Sha Yezi's eyes flashed. "Six Yuzhen Soul Song." For the first time, I discovered that Sha Yezi had such an attack, but it seemed that the suppression effect on the undead was very obvious. As the soft singing sounded, the Spirit Physique in front of him immediately knelt down with his head in pain, and seemed to be working hard.

I wanted to step forward and solve him completely, but this guy suddenly got up. "Do you... do you think this... can make me succumb?" The undead glanced at his armor, and then suddenly slapped his forehead with a palm. "Soul burns."

With a boom, a zhang high flame burst out of this guy, and the frightening thing is that the surrounding temperature is accumulating and dropping. The familiars I use here are all undead specializations, and I immediately yelled: "Rewind, this is the soul flame, he wants to self-destruct."

"Damn, how did you come across Such a lunatic!" I waved back: "Temporarily retreat." I stepped back a few steps and merged with my own fleshy weight. I moved my neck, and after confirming that my body was under full control, I immediately turned around and led everyone out. When I left the house, I opened Eternal into a wall to block the door to prevent the formidable power of the explosion from affecting us.

As soon as we ran a few steps out of the gate, we heard a bang inside the gate, and then the gate that became eternally rang out as if it had been smashed by something from inside. After the bell sounded, there seemed to be no movement inside. I was about to go up and take back the eternity, but didn't expect to be held by Sha Yezi.

"Don't touch it, it's full of undead energy now, which is very dangerous to you."

"What about you?"

"We were originally undead creatures , It can only be regarded as food for us."

I laughed: "Then please go in and help you eat all these things."

"Happy to help." King and Shaye Zi and Mirage drilled in through a seam opened in Eternity, and after a while, Eternity automatically retracted into a spherical shape, while the three of them were looking at us inside.

The king buzzed and said: "It really didn't expect that there will be such a pure undead energy. This guy's soul must be very perfect. It is a pity that it is self-destructed."

Sha Yezi said disapprovingly: "There are always several diehard members in a country. It is normal for a royal secret library like this to have a guard of the souls of dead men. These people are generally extremists. , Loyalty to the master is everything, there will be no other thoughts, so it is very pure. After absorbing the soul of this guy, even I feel that I am about to be moved! Huh? Master, why are you crying? I can’t be moved. "

I held a big sword trembling and said: "I am not moved, I am excited! This guy's equipment is actually the equipment that can be used by players, damn, this sword is a high-level Divine Item , It’s no wonder that I can slash with Eternal."

"I thought the master had changed his sex!" Sha Yezi picked up the helmet left by that guy from the ground and looked at it. "This thing seems to be also a Divine Item. This undead is simply using such the largest treasure to guard this treasure house. It's really a strange idea."

Ye Yue, who has never intervened, said: "I'm afraid it is this A mistake caused by the loyalty of the guy. The king of this country probably meant to put the undead in armor, and if he couldn’t fight, at least he could escape with the most precious armor. Didn’t expect this guy to be too loyal to the Imperial Family. Fight hard. Now even this set of equipment is donated."

I suddenly stood up and said: "I will emptied this place right away, and I will judge whether it is good or bad. We have guests here. "

The sound of the explosion just now was too loud, and finally people outside found out what was wrong here. The darts that I have always arranged to keep the wind at the entrance have discovered that a large group of guards are approaching. After he reported the situation to me through his touch, he is running towards this side. The guards will probably arrive a little later than him, but they should not be far away. , So we have to hurry up.

We are very good at moving things. A whirlwind swept the entire warehouse. After we came out, we just ran into the darts coming back from the entrance. Putting all the other familiars back, Summon went out of the white waves, and then took the darts to ride up and let him carry us to the entrance that we had hit before. Bailang, the tunnel expert, didn't worry about getting lost at all. He ran all the way to the hole we dug, and then jumped in. First let the white waves and the darts go to the depths of the tunnel to wait, and then the summon tank came out and fired a shot at the building. After collapsing the internal building, our place was sealed. We took back the tank and replaced it with rose vines and pioneers. We began to dig down holes and plan to go around from below.

The guards chased us to the place where we fled and only saw a section of the collapsed building. Although the passage behind can be seen from the gap, it takes not two or three hours to clear a passage in such a place. The work that can be done, we will run away early without waiting for them to end.

