Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 453 Questions and Discussions

I think the money you spent should be more than the real value of this thing, and I think this thing shouldn't be a very rare and unique item. Fan Meng said after coming out of the antique store.

Don't tell me that you found clues to the treasure inside. At least I don't think there is any treasure painted on this simple painting. Of course, this may also be because I am not good enough.

Actually, this pair is really different from a normal pair of shells. Liang En said, taking out the pair of shells from the box, opening them and pointing at the picture above.

The things painted in this traditional shell should be relatively fixed. Basically, they are all the content in the picture scroll of The Tale of Genji, such as floating boats, dragonflies, cypress trees and other representative scenes.

But look at this. Liang En said, turning the shell in his hand to the patterned side, This is obviously a tea ceremony scene and does not belong to the picture scroll of The Tale of Genji.

Indeed, this painting is a tea ceremony scene. Even though Fan Meng didn't know much about these things, he could still easily identify that the shell painted a tea ceremony scene.

After all, the Japanese tea ceremony is very unique, so even an ordinary person who knows something about Japan can see what is painted on it.

When the owner of the antique shop sold this item at a high price, he also took this into consideration, because he could confirm that this item was indeed hundreds of years old and a real antique, so the natural price of an orphan item like this would be relatively high.

The reason why Liang En is willing to take this thing is that it is indeed an orphan and has sufficient collection value anyway. On the other hand, this kind of unique thing often contains some special information.

Of course, Liang En did not use cards to confirm this matter. He was able to make such an inference purely because of his experience in searching for various treasures for so long.

Especially the Japanese character itself is relatively reserved, so the probability of hinting something or something through this kind of gadget is not small.

However, Liang En did not use the card to search directly, because he had already made an appointment to meet at TYPE-MOON company in the afternoon, so they went to Ginza 6-chome, a top-notch chicken white soup ramen shop called Bon.

Ramen is a food that is relatively quick to make in various countries, so it will be ready in a short time. Because the noodle soup is cooked over low heat, the chicken soup is extremely rich and even a little thick.

The combination of this mellow chicken soup with seasonal vegetables and low-temperature cooked chicken barbecue pork elevates the flavor of the entire bowl of noodles to a new level. The only drawback is that the noodles are made from commercially available ingredients, which feels inferior to the soup and ingredients. grade.

After finishing the noodles, Liang En and the others who had bigger appetites felt that they were not full, so they each ordered an additional portion of chicken butter rice. They mixed the chicken nuggets and butter into the hot rice, and added the store's special sauce. Unexpectedly delicious after the black truffle soy sauce.

Of course, when I finally paid the bill, Liang En was surprised by the price of this store, because the three people paid 30 euros in total. This price is not cheap, but considering that this is Ginza, it is already very affordable.

The most important thing is that compared to most other meals, ramen is obviously much faster to eat, which is especially suitable for people like them who have things to do in the afternoon to quickly fill their stomachs.

After a quick lunch, they quickly went to the office where TYPE-MOON was located. Because the distance between the two sides was relatively close, Liang En and the others took the subway and reversed and walked to reach their destination in less than half an hour.

TYPE-MOON is located on the first floor of a twenty-story office building. Considering the land prices in Tokyo, it is obviously impossible for this company transformed from an interest group to own its own real estate even if it has successful works.

So they simply rented a floor in a commercial building in the city as their office space. After all, now that they were opening a store, it was obviously not suitable to just find a place to start work like in the past.

Liang En and the others looked a little embarrassed when they came over because they needed to bring gifts with them, but the four stained glass works as gifts this time were not light.

Thank you very much for your gift. Like Europeans, Japanese people now prefer to open gifts on the spot. This should be regarded as a new custom brought to Japan after the Meiji Restoration.

After peeling off the wrapping paper and looking at the four pairs of stained glass artworks sent by Liang En, the two core staff of TYPE-MOON who came to greet them seemed very happy.

Because to them, this kind of work created by Liang En himself and supervised by Artoria Pendragon as the protagonist is obviously more valuable than other more expensive gifts because it can reflect Liang En's personality. Thank you for your kindness.

This is very important in Japanese culture. Compared with expensive gifts, this kind of gift that can clearly reflect the gift-giver's intention is more important to the recipient of the gift.

After the greetings, several people walked through the company to the conference room. Liang En could see that the overall level of the staff was good. At least the overall atmosphere was more positive, which was better than the lifeless feeling of traditional Japanese companies.

Entering the conference room, both parties quickly talked about the recent development of the company. Like the previous report, the entire company has been developing very well recently.

Taking advantage of the popularity of the first game, the company began further development of the Fate IP, such as designing some peripheral items and continuing to create novels in this context.

Actually, we have a big plan now. After discussing the company's development for a while, Takeuchi turned on the projector on the wall and started playing the company's next plan.

Our next task is to make an animation we named Fate/stay night. The plan is to have 24 episodes. Each episode will cost an average of 30 million yen——

In other words, money is a little tight now. After hearing what the other party said, Liang En immediately realized what the other party wanted to express.

In fact, Japanese people are somewhat similar to Chinese people when they speak. When they need to continue investing, they often choose to express their ideas through some roundabout techniques instead of directly asking for money.

As for the reason why the company is currently a little tight on funds, it is very simple, although the sales of the previous game were excellent. It even won the galgame sales championship last year, crushing games that have been prepared for several years by major manufacturers.

But the problem is that the company is currently too small and does not have much money on hand, so it is natural to feel powerless during such rapid expansion.

Compared with the other world, the capital Liang En injected into the company obviously accelerated the company's development, but it also made the company's stall bigger, so when they wanted to produce animations, they naturally found that they could not raise enough money in a short time. funds.

Fortunately, this problem is not serious. The lack of funds will only affect the development speed but will not affect the overall company security. At least according to the company's inference, if the funds are not available, it will only prolong the plan at most. .

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