"Her Highness the Princess!" Manaluo walked into the door awkwardly.

Since Mana went in, I couldn't stand outside, so I had to go in with me. The interior of the room was basically the same as when I ran into the room last time, except that there were more people. Princess was sitting on the huge bed facing the door and looking at the door. I was fascinated at a glance. I remember that I heard an ad slogan called "There is no best, only better." It seems to be the case now. Before, I thought that Vina and Yeyue are the limits of women's beauty. Today I saw Princess's appearance and I suddenly understood that there is more than one limit to women's beauty. Vina represents the beauty of the charm of mature women; Yeyue represents the beauty of the most primordial desire; Ling represents the intellectual beauty of reason and wisdom; Xiaochun represents the beauty of pure and flawless soul. Now after seeing Her Highness the Princess, I immediately understood that she represents beauty in other directions. It is an overwhelming beauty that makes people want to take care of it when they see it. Her beauty is not so much a temptation to the opposite sex, as it is a pet's temptation to the owner. The kind of cuteness that transcends everything is beyond race. Pure gender temptation does not work for the same sex and different races, but Princess can charm all races because of her special nature of beauty.

Pink's Princess dress, pink hair, pink crystal shoes, and even the skin is slightly pink. This Princess is a cute pink doll, and indeed has invincible charm! The shining light purple big eyes and the small nose work together, there is a feeling that you want people to rush to take a bite, and the thin mouth always seems to be able to control other people's emotions, she just needs to pout her mouth. It will make others feel like doing something wrong, and when the corners of your mouth are raised, your mood will rise with it. Maybe next time I should consider meeting with the artists of Longyuan, the design of this image is too perfect!

At present, Princess is shining bright and intelligent big eyes to release her grievances to Mana, and Mana has already started not knowing what to do there, her emotions are completely dominated. I now believe that her monstrous talent level charm is not a blow! However, I seem to have discovered something that others have not noticed. There is an elf sitting on Princess's shoulders. It was a beautiful little girl who was only a few inches tall. She was wearing a pink dress exactly like Princess, but behind her there were a pair of transparent cicada wings like dragonflies, and there was a faint dreamy color on the wings. I even Can feel the powerful magical fluctuations in her body. This little thing is by no means a decoration, she is a powerful beloved. Princess's charm does not seem to be her own power.

In addition to the elf, Princess is also holding a very strange kitten in her arms. The cat's hair is very long, and the whole body is white, it looks very cute. But cuteness is just the appearance. When I activate the star pupils, I can see that the cat is emitting circles of red rays of light, as if it is on fire. This kind of red light only appears on one kind of creature-hell creatures. This is not a cat, at least not an ordinary cat.

Princess is not alone in the room. There are two maids standing beside her, but they seem to be more powerful super experts than the two petrified outside. No wonder Mana said before that Princess's safety is not to worry about, she is scary enough by herself, and there are two helpers standing beside her. Assassin attacking her is more dangerous than attacking a Legion.

At this short time when I was reviewing Princess's situation, Mana was about to collapse. Princess has been attacking her with her charm magic. If this continues, she will probably commit suicide in embarrassment! I took a step forward and pulled Mana behind her. She was out of sight of Little Princess and her emotions immediately eased, panting desperately behind me.

Princess smiled and moved her gaze to me. "Are you assassin?"

"No." I smiled and looked into her eyes. "The purpose of assassin is to kill people, and I don't want to kill anyone, so I am not assassin."

"Who you are?"

"Me?" I thought about it. "Have you heard of human traffickers?"

"Well, I have heard of them, but I have never seen them. So you are a human trafficker!" Princess asked me in a sweet voice like a child. Although it sounds innocent, I know she is actually smarter than Mana. It is good for ordinary wise people to understand the truth of the rare confusion, while a true elite like her can be "rare and shrewd", and this is the real wise man. didn't expect this girl so great! She looked at me innocently and said: "Then are you here today to sell me? Or do you want to sell my maid?"

"The maid can go to the ordinary traffickers , I am a high level human trafficker, and the target is of course high level goods like you."

