Cleaning out even a rough sweep of decades of dust accumulated in your attic is no easy task.

Fortunately, this place is a restaurant, so all kinds of labor tools are readily available, so Liang En and the others' first step is to use an industrial vacuum cleaner to suck away the thick dust.

Apparently, no one had cleaned this place in a long time, so when they were ready to clean up the trash after basically vacuuming the ground, they took out a lot of debris that had been caught in the filter.

Coins, small crosses, badges, keychains, tie clips - Liang En shook his head gently as he looked at the things blocked by the filter. How long has it been since this place was cleaned?

What's wrong? Are there any valuable antiques in this pile of things? After hearing what Liang En said, Fan Meng came over curiously and asked.

You're half right. These things are indeed antiques, but not very valuable. Liang En said, picking up a small cross and pointing to the text below.

This cross should be a souvenir obtained by believers after donating to the church. Although it comes from the 18th century, the silver-plated copper material and the obvious large-scale casting style make this thing not valuable.

How much is this thing worth? Fan Meng asked for details.

40 to 50 euros, and that's the direct sales price. Liang En's mouth curled up slightly. If the middleman wants to buy it, they can give it a 30-50% discount on this basis.

Are the rest of these things the same?

Similarly, these are all small and not very valuable bits and pieces. Liang En rummaged through these things and said with certainty, If you want to sell it, it is more reasonable to pack it for 200 to 220 euros, and if you sell it to a middleman, 100 euros That’s pretty good.”

In order to avoid missing anything, the two of them took out metal detectors and searched the pile of ashes. Unfortunately, they found some old staples, rusty razor blades or nails, but nothing else. Something of value.

After cleaning up the dust, the two people began to check the boxes, boxes and packages. However, when they started to check the boxes and packages at the entrance, they found that the first five or six bags contained some old clothing. .

Yes, they are old clothes rather than antique clothes, because these things should look like they are from the 1970s and 1980s, and they are not brand-name goods.

Damn, the soles of these shoes are almost worn out. After picking up a pair of leather shoes that looked like crocodile leather and turning them over for a look, Fan Meng threw the shoes back into the box.

It's normal. These boxes should contain garbage that the previous room owner did not discard in order to save money. Liang En shook his head helplessly and said.

After a while, we can just drive and throw these things to the garbage disposal station in the suburbs. Although it is a bit far there, at least we will not be charged garbage disposal fees.

After tying the garbage with ropes and hoisting it downstairs to the car, the two people began to check the boxes deeper in the room. At this time, Liang En discovered that the further away from the attic entrance, the older the containers looked. .

Ha, a set of copper pots. I think Dad will be happy with this thing. After picking the lock on a box, Fan Meng suddenly became excited.

Because in the opened box in front of him was a set of old-fashioned copper pots for Western cuisine, ranging from the largest stew pot to the smallest milk pot. Although the surface looked a little oxidized, as long as it was simply cleaned, Just use it.

I remember Uncle Fan only sells Chinese food here. Liang En glanced at the excited Fan Meng and the pots in the box, and asked in confusion, What does he want these Western pots for?

Because the French restaurant next door had ten sets of exported colored porcelain tableware from the Guangxu period, my father had always been very greedy. However, the other party was reluctant to sell them, but after many inquiries, they agreed to exchange them for valuable kitchenware or tableware.

After closing the lid of the wooden box, Fan Meng explained to Liang En, So I thought if I use this set of copper pots, I might be able to replace that set of tableware.

Well, I hope you can go well. Liang En was not sure about the collusion behavior of these peers, but he also knew that this was not an uncommon thing.

However, it may be because the previous discoveries one after another were too valuable, so the boxes that followed were basically complete garbage.

For example, there are some colorful ribbons, colored balls and even Christmas trees used to decorate the room during festivals, and there are also a lot of things like patterned gypsum boards left over from renovations in unknown eras.

What is this, tableware? Just as they were opening a wooden box again, Fan Meng opened a new box filled with yellow-green glassware.

These utensils seem to be of various types. In addition to cups, plates, fruit bowls, and even candle holders and wine dispensers, it is a complete set of Victorian-style tableware.

I have never seen any kind of glass with such a vibrant green color. Fan Meng picked up a cup and raised it, but at this moment Liang En suddenly remembered something and grabbed his arm.

Put this thing down quickly. Liang En said nervously, Also, I remember that the Geiger counter I bought last time should be placed with you. Can you help me find it?

You said this thing has radiation? After hearing what Liang En said, Fan Meng immediately put the cup back to its place, and then he asked nervously when he and Liang En came to the entrance of the attic.

Yes, because the color of these things can tell that they are Vaseline glass, also known as canary glass, because it turns into a beautiful golden yellow like this under the sun. Liang En introduced in a low voice. got up.

Even these glassware emit a fluorescent green glow under ultraviolet light, and this is possible because oxides of the radioactive element uranium are added to the glass.

Is my hand okay? After hearing what Liang En said, Fan Meng nervously looked at the hand he had just used to hold the glass. As a former soldier, he was very aware of the dangers of radioactive elements.

It should be fine. Liang En patted Fan Meng's shoulder to comfort him.

Although petroleum jelly glass containing 25% uranium oxide inside has existed in history, this extreme variety is very rare because the higher the uranium concentration, the darker the fluorescence under ultraviolet irradiation.

The radiation amount of ordinary Vaseline glass made of 2% uranium oxide is only 100 microroentgens/hour, which is equivalent to one X-ray exposure in ten hours. In addition, the radiation range is only 10~15cm, so it is dangerous. Very low.”

After listening to Liang En's explanation, Fan Meng finally felt relieved and went downstairs to get a Geiger counter, and then started testing the box of things.

The test results are as Liang En said before. The radiation level of these glassware is very low, less than 80% of the minimum radiation they previously guessed. So as long as they are not turned into powder and ingested into the body, daily appreciation is absolutely fine.

And when they isolated all the light sources in the attic and turned on an ultraviolet disinfection lamp they brought, these yellow-green glassware suddenly emitted a beautiful green light.

This is so beautiful. Liang En and Fan Meng sighed at the same time when they saw this scene.

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