Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 385 Trivia and Invitations

Within half a month after discussing cooperation with Paul and the two stained glass artists, Liang En completed the transportation of the book Polar Evil and contacted the publisher who had previously published Grimm's Fairy Tales Discussions were held.

The publisher is quite optimistic about this novel, but it feels that it would be more advantageous to publish the book half a year later.

The main reason why the publisher made such a suggestion is that the sales and popularity of Grimm's Fairy Tales are currently on the rise, so releasing a new book at this time will only distract buyers.

According to the publisher's point of view, when the popularity of Grimm's Fairy Tales subsides in more than half a year, it will be time to release a new book, which will also create a new wave of popularity.

Regarding the publisher's suggestion, Liang En asked several reliable people and agreed. Anyway, for him, it didn't make much difference whether the new book was released early or late. There was no need to rush the plan.

In addition to getting the new book, Liang En also successfully used the soap box as a medium to successfully summon his first elf using the card [Tongba Ke Summoning (SR)].

Because the medium of summoning is a soap box, the special skill this elf has mastered is cleaning. Whether it is cleaning a house, cleaning clothes or cleaning dishes, it can be done quickly and well.

But apart from that, the jobs that this elf can do are the jobs that untrained people do, such as carrying items or opening and closing unlocked doors.

Even so, Liang En was overjoyed by what this elf could do. After all, cleaning work has always been a trivial and time-consuming task. It is definitely a good thing to have a free assistant to help.

In the midst of all the busyness, the time came to the end of September. On this day, when Liang En was sorting out information on the translation of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, he received a call from the British Treasury.

The content of the phone call is also very simple, that is, British officials have now confirmed that they have found the Franklin Arctic Expedition, which has been missing for more than 170 years, and therefore plan to cash in the bonus worth 5.1 million pounds after tax.

So three days later, Liang En and Joan of Arc took a plane to London, and then met up with Mr. Scord and checked into a hotel designated by the Ministry of Finance to wait for the bonus to be awarded the next day.

It has to be said that when the Ministry of Finance designated the hotel, it was most likely to save money. Although it is said to be a five-star hotel, the old decoration inside makes this evaluation seem somewhat untrue.

Fortunately, because more than five million pounds will be purchased tomorrow, no one cares about where they will stay tonight. To be honest, even if he is asked to go to the Ministry of Finance to build a floor shop tonight, Liang En feels that he can accept it.

Unexpectedly, Liang En received a bonus of 5.45 million pounds from the Treasury the next day, which was 350,000 pounds more than expected, and this money came from the Franklin family.

The reason why Liang En was given half of the reward was mainly because the Franklin family believed that Liang En had found the expedition ship and records, and learned from the records the final whereabouts of Franklin himself.

In their opinion, although they could not recover the remains of the ancestor this time, what they found was enough to comfort them, so they decided to pay 350,000 pounds to Liang En and the others.

The official ceremony was very simple. An official came on stage and said a few words, then handed a large prop check to Liang En and the others, and then they took a few photos together and it was over. It's just that the subsequent interview took them a whole morning.

After finally escaping from a group of reporters, Liang En hurriedly finished his lunch and went straight to the bank, and then sorted out the money for Pierce, the money for other people, and so on.

But just when Liang En and Jeanne stayed in the rented room in London for one night, preparing to fly back to Dublin at noon the next day, they unexpectedly received a call from William Nelson.

During the phone call, Nelson first congratulated Liang En on finding the remains of the missing Arctic expedition, and then invited him to attend a party he held in the afternoon to celebrate the success of the expedition.

For Liang En, he had nothing to do when he returned to Ireland, so after thinking about it for a while, he decided to accept the invitation.

To be honest, if the inviter was an old man, Liang En might find an excuse to decline as long as the matter was not important, but he was still quite interested in the invitation from a peer like William Nelson.

At least in Liang En's view, Nelson, who is of the same age, is obviously better at communicating. At the same time, his party should be more in line with his own taste and not as lifeless as those of older people.

This is indeed the case. The place where Nelson held the celebration party was located in the lobby of a hotel. The overall layout of the lobby was very fashionable and gave people a relaxing feeling.

Welcome to my celebration. When Liang En took Joan of Arc into the hall, Nelson walked from the stage in the hall to the door to greet him, and then introduced him to his companions.

Obviously, a person's social circle corresponds to the person's social status. For example, the people Nelson is inviting are either young scholars or some rich second or third generation people like him.

Of course, Nelson, who could go on wild adventures and make some achievements in this area, would like the second generation or the third generation of rich people. He is not the kind of guy who does nothing but spends money.

After introducing each other, Liang En found that this group of people had made some achievements of their own in a certain field, and they were not the kind of losers who only relied on the resources of their family elders.

Because Liang En had gained a lot of knowledge through cards before, especially about art and navigation, he quickly chatted with everyone.

At this moment, he saw a middle-aged man suddenly walk in from outside, holding a deck of tarot cards in his hand.

Who is this person? Liang En asked the person next to him strangely after looking at the middle-aged man wearing a top hat and a tuxedo, who looked like he was dressed in the 19th century.

Because the other party is indeed dressed like the kind of guy who tells tarot cards on the street, but this is a private party now, and no more than 25 guests are invited, so it is impossible for strangers to sneak in.

This is a second-ranking member of the Golden Dawn. He is now the most famous fortune teller in London. Nelson had a hard time inviting him here today. A girl with blond curly hair answered Liang En.

It is true that there is no extraordinary power in this world, but both religious activities and this type of feudal superstitious behavior are quite common, especially in some Western countries that still retain many such organizations.

The Golden Dawn is a very famous organization of this type. The full name of this organization is the Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn. It is an organization dedicated to the research and practice of occultism, metaphysics and supernatural activities.

The entire organization has a history of more than a hundred years since its inception. Many concepts of magic and ritual in contemporary traditional centers, such as Wicca and Thelema, are inspired by the Golden Dawn.

Even the Waite Tarot, which now dominates the tarot decks, was structured by Arthur Edward Waite, a member of the Golden Dawn, and drawn and popularized by Pamela Coleman Smith.

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