"It’s okay. If this trick doesn’t work, I have another way." The orientalist is no longer as calm as before. His strategy has been very useful before then, but didn’t. t expect I have been frustrated as soon as I hit Rock City, and it's really impossible to show it without showing me something. He whispered a few words to his entourage, and the man immediately ran out to go.

Ten minutes later, there are more new things under our city wall. These things look like bed crossbows, but there are a lot of arrows on this crossbow. Each ballista is equipped with more than thirty giant arrows, and they are arranged vertically in the manner of a peacock. The bottom crossbow is placed horizontally, the upper arrow has an elevation angle of one degree, and the elevation angle of the upper arrow is added one more degree, and so on.

Of course, I found these big guys easily on the city wall, and I quickly understood their usefulness. "The tree of the city, have you seen those strange ballistas under the city?"

The eye of hell between the twin towers of Rock City suddenly turned, and a bunch of yellow rays of light turned straight. It shone straight on one of the ballistas. "I have seen it."

"Kill me all this stuff."


The front of the city wall of Rock City Suddenly, small holes were opened, and then just listening to peng sound, a row of steel balls with a diameter of one meter flew out. These objects are launched by air pressure, with a maximum range of 300 meters and no minimum range. They are specifically used to attack targets that are too close to the city wall and cannot be fired by city-head weapons. The drop points of these steel balls were very accurate. Almost each hit a ballista. Except for one of the ballistas was successfully launched, the rest of the ballistas were all smashed to pieces. However, the only successful launch also allowed the gun god to understand the path of this thing. The ascending crossbow arrows are sent out by a powerful spring and inserted into the wall more than one meter deep, and the parts left outside just form a gradual upward spiral ladder, which can just step on these arrow shafts to climb up. It’s just that the city wall of Rock City is too high, and a row of crossbow arrows is far from the top of the city wall. You have to hit more than a dozen rows in order to reach the top, but the problem is that they failed to launch even once, let alone the second. This is the third time.

"Prepare for the second time." The military advisor ordered.

"Slow." The gun god stopped his order. "You still have to change the method! This thing went up a row and only nailed me a few nails, the loss was too great, or think of another way!"

"Then I have to dispatch the air force!" The military advisor gritted his teeth and said. This time it wasn't just the spear god, even Usina looked at him in a daze. He was still very confused and asked: "What are you all looking at me for?"

Usina turned her head and asked the gun god: "Where did you find this trick?"

"What do you mean?" the Dongfang asked angrily.

The gun god ignored him, just said to Usina: "He used to be the chief military adviser of Chinatown, and the results have been good, didn't expect...!"

The Easterner was still flustered and exasperated and asked: "What do you mean?"

"It means you are an idiot!" A girl next to Usina finally couldn't help it. "Are you here to help us come up with ideas or to make trouble? With the air force? You thought it out. Don't you know where the Frost Rose Alliance started?" The military advisor shook his head, and the girl cursed fiercely: "If you don’t know, don’t pretend to be a pig head. The housekeeping skill of the Frost Rose League is absolute air supremacy. No guild can clamor for air supremacy with Frost. Even we dare not say that. Our flying devil beast can only It's a piston airplane, but Frost has a long spear, which is a jet flying creature. As long as they fly into the air, they have an absolute overwhelming advantage. So we won't fight Frost against the air force without being a last resort. It's a hopeless battle. Do you understand now?"

"so that's how it is, it seems that I really underestimated their guild before." The oriental man walked up to the gun god and said "Don’t worry. Although my think tank is not a fighting genius, my resourcefulness is absolutely unmatched. I used to underestimate this guild and didn’t do any investigation. Now I will study the information of their guild and go right away. To prepare the offensive plan, you first let the troops lower the attack intensity, but don’t stop. To keep the oppressive war constantly, we need to consume their energy first."

"Then there is no need." Xina said: "The people of Frost seem to never sleep. I don't know how they do this, but I can be sure that Purple Moon and Rose can often stay offline for two or three days in a row. This is a common thing. So don’t expect to use this method to drag over their command system, it will only make us sacrifice more people in vain. We prepare so much information for you, not a display, can you please come up with an idea after reading it?"

