Liang En did not make any money from his investment in TYPE-MOON in a short period of time, and even made an additional investment of nearly 500,000 euros during this period.

However, these investments are also meaningful. For example, Liang En now holds 35% of the company's shares. Of course, this is the limit that he thinks he can hold.

After all, most TYPE-MOON companies are different. The core personnel are Takeuchi Takashi and Nasu Momo, and the others are just accessories.

Therefore, the majority of the shares must naturally belong to these two founders. Otherwise, once they feel that they have slacked off after working for others or simply start a new business, it will definitely not be good news for Liang En, the investor.

Liang En has an additional benefit from doing this, that is, the two founders of TYPE-MOON now completely recognize him. After all, it is too rare for such investors to spend real money but not show greed for the company's shares. .

As for the investment in this cartoon, Liang En naturally supports it. Although the price of more than 5.6 million euros is indeed not cheap, Liang En also knows that this cartoon should be the beginning of the Fate series becoming a god, so he invested is required.

Although the budget is more than 5.6 million euros, this does not cause any pressure on Liang En, who has recently collected a large amount of royalties.

Not to mention that letting that money sit in a bank account would be the stupidest thing to do, Liang En had actually been thinking about where to invest that money, and investing in this cartoon was obviously a very good idea.

Of course, due to the hot sales of the company's previous works and peripheral products, the company itself still has some money. Liang En does not need to pay 5.6 million euros, but only needs to pay 3.8 million euros.

As for future promotion expenses, we need to wait until the thing is completed, and do not need to pay it all in one lump sum now, which also makes the pressure on investors suddenly reduce a lot.

The most important thing is that a one-time payment of this money allows the animation to be produced in one go without the need to produce it while it is being played, which is conducive to maintaining the quality of the entire series.

As for the return on this investment, it is also very simple. Liang En will receive half of the income from the animation and its derivatives. This rate of return is much higher than most conventional investments anyway.

Of course, investment in cultural products is actually very risky, because people's tastes and market conditions make it difficult to enter new works that do not have similar content before.

It is true that some people have made profits several times or even dozens of times with small gains, but more people have lost all their money, so investing in this area is a very risky thing.

Under normal circumstances, except for some professionals who are very good at this area, other investors rarely invest in this direction because of the uncertainty of this industry.

The reason why Liang En is willing to invest is also very simple. On the one hand, as a shareholder of the company, he must pay when he wants to pay. After all, while enjoying rights and interests, you must also bear corresponding obligations.

On the other hand, because Liang En knows what kind of miracle the Fate series has created in another world, he will naturally take this opportunity to hitch a ride.

Because the content of the contract was very simple and there were basically no differences between the two parties, Liang En and the others confirmed the content of the contract through their lawyers that afternoon and signed the contract before dinner.

As soon as the money is received, I think we can start production directly. Thank you very much for your trust. At dinner time, everyone went to a famous izakaya for dinner. Takeuchi said happily at the table.

Nasu Mushroom beside him also looked very excited. After all, it was very exciting to see his story be animated so quickly, and more importantly, to see his work animated like this.

I believe this is a very good story. Although Liang En tried to understand this series of anime in his previous life, at that time he only read the summary of each episode and added some famous scenes for writing.

In other words, Liang En himself has not really seen what the overall animation of Another World is like, he just has a general impression.

Fortunately, judging from the script he had taken out now, Liang En felt that the general direction of the whole story was not much different from the one he had read before. As for the differences in some details, it would not affect anything.

At the same time, the other party also said that there will be a positive character based on Liang En in the story, who will be an archaeologist and part-time magician. Of course, this will only appear in the background, which is considered a small easter egg.

This can also be regarded as a small privilege of the author, being able to let his acquaintances enter these works to add more interest to the entire work.

That night, the two Japanese drank a lot of wine because Liang En successfully helped them solve the most difficult problem they encountered now and showed his reliable side, which made them feel more relaxed. .

At the same time, according to Japanese habits, it is better to drink more when communicating with each other, even if you show some ugly appearance because of being drunk, it doesn't matter.

Because according to Japanese tradition, getting drunk at this time means that they are willing to completely let down their guard. It is a way to show closeness to others and connect the feelings of both parties.

This also resulted in the last two Japanese being carried back. Fortunately, Liang En and the others did not have to abide by this rule as foreigners, so everyone only drank more than half a glass of wine.

Because the funds were in place, TYPE-MOON Company entered a busy state. After all, they had already made preparations before, and all they had to do now was start construction.

But because they are too busy now, everyone in the company has to go all out to start work. As the president of the company, Takashi Takeuchi even went to Liang En's hotel to apologize to them.

After all, the two parties had previously agreed to travel together in addition to handling company affairs, but now looking at the company, it is obvious that they cannot travel together.

Liang En also felt a little helpless about the politeness of the Japanese, but it was also a local characteristic, so Liang En could only follow the etiquette and said that there was nothing wrong with the matter, and that the company's affairs should still be the priority.

Next, Liang En and the others started their own journey. For example, they spent three days briefly visiting some famous attractions around Tokyo Film and Television, and even went to Ueno Park to see the cherry blossoms.

To be honest, when the cherry blossom petals on the ground are blown by the wind and fly in the air together with the petals falling from the trees, it is really beautiful. It is no wonder that this thing has become a part of Japanese culture.

After visiting all the tourist places, they finally returned to the antique shop in Ginza to inquire about the origin of the previous shell.

In fact, Liang En didn't have much hope for the outcome of this inquiry, because this kind of antique stores often keep secrets from the shippers. Especially for the stores in Ginza, this confidentiality work is as important as their lives.

But what he didn't expect was that after they tried to inquire, they actually found out about the original owner of this thing from the antique shop.

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