I waited for Anubis to explain to me, but Anubis suddenly asked me: "Do you know about the High God family? I remember you have an earth gate Is it right?"

"Not bad." I nodded: "Know a little bit, what's the matter?"

Anubis said: "That's easy. In fact, except for us In addition to these so-called Divine Races, there are two Divine Races, one is the Middle God race, and the other is the High God race. The mother god you know belongs to the High God race, and our water god Nu also belongs to the High God race. ."

"You mean the water god and the earth mother god are equal?"

"Almost." Anubis replied: "The High God family is actually very The earth mother Divine Palm controls the soil, Amorad controls the fire, the water god Nu controls the water, Mana controls the wind, Nuwa controls the life, Pangu controls the creation, Baka Ama controls the knowledge, Aisha controls the seal, Moza Na is in charge of time, and Ramones is in charge of space. There are only ten High Gods in total."

"Wait. Why are there only ten High Gods? And this composition seems messy!"

"Chaos? Don't you think it!"

"Of course it is chaos, and it is chaos regardless of power or region. You see. Nuwa and Pangu are our China God, that is to say, the High God of the whole world. We have two. Is it too unfair to other countries?"

"hahahaha!" Anubis couldn't help laughing. .

"What are you laughing at?" I was a little angry.

Anubis held back a smile and said: "To be honest, I always thought we Low Gods are very arrogant, but now it seems that humans are the most arrogant race."

"What do you mean?"

Anubis explained: "I said you don't be angry. The world is not for you, you people and us gods are just the world Part of it, but you think that you are a Sovereign, and everything else has to revolve around you. Even the ten High Gods are not so arrogant, it really convinces you! The geographical division you said is entirely yours The habit of this world itself does not have a country. You created the division of countries yourself, but you asked the world to accommodate you to equalize your strength. You must know that your country changes frequently. I remember that six thousand years ago, your China still There are dozens of small countries that later formed a superpower. Do you want these High Gods to always follow your country and move day and night? You said that Nuwa and Pangu are both Chinese gods. This is a problem in itself. What does it mean that they are your Chinese gods? Gods are not state workers. How can there be any saying that they belong to a certain country? It should be said that you Chinese live on the land guarded by Nuwa and Pangu, which is pretty much the same."

I thought about it carefully, as if that was the case. Gods in reality are imaginary by people themselves, so they have regional characteristics. The gods in the game are generated according to the world model, and have nothing to do with human beings. Therefore, it is a bit wrong to speculate on the situation in the game according to the rules outside the game!

"Okay! Even if there is no problem with the division of regions, what about the function?" I continued to ask: "Pangu is in charge of creation, then who is the god of destruction? Nuwa is in charge of life, what about death? Only life does not die How can it be done?"

"So I say you are arrogant! Life and death are forcibly separated according to your own understanding, and not divided by nature. Life and death are actually your language and the low of us. Only in the God family. There is simply no concept of death in the language of the High God family."


"Nothing is good, this is normal. High God knows. They have more knowledge than us. They need to describe things or connections that we can't think of or can't see, so they must have more vocabulary to communicate, and some things that we think are many different situations, they seem to be possible They are all the same thing, so some words are not used at all. So the difference between High God and our language is also easy to understand. I am one of the gods in charge of life and death, so I have some understanding in this respect. You can Imagine life as a kind of magical power, and inject this magical power called life into an inanimate thing, and this thing will have life. What you call incubation actually refers to this process of injecting magical power. The birth you are talking about should refer to the critical state where the life magic is injected to complete the transformation to the consumption of life magic, and what you call birth should only describe a state in which the life magic has not been exhausted. As for death, that is the life magic. Consume a clean state. And for High God, those originally inanimate matter and your death should be the same concept, so you forcibly divide life and death, but High God only has God of Life without God of Death."

"Aren’t you God of Death?"

"But I’m just Low God. Among us, the Low God tribe is just a powerful lifeform spawned by the beliefs of your creatures. For High God We are still just ordinary lives. But because we are the lives of your faith, our habits are the same as yours, so the term Death God came into being. Or to put it another way, we Low God and your country The concept of leadership is similar. We don’t have power, but the power we show is amazing. In fact, our power comes from your beliefs. Just like you support your country’s leaders, your beliefs support us Low God family."

