To be honest, I don't know anything about this magical interference, so I had to ask Noreen. "What is magic interference?"

Norraine replied very seriously: "The magic device will interfere with the magic stability of the surrounding space when it is running. This is not a defect of the magic equipment itself. In fact, the wizard is in the process of casting spells. There is a similar situation in, and there are similar problems with magic array and magic stone. Basically, as long as it is something related to magic power, it will interfere with the stability of magic in the space. When a single magician releases magic, nothing happens, but once there are too many people, The probability of errors during release will increase significantly, and a similar situation will occur when there are too many magical equipment. This is magic interference. But it is not the most important, the most important problem lies in the magic stack."

"Is it difficult to stack magic?"

"Of course." Noreen said: "When you want to build a magic equipment, you just need to carve a proper magic array on it. For example. A wand engraved with an array of magic power can accelerate the recovery of magic power and increase the speed of magic release. This type of array is easy to manufacture, and so on. If there is a large piece of equipment, all kinds of defensive magic arrays are carved on it, then this Isn’t the piece of equipment invincible in the whole world? But in fact it’s impossible. The main reason is magic stacking. You engrave a shield with a solid defense array and a strength rebound array. It looks like the shield will change. Is more powerful, in fact it will be scrapped. A strong defense requires metal magic, and a force rebound requires power magic, but when these two kinds of magic are extracted at the same time, they will be entangled, and the new magic formed afterwards is called a metal bomb. Your shield That is, it will not become stronger and will not rebound power. It will blow itself into pieces at the moment of being attacked and kill you and the attacker at the same time. This is the worst case of magic interference, stacking and generating Third Type magic. But don’t worry too much. Normally, the stacking failure will only cause the two arrays to fail together. It is very rare to produce unpredictable third-party magic. This is only the type of only two magic arrays, if a third magic array appears , Then it’s even more troublesome. Compatible probability of two arrays is one square of two, and three arrays are one cube of three. There are N arrays, and the success rate is one of N to the power of N. Do you understand?"

"putting it that way is almost impossible. There are multiple attributes in the equipment?"

"That is not enough, the equipment on your body is not just an attribute. Is it difficult? High difficulty is not equal to zero. The main reason for the difficulty of array connection is the integration of multiple arrays. Just find a good alchemist, and then combine multiple arra The pedigree of y is integrated in advance, even the completely opposite magic types like light and dark can theoretically be integrated into an array. Of course, the premise is that the magic you fused does not mutate, and the specific content is quite complicated. Alchemy is an extremely complex subject. Father has only studied a part of alchemy knowledge, so I am even more half-hearted. "

Norraine’s father, of course, refers to the Jiaha archmage. That old pervert who can create a magic puppet like Noreen is already considered to be an alchemist of the big Divine Grade. Actually, he only said that he had studied a part of it. It seems that this knowledge is really very profound!

Ghost King also joined our conversation and said: "The key to stacking arrays is actually to find a suitable fusion solution, and this solution is directly obtained. It is to try one by one through continuous experimentation. Of course, you can get the tried-and-tested scheme from others and avoid detours, but without experimentation, there will be no evolution of the scheme. This is absolute. "

Norraine said: "So. Formation stacking of primary level is relatively easy. The low-level magic equipment you see on the market changes the output according to everyone's needs, but when it comes to high-end magic equipment, it is impossible to mass produce. A superposition magic array is definitely not mass-produced even if you have the correct matching method. "

Woma said: "In fact, it is not impossible to make these dolls move. What I just said is just the principle, and there are many influences in reality. The relative position of the array, the type of recording material, the degree of shielding equipment, the strength of the array, etc. can affect the operation. Of course, the most important thing is to have reasonable integer and array data. But..." Woma turned his head and looked towards Rose and me: "This is a very expensive thing. "

"I'm afraid you say this. "Ross said: "Each time the research funding of the technical department is hundreds of millions, I can't turn around here! "

"Wait! "I suddenly stopped. "Follow me all, maybe we can save money. "

"Save it? How to save it? "

I took everyone through the all-crystal-enclosed air passage behind the research institute and directly into the Isengard Central Library. As soon as the Ghost King came in, he began to wow all the way and almost saw a Things are going to wow. The shock of the giant library is not experienced by ordinary people. Compared with the small bookstores of tens of square meters and the book supermarkets of hundreds of square meters, it covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters and has 7th Layer on the ground. The Isinger Central Library in the underground 8-Layer is definitely a shocking facility.

