Both pieces of equipment are auxiliary class effects, and both are crystal products.

The crystal ball is a bit similar to the crystal ball for divination, and its name is the Eye of Oath. The shape is a crystal ball with a diameter of 20 cm. The ball body is made of translucent crystal and the color is vermilion.

The special ability of the eye of oath includes five kinds: the eye of Heavenly God, which can see any place within 30 kilometers within the crystal ball, even if it is blocked, it does not matter, and you can see directly Something in the invisible state. The staring eye, equivalent to seal, can use this skill to seal any one attributed ability of an enemy, and it will last until the end of the battle. The Eye of Soul Terror is only effective for NPC. The holder can use this skill to hypnotize a certain number of enemies. The specific number of manipulations varies depending on the difference between the strengths of the two parties. The time for the controlled person to break free is uncertain, and is roughly affected by the difference in strength between the two parties. The Reflective Eye can be used as a shield with a crystal ball. The effect is to completely bounce the attack. The premise is to accurately block it before it can take effect. Smart Eye, a skill specially used to steal skills, as long as the opponent uses it face-to-face, the holder will have 5% probability to learn this skill after seeing it.

The six pairs of wings are called the wings of the oath, which are composed of six pairs of twelve huge crystal wings. The shape is roughly the same as Seraphim's wings, but the difference is that the texture is crystal structure and has a translucent effect. Special ability: magic resonance, equivalent to turns wings into huge solar panels. All the magic in the surrounding space will be absorbed and supplemented to the wearer. The main manifestation is that the consumption of magic power increases when the surrounding enemy personnel release magic, and at the same time The release speed drops, and part of the formidable power is automatically offset. Vibration capture, equivalent to use wings as ears, you can hear any small sound within one kilometer, but you must actively listen to it, and it will not take effect when there is no target. The infrasonic attack uses the weak vibration of the wings to create infrasonic waves, which is non-lethal, but it can cause the target to experience dizziness, vomiting and other adverse reactions, and the divine technique has no recovery effect on such symptoms. It is suitable for attack assistance and use before escape. Wings of Light, inject magic power into the wings to make them glow. Depending on the injection speed, they can be used as lighting. Suddenly inject a large amount of magic power to play the effect of flash bombs at critical moments. The wing blade, because it is a crystal wing, has extremely sharp edges and can produce physical attack power.

The two equipment attributes are very good, considering that their basic attributes are not visible, but since it is a Divine Item, it must be very good, so these two are definitely the best of the best. However, compared to these, more cattle are behind. The complete set of equipment is complete and there are additional attributes. The first one is a bit nasty, that is, the attribute that can't be removed anyway. This attribute is called soul curing, once you put it on, you can't get it down. The instructions mentioned that this is to give full play to the attributes of the equipment, otherwise, you must exercise slowly like a magic dragon suit to be effective. The second additional attribute is called Guardian of Water. This is why I scratched my arms at first, but the equipment did not respond at all. This attribute allows the equipment to be repaired quickly, no matter what kind of damage, as long as there is no dust left, it can be repaired again immediately. The third attribute is called fusion absorption, which reminds that the attribute has a certain probability of automatically fusing the enemy’s equipment, and absorbing the attribute of the opponent’s equipment is a very deterrent attribute.

After reading all the attributes, it seems that there is no problem. It should not be a harmful attribute, but Anubis's reality just now is a bit strange. He doesn't have to use this method to make me wear such a good thing, right? I haven't heard that you have to play tricks to give things.

Anubis looked at me and asked: "How do you feel?"

"The attributes are not bad."

"Not bad? Just just Not bad? Four Power of God, would you give this comment?"

"What four Power of God?"

"Huh? Didn't you see it?" Anu Bis came over in surprise. "It's the four rings in your hand, haven't you seen it?"

"Rings?" I remembered what Anubis said. The vow set has four rings, but I just saw that there is no attribute in the attribute. I quickly checked it again and found that the attributes of these four rings were listed separately and were not included in the set, which means that they are not part of the set. But it's not right! The four rings are clearly listed in the name tag of the suit, but why are they not included in the scope of the suit?

