A few of our guild leaders are discussing countermeasures at the head of the city, and the opposing position has changed first. The water vapor in the air is rapidly gathering into the air, obviously some force is gathering the water vapor. Our doubts were quickly answered. The water vapor ahead quickly gathered into a huge black cloud within ten minutes, and then it began to rain, quickly removing the lava rock ground that had just been cooled down. Rushed again.

"They are preparing for the final offense!" Hong Yue suggested: "Everyone should return to their posts, and the battlefield will change in a while."

I nodded: "You go to the rear. Let me take the command here."

"Okay!" Rose turned and took everyone away, leaving only the red and gold Coin users of these two national devices, after all, they are originally not good at commanding, and playing their personal battle strength is their main function.

The place in front of Rock City, which was originally a mountain and forest, has now become a black rocky ground. It is absolutely flat and unobstructed. At the gap in the mountain range in the distance, you can see that a large number of troops are moving here. The black is like a flood. The preliminary estimate is that the number is more than tens of millions. NPCLegion is available for purchase. For Americans, this army is nothing, but I have a headache.

The army headed by the Holy Lance League stopped not far in front of the city. The gun god is very shrewd. The architecture of Rock City is completely born out of Isinger, and the cliff-like city wall has a strong psychological deterrent effect. If the gun god takes his troops directly to attack the city, then his troops will be 100% scared by the city wall. So this guy first parked the troops far away from the city, so that they could see the city wall, but because of the distance issue, they would not be deterred too much, as long as the troops adapt to the fear of large objects. No longer will be frightened by the height of the city wall, only then can these armies exert 100% battle strength.

The gun god took a telescope and looked at the top of the city wall for a long time. He suddenly found that I was standing on the city wall and looking straight at him. He immediately smiled and carried The army moved some distance forward again. Now this location is within the range of Rock City’s artillery fire, but we don’t plan to fire for the time being, and the probability of throwing artillery shells at this range is low.

Ordered the army to stop advancing, the gun god only took a few people around him and continued to move forward until he reached the city wall. "Purple Moon, do you know what I am here for?" The city wall is too high, and the sound of this guy's amplification magic is as small as a mosquito hum.

I took out the leaves of the city tree from my body. This is a copy of Isinger, and of course there are also city trees. Let the tree of the city connect this leaf of mine to the amplifier magic array on the city wall. "Of course you know. Didn't you come to courting death?" I deliberately turned the amplifier magic array to its maximum power. The giant magic array with a diameter of more than 30 meters carved on the city wall is better than the temporary sound amplification magic of the gun god. Much tougher, loud like a muffled thunder, the trembling gun god almost fell off the horse.

"Okay, count you cruel." The gun god pointed at me and said: "It doesn't matter if you ruin my city. Today I will ask you to return all the benefits to me."

"It depends on whether you have the ability."

"You...!" The gun god suddenly pointed his gun at me and planned to shoot me, but his actions quickly freeze Because the city wall suddenly vibrated under my feet. A row of holes suddenly opened in front of the gun god, and a three-meter-high metal cylinder popped out of each hole. As soon as the metal cylinders were raised on the ground, they were reclosed to fix these cylinders. At the same time, the top of the cylinders suddenly spread out in all directions, forming a bowl-shaped structure. With a hum, an olive-pit-like purple crystal stone appeared in the small bowl on the top of each pillar. At the same time, these crystal stones quickly lit up. Around them, there were red electric balls surrounding the crystal high. -speed rotation. Looking at these crystal spear gods floating in midair, they already know what it is.

Usina, who has been following the Spear God, stopped the Spear God: "That's an electric pillar, so don't be impulsive. Those of us can't deal with city-level defensive weapons!"


"I know!" The gun god put the gun down in a desperate manner.

I lie down on the city wall and look down at him, deliberately provoking him. "Haha! Why didn't you shoot? Come on? I'm here, you are shooting? Don't you be afraid! Are you afraid of such little things too?"

He cracked, but he didn't dare to move. He also knows that these things are not to be trifled with, it's better to bear with them. After snorted, he took people back without saying anything. As a result, the players on our side made a neat hiss on the top of the city wall. The angry spear god turned his head and rushed back, but he was forced by his companions. Put it back.

