Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 339 Quarry and Village

Although the entire river bank does not seem to have many artificial traces, in fact this place is not as wild as it seems. Liang En and Jeanne just walked a few hundred meters forward and saw a country road.

This road should be the road leading to the countryside that the captain mentioned before. Because this place is only so large, it is unlikely that there will be two villages.

What should we do next? Looking at this road, Jeanne looked at Liang En and asked. Should we go to the village and ask questions first, or should we go directly to our destination?

Go directly to the destination. There are still several hours before dark. During this time, we can just take a look at what the destination is like. Liang En thought for a moment and said.

So they quickly crossed the road and walked towards the depths of the mountain forest. Fortunately, although it was a mountain road, the road was not too rough, so they arrived at their destination around 5 p.m.

This destination is a valley with a clear stream in the middle. It looks like a very nice place.

Why, including this time, do the cultural relics and monuments you find in mountainous areas basically appear in valleys with water sources? Because she had learned about Liang En's previous itinerary, Joan of Arc discovered something interesting. .

Because there are not many places for human activities in mountainous areas, valleys with clean water sources are the most suitable places for human living and activities in this type of area. Liang En explained.

For example, if it is built on a mountain, the cost of transportation is much higher than in a valley. Therefore, except for some high-value minerals such as gemstones or gold and silver mines, there are very few mines built directly on the mountain. .”

So that's it. Jeanne nodded, and then followed Liang En to the side of a hillside, where the place marked by the card in Liang En's mind was. We may need to clean up some of those surfaces.

Looking at the stone wall covered with various plants, Liang En said after observing it for a while. There are not many tall trees in this place. Most of the things growing on the ground are moss, lichen or some herbaceous plants, with only a few scattered trees mixed in.

Compared with the surrounding hills with many tall trees, this mountain wall is obviously a little abnormal. It looks like it has alopecia areata, and this also means that there should be something different below the mountain wall and around it.

There are traces of manual excavation here. Joan used a shovel to clean off the plants and soil on the surface of a small area she selected. She found that the soil in this area was very thin, and underneath there were some obvious traces of human carvings. stone.

My previous guess after reading it was correct. This place is indeed where the raw material for the cross was. After selecting seven or eight places to explore an area the size of a football, Liang En confirmed his guess.

This valley is indeed an ancient quarry. Although the quarry is not large from today's perspective, it was not that small more than a thousand years ago.

In particular, the stones here look fine and uniform, and the colors are good. It should be mainly used for sculpture like the previous cross. Judging from this use, the output of the valley is enough to support the construction of a city.

After completing these preliminary explorations, the sky began to get darker, so Liang En and the others spent more than ten minutes following the road to the mountain village.

After entering the mountain village, they discovered that the village was not as closed as they had imagined. At least from the complete public facilities and the buses in the parking lot, they could tell that the village's main business had now been converted to tourism. The main village.

After searching on the Internet, they discovered that this village is actually a relatively famous tourist village that sells mountain and outdoor tourism.

It's no wonder that the previous captain introduced this village to them. After all, for tourism practitioners, it is a very reasonable thing to understand the tourism-oriented villages.

Because of the reasons related to the village and travel, Liang En and the two found a place to live easily, and gained a lot of interesting information from the subsequent chat with the shop owner.

-Yes, our village is hundreds of years old, and it existed before we moved here from the south.

After giving a small tip, the middle-aged proprietress started chatting. For them, these stories are also part of the village's heritage, so they are happy to share this information with tourists.

According to the landlady, the entire village was actually built on an older ruins. Thanks to those ruins, their ancestors were able to complete the construction of the village in a short period of time.

It's just that after so many years, there are basically not many traces of the ancient village left. If there are any, probably only the church in the village still retains some traces.

After some insinuations, they also determined that the locals did not know the existence of the stone field ruins not far away.

Liang En carefully wrote down this information, and decided to go to the church the next day to have a look, and then began to enjoy a Swedish-style dinner.

In addition to roasted venison and meatballs, Liang En and the others also tasted the famous, or infamous, local canned herring.

At first, Liang En ordered this dish in the mood of tasting bean juice or stinky tofu, but later he realized that this dish was not as scary as he imagined.

The reason why there is a difference between the impression and the fact is that many of the eating methods in the videos Liang En saw on the Internet were actually deliberately done by the up owners to attract everyone's attention.

In other words, the fish in this can is not used directly. Instead, after taking it out of the can, find a place with clean running water, preferably spring water, to almost rinse away the juice on the fish, and then add it with chopped raw onions. Serve with bread.

Although there will still be some taste when eaten in the correct way, the taste is acceptable to normal people. It even tastes a bit like Chinese stinky mandarin fish because of the pickling.

Because they spent too much time and energy on the road today, Liang En and the others went to rest after eating, and early the next morning, they went to visit the church in the village.

This is a church made purely of stone. It is obvious from the wall that the church was not built at one time. The current church is obviously being built.

After entering the church, Liang En found that the church had been decorated before, but some parts still maintained the original image, such as some obvious Viking-style patterns.

Obviously hundreds of years after Christianity was introduced to Northern Europe, people here have forgotten the beliefs and legends of their ancestors, so they left these patterns that are obviously incompatible with the church here.

There are some carvings just under the altar of the church. After taking pictures with a camera and briefly processing them on a laptop, a line of text quickly appeared.

However, these runic letters appear to be a bunch of pure gibberish, giving the impression that someone is carving words there randomly.

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