Through the eyes of the raven, Liang En saw several police officers jumping out of the window that had just been opened, then pressing the scarred face to the ground and handcuffing him.

During this struggle, a pistol fell from the scarred man's body, and the first time they saw the gun, several police officers became obviously nervous.

Although the UK in this world has much looser laws on private gun ownership than the UK in Liang En's previous world, there are still various restrictions.

For example, guns and ammunition must be separated during transportation, and some areas are prohibited from entering with guns. Any violation of this rule will result in the license being revoked and jail time is easy.

So even if this group of people has no other charges, the illegal possession of guns alone is worth dispatching the police once. After all, this is the city center, and these people came here with six or seven guns, some of which are not legal. .

As for the reason why this group of people still hold guns in such a place, Liang En thinks it is probably because they are not doing legal work, so they are more willing to trust the weapons in their hands than the current social rules.

Under normal circumstances, these firearms will not cause much trouble. At least, as long as they are dressed appropriately, whether white or Asian, they are rarely stopped by the police for temporary inspection.

But it would be unlucky to report someone who knew their details like today. Illegal gun possession would definitely add a few years to their sentence.

I always feel that this situation is a bit weird. Looking at the police car carrying this group of people passing by on the road, Jeanne showed a confused expression. This is different from what I imagined.

What do you think I should do? Compete with this guy to search for information, followed by a series of activities such as gunfights and chases? Liang En smiled after hearing what Joan of Arc said.

Although the content of our current work is somewhat similar to some content in movies, what is in movies is art, and art always has elements of exaggeration.

For example, if the protagonist of the movie calls the police and directly arrests the villain, then the movie lacks enough opposition and conflict, and naturally there will be nothing worth watching.

However, in actual operation, it is better to call the police or call the police. After all, we are not as lucky as the protagonists in movies or games, and we can guarantee that danger will turn into good fortune every time, so it would be great to have external forces intervene to solve the problem.

In fact, what Liang En didn't say was that if he was the kind of person who found a treasure just to keep it in his arms, then he would definitely not choose to call the police.

Because calling the police at this time means that the information will be made public, making it impossible to obtain those treasures in the past few days, or causing various troubles after obtaining the treasures.

But legal diggers like him don't have to worry about these things. After all, even if the authorities know the existence of the treasure, Liang En can still join the excavation site and find a way to obtain the card.

If we want to summarize, it is that different treasure hunting concepts will obviously affect all aspects of treasure hunting. As for which method is better, it purely depends on the treasure hunter's own ideas and which one is more in line with his own philosophy.

Actually, you already look like the protagonist of a movie. After all, most people won't find clues about the treasure halfway. As soon as he finished speaking, Joan shook her head gently and said, at least in her opinion, the current situation has changed. Very dramatic.

It seems to be true, hahaha - After hearing what Jeanne said, Liang En scratched his head and laughed, but in fact he felt that his good luck this time might be because he came out with Jeanne.

After all, from a metaphysical point of view, certain beings can always bring people all kinds of good luck, and living saints like Joan of Arc are definitely the kind of top-notch beings whose luck will improve if they stay around.

After chatting for a while, the two of them went directly to the headquarters of the Scottish Freemasonry. From the situation just now, this headquarters must have some important clues, so the group of people just went straight here instead of going to Mary Church. .

Sorry, we need to be closed today, so we don't accept tourists- Just as Liang En and the others were walking along the steps to the door, a middle-aged man with gray hair stopped them.

We are not tourists, but scholars who are here to look for some information. Liang En said and reported the names of several professors and said that the other party could verify it.

Okay, come in. Five minutes later, the staff who went in and made a few calls motioned to Liang En and the others to follow him in.

As they walked along the ornately decorated corridor, the staff member in front began to chatter.

Today is the worst situation we have ever encountered. No matter how bad it was before, there has never been an armed gangster trying to get any information from us -

It is human nature to watch the excitement, especially when one can ensure one's own safety. Therefore, this staff member also watched most of the arrest process and made up a lot of things based on this process.

——Okay, you can view the original documents here, but you can only view them in that reading room. You can take photos, but the use of flash is absolutely not allowed.

After bringing Liang En and the others into a library, the staff member gave instructions and handed over the work to the administrator sitting at the door before wandering away.

For this staff member, it still took time to tidy up the room that was messed up due to the arrest operation, so after finishing the matter, he immediately went to do his own thing.

We hope to check the early records of the Scottish Freemasonry. After the previous staff member left, Liang En quickly talked about what he needed to check.

The reason why it is early content is because he judged that if there is really an organization of Knights Templar secretly joining Freemasonry, then in the middle and late stages, the other party should have a way to erase their traces. Only in the early stage, it is possible to leave some traces. flaw.

What are you doing searching for these early materials? The administrator showed a curious expression after taking a few scrolls. These things don't seem to have any information related to ancient Egyptian exploration——

We actually want to find information about the Templars. Liang En smiled and said, At least according to the current information, there were indeed Templars who ran to Scotland back then.

He is not afraid to tell others this news, because during the process of searching for information, professionals like him can quickly analyze what he is looking for through the searched information, and there is no point in hiding it.

Ah, if you are looking for this, you'd better take a look at our previous investigation conclusions. After listening to Liang Enyi's words, the administrator quickly brought a directory of documents and pointed at several of them. .

It is not a secret that we have people from the Knights Templar, and even these people have never hidden their identities. For example, I am a descendant of the Knights Templar, and everyone in the Freemasonry knows this.

But according to the legends that have been circulating in our family, our ancestors only set out from the port in northern France with the Templar treasures. As for the whereabouts of those treasures, we don't know.

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