Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 363 Press Conference

Although the luxury goods industry has existed since ancient times, it has really developed rapidly in the decades after the end of the Cold War. After all, the Cold War made everyone feel precarious, and naturally they lacked motivation to consume luxury goods.

After entering the 21st century, the rapid popularization of the Internet has brought the luxury goods industry to a higher level, because the Internet can popularize science in this area in a way that other traditional media cannot.

To take the simplest example, today an ordinary person can know the names of many top luxury goods just by surfing the Internet. However, in the era without the Internet, only those who care about the luxury industry can call out those famous brands.

In other words, those who own luxury goods can let the public understand what the gadgets they wear represent, and then gain great spiritual satisfaction, which naturally increases their motivation to consume.

This is why, in Liang En's eyes, this jewelry company, which is affiliated to the Earl of Bossit family and is full of craftsmanship style and can be regarded as a truly high-end customized jewelry company, has developed rapidly in the past ten years.

However, after watching the press conference process, Liang En found that the press conference process was different from what he imagined. It was not a lecture-style press conference, but closer to a cocktail party.

After all, these jewelry are high-end customized products, and people who can afford these jewelry are either rich or expensive, so it is obviously better to turn the press conference into a high-end exchange reception.

So on the afternoon of the next day, Liang En and Joan of Arc came to the hall where the press conference was held on time, wearing the dresses prepared by Robuchon's butler, and then each took a glass of wine from the waiter's tray and sat in the hall. It started to spin.

There were already three or three guests in the hall at this time. Through the enhanced five senses, Liang En discovered that half of these people were nobles or wealthy businessmen, while the other half were similar to service personnel.

Of course, the service staff here do not refer to ordinary waiters. It is impossible for those people to participate in this kind of cocktail party as guests.

The service personnel mentioned here mainly refer to businessmen, artists, scholars or designers similar to those who sell other types of luxury goods.

On the one hand, they come here to provide valuable advice to their employers, and on the other hand, they come to see if they can expand their business.

For example, Liang En found a businessman who specialized in serving the rich. His job was to plate gold in all places where rich people wanted to be gilded.

In fact, this is what Liang En is doing now, but the work on the field is very relaxed. Except for the occasional need to talk to some people about ancient Egyptian civilization and the previous design process under the guidance of Robuchon's butler, he can move freely.

Your designs are very good. At least many artists I know think your jewelry design level is master-level. Butler Robuchon said to Liang En while he was free.

It's a pity that you are a pure newcomer. Even if we find some masters to support you, the set of jewelry you designed can only be regarded as extremely excellent jewelry, not top-notch jewelry.

The reason why Robuchon is so concerned about the jewelry designed by Liang En is not just because Liang En is a collaborator, but more importantly, the professionals he has found in private believe that Liang En's design level is at the master level. .

You must know that true masters in all walks of life are very rare. Even if the jewelry company under the Count Bossit family can carry out high-end private customization, it always needs to cooperate with other masters when encountering top business.

Therefore, after discovering Liang En's level in this area, the Count immediately made a decision to further cooperate, because compared with those external masters, this partner with in-depth cooperation is obviously much more reliable.

Especially for the earl, they have sufficient resources in this circle, so it is not difficult for Liang En to promote him as a recognized master jewelry designer as long as he has this level.

Of course, as Liang En's first appearance today, it is naturally not suitable to promote him as a master artist, so today's promotion focus is on the ancient Egyptian style jewelry designed by famous Egyptologists.

The fact that a scholar is also an artist is quite curious in itself, so today's press conference attracted many guests who were full of curiosity.

Judging from the current situation at the scene, the design of the jewelry itself is very good. Even though the jewelry is marked with a price of 61,000 pounds, many people still come to inquire about these specific conditions.

Our designers suggest that you start with ancient Egyptian-style jewelry, and use your status as a historian to attract as many people as possible who appreciate your jewelry. Robuchon's butler said in a low voice.

And we will gradually guide them to notice your true artistic level, and finally make you a recognized master jewelry designer. This process may take one or two years.

It's up to you to arrange this. After all, my main energy is still on exploration and archaeological research, so I really don't have much energy to take care of this aspect. Liang En replied in the same low voice.

Yes, yes, of course we know this. Butler Robuchon nodded, But I hope you can design some jewelry regularly. After all, if I want to recommend you, I need to accumulate enough works.

I understand, but I may not have much time and energy to devote to this matter. Although he has indeed achieved some achievements in design, Liang En knows what he should focus on most. “It might take a month to design a set of jewelry.”

You are definitely a genius. After listening to Liang En's words, Butler Lubuchon showed a shocked expression, and then turned into a smile. He had heard that some geniuses were extremely efficient in this area, but he did not expect that Liang En was like this.

But you really don't need to be so busy. After all, once there are too many top-notch things, you won't cherish them so much. So you only need to design a set of jewelry every quarter. You can make a few single items when you have time -

After discussing a series of things about the next arrangements, Liang En began to get into work mode, such as meeting some people under the introduction of the housekeeper Robuchon and chatting with them about jewelry and ancient Egypt.

Of course, a lot of information can also be obtained in this kind of chat. For example, in addition to operating jewelry, the Earl family also has a small stake in some famous luxury brands, runs several good wineries and lavender estates, and owns a high-end travel agency.

Recently, they have been looking for some high-level horticulturists to help them improve the quality of lavender essential oil. They are also planning to find some old trains to open a new high-end rail travel project.

From this point of view, although the count as a French count is relatively low in the aristocratic circle, at least Count Dulis and his family are better than most nobles in running industries.

It looks very good. Just after Liang En told a tycoon from Russia about the relationship between ancient Egyptian civilization and jewelry design in these jewelry, he was about to go fishing next to him, but he heard someone nearby. Scott's voice.

At least that seems to be the case now. Everyone is very interested in these new consciousness-style jewelry that incorporates ancient Egyptian elements. Some people have already expressed their intention to buy it. Liang En turned his head and looked at the other person and said. I thought you were still in Prague.

How is that possible? I only need to make a rough plan for those things, and the rest is the work of my subordinates. Skold raised his wine glass slightly and said.

You have to gradually learn to live like this, otherwise as your money gets more and more and your industry gets bigger, you may not have time to go out for adventure in the future.

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