Knowing that the treasure vault was attacked, the king also hurried to the scene with his ministers. When the old king saw the gem vault on the shelf, he was immediately stunned. The ministers and others finally awakened the king, and then drove him to the equipment storehouse. As a result, the king spurted blood and fainted. Even the weapon racks are gone in the armory, and there are only rocks left! Without these two treasure houses, the king's private property would be completely gone. Although there is money in the treasury, even in an empire, the treasury and the king's private treasury are not the same. It is not that simple to use the funds of the treasury. Because of this, the king spurted blood. All these stolen items were his personal items, and there was no poor one left. The king's spirit is already strong if he hasn't died directly, and most people probably died directly at that time.

A few minutes later, the king was pinched by the imperial physician and finally opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, his first words were: "Search! Find me those guys. Right now!" The ministers led. Ming was about to run, but was stopped by the king again. "If the order is passed down, anyone who can help me retrieve the treasure can ask me to be promoted to Level 1 or Gold Ten Thousand Ingots."

"As you bid." The ministers had to order and the king was carried away. Back to his bedroom to rest.

With the order from the palace, the people outside exploded in an instant. The soldiers had never executed the order so carefully. Today they are completely crazy.

I was worrying underground when they were looking around. "Damn it, did we turn there just now?" I asked the white waves beside me.

Bai Lang shook his head: "In order to avoid those damn pillars, we have turned many turns, even I can't tell the direction!"

There are many in this king kilometer. There are supporting ground piles under the building. These things are inserted deep in the ground, and we have to go around when we encounter them. Although each column is not big, it is the easiest to get lost by turning continuously. People who get lost in the forest get lost because they often go around some trees and finally get the wrong direction. Our situation is similar. We can't figure out where we dig here! According to the original situation, we were supposed to be under a small palace, but there was a strange noise from above. It was obvious that we dug under the animal feeding place. The comparison between this location and the map we obtained before seemed completely wrong.

I looked towards Rose Vine helplessly. "You stretch your tentacles to see the situation." Rose Vine bends with the tentacles, which is nodded, and then twists the four tentacles into a fierce burrow into the soil above the head.

There is a full search in the palace on the ground, and of course they can't find anything. In a flowerbed, a piece of soil suddenly opened up, and then a sharp tentacle stretched out. The green wrapper at the tip of the tentacle opened, exposing the green crystal inside. I watched the crystal display on the main body of the rose vine under the ground. This picture is the picture seen by the crystal on the ground.

The probe turned left and right, and found that there was no danger, so it raised a little. This is obviously a mount breeding place, with huge rideable devil beasts everywhere. Because there are no people, we don't have to worry about anything. The tentacles of the rose vine returned to the soil and moved to the root of the wall, and then climbed up the roof along the wall, directly observing the terrain all around from the higher position of the roof. Soon we matched the nearby map with the map we got.

"Damn, the hole was hit crooked! Why did we get into this kind of place? We were going to enter the central area, but we rushed outside. If we move forward, we should leave the palace. That's it! Alright, Rose Vine, come back, let's turn."

After changing the direction, we started to move again. This time we accurately found the location of the cold palace. According to rumors outside, the beautiful female guard leader was demoted to this place to be the little doorman, and now is the best time to start. I need to know something that the upper-level personnel can know, so I must arrest a high-ranking official, and these high-ranking officials must be protected by many people. It is too troublesome to catch them. The status of this female leader is high enough to know the information I need, and her being demoted here means that no one will pay attention to her safety anymore, and the kidnapping of her will not even be noticed.

The poor female leader was sitting in a daze on a threshold of the inner courtyard of the Leng Palace dangling roots. There is chaos in her mind now, all kinds of different thoughts are fighting together, making her very confused. She felt wronged when defending the king was demoted, but she did report the situation by mistake, so she was still responsible for some guilt, but it seemed that the punishment was too serious at the moment!

The female leader who was facing psychological struggle did not notice that a distinct plant appeared in the grass beside her. The rose vine periscope-like tentacles rotated in place, and suddenly turned back after scanning the door.

"hehe, the goal is confirmed." I gestured to the Blazers and Rose Vine. "Start to capture."

