"Didn't expect to meet such a strong tree division." I said to Maria: "Give you two choices. No...."

"I surrender!" I called out Maria before I finished speaking. "Don't you just want me to be your favorite? I just agree."

"You are really decisive!"

"They are all tied up like this, Can I not be decisive?"

"hehe, in that case, then I'm not welcome." Actually, I wanted to ask Maria if she was willing to sign a long-term employment in our guild. Agreement, she didn't expect that she could be a pet. Really earned it. I proudly stretched my arm to her mouth. "That! Bite lightly, a drop of blood can recognize the Master."

"Don't worry, I won't have a drop left."


I heard that Maria’s words were not great enemy, but the reaction was a bit slow. Her head suddenly turned into a vine and inserted it into my wrist artery. Just now, in order for her to recognize the Master, I had lifted the defense and returned to a human form, and also opened the armor on my wrist, but I was taken advantage of. I realized that her behavior was too late. I saw Maria, who was tied up like a zongzi, turned into a vine and got into my blood vessels. There were countless terrifying meridians on my arm, as if my entire arm was about to explode. The silk cocoon in front has been completely deflated, Maria got into my arm completely, and was shifting towards the body.

"You bastard!" I was deceived again. This Maria is a professional scammer!

"hahahaha! I, Maria, is the most powerful tree division. You are stupid. You thought that something tied me up. You don’t know that plant creatures can change their size at will once they are humanized. Is it?" Maria laughed at me triumphantly while continuing to occupy my body. My arms and the left half of the shoulder became the horrible look of meridian entanglement, and they were quickly shifting to the head.

"Master, bear with me." Xiaofeng suddenly shouted from behind me, and then slapped my palms on my back. "Soul-locking fire."

"Wow!" I suddenly felt as if the blood vessels were burning up. Although Xiaofeng is my favorite, the damage is not calculated, but the temperature does exist after all. The sting of the high temperature is totally unbearable. But what comforted me a little was that Maria's screams also rang. No matter how strong the tree is, it is still a plant system. As long as it is a plant, it is afraid of fire. This is the law. Besides, she is not my favorite, the flame Xiaofeng enters into my body can cause real harm to her.

"It seems to be effective. Xiaofeng, increase the output." Ling reminded.

Xiaofeng closed her eyes, her hands suddenly turned red, and even the magic dragon armor began to emit white smoke. The meridian that thrived on my body quickly began to move up the arm at the speed visible to naked eye, and was gradually forced back to its original position. Suddenly, with a scream, Maria sprayed from the wound on my wrist, still carrying a large amount of blood in the middle.

With a cry, my blood splashed on the ground and burned quickly, almost like gasoline. Xiaofeng took a deep breath and withdrew both hands, I opened my mouth and let out a puff of blue smoke, and then fell down with a plop.

"Master? Are you okay?" The familiars gathered together.

"There is still a breath!" My whole body is smoking now, it feels like a sauna oversteamed my head! "Where is the damn Shusi?"

The familiars quickly gave up a way, and the Shusi was screaming and rolling frantically over there. She just felt hot in my blood vessels, but after leaving my body and contacting the air, it burned. There is oxygen outside. She is the best fuel, and the temperature is just enough to ignite her body. Naturally It burned. She didn't know her characteristics before and was embarrassed by her, but now that she understands her characteristics, she has nothing to rely on. Especially when we knew that she was Shusi, we knew that Flame was her nemesis, and both Inverite and Xiaofeng's tasks could easily settle her.

Maria, who was burning and rolling on the floor, suddenly jumped up and slammed her head into the ground, but she was not injured, but plunged into the mud like diving.

Ling loudly shouted: "Quickly, don't let her run!"

"Look at me." The tank hit the ground with a hammer, and the ground trembled. , Maria was shaken out again, although she was still smoking, but the fire finally went out.

"I surrendered, this time I really surrendered!" Before we could say anything, Maria knelt down. "I don't dare anymore, please forgive me!"

