Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 467 Peloponnese Peninsula

If you want to pursue ancient civilizations, you naturally cannot focus on comfortable libraries, research institutes, universities, and museums, but go to the wild to inspect the locations of civilization sites.

For example, this was the case with the Mycenaean ruins that Liang En was looking for this time. Therefore, after leaving the city of Athens, they quickly drove west to the Peloponnese Peninsula, the cradle of early Greek civilization.

The Mycenaean civilization was a very ancient and wild civilization. Compared with what is now known as the ancient Greek civilization, this civilization was 1,000 years earlier, and it also advocated force more.

People's earliest impression of this civilization comes from the ancient Homer's Epic. According to the story, they once conducted a ten-year cross-sea expedition for Helen.

Finally, he used the Trojan Horse to destroy Troy and win. However, the victors did not have much opportunity to taste the fruits of their victory. For example, King Agamemnon of Mycenae died under the conspiracy of the usurper.

As the car headed west, a canal like a sword appeared in front of them. This was the famous Corinth Canal in Greece.

According to historical records, the ancient Roman Emperor Nero began trying to dig a canal in 67 AD. After that, people tried to dig in this place both in the Byzantine era and the Middle Ages. However, it was not until the 19th century that people actually dug the canal.

This situation occurs mainly because of some problems with the local terrain. The canal is only 6.3 kilometers long, but it is 90 meters high from the horizontal line to the shore. It is the deepest canal in the world, and it is one of the few excavated in hard rock areas. One of the canals.

What makes people feel a bit regretful is that with the advancement of shipbuilding industry and navigation technology, this canal with a water depth of 8m and a maximum width of 24m is completely unable to meet everyone's needs today.

At the same time, ships in the past had to sail close to the coast, so going around the Peloponnese Peninsula was a more dangerous thing, and a canal was needed to bypass those dangerous places.

Today's ships can sail far from the coast and much faster than in the past, so the security and time savings gained by using the Corinth Canal are not as important as they used to be.

Not to mention that although the canal is dug out of stones, these stones are obviously not hard enough, so the annual maintenance and operation costs are also very high. Economically speaking, the canal is not very cost-effective.

Fortunately, the unique landscape of this canal attracts a large number of tourists, so the traffic in this canal is busy today. Although the tolls are very expensive, about 30 boats still pass through the canal every day.

According to statistics, about 11,000 boats pass through this canal every year, most of which are ferry boats and tourist boats. This is because the deep and straight rock walls of the canal itself are a must-visit spot for many people traveling in Greece.

When Liang En and his car passed the canal bridge, they happened to see a white cruise ship passing under the bridge, and the tourists in the nearby observation deck restaurant also waved and said hello, which looked very lively.

Unfortunately, after crossing the canal, everything around us became deserted, and when we entered the hilly Peloponnese Peninsula, the surrounding situation looked a bit depressed.

I saw green trees on both sides of the road and sparsely populated areas. Occasionally, I saw a few simple stone huts with rental signs in a small village, but there seemed to be no business.

After all, it is considered the off-season for traveling around the Mediterranean. Places far away from scenic spots are naturally not very lively, and various industries do not seem to be so popular.

Let's go to this place next. When he found a roadside rest area to stop for dinner, Liang En spread out a map and pointed at the hill dozens of kilometers away and said, I think this place should have something we want. Looking for something.”

As he was about to arrive at the destination, Liang En began to explain to everyone the goal he had chosen this time and the reasons for choosing the goal, so that everyone could have a clear idea.

Hmm - this place does look like there are ancient ruins. Joan of Arc said after looking at the terrain map carefully.

This hill happens to be stuck near an ancient road. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. I believe that normal people who want to build fortifications or even small cities would choose this hill as a construction site.

More importantly, the village under this hill is called Mycenae. At the same time, judging from the satellite map, there are parts that are obviously artificial structures on the surface.

Looking for Mycenae is much simpler than looking for Troy, but because there are so many ancient ruins in the entire Greek area, the ruins on the mountain have only been briefly registered.

After all, the exposed surfaces here are all rough stones, so it is indeed easy to be mistaken for a medieval castle ruins before further excavation.

As for the name Mycenae, it does sound familiar, but the problem is that there is not only one place with this name in the Peloponnese Peninsula, so it is difficult to believe that there are valuable ruins here.

Considering the rich historical and cultural relics throughout the Greek region and the sparse manpower and meager funds of the archaeological department, it is completely understandable that the Greek side does not focus its energy here.

However, these Greek archaeological departments would never have thought that this medieval fortress, which they considered to be of little value, was the legendary Mycenae site.

Then I have a question here. Where does the water on this mountain come from? Fan Meng suddenly said after looking at it for a while. The hill is indeed easy to defend and difficult to attack, but the height also means that water supply may be difficult in this area.

As a soldier, Fan Meng was very sensitive to war-related content, so he realized that it was difficult to dig out groundwater for use in this hill using ancient technology, and there was a lack of sufficient surface water sources around it.

For the defenders of a military defense area, lack of water is a very fatal thing. To give the simplest example, when Zhuge Liang asked Ma Di to guard the street pavilion during the Northern Expedition, Ma Di was defeated because he was squatting on the mountain with no water source.

Not to mention that a city requires more water than a pure military fortress, so it always feels a little strange to build a city in a place where there is not enough water.

This may be because there is a reservoir in the city. After all, except for a few cities in BC, the cities in Greece were not big, and they were not even much bigger than the pure fortresses in the Middle Ages. Liang En said .

More importantly, the location of this place is really great. It is located right near the Isthmus of Corinth. It is stuck at the intersection of two locations and the land and water. It is very suitable for the city to develop various trades.

This is very important to Liang En, because according to ancient legends, Mycenae is described as rich in gold. Considering that the local area has neither rich minerals nor a good natural environment, the wealth most likely comes from trade. .

Under this circumstance, the possibility that this geographically unknown site is the Mycenaean city is not small, and what Liang En and the others have to do now is to confirm this conjecture through their own excavations.

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