Don’t think that books are useless in the game. "Zero" emphasizes authenticity and never depends on data. Compensating for any effect, everything works like a real world. At least I know that the library directly affects the evolution of NPCs in the city. The evolution probability of elite NPCs in the new generation of NPCs produced by Isinger is as high as 35% , And the probability in other cities is usually less than one in a thousand. Because of this huge and luxurious library, we have 350 times the elite evolution rate of others. The advantage of elite NPCs is that no matter what they do, they are better than the same level. NPC is much stronger, and it is also a transition warrior. The warrior transformed into an elite NPC is at least three times the strength of the general NPC battle, and the subsequent development speed is all faster than that of the ordinary NPC, and the upper limit of the level that can be reached is also higher than that of the general NPC. .

In addition to the impact on city NPCs, the book itself is also useful. The first to third floors of the library and the first to third floors are all skill books needed by players, other guilds. Players who want to get the skill book of this profession can only purchase it from outside or do difficult tasks by themselves, but our guild does not need it. All professions have a full range of standard skills here, except for a few special skills that need to be done by themselves. We have all the commonly used skills. Players can save time for grand competition. Underground 4 to 8-Layer is a secret archive area, which is specially used to check the rules of some special events. It can basically help you find many clues that were not originally available. The direction of the task to be carried out. The success rate of the task of our association so far is still the first in the world, relying on these seemingly useless information. As for the 4th to 7th Layer on the ground, the things here are more complicated. But we are now What I’m looking for is the technical information on the fourth to sixth layer. Here are all the super technical information of the guild, including Isinger’s overall design.

Ghost King was dragged in by us all the way After the Fourth Layer, ordinary people can't enter here, only researchers and senior personnel can enter, and the higher the level, the more detailed the classification. We go directly to the Sixth Layer, and all the top-secret information is placed here.

Woma In super long As they climbed up the stairs, they complained: "When I designed this damn library, I forgot the most important thing! "

I comforted her and said, "Don't blame yourself, I was patronizing the majestic and majestic style at that time, who would even want to get to the elevator!" "

Rose also gasped: "The only design flaw in the entire library is that you forgot to install the elevator. You can't blame you. Who would have thought that a house with only the 7th Layer would also need an elevator!" "

"It should be 15 layers, and there are 8-Layer underground. "I corrected.

Lund said taking pleasure in other people's misfortune on the side: "Fortunately, I have turned myself into a Necromancer, and I don’t feel tired. Otherwise, I should breathe like you. NS. But speaking of which is really a serious flaw! It is said that there are only 15 layers, but each layer has more than 40 meters. The top layer is 10th layer, and the 7th layer on the ground has the same level as Heavenspan Pagoda, the 7th 10th layer in the human city. "

Everyone climbed to the sixth floor while breathing heavily. It was as hard as a marathon. When you go back, you must remember to install a Transmission Formation on each floor so that you can go up and down the stairs. You must be exhausted to climb the stairs like this.

I will take everyone through the reading area and the inquiry area directly into the data area behind. There is an uncategorized book area here, and there are a lot of books I got back. This time I’m looking for That’s what’s in it. Once I was locked up in a small house when I went to Dark God Palace and was forced to learn alchemy. At that time, I got back a pile of books, but I didn’t have time to read it. I should send it if I wanted to. Use it. Dark God Palace's alchemy is very famous.

Under my guidance, everyone quickly read it. After a while, Noreen cried out in surprise: "Oh my God! Seven system an array structure diagram, our guild actually has this thing! Purple Moon big brother, why didn't you remember? "

Lund tremblingly held the book and said: "My Heaven and Earth Spiritual God!" See what I found? "He turned the book over and faced us.

Although mine is an alchemist with a real professional certification, I actually don't know anything about it. Woma almost didn't jump up after seeing it." High level magic dispersal device, this thing can completely immune to magic below the middle level. Oh my! This blueprint is worth at least 100 million crystal coins, so it was put here to sleep! "

They were watching Shuang suddenly heard the crashing sound of crackle from behind. When everyone turned around, they saw Ghost King rolling down from a moving escalator more than 30 meters high. Here is our picture. The bookshelves are 20 meters high, so every bookshelf has such an escalator that can be pushed and run. The three maids of Ghost King are helping him to support the escalator, but he rolls down. The Ghost King who fell to the ground did not It didn't do anything to shout pain, but got up from the ground with two books in extreme excitement, and then rushed to our side. "Found it, found it. "

"What did you find?" "Norrain stretched her head and looked at it." "Detailed Explanation of Magic Interference and Isolation Plan"? "High level magic equipment application examples"? "

"haha, this can be solved. "

Having information is convenient. Soon we returned to the institute with a lot of information to start the experiment. Dark God Palace’s alchemy mentioned that magic fusion technology is actually not applicable. In our current situation, the alchemy of Dark God Palace is aimed at the common use of multiple magics, instead of combining Immortal Technique and magic. This is essentially different. But fortunately, many places can still be used for reference. Yes. Soon we have a new plan. With the help of the strong production capacity of the guild, a newly modified magic puppet skeleton was lifted out.