"Don't believe her, you have done so badly to the master, you must never let her go." Ling hugged my head and angrily Said to everyone.

The opinions of the demons are similar, probably because they really feel deceived, so they are very angry. Ivorite lit a small fire ball directly on his finger. "Let me burn her?"

"Don't kill me, I don't want to die!" Maria quickly crawled back in panic.

Scott ran over suddenly. "Master."

"What's the matter?"

"The cavalry behind has arrived."

I turned my head away from the pet next to me. one time. Yes, only ten minutes, the air cavalry has arrived. The cavalry behind can arrive in at most five minutes. The command of the air cavalry this time is Asura purple clothed and true red. Both of them are very mindful. Instead of attacking with air cavalry from behind, they flew over their heads and joined our defense line after landing in front of the team. , Resolutely nailed the enemy to this line of defense, and never let them move forward.

I pointed to Maria who was trying to escape. "Shuangxue. Freeze her first and throw it into the Phoenix Dragon Space."

"Does the master plan to let her go?" Shuangxue asked.

"It depends on me to be happy. But if I am so miserable, this hatred is still to be reported. Anyway, go back and deal with her."

"No problem." Shuang Xue snapped her fingers, and Mary, who was crawling, suddenly became an ice sculpture. She was seriously injured by the flames just now, otherwise she wouldn't even have to crawl to escape now.

Putting away the frozen Maria, I got up from the ground, but I felt bad health and scary. After looking towards the ground, he spit on the ground, and only heard a boom, the saliva burned in the air.

Fortunately sighed beside him: "Good guy, it's stronger than our giant dragon!"

I touched my lips and said: "Go back and drink more water to quench the fire!" Xiaofeng! When will this return to normal temperature?"

Xiaofeng's face was flushed, her hands kept wringing in front of her. "That..."

"What's wrong?" My instinct seems to be something wrong.

Xiaofeng hesitated: "Actually...that was the power of the Heart of Fire, so...so..."

"What the hell is that?"< /p>

Ivrit took over Xiaofeng and said: "So it will burn forever. The heart of the flame is a flame drawn by life, Undying and Inextinguishable. Unless the master's soul is destroyed, it will never go back. "


Xiaofeng defended: "I can't do that too!"

Lucky laugh haha ​​said: "It's okay master , You should be happy! In the future, if you can't beat someone else, you will spit on them. Our giant dragon does that. Hahahaha!"

Although I am not very willing, it seems that I can only do it in the future. I'm doing the Spitfire Tyrant Dragon! I don’t know if I will get burnt if Rose kisses me!

When Xiaofeng was lucky to say this, he hurriedly said: "Yes! If the owner is injured in the future, at least the wound will not be infected. Your blood will be the lead of the flame in the future, as long as it comes into contact with the air. It will burn violently, and it can definitely cause an unexpected blow to the enemy who is causing you damage."

There is some truth to this. If you were slashed while fighting an enemy, you would definitely spray the opponent with blood. Now my blood is like a spontaneous combustion agent, spraying it on will make the other party suffer a big loss. It is indeed a good method of conspiracy, but I would rather not use it!

After solving Maria, the black young man didn't know where to go. There have been a large number of air cavalry between us and the enemy, and they are constantly increasing. The two armies finally reached a partial balance in numbers, and the other side immediately felt the pressure increase. In fact, if it wasn't for Rose to be greedy for cheap and left the insect race castle in Isengard waiting to copy, then we would have solved them long ago. The other party has no heavy weapons at all, and we bring a spider fortress is enough to snatch the sculpture.

Asura purple clothed saw me from a long distance, she ran over on a horse. "What's the matter with you?" My legs are weak now, and I can only be held on the right side by Ling and Xiaochun, looking rather embarrassed.

"I met a strong man, but I have already decided. Are you fast?"

"It's all slow. If it wasn't for the purpose of concentrating some of your strength, then you can join the battle. We should have arrived."

"What about red? I seem to see her coming down too, why didn't I see anyone?"

