It turns out that the mood of a great character cannot be guessed at will. Hong Jun Sect Lord and Zi Zhuo hit the ground from the sky, and then flew back to the sky. Let alone help, we can't even look at them. In the past, the Jade Emperor didn't know the relationship between Hong Jun Sect Lord and Zi Zhuo. Just knowing that she was a very difficult to deal with character, so many people were gathered to prepare for the battle. But now that we know this, it is not easy for us to handle it. No matter what, people are also fathers and daughters. At this time, as outsiders, we will be hated no matter who we help. Maybe other fathers and daughters will suddenly unite and beat us. This is all possible, so we It is absolutely not allowed to interfere.

Hong Jun Sect Lord seems to be better than Zi Zhuo. After all, he is the father, and Zi Zhuo can't stand it after a few rounds. Suddenly the golden light was flourishing outside, and then it dimmed again, and it seemed that Zizhuo had run away. Each of us in South Heaven Gate didn't know whether we should go out or not, and we went around in a hurry.

When we were hesitating, the two door panels of South Heaven Gate suddenly bounced as if hit by a meteorite. Several Divine Immortals standing behind the door were directly hit by the door panels and even stood close. The wind brought up by the door panels overturned a lot. We didn't have time to care about the people who were blown over. We all paid attention to the door nervously, and saw Hong Jun Sect Lord standing there with a sullen expression.

Seeing this situation, the Jade Emperor hurriedly wanted to say something, but he was caught first by Primordial Heavenly Venerable. "Master, Eldest Young Lady, she...!"

"She is not my daughter." Primordial Heavenly Venerable was shocked by Hong Jun's Sect Lord Lion's Roar voice before he finished speaking. NS. As soon as the Jade Emperor saw the situation, he went aside. Sect Lord Hong Jun is now a gunpowder keg, and even Primordial Heavenly Venerable has been scolded. Whoever goes up will be unlucky.

Hong Jun, Sect Lord, after roaring primordial Heavenly Venerable, began to stride forward. We kept quiet out of fear one by one following, for fear of offending him. But in the current situation, if you don't ask for trouble, trouble will come to you. Sect Lord Hong Jun walked a few steps and suddenly turned around to look at us. The Divine Immortal behind was shocked and quickly stepped back. In fact, compared to the Divine Immortal in the back, I am the most unlucky here. Celestial Court also talks about abilities. Hong Jun Sect Lord walked forward. Of course, the Jade Emperor and Primordial Heavenly Venerable followed. I have an amnesty order to follow the Jade Emperor. The other Divine Immortal followed. In other words, I am very close to Hongjun Sect Lord, except for the first two bosses.

Hong Jun Sect Lord swept back and forth several times on the faces of Primordial Heavenly Venerable and Jade Emperor, then his eyes rolled, and suddenly his gaze fell on me. "You."

My heart beats, but the front two obviously loose their shoulders. Although scared to death, now is not the time to hesitate. I quickly bowed forward. "What is Sect Lord telling you?"

Maybe I have a good attitude, or maybe I have been able to raise my energy well. Hong Jun's Sect Lord's voice is much calmer than before. He took out seven or eight bottles from his body. "These five bottles are taken internally. Take three of each. Go and make a pot of lotus pond holy water, then pour all the contents in the bottle, wring it, and apply it on top. Okay, you go."

< p>Just as I was about to leave, the Jade Emperor next to him asked stupidly: "Sect Lord, are you injured?"

Before Hong Jun Sect Lord could open his mouth, I went up and held it. Jade Emperor. "I know who it is for, Jade Emperor, please don't worry." As I said, I quickly bowed to Hong Jun Sect Lord. "I'll do it right away." He turned around and ran. The Jade Emperor is an idiot, Hong Jun, Sect Lord, who else can I give to Zizhuo when he takes the medicine? What can he do to give me medicine if he is injured himself? Will it be over if I go back and deal with it myself?