Several tentacles are sticking out from under the ground on both sides of the door, and slowly approaching the door, the fastest one has reached the female leader's ankle. After several rattans were in place, they suddenly attacked at the same time. A dozen rattans were wrapped around the female leader's body, but the female leader discovered the appearance of the rattan in advance. She actually attacked at the same time as the rattan. Jumped up. "Hmph, where did the assassin attack the leader?" No one answered her, the female leader looked around, and the cane had completely disappeared. But her rising inertia also disappeared, and she had to fall to the ground. Just as she fell to the ground, her eyes flashed suddenly. The feeling under her feet told her that she hadn't stepped on the ground, but she couldn't run without the strength of her body. The ground was centered on where she landed, and a circular area was cracked around with a bang, and then the ground was upturned amidst her screams, all around the cracks in the circle were lifted up, and the female leader followed the ground in the middle. Sank underground. The fragmented ground was turned over, slammed down and filled the ground again, only leaving behind a big bag of soil.

The female leader desperately wants to fix herself, but she feels that she is being dragged down by something. He contends. Suddenly, the female leader felt that the ground around her loosened, and the entanglement under her feet also loosened. The female commander, who opened her eyes again, looked around and found that it was pitch black in front of her. She could even hear the enemy's breathing, but she couldn't see anything.

This tunnel was dug out by the pioneers and rose vines, of course there will be no light. My men have dark vision because of me, and we don't use lighting at all when there are no outsiders, so the hole is pitch black. The female leader just fell from the bright world on the ground, and suddenly entered such a black hole, of course, there was nothing to see.

"Who are you?" the female leader asked in a panic.

"Did you forget it when you first met?"

"Is it you?" Although I can't see it, the female leader remembers my voice because of one of my words. The one who was demoted here to look at the door, how could she forget my voice?

"Remember it?" I smiled and said: "Since you are an acquaintance, don't you need to introduce it?"

"You bastard!"

< p>"I am assassin, not a bastard, pay attention to your words." I nodded her forehead with the eternally transformed stick and told her that I could kill her at any time. "Clarify your position first."

"I only know that you are my enemy."

"The enemy is not absolute. Besides, now you are a captive, I It’s not your enemy. The enemy is the one who can fight with. You can’t fight with me now, you can only be regarded as a prisoner. I need to know some things now. As a prisoner, should you cooperate with my work as much as possible? Let us Everyone is better?"

"I won't work with you!"

"Oh? Then I don’t know who betrayed the king for his own eyes. Where is the location?"


"Don’t get excited! I'm just explaining a fact that has happened. You don’t need to react so much, right? Or you Do you think it was someone else who told me the information I needed?"

The female leader was completely paralyzed. She did succumb at the time. Although she was unwilling to think about it now, her psychological defense was breached at the time, so she said the position of the king. For a military attaché with her own pride, this was a total act of surrendering and colluding with the enemy, and her self-esteem was once again lost. "What do you want to know?" Without pride and the belief to support her, the female leader's nerves have become quite fragile.

I laughed. "Is that right! Now I will ask some common sense questions. First, do you know where it is that often flies over your head?"

"Are you asking about Earth or the moon?"

"Oh, it seems that you know the situation there. Then you should also know the name of this planet?"

"Of course. This is God's Paradise."

"Huh? Isn't this called the shadow planet?"

"The shadow planet? What is that place?"

"This is it!"

< p>The female leader realized after thinking about it. "I see. Is that what you call our planet? We call this planet the Paradise of Gods."

"Okay, it seems we can still communicate. Now I want to know, Does your country send someone to our planet?"

"Of course." The female leader said proudly: "It's a rare three-star confluence period once every three thousand years. How can I not send someone out to explore? "

"Samsung Interchange?"

"So you don't know!" The pride of the female leader appeared again. "Our God’s Paradise, your Earth, and the red space over there are the so-called three stars. Usually the three planets are large planets in different galaxies, and each has its own space for existence. But the passage of God will be different. Open once for three thousand years, after which it will maintain a ten-year coexistence, and then the three planets will be separated again for three thousand years, until the next meeting."

"Very good. Now I want to know, you send Is the person on our side some kind of special existence?"