After returning to the current formation, the gun god stopped struggling. The oriental man was leaning on a rocking chair and said indifferently, "I said not to go. You can't scold him. I think. You know what the kid did. He has been doing middleman business. Do you think this kind of population will be bad? What age is it, and you still ran into a battle between the two armies. Is it necessary? "

"Which side are you from? How did you strike me up close?"

"Anyway, I am not from your side." nuclear. "I have already told you that I am just a staff officer hired by you. I advise you on your actions. It is your business to adopt or not. Once the contract expires, I don’t have to follow you, so I’m not yours. I’m not from Purple Moon either. I’m still a free man and will always be. Do you understand?"

Usina immediately said: "Your plan to level the mountain range has shown you The strategy is very useful. If we fight according to our own methods, we probably won’t be able to get under the city wall, we will have to reduce the staff by one-fifth. However, now that the city is in front of us, please help us to think about how we can attack. Let’s go in?"

"The easiest way is to attack and use people to pile up. Of course, you probably don’t have enough people here to pile into the city. So my suggestion is to mix special forces with ordinary troops. Together, the special forces personnel forcibly log in to the city wall. Even if they cannot control the city wall, they can at least buy time for the people below without causing too much casualties. The most terrible thing about Rock City is the city wall outside. Just go inside. It's easy."

Usina immediately asked in surprise: "Have you never met Isinger?"

"Why should I meet Isinger? "The Oriental asked triumphantly.

"Don't you know that Isengard has three city walls?"

"Three?" The Easterner was obviously taken aback. He changed the former sloppyness and sat up from the rocking chair, then immediately went to the temporary camp and took out the map to unfold, and then asked someone to show him the rough blueprint of Isengard. After listening for a while, he said, "It's a big deal! Didn't expect actually has such a city. I always thought Isengard was just an exaggeration of the thickness and height of the outer city wall! Didn't expect is so troublesome!" Since Rock City is a copy of Isinger's release, it means that the structure is the same, right?"

Usina said: "We have never been in Rock City, but the city is a copy of system rewards. Product, It shouldn't be wrong. Moreover, according to the response of the spy we sent to Frost, Isinger is far from as simple as he thought."

"The three city walls are indeed not simple "The Oriental nodded admits.

"It's not a city wall problem." Yusina said: "According to the spy report, Isengard exists in Underground City, and there is more than one floor. Our spies have entered the third underground floor at most. There seem to be many layers below, but the NPC utilization rate of the guild of Frost is too high, and our player spies are not easy to mix in. Also, as you should have seen, there is a symmetrical inverted state on top of Rock City. The city, the city above and the city below are called Mirror Twin Cities. They can support each other in battle, and their connection point is only a central spiritual gathering tower besides Transmission Formation. If we attack, Transmission Formation will definitely do it. It’s probably not too easy to capture the Ju Ling Pagoda before being closed, so...!"

"That's really difficult!"

"This It's still a small problem." Gunshen said: "According to previous experience, Isengard has something that can destroy all enemies within a certain range in an instant. We don't know the specific range, but it can definitely cover the whole city, and it can also automatically distinguish. Enemy. So if we actually attacked, they would definitely start it once. Fortunately, that thing either has a cooldown or special cost, anyway, it can’t be used continuously. But this means that we have to occupy the city at least twice to have it. It may be completely controlled, so it is best to divide the current army into three points, use two for the first occupation, and keep the last one for another occupation."

The Oriental nodded and said: "Look. Isn’t it that stupid to come! If that’s the case, then it’s like this...!"

It took more than an hour for the gunman to discuss with that guy, and then he started to dispatch the task, and everyone received it. Very detailed task description, but there was a problem before the battle started. A red beam suddenly appeared in the heavy camp behind the army. As soon as the gun god saw the thing, he yelled: "Hide, that is the laser sight."

The United States has a flood of guns, and everyone knows laser sights, although the gun god’s description is not very accurate. , But the effect is still achieved. The surrounding players began to quickly direct the NPC to drive the carriages to the position where the light irradiated them, but the beam of light continued to follow the carriage or something. Suddenly, the clouds in the sky spread out into a hole, and a white light bomb smashed straight down, just hitting the position where the beam was shining.

