"How could this be?" Constantine yelled furiously. "Why did the news arrive?"

Before High Priest had time to answer, an adjutant next to him first asked: "Marshal, what about the next attack plan?"

"Attack Constantine throated angrily: "What are you going to attack? Retreat, immediately retreat to me, and the whole army retreat."

"What happened?" the adjutant asked in confusion.

High Priest turned to the adjutant and said: "Just received the news that the temple has been occupied two days ago. Now Marilyn has expelled all the people from the Elder Council, and the main power of the temple has been reorganized. , We probably don’t have a chance."

The adjutant still asked in disbelief: "This...how is this possible? Isn’t there only one guard team who is loyal to Marilyn? Even if we are not there. , Shouldn’t the remaining standing guards of the temple be defeated by the guards? How about several Sir Elders? Although the left and right Elder came out with us, don’t the other Elders of the Elder Yard all have the ability of Divine Grade? Are they all defeated? Is Marilyn so good?"

"Marilyn is not so good." High Priest said helplessly: "But you think we are two thousand and five Is the Million Army defeated by Marilyn?"

"How could we be defeated by her? Besides, we haven't failed yet, have we?" The adjutant suddenly understood a little. "You mean that the Frost Rose Alliance helped occupy the temple? But haven't we failed yet? Besides, more than 20 million of us have been nailed here. Could they still draw out the army?"

< p>This time it was Constantine who spoke: "We do still have the overall strength to surpass the Frost Rose League troops, but we have already failed, and we have lost thoroughly. As for the temple, who else can help Mary besides them? Lian won the victory?"

"But I don't understand. Why did we fail? We still have people. We can raze Tianyu City to the ground."

"raze to What about the ground? Is this the main city of other people? The gecko's tail is broken. It is distressed, but it does not hurt the vitality at all. It will grow back soon. What about us? The old nest has been taken by others, and we don’t have any. Supplement. Even if Tianyu City is taken down, what can we do? Retreat into the mountains and become savages? Or change to robbery and become bandits? Have you ever calculated how many people will be lost if you kill here? Marilyn controlled the temple, and so did the Frost Rose League It didn’t hurt the roots. The wall was pushed down by everyone, we couldn’t get any assistance, and the Dark God Palace would definitely be happy to kick us again, when the time comes, do we have a way to survive?"

"That That’s it? What about the headquarters? Are all the Elders killed?"

High Priest shook his head: "I heard that two Elders escaped, but the intelligence system was also disrupted. , There is also a blockade of Dark God Palace in the middle, our news is also intermittent, I don’t know which two Elders escaped."

Left Elder said: "There are only two Elders at the headquarters. Successfully escaped, plus the two of us, only four Elders. Our eight Great Elders can be regarded as Divine Grade at any rate. There is no reason why they were killed under the protection of the army. Who did the other party’s hand? "

"I heard that the president of the Frost Rose League personally made it. Two of the four killed Elder were killed by him. The other two heard that one was to cover everyone’s retreat. Being besieged to death by many enemies, another is killed by an expert called True Red in the Frost Rose League. It is said that this woman named True Red can ignore the defense, and that Elder was beaten to death by him across the city wall. The strangest one. It’s the city wall, it’s okay!"

Constantin said: "I know this. It is a fighting technique in the East. They call it Hitting the Cow Behind the Mountain. Actually It is a high-level force technique, but In order to penetrate the power into the object and blast at a specified distance, it can cause jumping interval damage. In the face of such an attack, defense is ineffective. The opponent can send power directly through the armor and detonate where he wants. "

"Yes, yes. "High Priest said immediately: "That's it, that Elder has nothing to do with the armor and the city wall in front of him, but his chest is completely shaken into blood, and he is unclear! "

"It seems that this guild is very powerful!" "

"The key issue is that the other party holds the ring of commandments. As an intermediary, as long as he does not directly infringe everyone's interests, neither party will interfere with him. "

Right Elder said: "At first, it would be nice to let Felendier directly replace Marilyn. This is really a fire! "