Asura purple clothed without looking back Pointed back: "Where do you see the human body fountain, she is probably there!" I looked at it from a long distance, and saw a place where groups of people were flying into the sky, and then they were scattered like celestial flowers. fall down.

With a wry smile, he shook his head: "It's really a red style! It's barbaric!"

At this time, the opposing cavalry is also thinking about the same as me, but they are not Feeling really red and barbaric, but that this woman is the devil. When Zhen Hong first appeared in front of them, they didn't know how powerful it was. At that time, they only saw Zhen Hong jumping off the mount, and they immediately rushed up frantically. In their opinion, how much battle strength can a long, soft and cute little girl have? Although I heard that there are agile little girls with high battle strength before, it is a heads-up. In a real group battle, the girl's speed can't be achieved at all. Only the power-type warrior can exert its own strength, so it is completely in the melee. No one takes it seriously. But they soon began to regret it.

True Red rushed into the center of the enemy alone, jumped up in the shock of everyone’s eyes, and hit the ground with a punch. As a result, people within a radius of 30 meters were all bounced by the ground. stand up. Before those people landed, Zhen Hong punched forward and a baring fangs and brandishing claws Divine Dragon roared and rushed over. Everyone encountered along the way flew like rag dolls hit by a train. Zhenhong was like a tiger falling into the flock. He couldn't stand within a radius of ten meters. There was no one under him, and even the high level NPCs were knocked out of sight. The most terrible thing is that most of True Red's tricks are face-to-face killings. It is normal to fly out dozens of people with one punch. Any punch can hit hundreds of people, and every time she attacks, she will release a rampage. The Divine Dragon of Light, everything that is touched will be knocked into flight. The shield hand seemed to be holding a cardboard in front of her, and it was normal to punch dozens of people with one punch. In the end, no one dared to approach her. Wherever Zhen Hong rushed, there would definitely be a huge vacuum area around her, and no one would dare to enter her attack radius.

"It seems that trying to block the enemy is not a big problem." I said to Asura purple clothed.

Asura purple clothed said: "In fact, Rose has a suggestion, I don’t know if you want to do it."

"What does Rose want me to do?"

"Move that sculpture out."

"Move it out?"

Asura purple clothed explained: "Although it is considered a victory as long as you don’t let that thing go into the city for more than three hours, the theory is Our mission has been timed from the beginning. Being able to complete the mission as quickly as possible will have a bonus effect on subsequent missions and get higher guild points."

"Why not in the morning?" I beckoned Ye Ying over, turned over and jumped up and pointed to the front and said: "Come with me and move that thing out for me!"

"I want to help Is it?" Asura purple clothed asked.

I shook my head. "If you stay and command the battle, I will call the real red one."

There are many enemies, but in my opinion, they do not constitute any obstacles. Enemies with a level difference of more than 100 can be dealt with in one move, and if the level difference is more than one hundred and five Level 10, it is completely the difference between a rabbit and a tiger. No amount of battle strength can be formed.

I brought a bunch of familiars into the enemy's formation. The huge body of the tank cleared the way like a city rushing cart, and we just followed behind and rushed forward. There are also many players with magic familiars on the enemy's side. Unfortunately, the number is too small and the level is not very high, basically unable to threaten the safety of the tank. Instead, the tank is running and attacking the enemy around.

We rushed to Zhen Hong first, and I shouted to her: "True Hong." I saw her notice me before continuing: "Before, follow me, rush over and move the thing directly Come out."

"Just agree with me." Zhenhong ran up to me a few steps, and then jumped directly onto the back of the tank. She is even more effective than tanks. This time, she doesn't need to collide at all, and the enemy dodges away from a long distance.

After all, there are tens of millions of enemies, even players and NPCs. Just gathering there is a huge area. We pushed back seven or eight kilometers from the front of the formation to reach the center of the team, and we could see that sculpture erected in the team from a long distance. Because it is relatively tall and mounted on the carriage, the thing becomes very conspicuous, and it attracts us to approach like a banner.

