The answer is ignition.

The ringing arrow plunged straight into a piece of grass about five meters in front of the army, and then the grass suddenly burned. Before the soldiers could react, the fire burst out and covered the infantry cluster with a bang. The army

In these days, the gods have made extensive adjustments to the defense structure of Tianyu City. The land outside the city has actually been treated. The soil has been stirred with grease, and the fire burns. . The fire quickly covered the entire area, the city wall

was completely invisible, and the flame blocked the city wall behind. The 150-meter-wide fire field blocked the entire space, and the soldiers in it were all burned alive. The soldiers who had just rushed forward chanting slogans to kill the enemy in an order turned into a group of fire men screaming and rolling all over the floor.

Being burned alive may be one of the most tragic ways to die. In the heart-piercing screams, the burning people gradually stopped rolling, their bodies curled up into a ball, and their deaths were extremely miserable. The armors on them can't play any role in the flames.

What kind of protection can only make them die worse. Without this layer of armor, they will soon end their lives. This armor prolongs the painful time. Although the soldier in great pain wants to throw the armor away, because his skin has already adhered to the armor. Can't take it off at all.

In fact, sometimes it’s a good thing to die, and the most tragic is the one who didn’t die. The layout of the fire is not a single line of fire. After the first Fire Pit burned for more than ten seconds, the second line of fire suddenly burned at a distance of more than ten meters, but then the 3rd and 4th lines of fire appeared. These flames are all burning by themselves, because there are fuse connections between the various fire scenes, as long as one is lit, the latter will follow after a certain period of time. And those

the most miserable people are those between the two lines of fire. Although these people are not in the fire, the fires on both sides are too close to them, and they are like barbecues in the middle. As the temperature gradually rises, the metal armor will become very hot

, the soldiers inside cannot run or die, they can only be melted by the hot skin, and then they scream continuously. Even if these people were rescued after the war, they would be very miserable. The heat caused their skin to melt with the armor.

If you want to remove the armor, you have to tear off the skin together. Skin cramps are all torture, and these people still feel pain after returning! But we will be kind to help them solve the problem once and for all, because in this battle we will win the final victory, and then they will be executed directly without the pain of peeling.

The fire spread all the way forward, and a large number of enemies who had no time to escape were drawn into the fire sea. The fuel burns very fast, and it doesn’t make much sense to escape, unless you are standing on the edge of the fire mixed with kerosene. Just get a little closer to the middle. It doesn’t make much sense to run or not.

The continuous fire sea burned countless soldiers to death, but Constantine was completely helpless. speaking of which he can solve the fire sea problem with just a shout to retreat, but his previous losses of more than 10 million have driven him to the absolute path.

If you can't in a spurt of energy capture Tianyu City, then there will never be a chance.

High Priest stood beside Constantine, patted him, then whispered something to him, and Constantine turned his head and stared at him in surprise. "What you said is true?"

High Priest is definitely nodded. "It has been confirmed."


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