"Then stop first, I will go through the information."

In fact, the brains of this person is indeed very high, but he has a very fatal serious flaw, that is, this The pride of the boy has completely concealed his wisdom rays of light. In such a big battle, he could be so proud that he thought he could settle the opponent without looking at the opponent's information. Although some legendary generals can indeed win wars without knowing each other, most of those people rely on experience or try one's luck. Not everyone can have such good dogshit luck.

Because of a problem with the military plan, the Gunner had to withdraw the army again. The blow to morale between this advance and retreat is terrifying. Fortunately, the gun god said that this is a tentative attack, so most players have not had much reaction to this.

Our city is even simpler here, and the city wall is almost unharmed. The range of American cannons is not as far as ours. Besides, our cannons are all on the top of the city wall, taking a big advantage. Therefore, the Americans simply didn't prepare for artillery fire. As for the ground offensive force, it seems that no one has jumped over the electric pillar, leaving behind a wall of corpses made up of barbecued meat.

The fighting on both sides was so silent for two hours miraculously. When the think tank returned to the headquarters again, the military god was almost jumping. "Have you finished reading?"

Think tank nodded: "The strength of the Frost Rose League is really terrifying. It was because our plan did not include some frost features. This time there will be no problems. Now you are like this..."

After placing the order again, the Gunners began to re-order the siege, and a cavalry team composed of hundreds of thousands of people appeared at the forefront of the team.

Zhenhong stood beside me for a moment. "Cavalry? What are they thinking? Are they planning to use cavalry to crash the city wall? The city wall of Rock City is two kilometers thick! Is the opponent's commander an idiot or a mental disorder?"

"No, it's a brilliant strategy." I reminded: "Watch those Knight's mounts."

Zhen Hong picked up the telescope and looked at the mounts. "Nether Death Beast? Isn't that rare?"

"We are fighting most of the United States. How many players do you think the entire United States can gather together?"


"It's not weird to say that it came." Really red nodded and said: "I think I understand the other's strategic intentions. The dead soul beast ignores gravity and can run up as long as it is a flat surface. These guys can directly climb up the city wall. If they occupy a small City Wall section and throw the rope down, they can indeed buy enough time for the follow-up troops to climb the city wall."

"But it's impossible." Gold Coin said: "If it's just a fixed-point breakthrough, we have a lot of experts, and we can easily throw all of them out of the pool."

"Their goal It’s not that simple." I said to the two of them: "Watch behind those guys."

"Want to bring the wizard into the city? Is it useful?"

"Watch carefully. Those mage badges." I reminded helplessly again.

"Wind Element specialization? Is it intended to wash us all down the city wall?" Gold coin answered a very silly answer.

It's so red that I understand what I mean. "They went to the city gate."

The real red gold coin also reflected. "Understood. First use the Knight who can climb the wall to bring up the Wind Element mage, and then they use the anti-Gravity Technique to raise the gate, so that the city gate is completely opened."


"They won't succeed." Zhenhong said.

I shook my head: "Maybe I can really let them rush in." I pointed to the distance: "Look at what else is around the Knights."

"Isn't that the special ballista just now? There seems to be that kind of rope gun, etc., there are other things, but I don't know what it is."

"We will wait for them to unfold soon. I know, it won’t be a good thing anyway.” I patted and said, “You two are in charge of the city wall on one side, and I’ll go to the gate.”

“Okay.” After the two people nodded, immediately Run to both sides. In fact, letting them guard the two sides of the gate is nothing more than to stabilize the military spirit. Rock City is a replica of Isinger. Even half of the city wall is more than ten kilometers long. If you stand alone, you can’t see the head on both sides, let alone. Defensively, the vigilance cannot be taken care of.

I ran to the top of the Breaking Dragon Stone in the center of the city wall alone. This is the gate. Now the Breaking Dragon Stone is put down and connected to the city wall as a whole. There is no difference. If the city gate is open, it should be much higher than the city wall on both sides.