"Fall down!"

With a bang, the white light bomb landed next to a carriage holding the cannonball. The cannonball on the car was instantly detonated, and the shock wave directly The carriage that all around flew out. Before the chaos was over, the beam suddenly moved to the camp next to the gun god. The gun god quickly picked up the oriental man and jumped out. The white bullet arrived afterwards, all split up and in. pieces.

"Damn, what's this? Beheading?" The eastern man grumbled from the ground.

Usina explained: "This is the Babel Tower of the Frost Rose League. According to the analysis of the data we have, its characteristics are similar to a space-based weapon, which seems to be able to strike on a global scale. Any target."

"Isn't this too ridiculous?" The oriental man was attacked in several places while speaking.

"In fact, the role of this thing as a reconnaissance satellite is far greater than its attack power." Yusina said: "But the problem is that its arbitrary strike capability has too much influence on morale!"

< p>"Don't worry, this thing won't take a few shots." Gun God knows the situation of our guild very well, and he also knows that the characteristic of Babel Tower is that it cannot be used continuously. Sure enough, the attack ended soon. The damage caused is actually not big, but the impact on the battle strength is very serious, because the hits are basically the luggage carts, and all of them are ammunition carts.

Because of worrying about what tricks we will play, the gun god just simply appeased the army and began to order the attack. Of course, the military advisor's tactical guidance has also been notified.

"Finally I am willing to move!" Real Red, who was almost asleep on the top of Rock City, finally came to his mind.

gold coin also geared up and said: "Let's see how I clean up them this time."

I shook the head with a wry smile, these two girls are really more violent than the other. However, I am also very concerned about the following news, but the content I am concerned about is somewhat different. What I care more about is what methods American players will use to deal with the outermost city wall of Rock City. The city wall more than a hundred meters high is already a mountain. The thickness of two kilometers guarantees that even if it is hit by a forbidden spell, it will collapse in a small area at most and will not completely cross it. Such a city wall is horizontal in front, I don't know what method the gun god will use to attack. The columbine and the ladder can't reach the top of the wall at all, and the gate of the Breaking Dragon Stone structure can't be opened by the city car. Are they still planning to climb up?

Seeing that the American players below are pouring in like a tide, without any strategy or tactics at all, are they really planning to use people to build a slope? Shaking his head, waved his guess. I can only change without being hard. No matter what method the American players use, I just see the trick anyway.

The chaotic army quickly entered the city, but our side did not even start the artillery fire. It was too wasteful to waste the shock effect of the first round of shelling for these miscellaneous soldiers, and they are not used now. When the messy soldiers shouted and rushed to the foot of the city wall, the thing that had frightened the Gunner and Usina bounced out again, and at the same time the crystal was dazzling.

Pa 呲呲... a terrifying arc of lightning flashed from the crowd approaching these metal rods, and those who were hit immediately turned into burning torches. High-voltage electricity not only can Killing can also directly ignite the charred body.

After seeing the tragedy of the first batch of troops killed, the Gunmaster finally began to rejoice that he didn't shoot me just now, otherwise he should be one of those scorched corpses now.

The killing speed of the electric god pillar can only be said to be terrifying. Even with such a crazy impact, no one can cross the thunder pool one step, and a large number of charred corpses fell in front of the electric god pillar. Speaking of which is actually very tasteless. According to different materials, each electric pillar has its own level. When the electric god pillar slaughters people below its own level, the efficiency is probably inferior to any other weapon, but for people higher than its own level, the electric god pillar is a complete display. However, the people who are currently attacking are all miscellaneous soldiers, and the electric god pillar is simply engaging in massacre, and a mountain of corpses is piled up under the city wall in a short while.

Under this chaotic city wall, some special personnel suddenly moved to the city wall with their own things cautiously. A player put the peculiarly shaped iron plate in his hand on the ground, and four people next to him immediately carried a long pipe and put them on the iron plate and connected them. The players behind them successively sent several parts. This thing was quickly assembled.