Anubis suddenly patted his forehead and shouted: "Look at my memory. Forget there is a seal! Wait a minute." Anubis ran out of the room like a gust of wind. I am the only one left. Almost instantly, an evil smile appeared on my face, but it was a pity that I hadn't had time to start Anubis and rolled it back. "Here you are."

"What's this?" I took a small porcelain bottle from Anubis and carefully unplugged it. "Wow! What's this smell?" A green smoke wafted out of the bottle. It smelled like stinky feet, and the smoker wanted to vomit.

Anubis pinched his nose and said in a weird voice: "It is filled with the stinky Death God grass. It is said that many people have died, so it got its name. But this thing is The real function is to kill insects. The ring on your hand is parasitized by a creature called Divine Soul bug. As long as they don’t leave, the power of the ring will not take effect. You can put the ring in the bottle in turn and smoke for a few seconds. Now, with the formidable power of this stinking Death God grass, you will definitely die as soon as it is smoked."

"I believe this, I will be smoked to death!" I quickly put the first ring on the bottle mouth , Almost instantaneously, a cloud of green smoke suddenly emerged from the ring, gathered into an insect in the air, then fell to the ground, and then died on the leg. "Sure enough, it is Death God grass, the formidable power is really big!"

Anubis said: "That is. Last time, the fool of Jamos accidentally overturned a bottle in the Hall of the Underworld. I simply moved my residence to the Boundless Black Sea. The other gods had to find their own places. It took more than 30 years for the temple to be ruined before anyone dared to go back."

"Damn, than The biochemical poison qi is amazing!"

"What? What do you think the poison qi is?"

"Nothing. By the way, I will smoke all these rings. This smell is too positive, I will dizzy if I don't hurry up!"

Anubis also hurriedly nodded. "It's all thanks to the water wall around us, that is, this room has a strong purification ability. If you open the lid outside, you will be dizzy now."

I hurriedly smoked the other three rings and sealed them again. The bottle was stuffed on my body easily. The boy Anubis had a good attention, squinted his eyes and looked at me, his fingers hooked. I reluctantly took the bottle out and returned it to him. "Che, a bottle of stinky grass is so stingy."

"This is not stinky grass." Anubis grabbed the bottle angrily. "This is my secret weapon. Divine Immortal has to get down if you smell it. You can't stop it with any defensive weapon. It works best against higher creatures. Its smell is actually a kind of magic, and it can't be blocked by protection at all. Live."

"How do you know that it is magic?"

"Because I found the mummies are also afraid of the smell. According to them, they don’t even have their noses, so they shouldn’t be able to smell it. Yes, since they all react, the smell is most likely to be a strong hypnotic magic."

"It is possible. Have a discussion, how about one bottle of me?"

"No discussion."

"I will trade things."

"Your things are not rare for me." Anubis is determined.

I took out a stone and threw it in my hand. "It's a pity! Some good things can't be exchanged."

The moment Anubis saw the gem, his eyes were straight. "Stone of Discipline? How could you...?"

"Too small for me? I have the ability to be a referee in the Council of the Gods. Can I not have this Stone of Discipline?"


Anubis stretched out his hand to grab, I turned around and let it go. Not to mention, the attributes of this suit are really terrifying, and the speed of Anubis is actually out of reach. "Hold on, this thing is not for you to exchange. What I mean is that after putting the stone of discipline on the ring of discipline, you are allowed to borrow its power several times. You must know that only those with all influence are qualified. To use this ability, I allow you to use it to open the back door. But let me talk about it first, I don’t care what commandment this gem is shaken."

"Deal." Anubis reached out and took the bottle. Threw it to me.

"Thanks!" I put away the bottle, then opened the attribute, and wanted to check the four newly opened rings.

I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it. The four rings are called: the ring of life, the ring of creation, the ring of flowing water, and the ring of flames. Their manufacturers are Nuwa, Pangu, Nu and Amorad, and their attribute is to allow the wearer to use part of the power of the maker. The Ring of Life is made by Nuwa, and its attribute is to allow part of the power of Nuwa to be borrowed. The Ring of Creation borrows the power of creation from Pangu, the Ring of Flowing Water borrows the power of the god of water, and the Ring of Flames borrows the power of the god of fire. Flame Power. These are all one of the ten High Gods, although they can only partially borrow their power, it is definitely terrifying.

"This...?" I looked at Anubis. "Is it true to borrow the power of High God?"

