Theoretically, the system will not give useless tasks, and each task changes with the player’s execution. There are no fixed tasks in "Zero", only preset tasks. The task of liberating Zizhuo should be a national guardian beast task reserved for Japanese players. If according to the preset process, a certain Japanese player should release her, and then she will cause opposition to Hongjun Sect Lord because of her hatred for Hongjun Sect Lord. The hatred of China as a whole, if the Japanese player is not too stupid, Zizhuo will completely become Japan's national guardian beast, and then fight against Chinese players. But people are always changeable, and players will not follow the game settings, so "Zero" set this changeable feature. Although Zizhuo is a guardian beast preset for Japanese players, unfortunately they failed to complete the task. Instead, I completed the task. The reward for this task is actually Zizhuo's goodwill. Now that I have completed the task, then Zizhuo's goodwill has been transferred to me. The system cannot deprive players of the rewards they deserve, so Zizhuo became my prize.

According to the above inference, that is to say, Zizhuo was not actually arranged for the player as a trouble. Sect Lord Hong Jun gave her to me to take care of her. In fact, it is a manifestation of the will of the system. The purpose is to make Zizhuo assisted me, she is the content of the reward. So, although Zi Zhuo looks troublesome, in fact she should be a powerful helper.

Although her attitude is still stinky now, it can be seen that this is actually similar to being a little girl acting like a baby girl, and simply doesn't mean to hate me. Now that she knows that she doesn't reject me, it's time for me to study how to use this super helper. Although it is a reward, the main system of "Zero" will not actually give me an invincible helper. Zizhuo should have scope of use and special restrictions. Impossible will do its best to help me. This is the trouble with "Zero", there are no rules at all, and even the rewards have to be studied by yourself.


"What are you doing?" She still has a bad tone.

I said tentatively: "I am actually a part-timer. Although your old man made me look at you, you also know that with my strength, I can't stop what you want to do. Live."

"You know it."

I smiled and said: "hehe, although I know this, I can’t help but follow you. But I have it myself. It’s impossible to follow you so much for your own business. I don’t have that much time! You must have been lonely after being locked up for so many years. Even though you have come out now, you still don’t even have a person to talk to. Otherwise, you won't be so polite to me. I guessed it right?"

Zi Zhuo didn't realize this either. The act of throwing a rascal at me is actually her subconsciously act, which can be understood as a pre-defense measure against loneliness in psychology, that is, to be as cute as possible to get more care. . If I didn't say that Zizhuo would not realize her behavior was abnormal, but when I said this, she would react immediately. After thinking about her behavior carefully, Zi Zhuo really found that her behavior to me was not normal. If she was really so arrogant, she should kill me directly. Being with me for so long is not normal.

I'm not waiting for her to answer my question. She can't say this kind of thing. I don't want her to fly into a rage out of humiliation. Confirming that she had reacted, I continued to say: "Since you are afraid of being alone, how about making friends? If you follow me, I promise you will have a great time."

" Friend?" Zi Zhuo seemed to hesitate. Her arrogant self-esteem made her feel that she shouldn't be too kind to individuals with no strength, but she didn't want to be too lonely in her heart, so it was really difficult to decide.

I knew she couldn't accept it for a while, and I didn't plan to let her accept it immediately. When you do business, you have to shout high and sell low. If you want to sell for fifty, you have to shout sixty first, and the others will come to bargain. If I call out my friend, then at least I can make Zizhuo a neutral and slightly inclined existence. With this foundation, coupled with the amplifier of time, I will soon be able to hold her in my hands. I'm good at coaxing children. I also played a day as a dad in the Sea Clan nursery in Isengard!

"Zizhuo, if you can't accept it at once, then try my other proposal."

"Another proposal?"

" It’s okay if you don’t want to be friends with me. How about being a fellow traveler first? Wherever I go, just follow along. You can watch what I do and play together if I think it’s fun. If you don’t like it, just don’t follow me. How about Is this proposal acceptable? Anyway, you have nothing to lose."

Zi Zhuo thought a little bit, then nodded and said: "Okay, I accept this proposal. But I have a request."


