Everyone stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do. Lucky and the war giant beast got up from the ground and looked nervously at me and the young black man separately. Both giant beasts knew they were in trouble. The war giant beast carefully moved to the black youth, and then turned into the image of a muscular man, and luckily returned to me and returned to the human form.

"That...I didn't mean it! I..." Lucky explained.

I raised my hand to stop the lucky explanation: "It's okay, it's an accident." I was just surprised, not angry. Our Dragon Clan is a new creature that transcends human beings. This transcendence is not only embodied in the body, but is also a complete transcendence in the mind. After the accident, there is no point in accusing others. In addition to making the accused very sad, it has no meaning to the incident itself. Humans at this time usually scold someone who has made mistakes, just like the black youth opposite is doing. But we are not so emotional. As long as it is not intentional, there is nothing to scold. The person who made the mistake is actually the most uncomfortable person, not only should not be scolded, but should be comforted appropriately.

Although Zhenhong is a member of the secret organization of the Dragon Fate, she is still human after all, and she is quite emotional, but seeing that I am not angry, she can't say anything. Besides, luck is not her favorite, and it is not her turn to scold him. She just gave me a lucky look, and then said to me: "What should I do now?"

I said: "Wait, I have some questions to prove, give me one minute."

< p>True red nodded stood by and waited for my decision, and the enemy stopped. Both of us had no enmity in the first place. The other side was a guild in an African country and we didn’t know it. This battle was only a competition. Even if we died, we wouldn’t lose anything, so there was nothing to be jealous of. Now that the mission objective is gone, the battle becomes meaningless. Before clarifying the situation, everyone didn't know whether to continue the fight.

One minute arrived soon, and the crowd had already started a little commotion, but did not continue to do it. As soon as Zhen Hong was about to speak, I took the first step and said: "Don't wait. Kill all the people here and collect the debris right away."


I explained: "If the mission goal is really destroyed, then this mission is unsolvable. None of us can complete the mission, and we will never be able to get out of this mission space. But "Zero" uses an instant system, and most of the missions are temporarily designated by the system. Yes, so if something goes wrong, you will get an emergency fix from the system. We have waited for one minute and haven't heard the system hint, so there is only one possibility-the task has not changed."

"But... …?"

"I know. The target is broken. But the realization is to grab this sculpture. If it is broken, it is also a sculpture. As long as all the fragments are grabbed, there is nothing to do with the task requirements. The difference. The task requirement is to grab the sculpture, and there is no requirement that the must remain as it is. Just grab every piece of it to ensure that it is complete."

"It is really smart." Zhenhong took it from her body. He took out a crystal and said to the crystal after inputting magic power. "Everyone listens, the mission remains the same, but the target is broken. Every piece of debris must be snatched to complete the mission, and none of the pieces can be pulled down. Perform it immediately."

After entering the mission, in order to facilitate the command , We have distributed simple one-way communication crystals to everyone, anyway, we can produce this thing, we don’t care at all. The people on our side started to do it immediately after getting the exact order, but the other side did not have such a useful device. They could only instinctively regain the counterattack after seeing us doing it, but the slowness of this step puts them at a great disadvantage. . Moreover, the long time-out just now has caused our cavalry to rush a lot of people, and now the enemy is completely surrounded in the center.

I didn't rush to fight, but quickly spread the fog of death on my body. This time I did not expand the coverage, but concentrated the fog in a small area near the target. Due to the narrowing of the range, the concentration of the fog has risen sharply, which not only improves the infection ability, but also severely hinders the enemy's sight.

After opening the fog, I quickly released the darts and the white waves, and asked them to separate and look for the debris. In addition, Fenglong didn't need to follow me. After releasing all the familiars, she herself was sent out by me to help search for the debris. I had a wing, and a large number of feathers fell down, and then transformed into a steel bee and a goblin in the air. Under our guidance, they quickly flew out and began to help collect debris. These were not enough, I opened the wormhole again, a large number of Spirit Armor worms crawled out of the wormhole, and then swarmed out and started to carry the debris.

Because the fragments of the sculpture are mission items, they cannot be placed in any space, including my Phoenix and Dragon space. But I still have a way to collect these things. All the collected fragments were quickly transported to the sky, and then the less powerful air cavalry was responsible for transporting them to the rear of our formation for concentrated stacking.