"Of course it is true."

"That level? What can you do?"

"I haven't tried this, and you have seen it. This thing won't work if you put it on, so no one but you has tried it."

"Then try it now." I used the experimental product. Staring at Anubis.

"What are you going to do?" Anubis looked at me in a panic. "Don't mess around, this is the power of High God, maybe what power it has! be careful!"

"Flame divine force." I used my fingers with a ring of flames Pointed to Anubis.

Boom. The small piece of cloth around Anubis's waist suddenly burned, and he was scared to run around, and finally suddenly remembered that this was the water god's room, so he simply sat on the ground. The flame went out with a chirp, but Anubis' fig leaf was basically burned.

I looked at the ring nodded. "Well, it looks pretty good."

"Go to hell!" Anubis jumped and threw me to the ground. This was the first time he was humiliated so badly. But I am actually not afraid of him, I know he is joking. Although Anubis has always behaved badly, in fact it was a character problem. In fact, from the performance point of view, Anubis should be compared with me. A person of his character, only if he is willing to make trouble with you, it means that he told you, people who really don’t like will talk to him. not to take care of it.

At this critical moment, there was a sudden oh la la at the door, and Anubis and I turned our eyes to the door at the same time. faint! Completely dizzy! A large circle of people stood at the door, there were a few Spiritual Gods from Egypt, and the players who were doing quests with me. Maybe they found that I was missing with Anubis, so come find us! However, the situation at this time obviously made them misunderstood. I am still in the state of Yinyue, in a gorgeous costume, with long hair scattered on the ground. And Anubis was riding on me, pressing his hands on my shoulders. Although I know that this posture is the standard posture for fighting, when the appearance of the two sides is extremely feminine and the other extreme wolfish, the situation will not look like a fight. The sound that alarmed us just now was when the tray in Princess's hand fell to the ground. The others were staring at each other with their mouths open, using their own expressions to describe how surprised they were.

After freezing for a long time, the Wisdom God Tetu coughed. "Um... Anubis, Purple Moon, you two don't need to be here even if you are in a hurry?"

I and Anubis took a look at each other, and then I raised my hands. The special map at the door was approved. "I wish you a happy dance." Boom, Tetu's clothes suddenly burned. Gods are protected by divine force. Even if I have the divine force stone to restrain the divine force, their magic attributes are very high, and flames should not be able to hurt them. Lighting a god's clothes directly is definitely not as simple as it seems. But now Tetu has no time to analyze this. He is dancing and flapping the flames on his body. The flames from the upper Vulcan can burn Low God.

Anubis jumped up. "See? He did this to me just now, and I'm teaching him."

The Ocelot shook his head next to him and said: "Purple Moon, you are so disappointing. I thought you were a good one. Boyfriend, didn’t expect you actually have the habit of breaking your back, and the other party is still a wolf, what is it called? Humans and beasts...?"

"Where is this all? Don’t mess up Is it okay to use your imagination?" I pointed at Tetu: "Water curtain."

hua! A large basin of water poured over Tetu’s head, the fire was gone, and he too Cheng Luo Tangji. "I experimented with the newly acquired abilities, and I feel pretty good. I was just fighting with Anubis, don’t think about it, I don’t have that special hobby. As for Miss Ocelot, I don’t have that hobby and I’m not planning to find another girl. Friend." I showed the ring of love. "You should understand if you can bring this."

"Just kidding, don't you need to take it seriously?" Ocelot smiled naturally.

Anubis changed the subject and said: "Aren't you asking about the situation? Why are you all here?"

Sun God came out: "The questions are all finished. , It’s time to send them back. I found that there was one missing person, so I came to find it."

"That's okay. Our business is over." I said to Anubis: " One last question." I pointed to my waist. "This. Why?"

Anubis pointed upwards. I am nodded. "Understood."

Anubis means the task given by the water god. This is the equipment library of the Water God, and things are not Anubis's, he is just a janitor. I haven't heard that the guard can take things from the warehouse and give it away, unless he doesn't want to do it anymore. But what does it mean that the god of water insists on sending me a set of Divine Item? There is so little news about these ten High Gods, and I can't judge their minds for the time being.

