Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 362 New Cards and Invitations

After completing a series of artistic creations, Liang En was finally able to take a break, and at the same time, he took this opportunity to study the power of the cards he had mastered.

To be precise, because the cards have a synthesis function, Liang En really wants to know if these four cards can be synthesized into one card when he has four [Detection (R)] cards.

When he stacked four [Detection (R)] cards together, there was indeed a prompt indicating that these four cards could be combined together.

Of course it has to be synthesized, otherwise what would I be doing now? When he realized that the cards could be synthesized, Liang En muttered in his mind, and then chose to synthesize these cards with his own will without hesitation.

For an instant, each card emitted a cyan light with metallic luster. Then these lights merged with each other and turned into silver. At the same time, the four cards turned into one.

It is indeed a powerful card, but it is too rare. After carefully checking the condition of this new card, Liang En said with a deep sigh.

[Detection (SR): When looking for items, just looking for items in the distance is no longer enough to meet the needs at this stage. Fortunately, we now have new cards that can locate more accurately and learn more about the situation.

Skill card (one-time use). After obtaining an item with historical information or arriving at the corresponding location, by consuming this card and the item, the user can find the target corresponding to the item or location that the user wants to find. .

This target can be an item, a treasure or a relic. At the same time, when the card is used, it can show the specific situation of the searched target. 】

In other words, if I use the Colossus of Rhode Island as the search target, then I can just find a history book that records this event, or stand on Rhode Island and use the card!

After using his mind to communicate with this card, Liang En figured out all the details of how to use this card. Obviously, compared to the previous two levels of detection cards, this card is far more powerful than imagined. .

Even if those targets are divided into several parts, then this card can mark up to five, including the five most important parts. For example, the Colossus of Rhodes Island will mark the locations of the five largest remaining wrecks.

It's a pity that SR-level cards themselves are difficult to obtain, not to mention that this type of consumable cards are even more difficult to obtain, so this thing is usually used to keep the bottom of the box, only when encountering very important situations. Will use it.

As for what is a special situation, it depends on the specific situation. Anyway, Liang En feels that the treasures and relics he was looking for before are not qualified. It is estimated that only those legendary existences are worth searching for with this card.

In the next week, Liang En had a good time to relax, such as going to the racecourse to ride horses with Joan of Arc or practicing fighting, or playing games that he had bought and saved in the computer but had no time to play.

A week later, when Liang En was creating a set of decorative paintings of Joan of Arc based on Joan of Arc, he suddenly received a call from Robuchon's butler, inviting him to attend a press conference to be held in London three days later.

In the series of jewelry we launched this time, the set of jewelry you designed called Ancient Egyptian Fantasy is the finale product we have prepared, so you must come over. The voice of Robuchon's butler came on the phone .

When the time comes, you can just go directly to London. When you get to the airport, call me and I will send someone to take you to the hotel you have booked and deliver the invitation directly to your hands.

——I thought this conference would be held in Paris. Liang En said into the microphone. In his opinion, Paris, as a fashion capital, should be more suitable for the release of this type of jewelry.

Actually, I also want to hold it in Paris. After all, we are French and our company is also a French company. The helpless voice of Robuchon's butler came from the microphone.

But these jewelry are not pure works of art, but luxury goods with the nature of works of art. Considering that London is the city with the most wealthy people in the world, it is natural for a conference like this to be held here.

Okay, I understand. Liang En nodded. As the capital of the Empire on which the sun never sets, London now has a large number of wealthy people from various countries. Therefore, if you really want to sell valuable luxury goods, it is indeed suitable to sell them. at this place.

Three days later, Liang En flew to London, and then checked into the Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Hotel, where the press conference will be held.

The Mandarin Oriental Hotel in London can be regarded as one of the most luxurious hotels in the city. The cheapest room costs 700 pounds a night, and washing a pair of socks costs 6.50 pounds.

The reason why this place was chosen for the launch of new jewelry is because although the jewelry company owned by Count Bossit is not large in scale and even most ordinary people have never heard of it, it is quite famous in the upper class of Europe. .

Compared with large jewelry groups such as Delbes, this small company adopts a membership system and only serves members and people who are actively invited.

At the same time, the company pays more attention to personalized services. Even small-scale mass-produced products for top white-collar workers or those who are not so wealthy can be customized to a certain extent.

Also because of its status as a top luxury product, this batch of jewelry with a strong fantasy style using turquoise from the Sinai Peninsula as the main raw material of gemstones chose this top hotel to hold its press conference.

This should be regarded as the best hotel I have ever stayed in. Joan of Arc said after rolling over on her bed, looking quite girlish. I never thought that the hotel could be like this before.

Actually, I didn't expect that either. Liang En said looking at the hotel's furnishings curiously. Although he did not stay in a top-level room that cost 7,000 pounds a night, the two-bedroom Hyde Park view suite that cost 5,250 pounds a night was also impressive. He was a little shocked.

This is a suite with stylish and modern décor, with two bedrooms, two marble bathrooms, a spacious dressing room, a spacious living room and a study room.

A top butler will usually handle the things he has to deal with perfectly. Butler Robuchon is naturally such a butler, so when he told Liang En to book the hotel, he also told him the reason for booking this room.

Because this is a luxury product launch event, and Liang En is not only a designer of the main products, but also a famous young scholar in archeology and history, so the accommodation must naturally fit in with this identity.

If it weren't for the top suites and had already been booked by VIPs, Butler Robuchon would really be able to book the most expensive suites for him.

The reason for this is that if Liang En lives in a low-end suite worth 700 pounds at this time, it is likely to affect the overall situation of the entire luxury conference.

After all, the consumption of luxury goods is a competition of quality, and allowing luxury designers to live in high-end suites is also part of the overall improvement of quality.

After considering this, Liang En relaxed and no longer worried about whether the money was too much. He and Joan experienced this high-end suite that he had never experienced before.

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