Of course, the enemy will not watch us transport debris, but we will have long spear guardianship and absolute air supremacy. The enemy's flying units cannot threaten our air transport team at all.

The small insects I released have brought into play the spirit of moving ants, especially the Spirit Armor insects. My current strength can summon two million, and its moving speed is very terrifying. However, despite the scary creatures of my summon, the collection work is still not going well. The main reason is that there are too many enemies. that the sculpture is really too big, and when it fell down, the inertia was very huge, so many of the fragments flew far away, and even worse, some of them got into the enemy's body. It would be better if those people were alive, as long as you find someone with a strange wound, just go over and grab it. The most troublesome thing is that some fragments hit the dead body after the bullet flew out. The dead will not cry out for pain. We can only check each corpse in detail to determine whether there is any debris inside. This is a trouble even in normal times, not to mention that this is a battlefield. I have to find fragments all over the floor. If I had so many insects to use, it would be an impossible task.

Although the ghost worms have evolved a lot more than the original dark pincers, their Life Source ability to swallow them has not given up, instead they have evolved more powerfully. When collecting the debris, they gnawed away all the corpses on the ground, so that it was easier to determine whether there were debris stuck in the corpse. As for whether the debris is collected completely, the question is actually very simple. Because once the fragments are transported to our original formation, it is considered to be grabbed by us, and once the fragments are collected, the mission will directly end, and there is no need for us to confirm whether all the fragments have been collected. All we have to do is to keep looking for it, as long as the task is not over, it means we haven't gotten it together.

First, the other party saw that our attack was only instinctively defending, but when they discovered our air cavalry was transporting debris, they already understood our intention. The black young man immediately ordered himself to start collecting debris, but he could only call it a little later. By the time they noticed, we had already taken more than half of us.

In the beginning, there were a lot of fragments and it was easy to handle. The most troublesome thing was after most of the fragments were shipped out. Because the mission is not over, we know that there must be fragments that have not been shipped back, so we have to continue to look for them, but there are fewer and fewer fragments on the ground, which is hard to find. If only the last piece is missing, it is nothing like finding a needle in a haystack. the difference. When the sculpture fell, the fragments splashed over a radius of more than 200 meters, and then they were kicked by the crowd during the battle. Even if the fragments appeared one kilometer away, I wouldn't find it strange.

I have to say that our opponent is still very intelligent. Although they were a step slower at first, after all, this was the center of their position. They had a lot of people, and they still got a lot of fragments. Originally in this state, even if they grabbed the silk piece, it was useless. Even if we can't find all the pieces, as long as we can kill all the opponents, the system will still judge us to win. But the other party thought of a possible loophole.

In this competition, their victory condition is that when the sculpture enters the city, it will be considered a victory if they hold on for a period of time. But this "enter the city" is actually very particular. In many races, such as racing horses, the moment of crossing the line is actually based on the front of the car or the horse’s head touching the hour line as the standard. So if this "entry into the city" is explained in accordance with the rules of most competitions, it means that as long as any point on the sculpture enters the city gate, the clock will start. Any fragment sent into the city will cause the timing system to start.

If it was Early-Stage at the beginning of the game, they would have this idea, we would probably be defeated. But after all, this kind of super alternative is not what everyone thought of. Now it is also because of such a chaotic state, it is forced to be anxious and there is no other way to do it.

The black youth quickly selected hundreds of flying creatures from his own hands and flew out. They took a completely different route. I don't know who brought the debris and who didn't. The only way is to stop everyone. Fortunately, we have a long spear in our guild, and we are unmatched in terms of speed. The air cavalry that the opponent flew out were all entangled by our people, and quickly fell into a melee. At a time, hundreds of small battle groups appeared in the sky.

It may be that the light sky route is unsafe. The black youth actually organized another central breakthrough and sent a team of cavalry out. The cavalry team immediately dispersed as soon as they crossed our line of defense. We ran on our own and used false tactics again. We didn't know which way to chase, so we had to send more people to stop them together.

