The reason why Liang En's archaeological site in Crete is so famous is not only because he was the one who discovered it, but also because he took the time to write a paper on how to translate Linear B during that time.

Because he had this knowledge in his mind, he wrote a very good paper in a short time and pointed out the direction of this kind of text translation.

Because of this situation, even though Liang En did not go to the archaeological site at all during this period, his prestige at the archaeological site was still very high, so it was not difficult to introduce some qualified people to visit.

Although this is a relatively simple thing for Liang En, for others, it is a favor. After all, it is difficult to achieve one's goals without the guidance of an acquaintance.

After two days of discussion and information exchange, the party came to the most critical part: the item exchange meeting. Or simply a simple auction.

It's just that unlike outside auctions, the internal auctions of Golden Dawn are much more peaceful. Once the price approaches the upper limit of the real price of an item, the bidding will stop, and then several people will discuss and decide the ownership.

Liang En originally planned to buy something, but unfortunately he couldn't see what he needed after looking for a long time, so he didn't buy anything except a set of books about Tarot cards first published by the Golden Dawn in the 19th century. .

The auction lasted a whole day. Although most of the auction items were not expensive, there were a lot of bits and pieces. Liang En even saw shiny turtle shells and obvious Comes with three copper coins.

After the auction, everyone had a dinner together, and then the leader of the Golden Dawn Society, known as Ipssisimas, came to the stage to give a final summary of the gathering.

Of course, this summary was not just a summary. In addition to summarizing the content of the event, he also said some news that surprised Liang En.

——In the next month, organizations like us will organize a competition across Europe, and the content of the competition is to find an antique or relic related to the legend——

Is this kind of competition a common activity in our association? Liang En asked Nelson in a low voice at this time, Why does it sound like something from a movie or a game?

No, no, at least I haven't heard of this kind of activity since my father's generation. Nelson shook his head and said. But we do have a lot of connections with similar organizations on the European continent, so it's not strange to hold such an event.

Just as the two people were talking, the leader of the Golden Dawn Society above also finished talking about the content of this competition. It was actually a simple treasure hunt, but there were certain requirements and restrictions.

There are three most important requirements. One of them is that the relics or items found must be obtained by legal means. Any illegal means will be directly eliminated during the acquisition process, and there is no room for negotiation.

The second key point is that you must search for yourself. Others can only be auxiliary personnel. Resolutely avoid hiring a group of professionals to help you find things.

After all, this competition is about everyone's level and luck in this area, not about who has more money and can hire better people. If hiring people is allowed to participate, then the competition will lose its original meaning.

The last key point is that the evaluation of those things this time is not purely from a historical perspective, but from a combination of history and legend.

To give the simplest example, if the ruins discovered by Liang En on the island of Crete were discovered during this competition, they would be the discoveries that best meet the requirements of this judging, and could even lock in the championship of this competition.

——I think that in this competition, our Golden Dawn should use our victory to show others our long historical heritage, lest we be forgotten by others. The leader above said.

As the most famous magic association in Europe, the Golden Dawn naturally does not want to appear inferior to others on this occasion, so everyone must not only participate in this competition, but also win beautifully.

Of course, this kind of support is not expressed in empty words. The leader also said that Golden Dawn will provide all-round support to those who participate in this event.

These supports include financial support, legal support, manpower support and a series of supports to ensure that those who are willing to participate in this competition can focus all their energy on finding the goal.

However, probably because most people had their own things to do and couldn't spare the time, only two young men, Liang En and Nelson, took over the task.

Next is the time for everyone to communicate. Nelson said that what he was looking for was the sunken ship of Blackbeard, so he would sail to the Caribbean and the United States to conduct search work.

Liang En's target this time was still Greece, because he felt that now was the opportunity to excavate another ancient ruins in Greece.

Very good, I hope you can find what you are looking for. The leader of the society said, If you need any help from the society, please ask as much as possible, and everyone should be able to provide you with some help.

Considering the abilities of those in the Golden Dawn organization, Liang En believes that they can get enough help throughout Europe, which will obviously be helpful for the next step.

Of course, since it is a competition, there are naturally prizes, and the prizes for this kind of competition that spans more than a dozen organizations across Europe are naturally extraordinary.

The prize for first place this time is a 3,200-acre land and attached buildings in Scotland, as well as fishing rights to the river flowing through the jungle, hunting rights to the jungle and mining rights to the land. Golden Dawn President Charles talked about the prize this time.

The association guarantees that all issues related to prize taxation and handover will be handled by the association, and the final expenses will be paid by the association as our support for this matter.

For this type of organization, reputation is far more important than money. So at this time, they showed the foundation that a century-old organization should have, and planned to fully support Liang En and Nelson in winning this competition.

Because of the support of the Golden Dawn, a century-old organization, Liang En and the others prepared very quickly. A week after returning to Ireland, Liang En quickly set off with Joan of Arc and Fan Meng.

Pierce also set out at the same time. This was mainly because there was an antique fair here in Athens, so he planned to use the things he and Liang En prepared before to build his reputation at this antique fair and improve the level of the shop.

Don't worry, if I'm free, I will definitely go to Athens to support you. Liang En said to Pierce when saying goodbye at the airport. After all, this store also has a part of me, so I will definitely try my best to contribute.

That's good, don't forget it. Pierce patted Liang En's arm and said, This fair is one of the most famous fairs in the antique shop this year, so don't let me go. .”

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