"Special existence?" The female leader was taken aback for a while, and then reacted. "Yes, they are special existence. All the past are experts, and they must be extremely loyal to the Imperial Family. Most people will not be allowed to cross the passage of God."

I muttered in my heart. Writing: “No wonder the shadow creatures that appeared in Earth are so powerful. After a long time, it’s not that their planet’s creatures are powerful, but the reason they used to be expert.” After thinking about it, the female leader continued to ask: “Then what happened to them. What's wrong with black smoke? I have never seen anyone with smoke on your side?"

"Black smoke? What black smoke do you mean?" The female leader looked confused.

"Don't you know? Your planet is called the shadow planet by us, because the shadow planet organisms that reach our side are wrapped in a layer of black smoke, and no entity can be seen at all. What is even more strange is that none of your people actually landed. Everyone floated in midair like a ghost, even some non-humanoid creatures that came to our side. Do you know why?"< /p>

The female leader is nodded, and then shook the head again. "I know how to fly. We have a kind of magic here that can make the body levitate without affecting the movement in battle, but generally only experts can use this skill. As for the smoke you said, I really don't Clear. We don’t have the phenomenon you mentioned. Besides, you also said that even those non-humanoid things are covered with black mist. Even if we have any equipment, we can’t even equip the mount and the devil beast together?"

"That's the same. Could it be because there is a problem with the environment between the two planets?"

"I haven't been to your side, how do I know!"

"OK, the last question." I asked: "What is the strongest martial power in this country?"

The female leader thought for a long time before saying: "It's probably Her Highness the Princess, right? !"

"Huh? Princess? Are you kidding me?"

The female leader smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Most people probably won't believe it, but I have to say this It's a fact!"

"Well then!" I snapped my fingers, and the space suddenly lit up. The female leader closed her eyes because she couldn't adapt to the sudden light. I waited for her to adapt to the light before opening the mouth and said: "I will give you the opportunity to explain. If you can explain why a Princess is the country's strongest martial power, I will let you go."

"No." The female leader rejected my proposal. There is actually a reason why I haven't lit up here just now. Darkness can bring psychological pressure to people. When a prisoner is interrogated in a completely dark environment, he will unconsciously fall into a kind of fear and confusion, which can help the interrogator destroy the opponent's mental defense. Now that most of the things I need to know are already in my hands, and besides, she has broken the ban on her ideology, and she won't resist my questions anymore. She didn't expect that she would refuse me at this most critical moment.

I was looking at her suspiciously, but she didn't expect she smiled suddenly and said: "Take me away. If I agree, I will tell you everything I know."

"Take you away? You mean leaving this palace?"

"No, I mean leaving this planet to your world."

"Go to my place Are you sure?"

"Of course." The female leader was very determined and nodded. "Although you were responsible for what happened today, I suddenly understood something."

I am nodded. "I think I understand what you mean. Okay! It's okay to take you out of this place, but I don't want to trouble myself. You must sign a magic contract with me. After you come to us, you must absolutely prohibit joining any hostile to us. The powers cannot help those powers do things. You can choose to join my powers, or you can do it alone, but you can’t help my enemies. Do you agree?"


After signing the magic contract, I learned the name of the female leader. Her name is Mana Ebola. She asked us to call her Mana, because few people called her that before, and she wanted to get a feel for what it was like to be called by someone else's name.

Mana said after handing over the contract to me: "In fact, the power of Princess is not a secret. Everyone in this country can tell you this secret that is not a secret, but I don’t know the details. That's it."

"What is so special about her?"

"Princess is very beautiful and very cute. I am not referring to the cuteness that men think , But a force that transcends gender and race. In fact, Little Princess has many secrets, the biggest one is that she is not the daughter of the king at all. She is directly transmitted by divine force to the child in the Goddess Temple of Life, we call her God The daughter of the family. It is said that it was at the Goddess memorial service. A child suddenly appeared in front of more than 30 High Priests, and she was lying on the table where the sacrifices were placed. You must know that at that time, apart from the High Priest, the temple was There are also kings and more than a dozen national elders on the altar, among which is included Divine Martial General, who is now dead. The Divine Martial General was a very powerful person, and no one can make a ghost in front of him. So what is this child impossible? The expert was sent to the altar with a special technique. She could only be a child descended by a god. After this child was adopted by the king and claimed to be the king’s Little Princess, in fact she was the true child of god."