Before that, the sculpture was a big whole. If the other party wanted to transport it, they had to push it forward as a whole, so there was no central breakthrough at all, so we could stop them. Now the other side only wants to send a small number of people out, our air cavalry can't stop it at all. Our large forces have arrived, but they are chasing behind the enemy and cannot help the air cavalry intercepting in front. We can only rely on us to figure out a solution.

The young man who sent a team of Knight out seemed unsatisfied. He actually organized a second assault, and then sent a bunch of cavalry out of our front. This person is the same as the previous one. He will scatter ducks as soon as he comes out, which is completely a rogue tactic.

In fact, even if they send the fragments to the city, it may not be a victory, because the result of starting the timing as long as the fragments enter the city is just a speculation. Maybe the mission criterion is to enter the city completely. Of course, as long as there is such a possibility, I can't let them realize it. What if we only need to enter a slice and start timing, aren't we in vain?

The young black man triumphantly watched me riding a bird flying in the sky to chase and kill the suspected soldiers he sent. Although I can’t really do anything to me, but I’m busy around there and take it. If he can't help it, he can get a sense of balance in his heart.

I am depressed to die anyway. These air cavalry are flying around like a flock of silly sheep. I feel like a shepherd dog, chasing those outlying sheep everywhere! Compared with me, their battle strength can be said to be collapsed on the first encounter, but they are running around one by one, but I have to waste a lot of time chasing around. It’s not the end of catching up. If you kill them, you have to check it out. Is it with fragments? What a headache!

The rogue tactics are very shameless, but I have to admit that the effect is often very good. I was dizzy by those suspects, but he took the opportunity to take a small group of people through himself. I was pursuing the enemy in the sky, and it really made me retrieve a few pieces, but when I came back, I found that the young man who had been directing the battle was gone. I searched around and no one was seen. I sent an inquiry signal to my summon creature, and the evil spirit Knight reported that it seemed to see that guy's breakthrough position headed towards the city.

I commanded Asuka to chase up like a fire on my ass, hoping that the mount that the guy temporarily found didn't run fast. His lion is still a sculpture now. It shouldn't be for him to temporarily change the mount. It shouldn't be a high level horse or something like that.

Asuka flew at supersonic speed all the way, and caught up with the bastards in a few minutes. I don't know, I was shocked at first glance. This kid ran wildly with more than a dozen people there. What's more terrible was that they each carried a package on their backs, not to mention knowing what was wrapped in it. I really didn't expect to get so many people out of it, and it was a bit of a mistake for me to chase it out by myself.

The young black man soon discovered my approach. Not only was he not afraid, but he proudly raised the package in my hand. "Haha! Don't try to block us. The city wall can already be seen in front of you. I know that your summon creatures are all thrown on the other side of the battlefield. So many of us are running separately, you can at most chase one or two of them. Don't bother."

He made a lot of sense. My summon creatures are indeed lost on the side of the battlefield. Familiars are in the center of the enemy’s position with real red and small creatures to collect debris. The evil spirit Knight and Ringtone Knight are in front of the position with the air cavalry to block the enemy’s way, even my guild guard, two Avatars and two big ones. The controlling spirit was not carried with him. Now beside me are the flying birds under my feet and the phantoms that are in harmony with me. One of these two is a mount and the other is an auxiliary creature. They don’t seem to be able to be alone. It’s really impossible to chase more than a dozen people at the same time. . However, I don't really have nothing.

"hmph! You are too proud of it too early, right?" I asked Asuka to lower the altitude and said loudly: "I didn't want to appear in this state, but you forced me. "

There was a flash of my body, and a beautiful woman in red armor appeared next to me. She is the queen, the mother body of the Spirit Armor worm. She has the ability to fight alone without my body before, but I have always used her as a hidden strength and haven't used it much.

The young man was a little surprised at first, and then said proudly: "Not bad? But...the two of you are still too busy to come?"

I didn't answer, but curled up from under my feet. There was a whirlwind, and the silver moon holding the sun rod appeared on the spot.

"Become a woman?" The young man was taken aback for a moment.