The enemies in the front line are afraid of the red battle strength, so they hide when they see her, but the enemies here know that they are behind the mission target, so even if they die, they can’t retreat. These people no longer evade Zhenhong, but rushed up bravely. Zhenhong wanted to go down and fight again, but I was held back by it. "It's better to save a little effort and let the tank come!"

The tank proudly said: "Look at me." As the tank swept two huge sickle-shaped arms along the ground. The personnel in the battlefield were too dense, and the attack range of the tank's forearm was too large, and there was no place to dodge. As soon as the claw went down, it swept down a large group of people.

The infantry formation can't stop the impact of tanks at all. The characteristics of tanks are high defense and high attack. It can be said that the combination of the strongest shield and the strongest spear. If he encounters a cavalry with high mobility, he may not be able to defeat the opponent, but for infantry, he is absolutely not afraid.

The line of defense was quickly dissipated, and after the tank hit the big guy all the way, it turned and swept away nearby enemies. I rode Ye Ying from behind the tank and rushed straight up towards the huge carriage.

"Stop him!" It was the black young man who shouted, and didn't expect him to run back again.

Dozens of black players rushed up with large magic familiars in an attempt to block my progress. The phoenix dragon space opened up beside me, and luckily jumped out first from the space, bit the front war giant beast in one bite, and then scrambled and rolled out.

That war giant beast is probably one of the strongest monsters in the enemy’s place. It was actually entangled as soon as it came up, making the enemy a little completely unprepared. But they are not too panic, after all, they have a partial quantitative advantage. This is the center of their camp, and all directions are from them at a glance, so the confidence is quite sufficient.

The head of the row was going to deal with my war. Giant beast and giant dragon bite and rolled to the side. The two giant lions in the second row immediately screamed and rushed up. This kind of giant lion is about the same size as the giant dragon. It is a complete melee creature. Although it is not magical like giant dragons, and its defense is slightly worse than giant dragons, they are more agile than giant dragons. The perfect combination of speed and power is Their specialty. However, today it is destined to have no chance for them to take advantage of speed. Xiao San jumped out with luck. Three heads bit a lion and rolled to the side. Then the big red thorn scorpion jumped out of the phoenix dragon space and fought with another giant lion.

The three strongest creatures were all blocked, and the commanding youth was a little dazed. However, an older player next to him immediately shouted: "Don't stand up, rush together!"

The remaining large creatures rushed up together, but my phoenix dragon space flew again. A group of familiars took all these guys away. In the end, the enemy was depressed to find that the familiars they had concentrated on the people near the target were not as many as I did alone. My familiars dragged all the large familiars they had prepared specially, and there was actually still around me. There is a Divine Dragon and a mechanical creature covered in flames.

Ivrit and the small dragon female, one is a high attack type, the other is a mixed attack and auxiliary type, and the level is not low, the remaining enemies can only block my two A familiar. But what makes them even more depressed is that besides the large hill-like monsters, there are many humanoid familiars and small ones around me.

No way. The single player's battle strength is insufficient, so I have to fill in the number. The black young man raised hand, a red magic missile flew into the sky, and then exploded in the air, forming a red lance logo. The soldiers around saw the sign and immediately stopped advancing. Although we had been fighting before, the enemy team never stopped. Until now, they stopped after seeing this signal.

According to the previous plan, they planned to rush to the city and then come back to fight us, but I now threaten the safety of the target item, so they had to send out a rescue signal. This signal means to stop the march and make emergency reinforcements to the target point.

The players' reaction was a little slower, and the opponent's NPC troops reacted the fastest, turning around and rushing towards us.

Zhenhong was originally full of enjoyment, but she couldn't stand it with too many people, and was forcibly pressed by my side. "Purple Moon, there are too many enemies. It doesn't seem to be possible to rely on our individual strength alone!"

I flew over before Ye Yue could answer and fell on me. "Master Aiya, didn't you crush you?"

"What happened?"

"A dozen of them attacked together, and I couldn't be too busy with six hands!" For the first time, Ye Yue sighed that her hands were not enough!