Simply bid farewell to the gods here and I was immediately sent back to the Transmission Formation in Cairo City. I said to the Ocelots: "The task is complete. You don't know if there is any chance to meet again in the future. Let's say goodbye to each other?"

Princess did not leave. She extended the hand to me after seeing everyone else teleporting away: "Where is the rest?"

"It's not convenient here. Come with me to the pub."

and Princess found a tavern together, first restored the Purple Moon form, and then in the private room I removed the equipment and distributed it. Princess had already taken a set of Divine Items, and some of the remaining items were distributed to her. After giving her all the proportions she deserved, we also bid farewell and left.

Now I should go back and quickly recover that set of national instruments. This thing can't be left with the Japanese for too long. According to the newly adjusted regulations of the system, national implements cannot be hidden by offline, nor can they be stored in space. That is to say, people who grab the national implement cannot store the national implement once and for all, and the national implement cannot be destroyed. The Japanese national equipment system that has been destroyed by me is automatically regenerated to be exactly the same, but it is still in my hands, because the Japanese did not take it away, so the ownership is still with me. However, although the new regulations make it impossible for the national machine to handle it, it is not impossible to hide it. After the Japanese get the national weapon, if we can't find it somewhere, it will be troublesome.

After thinking about it, I activated the ring of love again. In addition to sound transmission, this thing can also summon my partner once a day, and this attribute is almost unlimited, and distance and space are not a problem. She just connected to Rose, before she had time to speak, she first spoke of which. "Where are you?"

"Where I am in Egypt, don't you know?"

"Is that task completed?"

" It's just finished. What's the matter?"

Rose didn't answer my question, but instead asked: "There is nothing wrong with you, right?"

"Well, it's all over. ."

"Well, ready to accept the transmission, I will bring you summon back."


The summon of the ring of love is superb Personality, I walked well on the streets of Cairo City. Suddenly, a red heart appeared under my feet. Then a pink barrier rose on the edge of the red heart, which wrapped my whole person in, and then my heart flashed suddenly. It disappeared without warning. In Isinger, the same pink brilliance gleamed on Rose. She was being wrapped in a big heart. The space in her heart flashed suddenly, and I appeared beside Rose. The edge of pink's big heart slowly lowered, and then the heart-shaped frame under the feet gradually disappeared, and the transmission ended.

As soon as I came out, I saw a large group of people standing around, and all of them were familiar faces. I finally know why Rose is most urgent sending me back.

"Everyone is too fast, right?"

Standing next to me are the representatives of the various forces that I saw in the Netherworld River Holy Land, but the people who came this time Obviously more. It may be the advantage of geographical location. There are hundreds of Divine Immortal in Celestial Court, and the lineup is quite spectacular. Buddhism was not far away, and seventy-eighty people came in one breath. The demon group and Sea Clan also have a lot of power. Fortunately, his father also brought a large number of giant dragons. I just said these guys are like flies! As soon as I smelled it, I ran together!

The leader of Celestial Court this time is Hongjun Sect Lord, the real Number One Person of Celestial Court. The last time I saw him, he didn’t say much, but this time he was very polite and took the lead: "We also think this matter is of great importance. We should deal with it as soon as possible to avoid accidents."

"Sect Lord That’s right, let’s start now? Have you paid back the materials and labor preparation?"

"Of course."

This group of bastards really did it for their own benefit. Very hard, but I'm happier this way. I asked for the city of commandments to be built. Of course it is impossible to put the ring of commandments. I have other intentions. Actually I want to move the guild headquarters here, otherwise I can't make the city on top of Mount Everest, right? There is only one month and a few days left before the start of the war. Isinger’s position is too close to the sea. Once I really fight with Japan, even if I control the main battlefield within Japan, Isinger will inevitably be infiltrated and attacked by some enemies. There may even be traitors in one's own person. In short, Isinger is no longer suitable as a headquarters, but should be changed to a forward fortress and a material turnover center. Anyway, it was originally a semi-militarized building.

Move the command center to the top of Mount Everest, no matter what accidents happen in the national war, at least we will not be devastated. After all, this is nominally the place where the Ring of Discipline is stored. All Spiritual God forces have the responsibility to protect this place. No player's guild has the ability to capture a city guarded by so many gods. Indirectly, the headquarters of our guild is absolute safe.