I haven't even run two steps. Hong Jun Sect Lord suddenly shouted: "That...!"

I quickly turned around and bowed and waited for the next order. Hong Jun, Sect Lord, the Old Guy does not care about the affairs of the world, but after all, he is a figure at the Sovereign level. It is good to fudge.

"That...!" Hong Jun Sect Lord thought for a long time but couldn't say it. "That...that...that she...mine..."

Fortunately, I have studied psychology, this is not a problem. Although Hong Jun Sect Lord only said half of it, I immediately nodded. "Yes, Sect Lord, don't worry, she will understand your heart, and I will definitely persuade him. Does Sect Lord still have orders?"

Hong Jun Sect Lord finally showed a smile on his face nodded. "Go. You are a talent, yes, very good. Jade Emperor, remember to take care of you in the future!" He turned around and walked away with the Divine Immortal.

haha, I said Taishanghuang is very difficult to deal with! The Jade Emperor met Hong Jun Sect Lord just like the third grandson. Hong Jun Sect Lord directly asked him to take care of him. Then, as long as I don't jump to the Celestial Court to Jiewa Celestial Court, no one will dare to care about me.

I poured two large buckets of holy water from the lotus pond before heading outside the South Heaven Gate. Although only one pot is enough to adjust the medicine, we have to charge some labor fees, right? Anyway, the lotus pond is so big that no one can see it if you just put two or three buckets in it.

After I got out of South Heaven Gate, I immediately looked around. This Zizhuo is very easy to find. There are obvious clusters of clouds left by the high temperature in the cloud. Followed the flight track all the way out, and finally found traces as if the forest fire had been burned in a deep mountain in the center of a large primitive forest. This Zizhuo is really a little girl character. She has spent tens of thousands of years in confinement in vain!

I found a huge cave entrance as soon as I landed in that area on Ye Ying, and also found a large group of people standing opposite me. These people are very messy and should be scattered players. They were taken aback when they saw me. I ignored them, jumped off Ye Ying, put him away, and walked over. "I know you must have been caused by the fire here, but you are not doing this task, so please come back."

A youngster about my age came out and said: "Although you He is the number one strongman in China, but what about it? We discovered this task first, so why let it be given to you?"

I laughed: "If you think you can handle ten thousand If you are a monster above level, then please."

"You said 10,000 level?" A little girl asked me in surprise.

I shook my head: "I don’t know how many levels she collectively, anyway, it is more than ten thousand level, because she ran out from the joint guards of three ten thousand big bosses, so she must not stop. Level 10,000."

"che, even if you are better than us, level 10,000 is not something you can handle, right?" The young man was so arrogant that he didn't throw me at all.

I took a small bottle and shook it: "That's why I said you don't want to go in. I have this."

"What is this?"


"The monster inside was injured?"

"Well. But I can't tell you who hurt her, because the person who hurt her is even worse , I’ll tell you I’m done. Go back now!"

"I don't believe it." The young man said and waved back. "Some kind of follow me. There is not much chance of a 10,000-level big boss getting injured. If we have a chance, we will develop."

The MM who just talked to me did not think about it. Followed up, but stood aside with a few sisters. The group of people in front had just walked to the entrance of the cave, and before they had time to enter, they saw a flame shoot out of it. Without any screams or anything, the dozen or so people standing at the door all disappeared without leaving ashes. The rest of the people who didn't go in looked at the cars in front and all turned away with interest.

I watched them go far before turning around and walking to the entrance of the cave, putting the ring of commandment in front of them first. It may have sensed the high temperature here, and the ring of commandment automatically collected the constant temperature commandment, so that I would not be afraid of Zizhuo's high temperature flame. As soon as the protection was completed, a flame flew out, scared me and quickly hid behind the ring of discipline. It just scorched a piece of my hair after hiding slowly, which was really scary. Fortunately, the main flame was blocked by the ring of discipline, otherwise I would be as dead as those people.

"Hey, it's me, don't spray it!"

