"What the hell happened?" Rose and I asked in unison.

The player took a breath first, and then quickly said: "The Hot Blood City was attacked, Feng Yin Mimiao asked for rescue."

The Hot Blood City is the headquarters city of the Hot Blood League. The city has not been established for a long time, but it is quite large. Anyone who has seen Isinger will be stimulated a bit, and Feng Yin Miomi is no exception. After returning home, he has built such a bloody city. Of course, Feng Yin Miaomiao is not two hundred and five. He also knows how many family properties he has, so this blood city is just relatively magnificent, not really as exaggerated as Isinger built.

The Hot Blood League was once the largest guild in China anyway. Even if it is now overtaken by us and the Northern Alliance, he is still the third largest guild in China, and their main city will be attacked. Although it is strange that such a city is attacked and acceptable, it is actually beaten to the point where it needs assistance, which is abnormal.

After listening to the report from the members of the guild, I also knew that the matter was getting serious, and turned around and said to Rose and Woma: "You go to organize the manpower immediately, and I will go over to see the situation by myself."< /p>

"Okay." Rose nodded quickly began to direct everyone to divide their work. Rescue is a race against time. If you take a step slower, you may be able to save a ruin.

I turned the teleportation ring to select Hot Blood City directly, but the teleportation ring did not prompt to teleport but another voice came. "The Hot Blood City has entered a state of war, and other people are prohibited from teleporting. You are a member of an alliance guild. You can choose to teleport and participate in the war or abandon the teleportation. Please decide within 30 seconds, otherwise the teleportation will be abandoned by default."

The city has entered a state of war, and my ideas have been broken. Just now I was thinking that such a city was beaten to the point where rescue was needed. Most likely it was a sneak attack, but since the system hint city has entered a state of war, it is not a sneak attack, otherwise it should be a sneak attack. The state is right. Anyway, you have to read it before you can determine the next move. I immediately confirmed the system's inquiry, and the transmission started immediately.

I directly chose the teleportation point on the city wall, which should be able to see the battle faster. After the rays of light flashed by, I was already on the edge of a City Wall section. People hadn't stood still, and suddenly heard a sharp noise of an object piercing the air. Almost at the same time, the stone pillar next to it burst with a bang. , A pile of debris splashed out.

"Bullets?" In my impression, the only thing that can cause such an effect is bullets, but how come there are bullets here? Even long-range attacks should be magic or bows and arrows!

A whistling sound came again, and I hurriedly lowered my head to avoid it. With a sound, the metal road sign behind me had a dent, and a yellow metal block was embedded on the iron sign. Damn, it's really a bullet! I rushed out of this simple teleportation place. There was no wall blocking, and the situation outside was obvious at a glance.

Here is on the top of the city wall. A large group of players are squatting under the stomping wall in front, and more people are crawling on the ground. They were all taken aback when they saw me, but soon they were relieved. The people of the blood alliance are impossible to know me, so it is the alliance guild, which sub alliance does not even recognize Old Feng?

I just walked two steps forward and wanted to ask questions. The players on the wall shouted first: "Get down!"

They were too late to shout No, there were three consecutive ding ding dong dong beeps above my head, but they did not produce the expected effect. Those players who called me to get down did not feel relieved until I was okay. A player who seemed to be a commander climbed up to me and said: "Is it President Purple Moon? When will your guild members arrive?"

"We are already preparing for the meeting. It may take a few minutes before someone comes over. What the hell did you do here? Who is beating you?"

"This...! "The guy stopped prophesying and pointed to the outside of the wall: "You better watch it yourself!"

I walked to the side of the stack wall and took a look. It drew intensive blows like raindrops, and the sound of ding ding dong dong on my body was like a ring, and at the same time the broken stones on the wall flew around. It's no wonder that the players inside didn't dare to take the initiative, and the firepower of the opponent was too violent for a long time. Although I was hit back by intensive firepower, I can still see the situation outside clearly.

"Damn, making a Western movie?" I couldn't help but curse. There are large groups of white people under the city wall. Most of them wear lightweight leather armor, and only a few have heavy armor. But these people are all riding horses, and almost everyone has a cannon-like firecracker in their hands, and these people always like to shoot at the city wall while shouting oh oh oh. However, the most attractive thing is the big flag behind them, and I happen to recognize the sign on it. "Holy Lance League!"

The player below heard me talking to myself, and asked: "Do you know these people?"

I nodded: "It's American The Holy Lance League is currently the second largest guild in the United States, but their president is the first expert in battle strength in the United States, named Gun God, I don’t know if it’s here today."

Boom. My voice hasn't fallen yet, and a fort not far away was suddenly blown up. I don't know if I thought it was attacked by the opponent's cannon! The gun position was too close to us, and the gravel flew around us to baptism, and the shock wave shook the whole body sorely.

"Damn it, it's that pervert again!" The player who briefed me just now complained.

"Do you know what this is doing?" I asked the player.

The player pointed outside the wall: "Look for yourself, it's a guy riding a giant devil beast. The armor on his body is silver white. It's easy to recognize."

< p>I stretched my head and took a look, and immediately drew a intensive firepower strike, but I still saw the legendary guy. Damn, he is really the gunman, he actually came to China, and he brought so many hands down. Only the United States and France can transfer the profession of musketeer, but the other special professions in France are more excellent. There are not many people who play musketeers, and the number of musketeers in the United States is quite large.