The actual blueprint of the City of Commandments was issued by our guild, but things were too sudden and there was no way to plan in detail, so we had to let the guild’s design institute piece together the previous blueprints to create a super complex big city That's it. Anyway, it's not me who pays, and it doesn't hurt to spend other people's money. However, considering that the proportion of female members of the guild is still high, the image design of the city must not be sloppy.

The various sects of various forces sent two people who are good at design to assist our guild in designing the blueprint. Of course, their purpose is to complete the city as soon as possible, not for my sake. But the technical level of these people is really nothing to say. The designers sent by all influence are one civil and one military. The so-called literary is for decoration, and Wu is for the construction of institutions. Whether the city is beautiful after it is built depends on the decoration designer, while the actual defensive ability of the city depends entirely on the agency designer.

The designers of our guild put forward a rough design sketch. After being seen by those people, they made random changes and basically overturned all of them. We originally wanted to make the city more tidy, but these guys put the streets and houses into a labyrinth for safety reasons. In the end, it was the Divine Immortal sent by Celestial Court who drew a picture of Heaven and Earth. The big formation said that Divine Immortal couldn't get in and out because it didn't follow the special rules of the place. As a result, the designers of other schools were fainted after reading the pictures, and they couldn't help but praised them. Only the people in our guild are worrying about whether we are going to set up a guide team in the future to prevent our people from getting lost in their own city and being trapped alive.

After the street layout was completed, the designer sent by Zeus said that he had no deterrence, so he modified it again. As a result, the sixty-four big array was integrated with a large magic array. At the same time, it is said that a constant blood loss array can be created in the city. After the hostile personnel enters, they will continue to lose blood until they hang up or leave. The designer sent by Titans from the Dark God Palace in Europe took another super-gravity array, which claims to allow the intruder to withstand three times the normal gravity while acting as usual. However, because the shape of the street has been occupied, the formation has to rely on drainage ditches to form it. Then all parties threw a lot of big formations, we had to use the energy pipes and various supporting beams, and finally arranged the 1% of the Formation, and there was really no place to put the rest.

After all the layout decisions were completed, the various facilities were placed. As a result, there was another material bombing by all parties. Because all parties are worried that others will illegally enter the city and steal the ring of commandments, they can't wait to use the best things so that others can't enter the best. I stood aside and watched these guys blushing over who will install the cannon and who will build the defensive array.

Finally, the construction of defensive cannons was divided evenly among the various forces. As a result, none of the magic cannons on each gun position in the city was duplicated. There are more than three hundred forts in the city, all of which are different. They are simply the arsenal of all nations. Fortunately, the magic cannon does not use physical shells, and there are no restrictions on the caliber and type of shells, otherwise my logistics staff will definitely go crazy.

After the magic cannon turmoil, the magic defense barrier triggered a new round of war. The design interior manuscripts were flying all over the sky, and the design offices were ready to stand up with their arms and sleeves. I had to stop it again. Don't we have too many Defensive Arrays! As long as they are compatible with each other, we don't care about putting more layers. So we all had a headache when we looked at the final plan. Three hundred layers of magical barriers have been designed around the city. Although all magical barriers have relatively good permeability, they still block light a little bit. Therefore, once all three hundred layers of defense barriers are activated, the city It will definitely turn into night immediately, or at least dusk. Besides, our energy device can't drive so many defensive covers. In the end, there is no way. The designers of the various forces will explain the advantages of their own defensive barriers, and then our guild members will screen out 30 better barriers, and then draw lots to remove half of them. In this way, 15 layers of protective shields will still be installed on the periphery of the city. , It's already scary.

It was the early morning of the second day after these things were noisy. Although the gods were impatient to wait, they refused to broadcast their own interests, so they had no choice but to continue to quarrel.

Rose leaned in my arms and said: "I now know what is going on in international negotiations."

I laughed: "International negotiations are much tougher than this. They only It is noisy in the venue, and people are playing outside."

The content of the second day argument started with the building materials in the city, and all parties said that their materials are good in quality and have a strong defensive effect. Finally, I have to arbitrate. First compare the materials. It is obviously not as good as others’ direct elimination. If the properties are the same, they are merged. The remaining 30 kinds of materials are stacked together to form a composite armor style. No noise anymore.