The answer to me was a fiercer flame, and it felt like being in a steamer despite the protection of the ring of discipline.

"Can't you hear my voice?" I cried again: "Don't spray it!"

Listen carefully, it seems that there is no sound, so I dare Go in. The cave is not too deep, and it ends within a few steps. I heard intermittent sobbing from a distance, and it was obvious that Zi Zhuo was sad. I walked in carefully and saw she was sitting on a rock crying.

"hehe, how is your injury, Miss Zizhuo?" Seeing that she didn't respond, I took two steps forward. "Actually, Sect Lord!" Zi Zhuo actually threw a flame over his hand, hit the ring of discipline and was bounced out, but it scared me. These bosses are really scary, they are all kill-level magic at every turn, and they can kill people with just one touch!

"Don't mention him." Zizhuo said angrily.

"Well, don't tell me." I quickly jumped over in threes or twos. After going around to the front, I discovered that Zi Zhuo’s injury was actually not serious. Even if Hong Jun Sect Lord is angry, it’s unlikely that he will really hit his daughter hard, but the injuries are real injuries, but they are all superficial wounds, plus Hong Jun’s Sect Lord’s With special mana, the damage caused can't be eliminated at all, so it seems a little embarrassed.

"What are you looking at?" Zizhuo raised his hand to throw flames again.

I hurried up and grabbed her wrist, and finally touched her wound, and then the two of us screamed together.

"Ah! It hurts!"

"Wow! It's hot!"

Zi Zhuo shed tears while clutching his injured wrist, while I squeezed it His smoking hand was jumping around there. This girl's body is at least 10,000 degrees, and it burns me like this through the magic dragon suit! Looking back at Zi Zhuo, she was so sad that the tears on her face were crying. Originally, I wanted the gentleman to wipe her tears a bit, but after seeing her golden tears bubbling on the ground that burned as soon as they hit the ground, I decided to be a coward back.

Suddenly I remembered that I have medicine here, so I quickly took out those bottles and pour three out of them according to Hong Jun's Sect Lord's request. I was embezzled with the rest. Collect all the medicines, then take a glass bowl out, put the medicines in carefully, and then push them in front of her. I don't dare to give it to her directly. "Take it. This is a medicine specially used to treat this injury. It works very well."

"hmph!" Zizhuo sighed at the bowl, and the glass bowl quickly melted into a pool of glass. The water quickly solidified into a sludge-shaped glass, and even the medicine was wrapped in it. I am now beginning to rejoice how wise it was to not hand it, or else it is my hand that has melted into mud.

I took the rotten glass back and said, "Miss, you don’t have to be so sad. In fact, how can there be parents who don’t care about their children? Sect Lord has a different status, and of course he can’t be like a normal parent. Give me too much care like that. Miss, you should understand the difficulty of Sect Lord. I said...Wow...Ah...I'm on it!" I suddenly jumped out like a rabbit, and there was still a bum behind my ass. cigarette. This dead girl’s fire was more troublesome than Samadhi True Fire, and even the magic dragon suit burned, no matter how I rolled, I couldn’t put it out. It suddenly occurred to me that I had brought a lot of holy water from the lotus pond, so I quickly took it out and poured it down from the top of my head. oh la la The fire was finally extinguished. This kind of high-temperature sacred fire can only be lost by holy water, if ordinary water is useless at all.

"Huh!" I have just been burned by the fire, and now I am covered with water again, plus the ashes that I just rolled on, now I am really embarrassed.

"Pu chi!" Zizhuo actually smiled when he saw my embarrassed appearance. Sure enough, the father and daughter still have something in common, at least they have the essence of a devil. She smiled and suddenly noticed that I was staring at her, so she stretched out a hand sorry. "Give it to me!"

"What is it?"

"The medicine."

"You want to take it now?" I don't want to give it. I'm just afraid that she will waste it again. There are only nine pills in the bottle. She wasted three pills for each of them just now. Now I will give her three more pills. If they are wasted again, my corruption plan will be hopeless.