The ordinary musket in "Zero" is very big, about 1.5 meters in length, and the barrel diameter is at least ten centimeters, which looks like a small cannon. The rate of fire of this type of musket is very slow, usually only one-half or less of the archer’s rate of fire, and the musket cannot project and has no curved trajectory. But the advantages of muskets are also obvious, the most direct feature is the large formidable power. The basic musket formidable power sold in the system store has been equivalent to the general archer's Level 3 formidable power, not to mention the high level goods obtained by doing the task. A single musketeer is a pile of side dishes, anyone can bully, but once they gather to form continuous firepower, that is, the strongest profession must hide.

The musketeers of the Holy Lance League in front of them all have quite high-end muskets, the formidable power is not generally big, and more importantly, the range is quite long. In the case of direct shooting, the archer's range is not as good as the musketeer, but the shooting range of the bow and arrow is longer than that of the musketeer, but the accuracy is worse. However, the firing range of the musketeers seen today generally exceeds the archer's projectile range, and the accuracy is so good that we dare not raise our heads when we hit them. Only a few artillery dared to compete with them.

One player hated it and said: "That guy’s gun is like a cannon. Our guns were all dumbed by him. If only we can suppress him."

I shook my head: "You don't lose injustice, that's the gun god, the best battle strength in the United States."

"I said why is so powerful!"

I stretched out my head. I want to look at the situation again. Didn't expect to see the spearhead aiming at us. "Run!"

As soon as I jumped out, there was a loud explosion sound behind. The half of the stack wall where I was hiding just now, and the bluestone slabs on the top of the wall, all flew away together. The people who spoke with me were all taken away. I glanced through the crack in the wall, and the gun extension turned to aim at me again. My day, why did he see me when I was hiding behind the wall?

Anyway, I can't stay at this position anymore, I hurriedly jumped out again, and the position where I just stopped was blown off. The familiar and arrogant voice came from under the wall. "Purple Moon, don't hide. I have seen you."

Damn, I said why he keeps staring here. I simply stood up from under the stack wall, but this time it didn't attract intensive firepower. "The gun god, how long does it take to see my strength?"

"Do you think each other! The one who can fire me three shots quickly is considered expert in the United States, and you are already considered expert."


"No way, no way. In China, everybody dodges your shots. It’s nothing for me to avoid three shots. And we Chinese have an old saying, "Come without being indecent," you give it all. I’ve lost three bullets, and now it’s time for me to pay back."

Almost at the same time as I finished speaking, I jumped off the edge of the city wall. The target is not so easy to shoot. He shot a large circular hole with a diameter of more than three meters on the city wall, but missed me. My body quickly fell to the ground. When I was about to reach the ground, my legs suddenly touched the city wall, and then suddenly exerted force. A spider web-like crack suddenly appeared on the wall where I took advantage of the force. When I was in the air, I was transformed into a werewolf form, and the power of this jump is naturally incomparable gigantic.

After flying out more than ten meters to the ground, I put my hands on the ground and immediately raised my upper body, landed on my legs, stood upright and ran forward quickly. At this time, the gun god finished the second bullet. His gun's formidable power is really big enough, but the rate of fire can only be said to be average, so the second bullet is only installed now. However, being able to reload within three seconds is already a very fast speed among the musketeers, of course, there is another calculation for the burst musket.

As long as they are well equipped and good luck, everyone can become a powerhouse in the game, but in order to become an expert, besides the previous elements, one's own level must not be less. Gun God's weapons are indeed powerful, but his technology is undeniable. After the completion of the second round, he did not immediately fire and fire like a rookie, but stood flat against me with his peculiarly shaped musket.

He is fine-tuning his aim. This guy can calmly wait for the aim of the gun in this environment. It can be seen that his strength is not entirely the result of weapons. Although I knew what he meant, I was not scared, and I rushed in quickly. As long as you are close, ten spear gods can't beat a Purple Moon, and the melee of the musketeer is not as good as the archer! But I still had to be careful before approaching, so I tightened my spirit and stared straight at the back of the gun god's wrist.

I look at the muscles of the forearm. If you want to pull the trigger, you need to tighten the muscles here to drive the fingers to move. It takes a short time from when they are moved to when the trigger is actually pulled down, although it is very short. But it was enough for me to dodge. Suddenly, I saw that muscle move, and at the same time I confirmed the direction of the muzzle. The body suddenly lowered in height, pressing his upper limbs on the ground, the whole person slid out to the side, and instantly avoided the shooting line. But I still underestimated the gun spirit. His muscles relaxed again, and then the muzzle was fine-tuned and aimed at the sliding me. The muscles tightened again and the trigger was pressed.

Boom. The bullet flew out under the boost of the magical bottom fire, but I suddenly took off on the spot with a more bizarre identity, and my body made a forward flip of 3,600 degrees in midair, which was perfect except for the poor landing posture. Behind me, a little bit in front of where I just took off was shot out of a big hole by bullets, and the ground turned into glass-like crystals. If I didn't get out of the way just now, it would be me who became crystal.

Although I fell a big horse on the ground, I quickly bounced off the ground, leaped forward and rushed out again. The gunman quickly retreated and started pulling the bolt to fill the bullet. He leveled the muzzle again just as I was approaching him.

I didn't expect that he could finish it. This guy must have practiced playing on countless times. This speed is too fast. The moment he raised the gun, I just rushed in front of him, the muzzle almost reached my chest. Time seems to stop in this brief moment, our speed has become so slow, and everyone's expressions are also slowly changing. In the end I still hit the muzzle, the gun god smiled evilly at me, and then pulled the trigger.

Boom...(To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit www.cmfu.com, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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