"Impudent, you dare to speak wild words to Princess." The maid beside Princess immediately came out to block Princess. The charm of Princess will affect the people around them. The two of them follow Princess every day and they are already deeply poisoned!

Princess said to me in a teasing voice behind the two maids: "That's really unfortunate! My maid doesn't seem to want you to do this! What are you going to do?"< /p>

I also laughed. "Princess seems to be proud of her defense power! So let you see a relative first!"

"Relatives? What relatives do I have?"

I snapped my fingers. Ye Yue suddenly walked out of Fenglong's space. She looked at the maid in front of Princess with a playful smile, and then her eyepiece suddenly became transparent. The maids turned into two statues before they could react, and even part of Princess's bed was petrified.

I stepped forward and knocked down the two stone statues, then looked into Princess’s eyes and asked: "Do you think you still have a chance?"

Princess stared at me panic. But she quickly reacted again, and her eyes quickly moved to Ye Yue's body. Ye Yue laughed suddenly. "Interesting, it's really from the same clan!" She walked over and put her arms around my neck and kissed me hard on the face. "Be a precaution first. Miss Mana will go out first to avoid accidental injury." As she said, she reached out and pushed the eyepiece up.

Princess screamed, and then the whole room quickly turned into a stone house. The only things that were not affected were Princess and her pets. I was just kissed, and Yeyue’s saliva still sticks to my face. It’s a petrochemical antidote. It’s normal not to be petrified, but Princess’s situation is different. She can completely resist the effects of petrochemicals, and even herself 'S pet was also protected by her power.

"Your eyes...?"

"Petroleum, don't tell me you don't know." Yeyue looked at Princess' eyes with a faint smile on her face. "As the successor of the enchanting pupil, you should know my existence."

Princess stood up with excitement. The elf on her shoulder didn't react at all, and turned directly off her shoulder. . Princess looked at Ye Yue and asked in surprise: "You...you are...!"

"Heir? Yes. I am the only descendant of this generation of our clan, and of course it is also a successor. As one of the three branches of the Eye of Enchantment, you should also be the only heir. Then tell me, do you know where the third family is going?"

"The third family? You mean the eternal life Eyes?"

"hey hey hey! Talk to parents, at least let me understand, okay?" I patted Yeyue's shoulder. "What is the Eye of Eternal Life?"

Ye Yue explained to me: "The three descendants of the Nuwa ancestors each have a special ability. The specific method of use is to realize it with eyes, just like mine. The Petrified Pupil actually used his eyes to extract life force, so that the living matter quickly petrified. And she." Yeyue pointed to Princess. "She belongs to the branch in charge of the desire for survival, and this ability is used in disguised form to produce the enchanting pupil, which can manipulate the mind of any creature through latent desire, including mechanical creatures, which can be said to be indiscriminately controlled. And our two races represent separately Deprivation and control, as for the eye of eternal life, that represents the third branch of bestowing. The eye of eternal life can give life with the eyes, basically as long as one glance over, everything will gain life and stand up to protect and rejuvenate The master fights. For example, if they see a stone, the stone will become a stone giant. When they see water, the water will condense into a Water Element. When they see the water, the water will condense into a Water Element. Creatures. Of course, the most important use is to use your eyes to make dead creatures get up and fight again. As long as they stand behind their backs, their troops will be an invincible Legion that will never die."

"Really strong ability." I looked towards Princess and said: "So are you going to resist now?"

"Resistance?" Little Princess suddenly jumped over and hugged one of my arms. "Why resist? I wouldn’t bother to be a Princess if it wasn’t for the king’s power to find the two lost branches! Really, that nasty old man actually wanted me to fight for him, and I couldn’t reveal my identity. I had to pretend to be pitiful with him! Now that I found an heir, what am I doing here? Wouldn’t it be better to follow you to find another clan?"

"Cut! I thought I was going to cry you Tied it up and carried it away! Didn't expect it was his own!" Ye Yue threw a red stone to Princess. "Do you recognize it?"

Little Princess eyes immediately stared at the boss. "Isn't this life shard? Why is it with you?"

Ye Yue put down the eyepiece, then tapped on the side of the ear protector, and a layer of red crystal fell on the forehead after a brush stroke. . She looked at Princess for a long time before saying: "No wonder you don't have a tail."