"hehe! Sometimes you can't do it?" At this time, the only one who still wants to laugh at us is the one who just joined the group... eh! wrong! It should be the Princess who just joined us. Although she is a demon pet, she just joined after all. In terms of loyalty, she basically can't talk about it. It can only be said that she will not betray the level, which is far below the standard of together.

Yeyue retorted and said: "You can do it? You can do it, you can do it!"

"If I am up, I am up!" Princess and Yeyue are like Ling and Xiaochun. , No peace at all, the whole is a pair of mortal enemies. Was excited by Ye Yue, she really did it.

I saw Princess throw the little Bai she had been holding in her hands. The kitten-shaped little Bai quickly grew bigger in the air. With a deafening roar of tigers, her body was long. More than four meters, the white Saber-Toothed Tiger landed on the ground with a thud. Princess jumped slightly, and then sat on Xiao Bai's back sideways. The charm wizard Luna also flew onto Princess's shoulder, and then drew with one hand. A round magic array appeared at Xiao Bai's feet and dragged them into the air.

From our side, it seems that Princess is surrounded by a faint pink fluorescence flickering, which is quite dreamy. Combined with her appearance, it is a perfect model. She waved to the battlefield below like a leader of parallax. "Dear warriors, can you stop for a while?" Her voice was obviously increased, the volume was quite loud, but it was sweet.

Don't say anything. With this sentence, those NPCs who were crazily pressing toward the center actually slowed down. Some high-level NPCs are still fighting, but the intermediate-level NPCs are very hesitant. As for the low-level NPCs, their eyes are shining with stars and looking up at Princess, they won't move.

Princess let out a chuckle like a silver bell after seeing the reaction below, and then shouted to the people below: "Lovely warriors? There are wars everywhere here, people are so scared. ! You come to be my Knight, protect me, okay?"

There is a large brain flaring up below, and there are many players in it. Princess’s ability is similar to the effect of my fog of death turning the player into a zombie. Players with lower levels will be temporarily controlled by the system after being controlled. At this time, they are actually the same as NPCs, except for the identity of the player. . The players who had a face like Brother Pig and drool all over the ground are all low-level players who have been controlled. The expression is not their own will, but the result of the system's forced takeover of control.

Seeing these people nodded, Princess smiled and blew a few kisses down, which caused a frantic throat. Zhen Hong said by my side: "It's as hot as a super idol concert!"

"Hehe, she is much fiercer than those idols. At least fans will not start a war for idols, these people will immediately It's time to fight for Princess!"

Sure enough, as I said. After blowing a kiss, Princess said in a bone-sweet voice: "My Knights, I really want that thing! Can you grab it for me?" Princess's finger pointed to that abstract sculpture of course. .

"Okay...!" We almost didn't get on the ground when tens of thousands of people roared together, and then these people started rushing towards that sculpture like bulls in heat. Those who weren't caught All high-level personnel under control were attacked by those around them. The people under control and those who are not under control are actually very good points. The expressions of the people under control are very lascivious, but the fights are more fierce than before they were under control. It can be said that no casualties are recorded at all.

True Red watched the sight of tens of thousands of original enemies rushing towards their former companions and smashed into a ball, and sighed: "I now know what woman is called femme fatale."

Ye Yue nodded and said with the same sympathy: "Yes, she is like that."

We were proudly watching the enemy hit our own people. Suddenly, an accident happened. . Lucky scrambled with that war giant beast and rolled over, crushing many people along the way. The war giant beast struggled to stand up, and luckily stood on his back and bit his neck. Then the war giant beast tilted to the side, and the two giant beasts smashed into that sculpture together. All the sane people almost yelled out together, but it was a pity that the voice couldn't support these two big guys weighing more than 100 tons.

Boom. A loud noise accompanied the dust filling the sky, and the sculpture fell down and fell to pieces. Whether it's us or the enemy, all are generally frozen as if was struck by lightning. The target is broken? Who will win this? (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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