golden Dawn organized an expedition deep into the Canadian Arctic Circle in an attempt to find his grandfather and the legendary huge gold mine. As a result, everyone found nothing but another supply that the other party had prepared for the retreat. turn up.

As an organization with mutual aid and exploration as its core, Golden Dawn naturally has a set of internal rules to adapt to this core goal, such as organizing some joint exploration activities.

Of course, participation in such activities is purely voluntary, but each participant will receive rewards corresponding to their contributions during the exploration activities.

For example, if the last exploration work really found that gold mine, then Golden Dawn would buy the mining rights of the gold mine in the name of the organization, and then distribute corresponding benefits to each participant in the exploration activity.

This can also be regarded as an important feature of the Golden Dawn. It uses the name of the organization to gather everyone's strength and then form a powerful force to obtain benefits for itself.

That night, Mrs. Hannah handed over all the things related to the Library of Alexandria to Liang En, and promised to give him the most important clay seal within a week.

This practice is very common among members of the Golden Dawn, after all, everyone enters the Golden Dawn. Everyone has been carefully investigated, so everyone can naturally feel more at ease.

Since the Golden Dawn split due to various reasons in history, the predecessors who re-formed the Golden Dawn have focused their attention on the harmony within the organization.

Especially for such a loose organization, if everyone still needs a lot of time to guard against people within the organization, then this regrouped Golden Dawn may disperse faster than the original Golden Dawn.

Now an important core of the Golden Dawn is mutual trust, especially for these worldly successful people, being able to relax everyone is also a very attractive thing.

In fact, many members of the Golden Dawn have devoted themselves to this organization. An important reason is that this organization can give them a feeling of home and make them willing to contribute to the organization.

Obviously, this is a very good situation. At least Liang En feels that the atmosphere here is indeed very good. At the same time, he also sincerely recognizes his identity as a member of the Golden Dawn.

The discussion lasted for three days. When Liang En got the mud seal on the afternoon of the third day, the discussion ended.

For the members of the Golden Dawn who attended the meeting, this was an important meeting, because everyone once again confirmed that legends often have history as the original prototype, which was a great encouragement to everyone.

But just when Liang En was about to go home and rest for a while, he received a call from his editor in charge. During the call, he and Liang En discussed the on-site book signing.

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