The reason why Liang En showed a surprised expression was because he found a victory medal placed in the center of the box, and it was absolutely impossible for this kind of medal to appear here.

The decision to create the Victory Medal was made after the Soviet Red Army won the Battle of Stalingrad, which was also the Soviet Union's first major victory in World War II.

Therefore, between 1942 and 1943, Stalin initiated the design of some medals, all of which were named after the most outstanding generals in Russian history.

Including Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Fyodor Ushakov and Pavel Nakhimov, while the Victory Medal was designed to represent the highest honor during this time of medals.

The problem is that according to regulations, as the highest military medal of the Soviet Union, the Victory Medal is only awarded to generals or marshals who completed one or several front battles and brought about fundamental changes in the overall war situation in favor of the Soviet Red Army.

Therefore, the Victory Medal has been awarded 20 times throughout history, to a total of 17 people, including five foreigners. However, whether they are Soviets or foreigners, the current whereabouts of all medals are recorded. No

Therefore, it was very strange that a victory medal appeared in the box that Uncle Fan Meng brought. After all, his uncle was a local middle school teacher and should be able to understand these things.

Thinking of this, Liang En immediately picked up the medal and inspected it. He was surprised to find that both the precious metals and gems on the medal were real.

After further inspection, Liang En was able to determine that the medal should have been produced around thirty or forty years ago, rather than the seventy to eighty years old like the original.

Obviously, there must be an interesting story behind this medal that was born at the end of the Soviet Union. Thinking of this, Liang En used a [Appraisal (N)] card and quickly obtained the story behind the medal through the card. .

[In the last years of the Soviet Union, the original order was destroyed, and many things that were considered abnormal in daily life appeared one by one. Of course, this was also accompanied by the loss of a large number of properties or their whereabouts were unknown. 】

[The same is true for this medal. A craftsman from the Moscow Jewelry and Watch Factory who had to leave his job due to certain matters made it using the stolen Victory Medal drawings as a guide. 】

[Therefore, this medal does not have a platinum frame, a gold inscription, and a platinum pattern plated with gold. It only uses silver as a frame and a copper-plated pattern. 】

[However, the diamonds above are indeed real. The original plan was to inlay only zircons. However, due to a series of complicated circumstances, the craftsman replaced the zircons with real diamonds as a special token. 】

Although the information obtained by using the cards is not complete. But it also succeeded in allowing Liang En to obtain some very important information, but if he wanted to know more, he should obviously ask Fan Meng's uncle.

This medal is fake, but the interesting thing is that the diamonds on it are all real natural diamonds. Liang En looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and said, So Mr. Shevchenko, can you tell me about this? How did you get this medal?

My father got this in 1993. After looking at each other with his sister, Shevchenko told Liang En about the origin of this thing.

My father was a policeman at that time, but you also know that everyone's life was relatively bad in those days, and the police were no exception. Especially at that time, he was just a new policeman and always had to do more work than others. .”

The worst of those jobs were winter patrols. Walking around outdoors in the Russian winter was not fun, and he came across this medal on one of those patrols.

At that time, there were a lot of drunks on the street, more than before, and also more than now. At this point, Shevchenko sighed. But getting drunk in the Russian winter is definitely a dangerous thing.

My father found the medal's original owner when the man had frozen solid, and the medal was found in the other person's clothes when he was looking for his ID.

It's a pity that they published the situation of the body in the newspaper for three months but still couldn't find the relevant person, so my father and the others buried the body in the town cemetery and took it away. This medal.”

Although this approach seemed inappropriate to Liang En, it was completely acceptable in that chaotic era. More importantly, he felt that he should take care of himself in this regard and not dictate to others.

So that's it, which means that the origin of this thing is not very suitable for disclosure. After hearing the story, Liang En said with a smile. Did your father ever say what kind of person he thought the original owner of the medal was?

That's not very clear. Shevchenko shook his head and said, He only said that the man didn't look like a street gangster or a simple drunkard, but like a decent person, but we may have to ask him for the details. Let’s discuss it in detail.”

In this case, your thing is not very valuable. Liang En looked at the forged victory medal and said, Because there is no story behind it, this medal can only be sold according to the price of the raw materials.

But the problem is that although the diamonds here are natural diamonds, they are not valuable because they are about ten cents in size. Even if the new ones on the market are only about 100 euros, this is still the price of the best quality diamonds.

If you sell diamonds, the discount is much higher than gold. The recycling price of small diamonds like this is often only about 1/4 of the selling price. In other words, the recycling price of a diamond is only 25 euros. This is based on your When the diamonds are of top quality.”

You have a total of 150 diamonds set on it. I think it is the limit to be able to sell it for 3,700 to 3,800 euros. Considering that you do not have any legal purchase procedures, the price may be further halved.

Of course, I am not a professional in this field after all, so you can ask here in Dublin in the past two days to see if there is anyone willing to pay a higher price.

Your valuation is very standard, Mr. Liang. After Liang En finished speaking, Shevchenko immediately nodded in agreement. I have been to Kiev before, and they only gave me around 1,000 to 1,200 euros.

Then what are you doing here in Dublin this time? Liang En asked with some confusion. If the other party needs money urgently, he should exchange it for money nearby instead of spending energy to go to Dublin.

The main thing is that I basically visit my sister here in Ireland. Shevchenko said with a smile. So I thought about bringing this thing over here and seeing if anyone is willing to pay a high price for it.

Actually, I'm really interested in this thing of yours. Liang En returned the medal in his hand to the other party and said at the same time, Can I ask how much you want?

I want 20,000 euros so that my daughter can study in Moscow. Because she knew Liang En's identity and relationship with the Fan family in advance, Shevchenko directly expressed her wish.

Of course, he also knew that no one in this world would show kindness to another person for no reason, so he asked Liang En. What do you want from me?

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