"Huh?" Princess looked at her legs in confusion. "What's the matter with me?"

"You swallowed life fragments into your stomach, of course this leg can't go back. Now the fragments have been completely integrated with your body, you can be said to be fragments Part of it. Grab a new fragment for you, and the fragments in your body will be sensitive to it. My eyepiece can see the special light emitted during the induction, and now it seems that you are impossible to restore the original face of our clan." Speaking, Ye Yue tapped on the ear protectors, and the red eyepiece on the outer layer popped up again. She reached out and took back the fragments from Princess's hand, and then took out a large pocket from her body, which contained a pile of fragments. "I have collected twenty-eight pieces, but I don’t know how many pieces there were at the beginning, if I could collect them all!"

"Don’t even think about it." Little Princess said: "My hands There are still more than 30 pieces in it! If you can give me your half, I can finally get a set."

"Dreams." Ye Yue said fiercely: "I You won’t hand it over to yourself. If you have the ability, you can grab it!"

"Do you know that I am not a battle-type and still bully me?"

"Yes, Just to bully you!" Yeyue is also a descendant of Nuwa Divine Race, and Princess's special power has no effect on her.

Princess was jumping around there with anger, but she couldn't help it. Seeing Princess was going crazy, I quickly separated them. "Wait, wait, I didn't let you fight here. Since Her Highness the Princess doesn't plan to stay here, let's go quickly? Although I am not afraid of the guards here, it is troublesome to be entangled. "

Princess looked at me, after thinking about it, she took three deep breaths to restore the image of a lady, and then she said to me: "Before we go, go to the underground palace and take the holy demon crystal. Steal them together. I wanted it a long time ago, but the old man refused to give it to me!"

I laughed. "Then no need, the things are already with me."

"You already got it?" Princess looked at me in surprise: "Give it to me!"

" Why should I give it to you?"

"Because I want it."

"Do you have to give it to you if you want me?"

"No People just want it!" Princess' eyes flashed with tears, and her small mouth could hang an oil bottle.

I put my hand on her forehead and pushed her away. "Your enchantment won't work for me, don't waste any magic power!"

"That's not necessarily." Princess stepped back two steps, and then light flashed with green eyes, and the elf suddenly appeared In front of her, the elf's eyes flashed with the same rays of light.

I walked over without pause, grabbed the elf and threw it to Yeyue, then bent down and carried Little Princess on the shoulder. "Let's go! Let's get out of here."

"Let me down! How can you treat me like this! I protest! You are blasphemy against me!"

Little girl all the way Constantly crying, the loudness of the voice makes it hard for me to imagine it was her. I slapped her little butt hard. "Call it again to make your ass bloom. I have already told you that I am a trafficker, and you still resist, do you want to court death?"

Little girl knows a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him, rubbing his butt aggrievedly and no longer speak. We went to the lobby on the first floor, and several maids watched me carrying Princess and immediately surrounded them, but only a few statues were added to the lobby. Ye Yue, who was holding the elf in one hand, and the cat in the other hand, was angry at this time. The reason is only to look at the cat's claw marks on her wrist. This little thing doesn't look like the ground, but it's actually very fierce.

After we walked out of the great hall, we found the pioneers and rose vines directly in the flowerbed summon, drilled a hole directly from here, and then left the Imperial Palace. We were gone long ago when the guards outside found out that the situation was coming in. The hole in the ground quickly reminded the guards of the person who attacked the treasure house, but they were just thinking about it. It was not so easy to catch us.

The investigation of the shadow planet is basically over. If you don’t know anything, you can ask Little Princess and Mana in detail. Anyway, they are both high-level personnel, and they should know some confidential information.

According to my memory, I returned to the altar where I ran out before. According to Mana's account, I knew that this place was the space altar of their country. Those space channels that appear on Earth are not actually formed naturally. The God’s channel that connects the three planets actually only shortens the distance between the three planets, and does not open any channel between the two planets. No matter which creature is on the planet, they have no ability to break through the atmosphere. . Therefore, the only way for the three planets to communicate is to open the space channel.