The new argument for the afternoon is the placement of magic reconnaissance systems in various cities. This is the most noisy thing. I think that the detection system is more effective in preventing these gods than defense. From the noisy after lunch to the night, the final conclusion is that everyone divides the city into several circular belts, and one family is responsible for one circular belt. I wonder if the staff on duty will be stunned by more than three hundred sirens that suddenly sound at the same time when someone invades.

The content of the 3rd day controversy moved to the construction of city agencies. This time it is fast. Everyone agrees that it is better to let Sea Clan do it. People specialize in technical activities. After that, I started to discuss the placement of special protective facilities. This time there was nothing noisy. Anyway, the city is so big that many special facilities can be put down.

In fact, special facilities refer to mechanical or magic moving objects, which mainly include things like golems and puppets. These things of all influence are roughly the same, only a few of them are strange.

Celestial Court is the most wicked, and gave me a room of soybeans, claiming to be treated with Immortal Technique. At that time, I took three pills for experimentation, threw them out and became three heavenly soldiers. It is estimated that if all the soybeans in this room are thrown out, soldiers will be able to queue from here to Europe that day.

Buddhism is not much better. These guys have planted lotus flowers in all the fountains in the city. It is said that these flowers can be transformed into Arhat when encountering an enemy. Although the number can not be compared with the Soybean Soldiers of Celestial Court, the quality is a little higher.

The Mayan temple from South America gave me thirteen masks, and then sent them to free NPCs in the city when needed. Then these NPCs that should have no offensive power will become god-like battle strengths. individual.

Compared to these three parties, North American witchcraft is even stranger. They gave me four bodies. It is said that it is a corpse, but it should be four puppets. These four are all humanoid creatures, but the specific performance have nothing common with each other. The first puppet was more than two meters tall and was obviously a werewolf. The second puppet is 1.9 meters tall, and has a slender figure. He is very handsome and looks like a big elf. The third puppet is an Archfiend shape, and the fourth is an angel.

The four puppets have no souls, and all of them have been specially modified, and their abilities are far beyond the level of the original race. Their manipulation method is quite simple, each puppet corresponds to a peculiar badge. During operation, you need to wear the badge next to your skin, and then close your eyes. Once you enter the manipulation mode, your body will lose control, and then it will be as if you had switched to those puppets. The actual test proved that the battle strength of the four puppets all topped a relatively rubbish Spiritual God, and the strength was quite terrifying.

After all the designs are finalized, it is the construction part. Different from the materials used in the original plan, there is no need to quarrel with the construction work, because it has already been agreed that Jehovah will be responsible. The Spiritual God team is assisted by divine force, and the construction speed is unimaginable. It took two and a half days to discuss the blueprint, but only one day to build the city.

Although the new city is on the top of Mount Everest, it is actually not connected to the mountain at all. The city is located in midair in a floating array. Because of the array layout problem, the city was repaired into a regular hexagon. There is only one gate on the city wall, which is the same height as the top of Mount Everest, but is more than 50 meters away. There is a stone bridge at the gate connecting the city gate and the peak, but the bridge body is actually erected on the mountain, and it is just close to the city, not really connected. In case of an attack, the city can be lifted off at any time, so that the land channel is cut off.

In addition to land passages, there are many take-off platforms on the side of the city wall opposite the city gate. These are where the flying devil beasts and Spiritual Gods land. Anyway, these Spiritual Gods will fly, take off and land. The platform is more important than the gate.

The overall layout of the city is a huge formation diagram, each building is a magic locator, and there are a large number of streets in the city using phantoms and distorted space to create a maze, unless you know how Go, otherwise you will get lost. As for flying directly into the center of the city, don't even think about that kind of thing. The whole city is filled with magical rebels sent by all influence. If you don't want to be bombed, you should not fly over the city.

Because there is basically no probability of being attacked by land, the city wall is not high, only 30 meters, but the thickness is 100 meters. The main reason is that there are too many materials on each side. This is how it is stacked up. The bottom of the city is an inverted cone, just like turning a pyramid upside down and docking it to the bottom of the city. The inside of this cone is completely solid, and its size is the thickness, so it is purely a dream to want to get in from below.

Compared to those practical parts, the most troublesome thing is the appearance. All influence things are all pile

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