"I also have a request. You tell me first, I will see if I can accept it."

Zi Zhuo immediately said unceremoniously: "My request is no matter what you do, as long as I don't want to If you do, you can’t force me."

"This is okay. Besides, do you think I forced you?"

"So it is!"

< p>I continued: "Then it's time to talk about my request. First, there are certain places that involve my personal privacy. I will notify you to avoid it when I get to this kind of place, or when a similar incident occurs, and you must not force me to spy on me. Privacy."

Zi Zhuo is nodded. "It's reasonable, no problem."

I stretched out another finger. "Second, you can't attack my friends, and you can't destroy my things."

Zi Zhuo thought for a while and said: "It's nothing if you don't destroy things, but if your people insult me ​​or attack What about me?"

"Who would dare to recruit you like you? Except for a hapless person like me, it's too late for anyone to hide!"

"What if?"

"Okay. You have the right to self-defense. You can freely fight back if someone provokes you first, but it's best to control your power. Don't burn down a city to kill one person."

< p>"That's okay."

"Okay, that's all for now. Let's go now."

"Where to go?"

"Go You know, I promise you like it."

Actually, the place I am going to take Zizhuo is the base camp of Monster Race. Don't look at Zizhuo, this girl is tens of thousands of years old. In fact, her mental age is only fifteen or six years old, and she just happens to be in the rebellious period. Like many children who learned to smoke and go to dance halls in the fifteenth and sixteenth year, Zizhuo especially likes rebellious places at his mental age, and the more unbearable things she likes. By Celestial Court standards, Demon is a bunch of scum, so she definitely likes it.

Zizhuo kept asking me where I was going all the way, and finally I was really annoyed by being asked before telling her. "Go to the Demon headquarters."

Zi Zhuo heard that it was the Demon headquarters, and even his voice began to tremble. But she was not scared, but excited. "You mean those guys who always go against Celestial Court?" Zi Zhuo asked me excitedly.

"What does it mean to be against Celestial Court? Everyone has different ideals and values, and some small frictions should be the case." I preached in an old and pedantic manner.

"che, do you think I really don’t understand anything?" Zizhuo proudly said: "Several large-scale decisive battles between Celestial Court and Demon took place before I was locked up. At that time It’s murky heavens dark earth, tens of millions of Demon and millions of Divine Immortal died, you actually said it was a small friction?"

I solemnly said to her: "Don’t worry about things. It is too exaggerated to think, this world is a giant machine, we, whether it is stronger than you, or even those above. "I mean heaven.

"Do you mean that Old Guy?"

I know that Zizhuo is talking about Hongjun Sect Lord. I shook my head: "He is not qualified, I said above."

"Are there any tops besides him?"

"You really don't know if you want to play with me What?"

"Of course I really don’t know! What are you talking about? Although the old fart is very annoying, but the strength is really nothing to say, is there anyone who is better than him?"


"Of course. Sect Lord is very difficult to deal with, but it is also Low God after all. If he sees God, he will also be stubborn."

Zi Zhuo shook his head: "I really can't imagine what kind of power it is, and even the old fart has to bow down."

"If I want to know, I will come out and take you to meet."

"Do you know High God?"

"Don't look down on people!"

"You are not thick!"

Me too I was too lazy to quarrel with her, and went straight to the topic just now: "Even if those High Gods, like you and me, and the common people below, we are all the same. The world is a big machine running all the time. This kind of rule of operation is what we call the will of heaven. Once someone wants to walk the heavens-defying road, then the structure is one—it is instantly crushed into powder and disappears in the world. You feel like a war of tens of millions of gods and demons. Is it a terrible war? I tell you, it is simply not. Even the sum of the events of the war is only a small part of the providence, let alone any single war. The frog is because of sitting in the well. At the end, I feel that I understand the entire sky. Those who really stand outside the well and see the endless starry sky will know that the vastness of the sky is not something that you can measure."

"What you say is like me You don’t know the same thing, don’t forget that I’m much older than you. I’m tens of thousands of years old anyway, and I am a god before your ancestors were born. You dare to educate me!"