< p>"You mean that Princess is the strongest martial power in the country because she is the son of God?"

"I don't know about this." Mana shook her head and said, "I don't know the power of Princess. Where did it come from, but I know she is a child of God, and she has a power that can defeat almost all enemies-purification."

"What kind of power is purification?"

Mana said: "Purification is just a name. In fact, I think this skill should be called Enchanting. It's just that the king and priests think this name is inappropriate to describe Princess, so they changed it to Purification."

I nodded and said: "I doubt whether this Princess is a child of a god or a child of a monster. As far as I know, no child of a god has the power to charm and confuse such evil. This is generally the patent of fairies."

Mana nodded agreed. "I think so too, but I was only a few years old at the time, and even if I was an adult, no one would listen to me. Anyway, the energy that Princess possesses is very powerful, she can make the enemy turn to the front and make her loyal. The familiar attacked his master and made the dead men of the clan betray the clan. Anyway, as long as she wants, any person or creature will fall in front of her and die for her willingly. Do you think this is considered the strongest martial power?"< /p>

"If what you said is true, it is really a troublesome force." I thought for a while and said: "Are you sure it works for anyone?"

"So far There is no record of misses so far. The king has tested it many times. The most exaggerated one was the war with the Divine Bless Empire seven years ago. The 100,000 troops of the Divine Bless Empire turned back in front of the battle, and even their commander listened to Princess' summon together. zi zi ran back and fought with his own guards. As a result, our country did not spend a single soldier and caused the entire army of the First Regiment of the God Bless Empire to be annihilated. Since then, the king has not experimented with this force again, anyway. What I know is that no one can fight against this kind of power."

I snapped my fingers, and the Phoenix Dragon Space appeared next to me. "Everything that can transform into a human form comes out." All of the demons who can transform into a human form walked out of the Phoenix Dragon space. I repeated Mana’s words, and then asked: "As far as you know, what can be done immediately?"

Yeyue nodded and said: "Our Nuwa Divine Race seems to have This kind of ability, but later inheritance seems to be a problem, this ability gradually differentiated into another family."

"You mean that your snake monster clan has a special differentiation that has the ability to charm. Is it a branch?"

Yeyue nodded: "That clan is rare now, and its strength is not so strong, but it can interfere with the unsteady race, thinking like humans and Dragon Clan. The super complex race is almost ineffective. The power of this Princess is too strong. If she is really a member of our snake monster clan, there is only one possibility."

"What is possible?"

"She is a descendant of Goddess, the son of God born directly."

"The son of God?" I suddenly thought that Mana was talking about the son of God. Is this Little Princess really a descendant of Goddess? I just wanted to ask Mana, when I suddenly found her with one hand covering her mouth and the other pointing at Yeyue, her face full of surprise. I looked at Ye Yue suspiciously, then at her, and then patted her. "What's the matter with you?"

Mana stammered at Yeyue and asked, "She...Who is she?"

I looked at Yeyue, Suspiciously replied: "She is my favorite! What's the matter?"

Mana immediately said: "What kind of race is she? Why is she the same as Goddess in life?"

< p>"Goddess of life?" I asked in surprise: "Is your Goddess of life really Nuwa?"

"Nuwa?" Mana shook her head: "I haven't heard the name, but Our life Goddess is in her form, even the charm is almost the same!"

In previous investigations, I already knew that the gods on this planet are basically similar to the gods on Earth. At that time, I suspected the two worlds. The gods may be the same group of people with different names. Now it seems that I might have guessed it right.

"Mana. I think our two worlds have the same god, but we have different names. She is Yeyue, one of my favorites. She belongs to the descendants of Nuwa. Nuwa has manufacturing on our side. Human legends, in terms of ability, seem to focus on life control, a very powerful High God family. If so speaking of which, maybe your Little Princess is really a descendant of Goddess, or even Goddess biological daughter."

Ye Yue added: "The descendants of Nuwa Divine Race do have branches that have the ability to fascinate, and the life force is the basic power of the goddess, so it can really be Right!"

