It feels much colder here than over there. On the day after Christmas, Liang En, who landed at Kiev Airport by plane, felt the unprecedented cold as soon as he stepped out of the plane.

Sure, today's temperature is minus 19 degrees here, but it's minus 5 degrees in Dublin. Then Shevchenko came out of the cabin and patted Liang En on the shoulder, then turned to Fan Meng and Zhen De said.

My daughter is already driving and waiting at the door, so everyone, hurry up and get in the car. As soon as you go home and enter the house, you will be warmed up. It is much more comfortable than blowing the cold wind here.

More than an hour later, they arrived at a town on the outskirts of Kiev. Unlike the city center, which was filled with various rich Russian-style buildings, the bungalows and dirt roads in the town were like another world.

The village is surrounded by vast snowfields. Judging from the terrain and surrounding facilities, it should be farmland and pasture. Although the infrastructure is indeed a bit bad, judging from the cars and buildings parked in the yard, the economic conditions of the town are clear. Not bad.

Of course, this was just a simple impression after a quick glance. Because of the snow and mud outside and the falling snowflakes in the sky, they stayed outside for less than a minute after getting off the car and then hurried into Grandpa Fan Meng's house.

As a guest, Liang En brought a box of black tea as a gift that he bought when he went to China last time. After everyone met each other and exchanged greetings, Liang En and Fan Meng arrived at the signal of Grandpa Fan Meng. Chatting in another small room.

Since the previous card showed that there might be something important behind the fake medal, Liang En thought about it and finally made the decision to search for the story behind the fake medal.

So at the banquet that day, Liang En told Shevchenko that he was willing to give him 20,000 euros, but the prerequisite was that the other party would not only give him the medal, but also tell him all the details about that year, and this was also This led to Liang En’s trip to Ukraine.

So in the next three hours or so, Liang En got a lot of information from Fan Meng's grandfather, not only what he saw at the scene, but also the files on the case copied by the police station.

Fan Meng's grandfather told me almost everything I needed. When he returned to the hotel in Kiev after lunch, Liang En told Joan in the room the information he had obtained in the morning.

As for Fan Meng, he hasn't come over yet. He can take advantage of this period to ask his relatives to stay for a while, and then call him over when Liang En needs him.

Then what did you find? Jeanne asked after watching Liang En put the documents into the document bag. I saw that you seemed a little excited just now. You must have found some very important information.

Yes, because I am willing to sponsor his granddaughter's 20,000 euros to study in Moscow, he said something that he has never said to others before. Liang En nodded.

One of the important points is that in addition to the fake medal, the deceased also had 1,500 US dollars on him. At that time, few people carried so much money, especially foreign currency cash.

Another important point is that less than two days after the death of the person, two people came to ask about the identity of the deceased. However, the two people could tell the deceased's clothes clearly, but after looking at the deceased, they said that the person was not the one they were looking for. people.

It was easy for Fan Meng's grandfather to reveal this secret that had been hidden for decades. In addition to Liang En taking out the money he desperately needed, confiding the secret to a reliable person could also make him relax.

In other words, the cause of this person's death is not as simple as imagined. Joan of Arc said after recalling the documents that were specially marked in English by Fan Meng's grandfather.

Yes, at least for most people, they won't be drunk on the road. Liang En nodded, So we are going to the cemetery now to see if we can find any information.

The cemetery used by the police station to bury unknown corpses is located on the edge of the city. It looks very desolate. When they passed through the rusty and broken iron gate, they found that the roof of the hut where the tombkeeper was supposed to live had collapsed.

However, this also made it easier for Liang En and the two of them to carry out their next work. Soon, the two of them found the cemetery where the police station buried the bodies of the unknown people, and then began to search for their targets.

It feels like there were more dead people from 1992 to 1996. Only a number representing the deceased and the year of death were engraved on the tombstone, and Joan of Arc quickly discovered the pattern in these years.

It was a difficult period for the entire country within the former Soviet Union. Liang En said, counting the tombstones in front of him. In this case, the death rate will inevitably be relatively high - I think I found ”

Soon, Liang En found the tombstone of his target, then squatted down and inserted his hands into the tomb soil framed by a circle of cement, and then activated [Appraisal (N)].

[Here is buried a stranger from Dnipropetrovsk, Andrei Rotan, 45 years old, who died of murder. 】

Sure enough, something is wrong. Liang En immediately realized that there was something wrong with the cause of this person's death after receiving feedback from the card. He also understood that cards could be used in this place, so he activated a [Detection (N)]

As the card was consumed, a golden dot appeared on a huge map in Liang En's mind, and the map pointed to Dnepropetrovsk, southeast of Kiev.

This may explain why Fan Meng's grandfather and the others were unable to find the relatives of the deceased even though they published a notice in the newspaper. After all, this person was not a local, and it was difficult for relatives from other places to read Kiev newspapers.

It seems that Fan Meng will be called here next. Looking at this location, Liang En realized that he had to call Fan Meng for help next, otherwise he and Jeanne, who did not understand Ukrainian, would not be able to ask the question. something.

So that afternoon, the three people took a short-distance flight from Ukraine to Dnipropetrovsk, and then followed the light spot to find the target location.

The target location is a 16-story Brezhnev Building. This kind of residential building is a feature of the Brezhnev era. It has an area of ​​about 50 to 80 square meters, 2 to 3 bedrooms, and an open floor plan. balcony.

At the same time, this kind of building is also a commercial and residential building. There are often shops, restaurants, and even indoor sports halls on the first and second floors. It can be regarded as the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s, that is, the Soviet Union was at its peak during the Brezhnev era. symbol of.

Of course, these buildings that have clearly outlived their service do look a bit old now, and the people living in them are either from poor economic conditions, or they are old people who live in this place.

However, at the time of the deceased, almost all the people who could move from the simple Khrushchev Building to a building with an elevator were the elite of society, which also illustrates the identity of the deceased.

Let's go in and take a look. Maybe we can find some clues. There are no guards at the entrance of this kind of building, so Liang En said hello and took the lead into this somewhat cold building.

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