Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 334 Call the Police

When it was discovered that there were antiquities thieves looking for the treasures of the Knights Templar, and they seemed to have discovered something, Liang En quickly became vigilant, because if these people were to find the treasures, it would definitely cause huge damage to historical research.

Given the nature of this group of thieves, if they really find the treasure, they will most likely sell it to the rich in exchange for money. In this way, the value of the treasure that has been destroyed in the entire system will naturally drop sharply, and even the truth of history will be lost. Therefore it will be hidden.

How should we deal with each other? Joan of Arc said as she stared at the backs of the people walking up the steps of the museum warily. Considering this is an urban area, I would not recommend any violent means.

Of course you can't use violent means. Liang En said directly. After all, they were in the center of Edinburgh, and using violent means was definitely a way to create trouble.

However, the inability to use direct violence did not mean that Liang En had no other options. Soon, he summoned the raven that he had released in the hotel parking lot through soul connection, and then observed with the help of the raven's eyes.

Through observation, Liang En discovered that the two SUVs were parked in a nearby parking lot, and there were guns in the vehicles. At the same time, there was a person sitting in each vehicle watching over them.

In addition, the remaining three people and the leader with the scar on his face were divided into three groups. The scar-faced man and a man now went into the museum to search for information.

The other two people were sitting on a window seat in the cafe opposite the museum, drinking coffee, and the other was standing at a nearby taxi stop and took out his mobile phone as if waiting for someone.

But in fact, both of them were doing one thing, which was to monitor the situation in the entire neighborhood. Through the eyes of the raven, Liang En discovered that both of them had Bluetooth headsets hanging on their ears, and there seemed to be a small microphone on their collars. .

It seems that these guys are quite cautious. After figuring out the situation at the scene, Liang En, sitting in a pub twenty or thirty meters away from the museum, muttered in a low voice.

However, these circumstances also made Liang En more certain of the identity of this group of people, because there is no need for a normal person to conduct such a big battle to check information, so this guy can basically be sure to be the cultural relic thief last time.

So Liang En quickly discussed a few words with Jeanne, and then Jeanne, who was wearing a student uniform and carrying the schoolbag that Liang En used to carry the computer, came to the street disguised as a young student who was traveling, and then Capture those goals with the help of selfies.

As the two people analyzed before, it is very likely that this scarred man will find out through some means what Liang En looks like when his plan failed last time and intends to take revenge, but he will definitely not find out what Liang En was like in that situation. The situation of the female companion.

And this is exactly the case. Although Joan of Arc's unabashed actions were discovered by the two stalkers, the two people did not make any reaction.

Even in the end, Joan of Arc took the opportunity of visiting the museum to switch her phone to silent mode, and then secretly photographed Scarface and his companions reading in the museum library.

Theoretically, in order to prevent sneak shots, the shutter sound when taking pictures on a mobile phone cannot be cancelled. But Liang En had strong software programming ability after obtaining the [Original Geek (R)] card last time, so he naturally modified this thing.

Of course, this thing is not used for some illegal activities, but to secretly collect various information and avoid being discovered when encountering situations like this.

At least in his last life, when Liang En was watching TV series, he had seen content where he was silenced because of the shutter sound made when taking pictures with his mobile phone, so when he had the ability, he would naturally avoid such stupid incidents as much as possible.

As for the two guys in the parking lot, it was the easiest to take a picture. They just pretended to be taking something from their car, then approached and took a picture of the license plate. People in the car would not be able to notice this little trick.

What should we do next? Fifteen minutes later, Jeanne sat across from Liang En with the shooting content and asked, I have captured everyone in the camera.

The next thing to do is very simple. We just need to call the police and let the police handle these matters. Liang En smiled and took out his mobile phone and started dialing.

Of course, he didn't call the police directly, because if he called the police directly, the police might not pay enough attention and would probably let some guys escape.

So now Liang En directly found the phone number left by the auction organizer at that time and called the other party. At the same time, he sent a lot of photos about this to the other party, especially the photo of the scar face.

Soon, after seeing the photo, the other party called Liang En and said that he would immediately contact the Edinburgh police to handle the matter and would never let the other party escape.

It has to be said that rich people in Britain, an old capitalist country, do have corresponding energy. Less than ten minutes later, Liang En saw a very ordinary-looking van parked nearby through the eyes of a raven. Then six people in various clothes came down and walked towards the cafe and small park.

In the parking lot on the other side, a closed van also drove into the parking lot, and then parked in the blind spot behind the scar-faced man's two cars.

Then, as if receiving some order, several places were activated at the same time. Several special police officers wearing black clothes, black body armor and visors and helmets immediately jumped out of the vans in the parking lot, and then immediately controlled Those who lived in the car.

In cafes and parks, policemen in civilian clothes also took out pistols from their bodies as quickly as possible and controlled two other guys who were outside.

However, the police who entered the museum after communicating with the museum had problems during the arrest. According to what Raven, who was lying on the window and looking inside, saw, just when the police rushed into the library, the scar The face man happened to be reading by the bookshelf at the end of the room.

So after seeing the police restraining his companion, the guy dropped the book in his hand and ran away. He quickly ran to the window at the end of the room, took off his clothes and wrapped them in his hands, and then grabbed a metal decoration in the corner. Broken glass.

Then he put his clothes on top of the pile of broken glass on the windowsill, then put his hands on the windowsill to push himself up and stand on the windowsill.

But just when he was about to jump off the second-floor window sill and escape, a group of pigeons rushed over driven by the three ravens controlled by Liang En.

Ravens are different from ordinary crows in that they can hunt, and the fighting power of these fat birds raised by Liang En is no less than that of some large carnivorous birds, so they can easily intimidate those pigeons to fly in a certain direction.

This group of pigeons obviously affected the scarred man's balance, so as his feet slipped, he fell down in an extremely weird way, and then his left knee fell to the ground first.

After a slight click, the scar-faced man hugged his knees and let out a loud scream and rolled on the ground.

Although he only fell from the second floor, the distance was only four to five meters, but the method of jumping down and letting his knees hit the ground still made his knees useless.

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