Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 402 Harvest and Return

For Liang En and his group, discovering the Orient Express is much more valuable than distributing the gold train from World War II, because the gold train will be considered plunder and needs to be handed over directly without any financial compensation.

On the contrary, these carriages became ownerless due to a series of compensations and agreements after the war, so they belonged to Liang En, the discoverer, after he honestly obtained a legal excavation permit.

So Liang En had a good sleep that night. On the one hand, they were very tired after staying in the wild for a few days, and on the other hand, it was because of the joy that the huge harvest brought them.

Of course, taking this opportunity, he also checked the cards he got this time before going to bed. Compared with the cards he got before, this card was obviously not as magical, but it was definitely not bad in terms of practicality.

A total of five cards were obtained in this search, three of which are consumable cards: one [Repair (N)], one [Legendary Power (N)] and one [Detection (N)] , which can be regarded as a relatively normal harvest.

As for the two other types of cards, they are [Voice of the Orient Express (R)] and [Cooking of the Orient Express (R)], which can be said to be specific cards of the Orient Express.

Of course, these cards are not as magical as the cards found in Greece before, and they are all skills that normal humans can master.

[Voice of the Orient Express (R): The Orient Express runs on a route across Europe and passes through countless countries, so it naturally has to find ways to serve guests who speak various languages.

Enhanced card (one-time use), consuming this card will allow the user to master the official languages ​​of the countries that the Oriental Train passed through back then, and reach the level of native speakers. 】

To be honest, this card is still very useful, because Liang En's profession requires him to travel to various areas to work. If he can master the local language, many jobs will be easier to do.

It's a pity that he obtained this card a little late, so he has already mastered French, German and Turkish, and the remaining languages ​​​​are just some lesser-used languages.

These include Italian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Romanian.

Except for Italian, the remaining languages ​​are often only popular within their own country, so unless Liang En will go to these countries in the future or communicate with people in this country, he will basically not use them.

Of course, considering that there is industry in the Czech Republic now. Liang En feels that it is still beneficial for him to master Czech. Even if their English penetration rate is not low, it is obviously more convenient to communicate in the other party's native language.

After reading the card introduction, Liang En used this card immediately, and then focused on another card after confirming that he had mastered the language.

[Orient Express Cooking (R) was one of the most luxurious trains of that era, and the train would naturally provide food suitable for tourists on board, which also represented the best catering service of the year.

Enhanced card (one-time use), consuming this card allows the user to master the cooking of the dishes on the Oriental Train menu that year, but the level of the final product depends on the person's cooking level. 】

In that era, the chefs on the Orient Express were the top chefs of that era. So it is naturally valuable to master the cooking methods of these dishes. At least you should know better when you eat at home in the future.

What's more important is that these items are all dishes on the Orient Express menu back then. Considering that this train will be operated as a luxury tourist train in the future, the dishes on these menus are obviously very valuable.

After determining the purpose of all the cards and using them, Liang En turned off the lights and fell into sleep. It was snowing outside but the feeling of sleeping with a heater in the house was really great. As a result, I got up a little late the next morning.

So while Liang En and the others were having breakfast, they got the news from Vienna after opening the box. As they had judged before, the box contained the body of a man in his fifties.

Fortunately, the police identified the other party through the items he carried with him. This should be a famous Austrian patriot during World War II who later disappeared mysteriously, but now it seems that he was secretly killed by the German invaders and buried in a tunnel.

Liang En and the others don't need to worry about the next work. The Austrian police will return the body to possible relatives and notify the other party of the entire matter.

After confirming that they would not be involved in a murder case, Liang En and the others finally got permission to leave. So after handing over the work to the lawyer who came by plane and letting him deal with the next thing, they left here.

At London's Heathrow International Airport, Liang En waved goodbye to Fan Meng who was about to go home, and then took a taxi with Joan of Arc straight to Hampstead, 6.4 kilometers northwest of Charing Cross, London.

This place has a beautiful environment and beautiful scenery. Hampstead Heath next to it is a large park covering an area of ​​nearly 800 acres. The high point of the park overlooks the panoramic view of London.

Of course, the people who can live in this place are not poor people. Even the smallest apartment of 55 square meters costs 740,000 pounds, which makes this place one of the top residential areas in London.

The reason why Liang En came here today is also very simple. Not long after he excavated the ruins on Crete, he received an invitation from Nelson, hoping to chat about this exploration activity and get to know a few more by the way. people.

For Liang En, he is naturally interested in this kind of gathering that can expand his network of people, especially because he and Nelson are about the same age and have a lot in common, so he thinks it is interesting to participate in this kind of gathering.

Nelson's residence is a four-bedroom townhouse of nearly 200 square meters. It is considered one of the top residences in this place. For a prime bachelor, this residence is naturally a good place.

Welcome, my friend. After walking up the stairs and knocking on the door, Nelson opened the door and welcomed Liang En and Jeanne in.

When they walked through a corridor and came to the living room, Liang En was surprised to find that the people in the living room were not a group of young people like the last party, but all middle-aged and elderly people.

Soon, Liang En recognized one of these middle-aged and elderly people. That was Mr. Harry, a member of the Golden Dawn who was introduced at the last party. However, today he was wearing an old-fashioned plaid suit and was sitting next to him, so Couldn't recognize it right away.

Of course, this kind of situation makes Liang En feel a little uncomfortable. Although a group of old men and women seem to be very relaxed, the way these parents or even grandparents relax is different from that of young people.

In particular, the temperament of these people does not look like ordinary people, but they look like scholars or people in high positions.

After Liang En and Joan of Arc sat down, Nelson immediately introduced today's guests. Sure enough, these people were professors from some universities, collectors, doctors, forensic doctors, and even a hereditary viscount.

When the introduction came to the end, Liang En knew that this group of people had a common identity: members of the Golden Dawn.

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