As soon as I arrived here, the American player on the opposite side had already launched a charge, but the way of charge was a bit strange. The first movers were not those special Knights with Wind Element wizards, but the previous miscellaneous soldiers, and the team was deliberately dispersed, forming a sparse scattered army formation, which can greatly reduce the damage of artillery fire to them. .

The throats of millions of soldiers who were sent to death rushed towards the city wall. These all are hired NPC soldiers are not worth money at all, killing dozens of them is not enough for my cannonballs. Moreover, they are arranged so sparsely that one cannonball may not be able to bring down a few people. But soon I realized it was not good. When these people first started to rush under the electric god pillar, they were slaughtered as before, but suddenly, a guy jumped out of the crowd and slashed at the electric god pillar. There was a sound of metal impact, the electric god pillar was directly cut off, and then collapsed, but the guy was already electro-focused when he jumped up.

Miscellaneous soldiers are mixed with experts. I understood the current situation in an instant, but it didn't make much sense to react to this kind of thing. I don't know where to go if I fire a gun, and it makes no sense to explode indiscriminately. In just ten minutes, our first line of defense of the sacred pillar was all brought down, but the people involved in the attack were not well, and they were all killed. The setting of the electric god pillar will give priority to attacking those who actively attack it, so no one of those experts can escape the attack.

After leveling the electric pillar, the soldiers finally rushed under the city wall, but they immediately found depressed that even if they got under the city wall, it was not equal to victory, because they couldn't climb the city wall at all. But if they don't come up, it doesn't mean that I intend to let them go. At the bottom of the city wall, a row of finger-thick holes suddenly opened at a height of two meters from the ground, and thin tubes protruded from them, and then all the nozzles spouted out fifty meters long at the same time with a bang. Flame, the people below immediately screamed.

Isinger was frightened by the devil beast when he was building the city. Later, we added a lot of small things based on the experience of the last time. Although it is not very difficult to deal with alone, but suddenly It can achieve unexpected results when used. The most important thing is that these small designs are not difficult things, they are cheap to install, and they do not affect the defensive effect of the original equipment.

The fire-burned crowd screamed and fell, but someone rushed behind, but they just continued to add some meat to this barbecue festival.

Behind the position, the special cavalry finally moved. Behind them are more strange equipment and some messy cavalry, it seems that the gun god has ground the air cavalry. Although these air cavalry are afraid of our air force and dare not take off, they can fly after all and can climb up the city wall to serve as the vanguard. Now, these people have been mixed into the special battallion, intended to be used in the city wall battle.

Although the arms of these cavalry units are worth seeing, I am more concerned about the things behind the commanding tent of the gun god. Although the world of "Zero" is just the game world, the people who play it are real humans. Americans are well-equipped in reality. In the game, they will naturally have inertial thinking and will actively engage in weapon research. We and the Germans have very good magic research results, and the Russians and Japanese have similar technologies. There is no reason for such a powerful United States, right?

The gun god finally couldn’t help it. The canvas on some carriages of the large military supply department team hidden behind the team was lifted, revealing a large number of rectangular machinery from above. part. The military supply department led by the All-American Army of the God Organization has almost as many military supply department teams as there are regular troops ahead. In-game supplies are not very important. Bringing so much weight can only show that there are many combat equipment. Sure enough, immediately after the canvas was opened, a player commanded several giant Human Demon pets and began to organize those things. Soon, I saw a dozen giant cannons.

The easiest way to increase the range of a cannon is to increase its size. In reality, due to the influence of gravity and material strength, cannons cannot be made too large. There are anti-gravity magic arrays and solid magic in the game, which can double the material strength, so the cannons can be made very large easily. Of course, it is not so easy to really want to make a big guy, at least not everyone can do it. The Japanese have built one before, and it can be scrapped without using it a few times. Our guild's trial-produced a few doors are still available, but there has been no target worth fighting. And those cannons are installed on the city wall, I can't help others without attacking the city!

The strength of the gun gods is that they have activated the cannon. This thing of our guild can only be mounted on a fixed object, and cannot be moved randomly. They can actually take this thing apart and run, which is really a good technique.