If you look closely, you will find that this thing is very similar to a mortar, but of course it will not be a mortar. I saw a player move out a strangely shaped object, which looked a lot like a shrunken strap-on launch vehicle, with a rope attached to the center part, and the rope was placed on the ground in a big coil. Two players made some adjustments to this thing, and then put the cannonball in it. As soon as he lost his hand, the player turned around and hugged his head and squatted down, listening to the empty sound of the peng sound behind him. The shell with a rope head flew straight to the top of the city wall, and the coil of rope on the ground was moving at a rapid speed. Was pulled up.

At first, the cannonballs were flying well, but the city wall with a height of more than a hundred meters is not simple after all. Besides, there is still a rope behind the cannonballs, and it looks like it will fall down only halfway through. . However, just when everyone thought this thing would not come up, a long flame spurted out from behind the thing. The specially treated rope is not afraid of fire. The shells dragging the rope rushed to the top of the wall at lightning speed, and then suddenly exploded in midair, sprinkling a black rain.

"Fuck! It's a cluster bomb!" Gold coin couldn't help but swear.

Don’t blame gold coin. The cannonball that was dragging the rope exploded, and a bunch of small things were thrown out. Gold coin is not a physical attacking profession, so of course I am afraid. However, the small black dots thrown by the shells did not explode, but made a long series of crashing sounds on the ground. When we settle down and take a look, what a bombshell is this! In fact, all the big cannonballs thrown out were nails, and each nail was connected to a rope, which was finally put together to form a big rope connected to the city wall.

I finally understand what this thing is for. These are the rope hook guns with rocket extended range. The city wall of Rock City is too high to be thrown up with flying claws and the like. The only thing that can be considered is the rope launched with mechanical power. The Americans are more experienced in this area, so they soon came up with special rockets that can launch rope hooks. As for the loose nails, it is entirely for insurance. Even if a rope hook catches something, once the other party pulls out the rope hook, the person who climbs halfway will inevitably fall to death. But this kind of shotgun is different. Each rope end of the rope is connected to a nail, and each nail is driven into the ground. If you want to break the rope, you have to cut the thickest main cable or cut the nails. The ropes are cut one by one, which is very tiring work.

"Oh, do the Americans have a good idea?" Zhenhong looked at the ropes under the city wall that were drawn like ribbons from the edge of the city wall. The entire front of Rock City was hit by ropes for thousands of days almost at the same time, and almost all of them were successfully hung up. It's probably not easy to shoot rivets like these goddesses scattered flowers.

The players and NPCs on our side were stunned at first, but after reacting, they immediately started to chop the rope in front of them desperately, only to find that they were getting stuck. These ropes are all specially processed, and they are all strong and abnormal. Not only are they not afraid of fire, but it also takes a long time to cut some of the rope ends, which has little effect on the main rope.

The American players below found that we were cutting the rope continuously, and immediately began to climb up the rope proudly. The physical strength of people in the game is much better than reality, even if the level is very low, it is much stronger than the power of the real world, so the rope climbing is not worth mentioning for players. Seeing players crawling on the white rope tied to the head of the city, I couldn't help thinking of the mouse stealing sesame oil. Thinking of mice, I suddenly got an idea again. Since this rope is not afraid of fire, then players are always afraid of fire, right?

The archer first suppressed the enemies who were climbing up the rope with a long-range attack, and under my order, a large amount of fire oil was quickly sent to the various wall sections.

gold coin looked at me suspiciously and asked: "What do you want kerosene for?"

"You will know right away." I carefully hugged the kerosene jar. , And then pointed the exit toward the rope and slowly fell down. I poured very slowly, the kerosene did not drip after it had flowed onto the rope, but started to flow down the rope.

An American player who had climbed more than half suddenly found that his hands were greasy. He leaned his head up and smelled it, and immediately realized that it was not good, but it was too late. I placed a small Fireball on the top of the city wall against the kerosene-stained rope, and the flames immediately followed the kerosene on the rope and burned down.

The more than a thousand ropes shot on the top of the city wall became more than a thousand fire ropes. All the players hanging on it were burnt and fell down. No one dared to climb the rope anymore.

"Military advisor, your strategy doesn't seem to be effective?" The gun god said to the oriental man in a bad tone.


The cold is getting more and more serious. On the contrary, the medicine feels like sitting in the clouds. Is there white flour in this thing? (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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