Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 307 Collection in the Attic

The handover of cultural relics took more than half an hour. This was mainly because the donated cultural relics were publicly donated, so time was naturally needed for taking photos and the like.

I'm glad to see you helping these things go home again. The Ambassador said after shaking hands with Liang En, I believe we will have more cooperation.

Yes. Liang En nodded. After confirming the safety, the ambassador showed Liang En several current photos of the cultural relics he had returned in the United States.

Those photos are all in black and white, and they are also intentionally blurry. But Liang En was able to confirm that most of the things he had returned before were successfully returned to where they were supposed to be.

These photos made Liang En feel very happy, because he learned from these photos that those things really returned to his hometown and returned to where they should be.

To be honest, it is a good thing for Liang En to have all kinds of treasures, but letting those illegally leaked things return to his hometown is something that makes him feel even better.

After finishing the donation, Liang En did not return to the ranch, but drove to Fan Meng's restaurant. Because Fan Meng called this morning and said that he couldn't come because he had to clean the attic in his house that hadn't been cleaned for a long time.

According to Fan Meng, there were a lot of things in that attic that were piled here by the original owner before they came here, so they were considered old.

And this was the reason why Liang En rushed over directly after finishing the matters he was dealing with at the embassy, ​​because he wanted to help Fan Meng see if there was anything valuable in these things.

Xiao Meng, come down quickly, Liang En is here to see you. Fan Meng's father came to greet Liang En. After a few simple greetings, Fan Meng's father walked to the stairwell and shouted loudly.

It seems you arrived much earlier than I thought. Soon, Fan Meng, wearing a poncho and a gas mask, walked down the stairs, then took off his gas mask and said.

I came right over here as soon as I finished my work in the morning. Liang En looked at Fan Meng who was covered in dust and said, Have you found anything valuable now?

I found some strange-looking things, but I don't know if they are valuable now. Fan Meng shrugged and said, You know I am not professional in this area, so many things can only be guessed.

Okay, I guessed this before, otherwise you wouldn't have asked me to come. Liang En shrugged, then quickly put on another set of equipment and walked up to the attic on the third floor.

Although the relationship between Liang En and Fan Meng is very good, Liang En has never been to this place before. After all, the attic is full of things and is similar to a garbage dump, making it inconvenient for guests to visit.

Why did you suddenly think of cleaning this place? Liang En asked with some confusion as he looked at the things covered in thick dust, with only rough outlines visible.

I didn't want to clean it at first, but for some reason two days ago, people from the fire department came over. Fan Meng answered with a loud roar under his gas mask.

You know my house is a restaurant, which uses a lot of fire. In addition, the things in the attic are too complicated, so it is naturally considered a fire hazard.

So if we don't want to be ordered to close the business for rectification, then we must sort out the entire attic as soon as possible. At least it can't be in such a mess that it looks like there is a risk of fire.

The reason why you don't choose to hire someone to clean is also very simple. The labor cost in Dublin is really not cheap, so people who can do the cleaning themselves often choose to do it themselves.

Soon, Fan Meng brought out several strange things he had just found, including a mushroom that looked like a human face, a banana-like stone and a huge fruit.

This is a type of wood Ganoderma lucidum, and it doesn't have much medicinal effect. Liang En looked at the wooden mushroom seriously and said.

Then after it was collected, holes that looked like the eyes and mouth were cut out to make a wrinkled mask, and round holes were punched on both sides for hanging ropes.

This kind of thing is relatively common in the Himalayas, especially in Nepal. Due to the harsh environment, the mountain people often have faces as wrinkled as this mask.

According to local tradition, this kind of mask is often used by ordinary people. They will wear this mask to ward off evil spirits lurking in the mist in the mountains.

It's just that your mask looks too new, and the two round holes on both sides for tying the rope are too smooth and neat. They should have been drilled with an electric drill, so this is most likely a modern travel souvenir produced in South Asia.

As for this stone, it's a dinosaur tooth fossil. After putting down the mushroom mask, Liang En picked up the dusty yellow-black stone that looked very smooth and said.

Judging from the size, this fossil should have been the teeth of some kind of tyrannosaurus. These banana-like teeth were easy enough to pierce the skin of other dinosaurs and complete the hunt.

Then this thing is indeed worth collecting. It should at least look more like the teeth of a predator than the teeth of a Bengal tiger. Fan Meng immediately stuffed the fossil into his pocket.

My father has always hoped to get the teeth or bones of a ferocious beast to house his house. A tyrannosaurus like this is definitely a ferocious beast among ferocious beasts and will definitely meet his requirements.

It does meet the requirements. The most powerful tiger is not as powerful as the owner of this tooth. Liang En smiled and shrugged, then pointed to the fruit the size of a basin.

The last thing is a sea coconut fruit. You can see that it looks very much like a female pelvis. So since it was discovered, it has been considered a drug that can enhance human fertility.

The idea of ​​using form to complement form is not only popular among the Chinese, but is a special saying that has been popular all over the world for a long time.

It takes 25 to 40 years for this kind of plant to bloom and bear fruit, and it takes a hundred years to be considered a mature variety, and it takes seven years for a fruit to mature. Liang En said after thinking about the information he had read before.

Wild coconut palm trees only exist in the Republic of Seychelles, with about 8,200 trees, so this fruit is difficult to see outside.

Speaking of this, Liang En turned over the sea coconut and started looking for it, because he found that the history of this thing should be at least several decades, so in theory there would be some traces of the previous owner.

The fact was as he had guessed. He found a line of inscriptions underneath the fruit - 1891, bull terrier number, Seychelles supply souvenir.

In 1891, Britain was at the peak of its empire, so the British had their footprints all over the world and brought special products from all over the world.

Therefore, it is understandable that a treasure like this from the Indian Ocean came to England at that time, but I don't know why the original owner forgot this thing in the attic.

After checking these special items that had been placed in conspicuous places, Liang En and the others were ready to start cleaning up the house thoroughly. For them, before they could conduct these detailed searches, they had to clean up the dust first.

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