"hmph, I don't let him get what I want. The injury is my own uncomfortable, what can I do to make him cheap." Zizhuo said angrily.

I nodded: "Is this right." I quickly took out the bottle and poured it to her, but she snatched the bottle over. "What are you doing?" I was in a hurry but didn't dare to rob her. People describe the lively girl as hot, but she is really hot, robbing her will only turn me into fried meat.

Zizhuo poured three of each and swallowed the bottle and put away the bottle. "hmph, I have to save some backup medicine for future fights with him, right?"

Dizzy! This trip with me was a waste of time. After all, I got a pot of corruption and some medicine. I have nothing to say! This is really called no choice but to suffer in silence!

She was not satisfied with these, and found that I still have two bottles here. "What's that?"

"Oh, this?" I quickly said: "This is for external use."

"Then give it to me?"

"This can't be used directly, it needs to be reconciled." I first got a big basin out of the Fenglong space, then poured the lotus pond water in, and then poured the medicine in. There were originally two large buckets of water, but one bucket was used to extinguish the fire, but now half a bucket is used. I only have half a bucket of water left in the results of my corruption! After putting the medicine in and mixing it for a long time, it finally turned into a pot of reddish-brown, a paste-like substance with the color like red clay. "Here. Just apply wherever you are injured." In order to guard against the unexpected, I left another magic puppet for her. "If there are places out of reach, let it help you apply. I will go back to my life and come back later."

"En." Zizhuo nodded began to undress, I quickly turned around and ran out.

Too lazy to fly, I used the teleportation ring to return to the Transmission Formation outside South Heaven Gate. The guards of the gate hurriedly moved aside when they saw me this time, so as not to let me run into a big somersault. All the way into the Lingxiao Hall, there seems to be a meeting here.

Sect Lord Hong Jun summed up immediately after seeing me: "Okay, that's it! Do whatever you guys should do!"

"Yes." Final Immortal After responding, they all turned around and walked out. In the end, only Hong Jun Sect Lord and Jade Emperor remained in the great hall, and even Divine Immortal like Erlang Shen and others were kicked out.

I just gave it up when everyone was gone. "Reporting back to Sect Lord, I have found it over there."

" about the injury?"

"The medicine has been used, but the bottle was robbed Go, the rest...!" Sect Lord Hong Jun waved his hand. "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. But what are you...?" Hong Jun Sect Lord obviously noticed my miserable appearance. "Oh! Thank you for your hard work!" Hong Jun Sect Lord flicked his finger and a red pill fell in front of me, and I quickly reached out to catch it. "This is your reward for avoiding fire. You don't have to worry about her high temperature after swallowing it."

"Oh, thank Sect Lord."

"Neither do I For you for nothing. "Sure enough, there is no such thing as a pie in the sky! " the future, you will be responsible for watching her whereabouts for me, so that I can rest assured. If she wants to retaliate against me, as long as it is not a major event, you will follow her. It is an excessive matter. You will inform me. As long as it is related to her, the various departments of Celestial Court will be called by you."

"Respect the decree!" Haha, you can just and honorable mobilize the Celestial Court army in the future. This good thing must be grasped. Unfortunately, it must be something that has something to do with Zi Zhuo, otherwise it would not be easy to explain. But it should be okay to find some excuses to use it occasionally, hehe, it's not worth what I did so badly, I finally saw the benefits!

It hasn't been long since I was proud, when Hong Jun Sect Lord suddenly came up with another sentence. "If something happens to her, I will find you."

"Huh?" Isn't it? Find me? That great aunt, how can I live it? Doesn't let me take care of it? "Sect Lord, this...!"

"Stop this and that, it's so decided, you should stare at her now! I have something to do, let’s go first."

Damn, are you okay with me? Although I really want to say that, I actually don't dare to say it at all, otherwise the previous efforts will be wasted, and points may be deducted. The only way now is to make the great aunt stable, so that it can be considered.