"Learning is endless!" I sighed deeply, and then pointed down. "Here, let's go down."

Since the last time Azure Dragon killed the little White Dragon, Demon's side has been much quieter. At least Celestial Court has a scene where four Sacred Beasts can live in, Demon. We are aware of our weakness. Knowing their own shortcomings is not a bad thing. Compared with ignorant brave men, at least they still have strong hope.

I landed directly on the square of the Demon headquarters. The ruined buildings here have been repaired, but the plants have not been repaired yet. Now looking at the bare, it feels weird. of. Few demons have not known me since the last time. They all saluted me enthusiastically when they saw me coming. Zi Zhuo followed behind and looked at these Demon curiously.

"Why do they salute you? I don't think these guys are weaker than you!"

I pointed to my head. "Do you really think that being able to fight is expert? Strong here is really strong! You can only kill, but no one will salute you like that." Zizhuo was a little angry snorted, but soon Can't help but curiosity rejoined. "What's that over there? It looks delicious."

I took a casual glance. "You must not touch the demon fire flame. Although you are a flame body, that thing looks like fire, but it is not fire at all and it will hurt you."

"Anyway, don't move. That's it."

As I was talking, suddenly there was a sound of water emptiness in front of me. "Old friend, you finally came back, I'm worrying about how to find you!"

"What are you looking for?"

"Come in and talk about it, come in and talk about it." Shui Xu is polite Who led me to the room. He suddenly noticed Zizhuo behind me. "This is...?" Zizhuo's power is too strong. If she wants to conceal aura, she will definitely not be aware of it at the level of water deficiency. So he thought this was a man of powerlessness.

I introduced as I walked: "This is the daughter of Sect Lord Hongjun."

Plop. The Shui Xu, who was crossing the threshold, didn’t cross it, fell into a mouth and gnawed at the mud. He climbed up and said tremblingly: "Hong...Hong Jun’s Sect Lord...?"

"I It has nothing to do with that old fart, don't get me and him together." Zi Zhuo said angrily.

I rushed to the edge of Shuixu’s ear and whispered: "They are having a temper!"

Nodded with a clear water, then wiped the sweat on my head. . "Well, how do you call the young lady?"

"Just call me Fanyang."

"Fanyang..." Shui Xu repeated it several times, but his voice suddenly increased. Da: "Fanyang? Your name is Fanyang? Are you the second sun?"

"What's the matter?" Zizhuo didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with this, but he looked at the water's reaction. I knew that this kid was terribly scared. If I hadn't just helped him up and hadn't lost my hand, he would definitely get down again.

I lifted him straight to the edge of the table and threw him on the chair. "Tell me what you are looking for me for?"

Shui Xu looked at Zizhuo for a long time, and finally he called us to sit down and said to me: "That's it. You also know that our Monster Race recently The birth rate is a bit high, but the little monsters can’t survive on Spiritual Qi alone. They still have to have something to eat. The mountain was originally very rich in Spiritual Qi, and the products are quite rich, but it can’t hold up our crowds!"

I quickly reached out to stop him from continuing. "Stop, I see. Is there a shortage of food? You want us to help with food, right?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

I nodded: "This is easy to handle . But giving in vain is definitely not enough."

"Of course, I understand. Then what trading method do you want?"

I thought about it and said: "Pay directly It certainly won’t work. First, I don’t really need money, and second, you don’t have any money. Why don’t we have a food-for-work?"


"Yes. It means that you are going out to help me with my affairs, which is considered to be a help for me. When I pay my wages, I will be directly counted on food. Do you think this is okay?"

" , The problem is that we have all kinds of Demons. What do you want us to do? We don’t do everything!"

"Of course I know this. Only let you make some Labor, should you all have this? And I only need a low-level Demon, and it will not affect your self-defense force staffing."


I negotiated with Shui Xu on the bargain. Even if the matter is settled after the details, Demon and our guild formally signed a labor export contract. Monster Race wants to provide our guild with two million strong laborers. Their job is to lay a railway that runs through China. Since the last time I was inspired in South America and decided to build a train, the guild soon had results. The head of the magic locomotive was completed a long time ago, and the design of the track was also completed. Now that there is so much labor, road construction is no longer a problem. The most important point is that the railway has to pass through some dangerous zones. Demons act as laborers and also have battle strength. Although the individual strength is not very strong, but so many Demons act together, not everyone dares to move them.

