Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 386 Discussion and News

At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the Golden Dawn organization once split due to internal doubts, but the organization survived and continues to this day, becoming an integral part of upper class society.

Although according to public information, the last temple of this organization, the Will La Temple in North Haveno, New Zealand, closed in 1978, the organization has not actually disappeared.

After all, these temples used to be just an office to contact members in different places. However, with the advancement of technology, it has become easier and easier to contact members in different places, so the value of this kind of liaison office is also declining.

Considering that the total number of members of this organization in the world was less than 200 most of the time, after realizing that the value of the temple was getting smaller and smaller, the members of the Golden Dawn finally gave up on these buildings that were costly to maintain but of no use.

The members of this organization have always existed and maintained their activities in the upper class of Western society. So it's not unbelievable that a member of the Golden Dawn showed up at Nelson's party today.

Taking out the tarot cards on this occasion immediately showed something different, so many people on the field were attracted to it, and Liang En also took the opportunity to blend in with the crowd and get closer to the opponent.

However, after getting closer, Liang En discovered that this middle-aged man who seemed to have stepped out of the Sherlock Holmes series was not doing divination, but telling stories about Tarot cards to the people around him.

After finishing talking about Tarot cards, the middle-aged man who introduced himself as Harry began to talk about some of the scientific research and data collection work conducted by him and the Golden Dawn organization.

Judging from what the other party said, Harry should have done field scientific research work, more than once, and he was not the kind of guy who talks nonsense and makes up random stories.

As he talked, Harry talked about the deciphering of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. According to the members of the Golden Dawn, the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs contained the ancient Egyptians' understanding of everything.

Because of the deciphering of ancient Egyptian texts, they were gradually able to understand a series of information collected in the organization, and learned a lot about ancient Egyptian gods, sacrifices, and magic.

We have deciphered many poems sung by the ancient Egyptians during religious ceremonies, and can restore these poems based on the deciphered language. For example, this one is about praising the Nile——

At this point, Harry began to recite an ancient poem, and Liang En quickly realized that the pronunciation of these words almost all originated from the papers and reports he had submitted before.

What the other party recited was Ode to the Nile written by Mernapta, the son of Ramesses II. It originated in the 13th century BC and was one of the hymns recited by the ancient Egyptians when they worshiped the Nile.

To be honest, just by reading those essays and reciting in Coptic, I have reached a very good level now. I can basically create the ancient Egyptian context, and after slowly reading it out, the ancient Egyptians can barely understand about half of it. .

If I insist on making an analogy, it is similar to when Chinese people travel to Japan and read Japanese materials mixed with Chinese characters. The overall feeling is similar.

After Harry finished reading these things, he was ready to receive applause. However, he unexpectedly found that today's applause was not warm at all compared to before, and the surrounding audience kept turning to look at a young man of East Asian descent.

Are you the Mr. Liang who deciphered ancient Egyptian text? The lack of warm applause did make Harry a little uncomfortable, but after taking a closer look at Liang En's face, he immediately showed an expression of admiration and said to Liang En.

Yes, I deciphered the ancient Egyptian script. Liang En nodded, with a proud expression on his face, because his knowledge of ancient Egyptian script now surpassed that of Champollion.

[Imhotep (SR)] What the card brings to Liang En is actually a comprehensive understanding of the ancient kingdom of ancient Egypt, and the inheritance of ancient Egyptian sacrifices allows Liang En to now complete all priests like an ancient Egyptian priest. things that can be done.

Next, under Harry's repeated invitation, Liang En recited the content of Ode to the Nile in ancient Egyptian. Although everyone could not understand it, these people felt a sacred power from Liang En's recitation.

Yes, yes, sacred, this is the truly sacred power. As soon as Liang En finished reciting, Harry's face showed an excited expression, This is the kind of power we want to find.

It has to be said that in order to gain the recognition of the people, the ancient Egyptian priests have repeatedly studied this method, which Liang En regarded as pretending to be a ghost, from generation to generation. They can embody a sense of sanctity through simple changes in voice, intonation and speaking speed.

Especially when Liang En recited just now, he used the recitation skills brought to him by the [Poetry Singing (R)] card, which made the sacred feeling contained in this kind of poetry even higher.

So during the following banquet, Mr. Harry kept surrounding Liang En and exchanging knowledge about ancient times with him, including but not limited to writing, poetry, sacrifices to gods, etc.

During the chat, Liang En learned that Mr. Harry, a professor of anthropology at Oxford University, was also a senior member of the British branch of the Golden Dawn organization. He mainly studied the occult aspects of human history.

He had taken his students to the Mithraic Sun Cave that Liang En had found several times and learned a lot of valuable things from it.

For example, through some cherry pits and chicken bones that fell from the cracks in the rocks, they knew that there was a banquet part of the ancient Mithraic religious ceremony, and that the ceremony would start in May or June when cherries are ripe.

Yes, this coincides with the Mithras' habit of celebrating the summer solstice. Liang En agreed with their findings. Although he had only obtained the religious knowledge of the Mithras at the crow level before, this part of the content he Just know.

An important priest of Mithras is the sun, so these believers will naturally hold religious ceremonies on the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, which is June 22, to commemorate their gods.

In addition to the questions about the Mithraic Sun Cave, the two also discussed the epics of the ancient Vikings and the sacrificial rituals of the ancient Egyptians to the gods, and the more they chatted, the more they agreed.

No one on the scene thought there was anything wrong with this. At least in everyone's eyes, the more powerful the scholar, the more different he was from ordinary people. It is normal for this type of people to start discussing something that suddenly comes to mind.

Because the content of their discussion was too niche, except for Jeanne who sat quietly on the edge and wandered in a daze, everyone else consciously avoided this place and lowered their voices to avoid disturbing them.

By the way, did you know that Greece is selling state-owned land recently? Harry suddenly said as they were chatting from the Vikings to the Mediterranean, and then from ancient Egypt all the way north to Greece.

What's going on with the sale of state-owned land? Liang En asked. He really didn't know the news. So my interest was immediately piqued.

You must know that Mr. Harry is not a businessman, so when it comes to this aspect, it is definitely not for commercial investment. Judging from his hobbies and identity, there is a high probability that this is related to ancient ruins.

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