The thing was installed quickly, but I was not in the mood to target them. "City tree, blow up those things with the Babel Tower."

A red line soon fell from the sky to shine on a giant cannon, and the white light ball arrived afterwards. But when the white light ball was only a few meters from the top of the cannon, it suddenly hit an invisible wall. The red light flashed and the light bomb exploded in midair. Although the flame was isolated, it spread along the invisible wall. The flame also marked the appearance of this protective cover. This is a hemisphere-like protective cover, without any energy fluctuations, and no light refraction. It would be really invisible if the flames were tossed along the surface of the protective cover.

The energy beam cannot destroy the protective cover, so change it to another one. "City tree, launch divine arrow."

Three magic cruise missiles with long tail flames flew out of the inner city of Rock City. The intelligence of the city tree is much better than expected. He also knew that the missile might not be able to penetrate the protective shield, so he only fired three missiles to test the effect.

Although the missiles with long flames stunned the people below, the effect of them hitting the protective shield made me stunned. Those protective shields didn't respond at all, there were no cracks and no flashes. I couldn't tell whether they were on the verge of collapse or didn't care about the attack just now. Anyway, the attack was invalid.

"Full defense shield?" I sighed to myself. "City tree. Push our heavy artillery out, I'm going to see if the protective cover is really invincible."

The top of the outer city wall of Rock City suddenly vibrated, and then A dozen huge holes were opened. The weapon system in Rock City is basically built-in, but few people have seen such a large exit. The most conspicuous thing in the huge hole is a huge hole. It seems that the gun carriage inside is not a problem. With a huge metal impact, a gentle and powerful mechanical running sound gradually sounded in the cave, and the big iron pipe in the center actually began to rise. After ten seconds, the metal cylinder, which stood up like a chimney, completely rose from the top of the wall, and at the same time, the huge mechanical mechanism connected to its lower part also rose.

The turret that had risen to its apex stopped with a click. Inside the invisible city wall, thirty-six metal cylinders with a diameter of ten meters were inserted into the corresponding holes under the turret to completely fix the turret. The military supports on the upper part of the fort rose up, clamped the chimney-like barrels lightly, and then began to slowly level the barrels amidst the sound of mechanical movement.

The tail section of this super cannon has a bomb bay similar to a revolver. This is something that is derived from the structure of the special gun on the battleship that is used to launch magic dolls for assault operations. . The shells of large artillery are very heavy, and the loading will be very slow, but it is much simpler with this thing similar to the revolver cartridge. Firstly, six rounds of ammunition can be pre-loaded. Secondly, when one shell is in the firing position, in fact, the other five positions can be loaded at the same time, so that a relatively continuous firepower can be formed.

After the gun mount is in place, all around, a row of yellow crystal balls pops up. These crystal balls regularly flash with yellow rays of light, and the pre-recorded reminder also sounded under the gun mount. Sound: "Reganon is in place, please retreat to the yellow line, try to stay away from the artillery, pay attention to protect the eardrum. Count down before launch, three, two, one, reflection."

Boom. More than a dozen cannons produced a unified sound. All the cannons were operated by the city tree, so the firing time was naturally very accurate. Almost at the same time as the shelling, the players near the cannon were all shaken to the ground. These cannons with a caliber of more than three meters are absolutely miraculous. Even with the strength of our guild, only a dozen doors are installed on the outer city wall of Isengard. The ones on Rock City are completely replicated. It has saved us a lot of money.

Although the cost is high and the maintenance is complicated, compared to their formidable power, those can be ignored. In the opposite position, the gun god was proud that his protective shield system successfully blocked two attacks. With a sudden bang, there were more than a dozen large pits on his position, and the Six Sect super cannon was reimbursed. The formidable power of our guild's cannon is great, but it's too early to hit so far. If you hit six in the first round, it's luck. According to my calculations, it would be good to be able to knock down two of them. Didn't expect hit six shots in one shot.

"Okay, good job." The telescope players around me cried out excitedly. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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