The smell after the ground was dug made Liang En nervous all of a sudden, because this smell was not unfamiliar to Liang En. It was the smell of rotting corpses.

After smelling the smell, Liang En called Fan Meng immediately. Fan Meng came over quickly and confirmed the discovery, but at the same time, he also judged that if there were really corpses inside, it should have been closed earlier than this place. , and will not be involved in criminal cases.

After moving the intact iron box out of the pit, Liang En and Fan Meng searched the entire pit and found that except for the large iron box, there was nothing in the pit.

This is really - Looking at the iron box in front of him that smelled like corpses, Liang En shook his head helplessly. He really wanted to see what was inside, but he really didn't want to look through the corpses at this time.

Fortunately, he no longer had to worry about this matter soon, because only three or four hours later, the people sent by Robuchon's steward arrived here together with the Austrian official personnel, and then began to deal with the follow-up matters.

According to the plan, they will drive some large machinery along the old railway line to the entrance of the cave and clean it. Then they will inspect the track and then pull the carriages out of the track and perform repairs nearby.

With the arrival of reinforcements, the next work became much simpler. A group of people first opened all the hidden tunnel vents, and then entered the interior of the mountain to conduct a large-scale inspection.

Since this group of people included some experts in railway trains and the history of World War II, Liang En received a comprehensive exploration report on this maintenance center that night.

According to the report, the sources of these carriages are very complex. The carriages of the freight cars come from all over Western Europe, and the carriages of the passenger cars also come from multiple Orient Express trains.

During the inspection in the afternoon, experts cleaned off some of the field gray paint used by the German military on the trains, and then deduced the origin of these Orient Express trains from the numbers concealed under the paint.

After the outbreak of World War II, many Orient Express trains on the European continent obeyed the orders of the Germans like other trains and served the German war machine.

Due to the legendary luxury train status of the Orient Express, the Orient Express at that time was not modified, but was used as a special train for high-ranking officials.

However, as the situation became increasingly tense at the end of the war, these trains were relieved of their status as luxury trains and prepared to be converted into medical trains. However, they did not expect that the war would end before the conversion was completed.

According to the numbers on the carriages, experts learned that these carriages originally belonged to three trains. The existing carriages include 15 sleeper carriages, three dining car carriages, two staff carriages and an observation deck carriage at the rear of the train.

These carriages are just enough to form a special train. Looking at the distribution of carriages, Liang En said to Joan of Arc who was sitting next to him and Fan Meng who was sitting opposite.

If you take into account that most of the furniture, wooden decorative panels and various metal components all exist, then the Count should soon be able to use vehicles for operations.

Yes, and I really didn't expect that Count Bossit was actually the largest shareholder of the company behind a series of luxury train travel routes. Fan Meng sighed as he looked at some contents in the investigation report.

Although everyone has been dealing with the Earl of Bossit family for a long time before, they really don't know much about the other party's industry. Now it seems that in addition to a series of French real estate, the other party also has a place in luxury goods.

It may be because of the differences between different worlds. In this world, one of the top ten hotel brands, a luxury goods group similar to the Belmond Group in the previous life, is the property of the Piaget family, but the identity of this shareholder is basically not disclosed to the public, so It is also difficult to find on the Internet.

It is very common for some established nobles to secretly hold a series of properties. Many of the properties we are familiar with are owned by families who have never been exposed to the public eye.

They own 46 iconic top luxury hotels around the world, luxury cruises and African adventure businesses, but the core is luxury trains. To be precise, the operator behind the earliest Orient Express is the predecessor of this group.

Although the owner behind the entire group could not be found on the Internet, the business introduction of the group was quite complete, so Joan of Arc quickly found and recalled the content he found on his mobile phone. .

Take trains as an example. The other party operates the Asia Orient Express from Bangkok to Singapore, the British Pullman luxury train, the Royal Scotsman luxury train, the Irish luxury train, the Peruvian luxury train and the Peruvian Machu Picchu luxury train.

However, because the situation caused by World War II and the subsequent Cold War severely damaged the situation across the European continent, the other party has not been able to successfully reopen the classic luxury train, so our discovery this time should be very important to them.

Is it important? That means we will get a lot of bonuses this time! After hearing what Joan of Arc said, Fan Meng became frightened. After all, even if he continued to follow Liang Enqian, he would make up for it in this regard. I have done my homework, but I still don’t understand many places.

In this case, his judgment on whether something is important is also very simple. That is whether this thing is worth anything. The more valuable something is, the more precious it is.

Because it was a legal excavation work, and these things were not buried objects, now that everything was found to belong to Liang En, he could naturally enjoy the profits from the sale of these things.

The prize money will definitely not be low. As far as I know, the price of such a well-preserved carriage ranges from 500,000 to 1.8 million euros, not to mention that the carriages we found have complete heritage and original interior decoration and furniture.

The people here are all reliable people, so Liang En naturally doesn't shy away from discussing how much money he can make from this discovery.

So the overall price is between 10 million and 30 million euros. If you are very lucky, 50 million euros is not impossible, but it is highly unlikely that the other party will pay this cash in one go.

Although the count's family property is about 4 to 5 billion euros, most of it is real estate, and the other part of the money is used for various business activities, so it is impossible for the other party to withdraw so much cash to Liang En, otherwise the funds will flow out Something is definitely wrong.

In other words, the count will either choose to pay in installments or use something to offset the debt. Fan Meng followed Liang En through many transactions and also grasped the rules.

In fact, most wealthy people are like this. Most of their money is invested, so when unexpected events require spending a large amount of money, problems of one kind or another will always arise.

We don't need to be too anxious to study this matter now. After all, it will probably take more than a month to get the money. After realizing that the topic was almost finished, Liang En quickly moved the topic to other places.

I am more concerned about one thing now, and that is what is in that box that smells wrong?

I don't know, but I'll probably get accurate information tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Joan replied, As far as I know, these things have arrived at a police laboratory in Vienna tonight, and the results will be available soon.

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