Mana suddenly found out that I was touching the chin thinking about something there. "What do you think?"

"I am planning how to abduct this Princess as well. A descendant of Goddess! We can't afford that old fogey for nothing. Anyway, we are also Chinese children, and if we are cheap, we can count as don' t let one's own fertile water flow into others' field."

Mana laughed: "I'm afraid you didn't abduct her and let her abduct you back."

"che, want to confuse me, unless Empress Nuwa goes down in person. Her daughter is almost." Then I turned and looked towards the other familiars: "You guys will pull yourself together, don’t betray collectively in a while. !"

"Don't worry! We are not low-level creatures, why are we so confusing?"

After we decided on the Princess abduction plan, we began to live with Princess under the leadership of Mana Moved to the place where I hit the palace yesterday. It is said that it has been repaired over there now, and probably no one would have thought that I would kill a sudden thrust and attack the Princess Palace again. Besides, she is so strong, no one has ever worried about what will happen to her. Assassin saw that she would commit suicide and apologize directly, and only a super devil like me can kill her.

We chatted with Mana on the way, and I learned about the reason for Mana's rebellion by the way. It turns out that Mana's family is a hereditary Guardian loyal to the royal family, and her ancestors have been guarding the king's family before. She is the only woman of this generation in the family, so she is the most favored. When she was ten years old, the elders in her family must be in order to prepare a birthday party. Who knew that she received a secret order and was sent to the battlefield on the day before her birthday, but she received it on Mana’s birthday. Not a gift from parents, but the remains of family elders. This mission killed all male members of the whole family over the age of sixteen, leaving a family of old, weak, women and children, which would be worse than the Yang Family.

The few children left after the male dies at home have become key protection targets. Mana had only three big brothers who were under sixteen alive at the time, and she did not have a younger brother, so these three big brothers became the hope of the family. But because there is no great character to back it up, the family's forces are squeezed out by other forces, and they are soon forced to die. However, the remaining four children in the family are still working hard. The three big brothers have all become officers, and they have been promoted quickly. She herself has become one of the palace guards because of the appreciation of Little Princess.

But this family is really sad. The situation just happened to be right, the boss of the three big brothers died on the battlefield due to his injuries. The second brother 3 months later was betrayed by the friendly army and led the entire army to the death. There was no survivor. The third child did not die on the battlefield, but after escorting the bodies of the big brothers back to Imperial Capital, a woman clashed with the sons of several great nobles. People who have been on the battlefield are of course much better than those hedonistic sons of rich parents, and as a result, two were disabled and three were seriously injured. Later, the youngest was retaliated by the nobles, and the king ordered that his military power be cut off, and he was also sent to the original army as a small soldier. Mana had just been promoted to the commander of the guards, and ran to intercede with the king, but didn't expect was kicked out. At this time, Mana was already quite disgusted with the royal family. She felt that the family paid so much for the royal family, but did not get any return. Even if the other party is the king, this kind of unilateral contribution should also get a minimum return, but the result is that the king completely don't give face and treat them completely. If you have a watchdog, let it out to bite people when you need it, and don’t care about it when you don’t use it.

After that, Mana’s family was more severely oppressed. Although she was an officer of the guard, if the king did not support her, she would be completely powerless. After all, she had no real power. The only advantage was Close to the royal family. Now even the royal family doesn't care about her, of course she doesn't have any abilities. Until a few months ago, her family was almost no one. Most of the people either died or left the family in various ways. All she has left is a small manor and a group of people, and no relatives. Had it not been for Little Princess and her good relationship, she would have planned to run.

My appearance can be said to be a turning point. It was precisely because of me that she was demoted, and it was still quite an unjust situation, and she was naturally extremely unwilling. She figured it out even after flipping it. The king's family simply didn't treat their family as human beings. Even if the ancestors owed the royal family to the royal family, the kindness should be paid off for so many generations. She didn't have to guard the royal family into the coffin. When I kidnapped her today, she just ran away. Anyway, there is nothing to miss here.

As for the question I asked about the strongest martial power later, she originally wanted to talk about the captain of the Empire Knight, but after thinking about it, she changed it. Little Princess is indeed very strong, but it is not the amount of battle strength. She said that Lit

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