Coming out of the Temple of Lingxiao, the Divine Immortal along the way were so enthusiastic to see me. We are now the celebrity in front of Hong Jun Sect Lord. No matter what Divine Immortal is, I have to be polite to me. point. But I don't have time to enjoy this kind of high-profile feeling now. What I have a headache is how can I let Zizhuo listen to me. After much deliberation, it seems that the only way to find a solution is from her relationship with Hong Jun Sect Lord. First of all I have to despise her strategically. Although her battle strength may have surpassed any single person in Celestial Court, only Hong Jun Sect Lord and his two disciplines can handle Zi Zhuo, but from an emotional analysis, she is basically a little girl in the rebellious period. Coaxing a child is a very troublesome thing, but this is still a child holding a weapon of mass destruction. It can be called a trouble in trouble and an extremely dangerous person.

I just arrived at the cave unconsciously just like that, taking back the night shadow and I walked into the cave again. "Zi Zhuo, Zi Zhuo?" My own voice echoed in the cave, but there was no response. After running in quickly, I found that my basin was still on the ground, but the Zizhuo person was gone. I quickly looked around, and there were a lot of burnt marks on the wall. It was obvious that someone had fought here, but I didn't know what the ground was like. I want to use Zizhuo's power to avoid injury, but the question is who fought with her? Could it be that those players are back again? This is unlikely! Their battle strength, Zizhuo can be done with just one blow, there is no need to hit Heaven and Earth turning upside down here?

I suddenly thought of three people. Chiri and the others should have followed her when Zizhuo ran out in Japan before. The problem was that she soon arrived at Celestial Court, but the three were gone. It is likely that they could not catch up with Zizhuo's speed, and the actual battle was over when they chased him. They may not have gone to Celestial Court, so they didn't know that Hong Jun Sect Lord had decided not to take Zi Zhuo back for the time being. They thought that Zi Zhuo was running around, so they went to arrest her. Thinking of this, I knew I was in trouble again. If they hurt Zizhuo, I don’t know if Hong Jun Sect Lord forgive them. Anyway, I can’t run away!

Boom. A loud noise came from outside the cave, and the cave gate actually collapsed. Really when it rains, it pours, I was stuck here as soon as I was going out to find someone. Open the space door summon, Jingjing and the tank emerge. Jingjing will support the protective shield in front of us, and then let the tank bombard the mountain gate and explode a hole.

At this time, there are a large group of players standing outside the mountain. He was proudly saying: "hmph! Don't let me in, then you guys don't come out either."

He was talking, suddenly a loud explosion sound, the cave entrance was flying outwards, gravel It knocked down a group of people in an instant. Before they climbed out of the rock, they saw a huge Insect crawling out of the hole. at first they didn't see what was in the hole, and now they saw the tank coming out, thinking he was the boss, someone immediately yelled. "Run, the big boss has come out."

"What are you afraid of? Isn't that..." The guy was crushed by the tank before he finished speaking. I walked out from behind the tank and looked around.

"Who are you?"

"Who you are?" Another player stared at me on guard.

I thought about it or shook the head. "See the four large creatures leaving from here?"

A player habitually shook his head. I nodded, took back the tank, and summon jumped out of Asuka directly. The people behind still want to call me, but his voice will never reach me. Asuka started a supersonic assault when I landed, and I couldn't hear the sound behind it.

After flying high in the sky, I started looking around. It is said that the four bosses are fighting together, the movement should be no small thing, but looking around, there is nothing to find. It makes no sense for such a big creature to disappear suddenly? Is it humanized? It shouldn't be ah! Their creatures of this level can only exert their maximum battle strength by restoring their bodies. Usually, it is enough to bully the ordinary person with a human appearance. If they fight with Zizhuo, Danger Land can't do it without reducing the body. Then the only possibility is that they have run far.

Thinking about it, I simply activated the ring of love. "Rose. Where are you?"

"Is there anything going on in Isengard?"