The space channel of the shadow planet is a kind of random channel, and there is no way to control the opening position. Therefore, we will find that the opening of the channel is irregular when we are on Earth, and the opening time is not long each time. , That’s because the opening of the channel needs to consume magic power, and no matter how powerful the wizard is, it is impossible to open the channel all the time. When their magic power is exhausted, the channel will inevitably be closed, and when they recover, the channel will be opened in another place.

I just want to borrow the channel here to return. According to Mana, there are three sets of divisions that continuously support the space door. Although the exit position on the Earth side will change every time the division is changed, the space channel supported by the division can last longer. time.

Pet Mana, Princess and Princess’s pets and throw them into the Phoenix Dragon space first, and then let Yeyue return to the space, so that I can move forward lightly. With the help of the night, he carefully touched the vicinity of the altar, and then observed the surrounding situation. The space gate is less than 200 meters in front of me. There are more than ten defense teams in the middle, but they all face the space gate. As long as I don't get close to the passage, I won't be spotted. There are more than 30 people dressed up as wizards all around in the passage, probably the kind of division that Mana said. I now finally know why the staff with the staff didn't attack me when I came here. It was not that they didn't want to attack me at the time, it was just that they couldn't use magic at all because their magic power was exhausted.

After confirming the safety around me, I transformed into a werewolf form first, and then prepared to rush over with a speed advantage, but when I was about to charge ahead, two guys dressed as wizards were talking. As I walked over, I had to temporarily retreat and hide in the grass.

"You are right, maybe we really did something wrong." said a mage in a black robe.

The white-robed mage next to him continued: "But the king Your Majesty seems to want to conquer those Earth creatures. He may not listen to our words!"

"All Blame the damn Harindas, a trash jester, who actually encouraged Your Majesty to conquer a foreign race. Only last year we fought the Hartlin Empire, our country is already in ruins, and we need it now. It’s self-cultivation, not war. I don’t know what Your Majesty thinks, but actually agreed to the jester’s plan."

The White-robed Mage said helplessly: "We are fighting the war. , The jester doesn’t have to take responsibility. Of course he dare to say anything! As for Your Majesty, I think I can understand what he thinks. The monarchs of our country have to at least open up a new piece of land for the country. Only Your Majesty is the dynasty. The area of ​​the country has not changed at all. Your Majesty is not young anymore, he is very anxious, so he doesn't care about anything!"

"Really! Isn't the newly regained new district already counted as his achievements? Do you have to work so hard?"

"You said that new district? Can that kind of place be counted as a country? Although speaking of which can also be regarded as an expansion of the country's land area, but that kind of place is really a success. , That is, as a psychological comfort to Your Majesty, others will surely gossip. Your Majesty knows this very well, so he is eager to win a victory. Besides, you know. Once the people of our planet reach Earth, their strength will rise. Five hundred levels, so it’s easier to play a piece of land over there than here. This is Your Majesty’s final bet, and it’s understandable that he wants to play bigger."

Hiding in the grass I was totally frightened by the news. It's no wonder that Earth's shadow creature is so powerful. When I first came here, I found that the people here are almost weak. Although Mana once said that all the experts who sent to Earth are experts, I still feel that those experts are much better than the people here. Now I finally understand the reason. It turns out that shadow creatures that reach Earth automatically increase their strength at level 500, which means that even if it is a level 800 personnel, in the past, Earth was at level 1,300. If you count it this way, it's really very powerful. It seems that if you really want to resist the invasion of shadow creatures, it is best to put the battlefield here, otherwise, when we get to Earth, we will suffer a 500-level loss in vain.

After I listened to the message, the two people also went far away. I changed into the form of a werewolf again, and I saw the location of the space door, and suddenly jumped out of the grass toward the passage. The speed enhancement of the werewolf form is very high. I arrived at a distance of two hundred meters in an instant, and at this time the guards hadn't reacted yet. I triumphantly shouted to the guard behind: "Haha, goodbye!" The joy of sorrow probably means that I am in this situation. As soon as I crossed the space channel, a person walked out of it. The two of us smashed into each other sturdily, but he was knocked into the tunnel again, and I was also bounced out. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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