Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 340 Clues in the Church

This shouldn't be someone scribbling. Liang En nodded slightly after checking the carvings, and then said to Jeanne beside him.

The reason for making such a judgment is also very simple. This place is considered the most sacred place in the entire church, so normal people will not carve randomly in this place.

More importantly, these words were disguised as patterns and appeared under the altar of the church. If Liang En was not really good at this, it would be easy for ordinary people to miss this information.

After all, the shape of runic letters is completely different from the Latin letters or Cyrillic letters commonly used throughout Europe. Therefore, if they are formed in a circle like this, most people will really think that this thing is a simple pattern rather than some kind of writing.

The reason why Liang En was able to identify it was that not only had he obtained a series of cards related to the ancient Vikings, but most of the excavations were also related to the ancient Vikings.

Therefore, he can be considered a professional in terms of knowledge about the ancient Vikings, so it is more than enough to simply recognize these words.

In addition to recognizing the characters, they also determined that these things were not built at the same time as the platform, because it was obvious from the carving techniques and the degree of weathering that the characters should have been carved hundreds of years after the platform was built. .

That is to say, the words here may indeed be what the group of Freemasons saw at that time, or simply what they left behind. After hearing what Liang En said, Joan of Arc immediately reacted.

That's right! Liang En nodded and said. It is easy to deduce such a judgment, because it is obvious from the other party's covert carving method to convey certain information secretly.

It's just that it's not a simple matter to figure out the secrets in this chaotic circle of text. Fortunately, Liang En has a [Cryptotext Cracking (R)] card, which can forcefully decrypt in an emergency. .

But before that, Liang En felt that there must be some pattern in the bunch of things disguised as border patterns, and this pattern would most likely not be too complicated, otherwise it would be too complicated for the target they wanted to leave a message for. .

Liang En soon changed these runic letters into Latin letters, and then seriously studied the conversion of the characters into Latin letters.

After careful observation, Liang En found that although the words inside looked similar, they were still different. For example, after careful observation, he found that a letter was decorated with some patterns.

Does this mean that these words should be read from this place? Looking at this unique letter, which is the letter n in the Latin alphabet. Liang En fell into thinking.

But the strange thing is that whether he reads it clockwise or counterclockwise, what he reads is a bunch of garbled characters. No matter which type of text he masters, it doesn't match, which means that he still hasn't been able to find the correct code. way of reading.

However, according to Liang En's judgment, this kind of decryption should not be too difficult. Considering the education level of the ancients and the risks represented by such secret transmission, it is impossible for the other party to adopt complicated methods to hide the secret.

What is the most important number to you believers? After sitting on a bench outside the church and looking at the photos and thinking for a while, Liang En suddenly remembered a certain story from the past, so he turned to ask Joan of Arc.

It should be the number seven. As soon as Liang En finished speaking, Jeanne blurted out. Because God created the world in six days and rested on the last day. That adds up to exactly seven days.

Understood - Liang En nodded, and then started with the letter N and tried to pick out every six letters.

Sure enough, when you read it counterclockwise, there is still a lot of messy things, but when you read it clockwise, those letters spell out a meaningful line of text: Non Nobis, Domine, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam.

What is written here? Joan of Arc asked curiously, pointing to the line of text. Although she mastered French writing after coming to this world, and later taught herself some English, she still could not recognize what was written here. .

This sentence is in Latin. Liang En quickly went through the languages ​​​​he mastered in his mind and recognized what was written, so he said to Joan of Arc.

It means give us glory, God. Give us glory, not for us, God, but for your name's sake.

This sounds like a prayer, but it's different from ordinary prayers. After listening to it, Joan of Arc quickly made a judgment, At least I haven't heard anyone read it like this back then.

Of course you won't hear someone reciting a prayer like this, because this prayer belongs to the disappeared Knights Templar. Liang En said with a smile.

To be honest, this thing is very unfamiliar to most people. If Liang Enlai hadn't searched for information about the Knights Templar before, he would definitely not have cleared these things.

Knights Templar! In other words, this thing is to contact the remnants of the Knights Templar. As a former soldier, Joan of Arc knew something about this kind of intelligence-related thing, so she quickly figured out what these words were. What is the use.

But these words should only mark this as a contact point. The real secret should be hidden nearby. Have you found anything about this?

Yes. In addition to proving that this place is indeed related to the Knights Templar, this discovery also means that those secrets are probably hidden in the runes in this church. Liang En nodded and stood up, and then walked away again Entered the church.

They didn't find anything of value inside the church, but when they walked out of the church, they found a line of text on the outer wall of the church, and they spelled out a Latin word by skipping every six letters: stone field.

It seems we have to go back. Pointing to the word Liang En said to Joan of Arc, This tells us that the thing is likely to be hidden in the quarry, and judging from the surrounding situation, this quarry The field should refer to the one we came to before.

If this is the case, the next work will indeed be a bit troublesome, because the quarry area is really too big, so it is not an easy task to find our target. Joan of Arc shook her head.

They came here directly while traveling, so they didn't bring many things they should have brought. Fortunately, for Liang En and the others, some special equipment they bought from Stockholm should be able to play a certain role.

So after replenishing some supplies in this town, Liang En and the others quickly returned to the ruins of the previous quarry and began the search.

Fortunately, this quarry ruins left a lot of human traces, so with the search work, Liang En and the others quickly discovered multiple mine caves using those slender steel picks.

Considering that this is an open-pit quarry, theoretically there should be no mines, so the caves on the stone walls look suspicious from any angle.

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