I don't care about him, just beckoned. The always pink phoenix dragon appeared on my shoulder. Although my two accounts have been merged, the system still considers them to be two characters, so the guild welfare is doubled. Naturally, I also have two phoenix dragons. Of course, in addition to the Phoenix Dragon, Yinyue also has a steel claw, a long spear, a rainbow Tree Demon, and a fur ball beast. The battle strength of the steel claw is enough to chase one person alone, and the long spear cooperates with Asuka, and it shouldn't be a problem to intercept three people. It should be fine if the fur ball and the rainbow tree work together to block a person. The queen herself can intercept two or three people, which is already capable of intercepting eight people. I let Fenglong open the space again, and Hong Ling and Gangya jumped out together.

Although the previous battle was very tense, I haven't transformed myself, so I didn't release these two super familiars. Although the familiars around Yinyue are a little less than Purple Moon, these two familiars are not ordinary goods. Steel Teeth is Vajra Qilin, destructive power equivalent to the level of a large group of giant dragons added together, and his Indestructible Vajra, this is very abnormal. Hong Ling speaking of which is a fox spirit, but she has a high level of seniority, even the genuine fox is her descendant, and her own strength can be imagined. It is a pity that she has been imprisoned in Celestial Court for too long, and she has been disheartened with the world, so she always doesn't pay much attention when fighting. Otherwise, she might be the strongest one of my favorites.

With these two guys, blocking a dozen or twenty people is definitely not a problem. Besides, I also have battle strength myself. Isn't it trivial to block one or two people?

Seeing that there are so many monsters in the sky suddenly, and there are two big guys, the young man's expression is finally wrong. No longer speaking, the young man made a distracting gesture to the people around him, and those people immediately began to split their way and escape. I don’t even need to draw a picture here, and everyone is separated by themselves. My own pursuit target is of course a big one against Old Feng.

"Don't run away in a hurry!" I lightly landed on the young man's escape route. "It's very fun just now, right?"

The young man pulled the reins and made the warhorse stand up and stop. "Really didn't expect you to be a woman."

"Wrong. I am a man, but I am handsomer than you."

"You...!" I just That sentence was tantamount to scolding him for being ugly. Of course he was angry, but he quickly restrained it. "Even if you will transform, what about it? Your familiars are scattered, can this body stop me? I admit that your body was very strong before, but this...?"

< p>There was another whirlwind around me, and I returned to the Purple Moon form, and then back to the Silver Moon form. "Unfortunately, I can switch back and forth at will."

The youth really started to be scared this time. Before, he thought that I turned into the new familiars of summon, but since I can switch back and forth at will, but still fight with him in the silver moon form, it can only explain one thing-this form has a stronger battle strength.

This is indeed the case. The level of Yinyue trumpet is slightly lower than that of the tuba, and the overall battle strength is not as good as that of the tuba. However, Silver Moon’s battle strength is mainly on his own body, and Purple Moon’s battle strength is the main demon, so Silver Moon should be a stronger identity than Purple Moon in a single-player battle. However, because Yinyue's image is so beautiful, and people are always misunderstood to be a woman, I am psychologically resistant to this trumpet. If there is no other way, I try not to play Yinyue as much as possible.

I was paused on the ground with a stick. "Did you obediently hand over the things, and then let me beat you down and grab the things?"

The young man was just a little frightened for a while, and then he was relieved. "I know I probably won't be able to beat you. I have long heard that Purple Moon, the first player in the game, is very powerful. This time it is just in the game state. There is no death penalty. I have to try your full strength."

"It seems that you are going to let me beat you down!" I thought about it and said to him, "But you can't know all my battle strength, because most of my battle strength is lost. I’m on the battlefield. However, you will have the honor to try my magic level. You should feel honored, I rarely fight with magic."

"It seems that I still have your Cheaper?" The young man rushed forward without warning after he finished speaking.

"It's really shameless! Sneak attacks are all used!" A flame magic ring quickly spread along the ground, and the young man's horse was instantly burnt into charcoal. The two magic wands I just stopped were not fun.

The war horse was burned to death, but the young man flew up and leaped at me from the air. I pointed the staff at him. "Fire Dragon jets."

A pile of fly ash fell on the grassland, and I turned to look ahead. Familiars have begun to gather towards me. None of the cavalry who have just dispersed have reached under the city wall. The important thing is that the battle strength of steel teeth and red feathers is too strong for these people to resist.

When I took the fragments from the familiars, I heard the system hint. "Mission completed." Damn, this is actually the last few pieces, no wonder you can't find it on the other side of the battlefield! (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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