The front of the magic locomotive is similar to the real locomotive, but without wheels. Strictly speaking This is a levitation vehicle, but it is not a magnetic levitation, but a magic levitation. The track is not a railroad track, but a pyramid-shaped device. Each of these devices has the size of a table of eight immortals, and the height of the tip is about one meter. You can place one at ten meters apart during installation. The magic levitating car does not necessarily fly and run on it. In fact, as long as the distance is less than 20 meters, the levitating car can start normally, so we put them at ten meters apart. , So that even if there are individual device failures, the track capacity will not be affected. Since the magic locomotive does not necessarily run directly above the track, it can actually be used as a two-way six-lane road with such a track. It is absolutely no problem to pass six vehicles at one point at the same time.

This kind of locomotive consumes quite a lot of magic power, but the traction power is amazing. The transportation cost per unit weight is only less than one percent of the magic Transmission Formation, and the speed actually exceeds the speed of the real airplane. , As long as it is not particularly urgent, it is absolutely no problem to use it for transportation. Like the shipyard of our guild. Steel City produces steel, but the shipyard in Isinger, whether it is transporting steel to Isinger shipbuilding, or directly building the ship in Steel City and then transporting it as a whole, in fact, the cost is almost the same, all of them are expensive and scary. The transmission cost of each ship can basically account for one-sixth of the total project cost, which can be said to be quite uneconomical. However, it is not a good way to use land transportation or buy steel from other places. The land transportation is too slow. It takes almost a month to transport it from Steel City to Isengard, and the quality of buying steel from others is not guaranteed, and secondly, it is not much cheaper than our own delivery, which is meaningless.

Once the magical track is completed, it will take only six hours for the direct train from Steel City to Isengard. When it is officially produced, it will form an assembly line transportation. The speed can be faster, and it will not affect Ai at all. Singer's production schedule. If it weren’t for such a perfect mode of transportation, I wouldn’t have kept it for so long if it weren’t there. Moreover, this thing can actually be used to make money. Transmission Formation is too expensive. Many players would rather take the carriage, but the carriage speed is as slow as everyone knows. Once we have a faster transportation method, the players will naturally choose to spend a small amount of money to ride our magic train.

After solving the problem of water emptiness, he began to ask me the purpose of coming here. I was a little embarrassed and said: "How do you say it! Shui Xu, you are all Demon, so you should have harmed people before, right?" Our Demon department is more troublesome in cultivation, and we can eat people faster. But we are not as bad as Celestial Court said. What kind of things such as killing villages and eating children were all because of the previous hostilities with Celestial Court. The false news spread to destroy our image, we actually simply don’t eat children."

Zi Zhuo suddenly said, "You are not a lie? I heard that monsters like to catch little children to practice. Evil art?"

Shui emptily said: "See? This is the prejudice caused by the Celestial Court's propaganda offensive! Humans are the fastest race as everyone knows cultivation speed, which shows that humans Can absorb Spiritual Qi relatively quickly. A child is so small, only a few years old, no matter how fast the absorption is, how much Spiritual Qi can be in the body? But the Primordial Spirit of the elderly is unstable, the Spiritual Qi is loose, and we don’t bother to move, generally It’s looking for men in the middle of life. But Monster Race does have scum that everyone can eat. Ordinary Demons like me usually look for bad guys like bandits. Besides, cannibalism can supplement Spiritual Qi, but it’s the same. The supplementary Spiritual Qi is not so easy to absorb. Even if you want to eat, you can’t eat it continuously. Every three to five years is even frequent! It’s not as exaggerated as Celestial Court said. Speaking of which is the way to destroy our image. The old fogey in your house came up with it!"

Zi Zhuo immediately beamed his eyes and said: "Finally let me find his fox tail! The plain fashion is so polite, so he did it too. The next three indiscriminate things!" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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