Left Elder also said: "We shouldn't chase after Marilyn is rescued." If we don't care about her, more than 20 million troops stationed in the temple headquarters will not be taken advantage of by others, and there will be no such thing as today. "

Constantin interrupted their complaints and said: "In this world, Regret Medicine is not sold, so don't complain about what it was like when you do it." What we need to care about now is what to do with the current situation? It is definitely not necessary to attack Tianyu City, the loss is too great, and it is of no value. The strategic goal cannot be accomplished, and it is meaningless to achieve the tactical goal. First withdraw the team, and we retreat to the edge of the forest to take refuge. Even if the remaining 8 million troops cannot attack the enemy, self-protection is probably not a problem. "

Constantine's words have been recognized by everyone. In the middle of a vigorous great decisive battle, the tiger's head and snake's tail suddenly ended. So far, the enemy hasn't even touched the city wall. Here. When the two sides were preparing for battle last night, the soldiers on our side were very relaxed, because they knew the situation today. The army of Light God Palace was blocked here. It is understandable not to know the domestic situation, but Our people know that Light God Palace has been controlled by us, and in fact, the news that Guangming Legion received today was deliberately let go. We deliberately let them know the news, so that they retreat by themselves.

< p>Wars between large-scale regimes have always been battles in four aspects: culture, economy, politics, and military. Cultural battles are a kind of chronic erosion. It depends on who has the greatest cultural charm. In this regard, everyone is the same, and even if there is a gap, No two or three generations can't change. Economic battles did not play a role in our battle with Light God Palace, so ignore it. Politics and military are the key points.

Starting from this battle Since that day, Rose and the God of War have been cooperating in commanding battles. Rose is commanding political warfare, and War God is commanding military warfare. The God of War has just received the statistical data and calculated the result, and the result given is military. There is an absolute gap between the above two sides. Even if the high level strategy formulated by the military god is used, in the end Bright Legion and our guild will only fight for both sides suffer. Therefore, the probability of military victory is almost zero, and the actual military strength is one less. The order of magnitude of the situation can guarantee a tie has shown how powerful the military god is, but after all, he is just a computer, not a god. No matter how good a strategy is, it is impossible to let a soldier kill a group army. However, we still have roses. As a fully automatic strategic command computer, the military god itself must serve national politics, so it has a political requirement reading function. He can receive political goals proposed by politicians and calculate the corresponding military arrangements based on the situation. Rose gave The political goal is to send Marilyn to power, and Rose gave a complete plan. After receiving it, the god of war designated a small number of highly mobile units to drag the Bright Army and drop all the main forces to France to deal with the Light God Palace. Actually. In the past few days, Tianyu City only spoke of flying units except for the workers who could not fight. The army was in France. Although the Air Force held the enemy on the German side, they were highly mobile and could go to France to support them whenever needed. The battle, on the contrary, is the army of the Light God Palace, and we can only be led by the nose.

Rose’s plan is very brilliant, and because the god of war is a computer that assists in the political goal setting of military plans, the more brilliant your political plan, the more successful his military plan will be, so this time Come up with such a powerful military plan. Light God Palace has more than 20 million troops. We completely rely on less than one million regular air forces and four to five million laborers. All the main forces have been vacated and sent to fight in France. The power balance between the two parties is simply the difference between the ant and the elephant, but now the ant has successfully bitten the elephant and maimed it.

For the retreat of Guangming Legion, Tianyu City did not respond much. There are no defensive troops in the city at all, and chasing them out is also to deliver food, which is useless at all. Constantine is not a newcomer. Although he knew the situation was unfavorable, the retreat was very orderly and did not form a major retreat. This is one of the reasons why we dare not pursue it. However, our actual purpose is not here.

Although Marilyn is a Goddess like a bag, it is because the Elder Council of the temple is too powerful, not because she is worse than other women. No one is born to know everything. As long as she learns properly, Marilyn will also become a Goddess like Arni and Mijol. At that time, she will not be satisfied that we are gesticulating her. Although we helped her climb her seat, once she has the real power and grows up, she will definitely try to get rid of our control. . Therefore, the benefit of supporting Marilyn in position can only be temporary. But there is a long-term method, and we will implement this method now. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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