Woma proudly introduced Rose and me "I know you think this is very similar to a skeleton, but it is indeed a magic puppet, and it is the same type as the magic puppet that the guild is using, but there is no external armor. But you pay attention to its body, do you see any difference? "

I looked at the skull-shaped magic puppet myself. "It seems to be ceramic. "

"The answer is correct. When we were experimenting before, it was already obvious that the magic puppet and the human servant would be completely unable to move after the merger. The reason is of course the magic interference, but the real place of the interference is the material. The materials we build the magic puppet are black steel and dense silver. Unfortunately, both of these metals have good magic conductivity. But what we don't know is that in addition to the magic transmission, they actually have the function of magic shielding. The built-in soul can use the power of the spell to transform the will into magic power to drive the ceramic body outside. At this time, the internal magic puppet skeleton runs synchronously, so that after the power is superimposed, the ability of the new combat puppet should be very strong, but because of the magic power With the shielding feature, the magic power used for control is sealed in the magic couple skeleton, causing an extra set of signals in the skeleton, and the result is a loss of response. The external ceramic body also didn't respond because it couldn't receive the signal, which is the main reason why the magic doll does not move. Another reason is that the interference between Magic Talisman spells reverses the power of the soul driver and is limited, so the external signal itself is not high, even if there is no shielding effect, it still cannot be driven. "

"Then how did you solve it? "

"This is the key. "Woma explained excitedly: "As you can see, the skeleton part of the new magic puppet is not the old-fashioned design of steel encrypted silver, but all-ceramic. A lot of new materials have been added to this ceramic skeleton. As a result, the hardness of this ceramic has been greatly increased, and it has a certain degree of toughness, and it is not easy to break. It is more suitable as a skeleton. But the most important thing is the magic channel in the new skeleton. Pay attention to this. "Woma pointed to some crystals on the doll's body. "These things are equivalent to built-in antennas, which can amplify and strengthen the control signal, so that you are not afraid of the outer suit getting out of control. "

According to Woma’s instructions, the ghost who volunteered to participate in the experiment has been integrated with this skeleton. When the skeleton was fired, it was arranged in accordance with the method of at first Ghost King. , The ashes of the charm of the ghost possessed are in this ceramic skeleton.

They put the skeleton into a huge pool again, which looks like electroplating, and then pulled it again after a few seconds. It came out, but the skeleton had become golden. Several NPC researchers pushed in a few blowers to dry the skeleton skeletons directly, and after the golden stabilized, they put the skeletons in the at first Maker. On a machine. This machine has been modified, and now there are more programs, but the general steps are still similar to those of rice cakes, and soon there is a layer of mixed soil outside the skeleton. Color the shell, and then send it whole Enter the high-temperature kiln and begin to bake.

Thirty minutes later, the guy was finally finished. When he was taken out, he looked like the maids. Of course he was a male. Moreover, they are muscular and tall, saying that they almost only have human appearance and bright colors. The glaze color on the outside of the ceramics is much brighter than normal people. This ghost is obviously the same after being burned to adult dolls. Various colors They all look too glamorous.

At first I thought it was a finished product. Didn’t expect there is still a process. A huge set of plate armor was lifted out. I know that thing. I used the plate armor. Although there are not many advantages other than the defensive power metamorphosis, only one defensive metamorphosis is enough. Try this kind of plate armor. The plate armor in front of you is obviously scaled down, but after all, the style is there and the weight is too scary. I don’t know if I can fight after wearing it. But it’s out of ours. Unexpectedly, the brand-new magic puppet was still able to move even after wearing this armor. We did a simple test for him and found that the movement speed and attack power are quite powerful, that is, there is no shortcoming of the foolishness of the magic puppet, and there is no helper attack. The shortcoming of weak power. The monster combined by the strong will eventually become the ultimate power of our guild. Invincible defense, super attack, fairly rapid speed, climax wisdom, these guys are already very good.

Originally, we planned to study how to mass-produce, but a player suddenly ran in. "Is the president here? "

"I am here, what's the matter?" "I was blocked by the magic puppet and he didn't see it.

The player immediately said after seeing me: "Not good, it's a major event!" "(To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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