"That's right. Go to the army god immediately and let him use the guild command system, help me find a target."

"I'm here with him, tell me. What is the target?"

"Three of the targets are a huge flame Bat King, a Black Dragon, and a Fire Phoenix. The other one may be in the form of a woman, or it may be in the form of a bird."

"Are you talking about the sun in the sky?"< /p>

"The sun?" I was stunned.

The voice of Rose is very helpless. "Look up."

I looked up suspiciously, and was surprised to find that there were actually two suns in the sky, and one of them had three black spots around her. I said why I couldn't find it, it turned out to be flying up! "Okay, then nothing will happen. I saw them." Cut off the connection and quickly let Asuka fly upwards.

Climbed to the clouds and mountains in one breath, and the situation finally became clear. As I thought, the blazing sun had indeed arrived, but only him and Black Dragon had arrived, and the Batgirl was not present.

"Stop it, stop it." I started yelling from afar, but these few people above obviously didn't hear it very much. The giant dragon and Fire Phoenix are too big, and their dancing sounds far exceed my shouts. Zizhuo remained in a human form, but considering the movement of the two around her, she probably couldn't hear it either. After going back and forth for a long time, it seemed that there was nowhere to arrange the PA array for me, so I had to call out the lucky summon to help me. Fortunately, the voice of giant dragon is loud enough, and several people can hear it immediately.

The two sides separated, Chiri and Black Dragon flew to my side, Zizhuo still drifted away quietly. Chiri turned into a human form and flew to my side, pulling me worried and asked: "Why did you come here?"

"It means Hongjun Sect Lord."

"Hongjun Sect Lord? Did you see him?"

I thought about it, and pulled Chi Ri aside and asked: "Do you know what Hongjun Sect Lord is related to her? "

"Do the two of them have a relationship?" Chi Ri looked confused, and seemed to have no idea what was going on.

I helplessly said: "This matter is very complicated anyway, so leave it alone. I just got direct instructions from Celestial Court. I will be in charge of her affairs for the time being. You'd better go and see you first. See Hongjun Sect Lord and let him arrange it. By the way, where did that stray bat go?"

"She went to Celestial Court to rescue soldiers, but seeing you like this, has she been there? Celestial Court?"

"Cut. The three of you are too slow. The day lily will be cold when you come! Zizhuo has just gone to Celestial Court to do a fight, I am not being sent Are you here as a follower?"

"What? You have all played one? Then why is she still here? Didn't the Celestial Court arrest her?"

"That's why I told you that the matter is very complicated. The internal situation is not clear in two sentences, and there are some things I don't know if I can tell you. You should take the Black Dragon back and ask Hongjun Sect Lord. ! Ask him if there is anything unclear. He thinks he can tell you and he will tell you. If he thinks he can't let you know, I don't dare to talk nonsense to you!"

"Are you sure Celestial Court really doesn't catch her?" Chi Ri asked suspiciously.

"Can I still lie to you?"

"Well then." He turned to Black Dragon and said, "Let's go, go back and go back."

Black Dragon looked at me suspiciously, and finally didn't ask anything, turned around and flew away following the blazing sun. The light on Zizhuo's body dimmed after seeing them flying away. I quickly flew over. The effect of the fire avoiding beads given by Hong Jun Sect Lord is really good, even if I don't activate the ring of discipline, I don't feel any heat.

"What are you doing back?" Zizhuo looked at me and asked angrily.

"Do you think I want to come back?" I have just been assigned by Hong Jun Sect Lord to do this kind of task, and I am still irritated! She didn't expect that she was mad at me first!

"What are you doing so angry?" Zizhuo realized that I was really angry, but his tone softened. "Did you be forced to come by old fogey?"

"old fogey? Do you call your father old fogey?"

"hmph, you are afraid of him, I am not afraid of him, no Those who scold him for "old fart" are for my mother's face!"

Dizzy! I have to watch such a big treasure in the future. It seems that the future will be difficult! But how do you know if you are not a blessing? (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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