Don't say anything, what Anubis said is a bit like. The leader of a country is actually just an ordinary person just like us, but they can destroy a small country in one sentence. This power seems to be powerful, but in fact it is given by the people. The people’s support for leaders hopes that leaders use their own wisdom to rationally arrange the power of the people in order to better serve everyone’s common interests. The position of God is similar. We provide the support of our faith while asking God to give us blessings. It's almost such an exchange relationship. Of course, according to the market principle, the scarcity is the most precious. Leaders and gods belong to the minority in this transaction. Naturally, they are more valuable than the majority of believers and people. This can be considered a natural law.

After thinking about it, I asked Anubis again: "Why are you telling me these High God things?"

Anubis said: "Tell you this Just to explain why the things on your body are fakes."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because we Low Gods cannot make Divine Items."

"What about me...?"

"Yes, these are made by us. They are designed to imitate the Divine Item made by the mountain god, and the effect is one level worse. The things you make are still very different. This life suit on you is made by our own life Goddess, and has nothing to do with Nuwa in High God. We copied its appearance and some of its abilities, and changed the name. In fact, although the one you see now looks exactly the same as the one on yours, the name and attribute are different."

"Is this very difficult to deal with?" I pointed. The armor of the mage suspended in midair.

"There is no need to ask whether the real Divine Item is powerful or not, as long as it is a real Divine Item, there is nothing that is not powerful."

"What about this magic dragon suit on me? Can you tell if it is a genuine Divine Item or a fake product?"

Anubis corrected: "The Divine Items we make are all of very good quality. Even if the Divine Item is fake, it will not be bad. Where to go, so there is no fake or inferior product. The evil dragon guardian you have is probably the peak set in the Middle God device, and it has been strengthened many times later. The attribute is very close to the one in the High God device. It's inferior. Although the strength of Dragon Clan is not as good as our gods, but they really have nothing to say about the level of magic equipment."

"That means this set of magic dragon suits are of good quality?"< /p>

"Of course, this is a rare and best Middle God tool. It's much better than the life suit on you."

"But I think the attributes of the life suit are also good. !"

"The attributes of the life suit are more concentrated, so you feel okay. The quality of truth is that the magic dragon suit on you is better, and it is better than all. Didn’t you find that your enemy As long as it doesn’t outperform you too much in one aspect, can you generally use an overwhelming advantage to solve the opponent?"

"This is a bit."

Anubis pointed to that Set of genuine Divine Item. "This set is the same as your magic dragon suit. It is a comprehensive equipment. Divine Items are generally all attributes, and all attributes are very difficult to deal with. However, although your dragon set is the best, it is a Middle God tool after all. , But this set is a real High God device, which will definitely make you feel good at home."

I looked at Anubis suspiciously. "How do I feel that you are like a witch in a candy house?"

"What? How can I be like a witch? I recommend such a good piece of equipment for your own good."

"That doesn't need to be so diligent, right?" I always feel that Anubis behaves abnormally.

Anubis was furious: "It's really kind to be struck by lightning, but you don't want to introduce you to you. Well, I don't care, you can choose whatever you want."

" What are you doing so magnificently? I believe you will do it. But even if this set of equipment is really good, I should at least look at it first?"

"Look at that." Aside.

I walked over to the equipment and took a look. The appearance was indeed exactly the same as this one on mine. To be precise, this costume is more suitable for performances, because it is a bit too gorgeous! My silver moon trumpet itself has become extremely feminine because of its inverted appearance from the large size, but this outfit still has a tight skirt on top and a skirt gown underneath it. Although the hem of the mage's robe is indeed similar to the skirt, after all, the upper body of the robe is connected to it, and it feels like it can distinguish between men and women. However, the upper body of this set is covered by armor, and the waist of this set of equipment itself is too tight. , Plus the hem of the robe is still colorful velvet, it looks like women's equipment no matter what. If you wear it with a tougher looking person, you can also distinguish between men and women. With a look like my small silver moon and such a set of equipment, it must be blind if I can guess that I am a man.

However, although the style of the equipment is a bit awkward, it is definitely drooling to look at the things on it. The equipment inlaid with a large number of gems is not only gorgeous, but when you really fight, you will understand that a wizard with a top gem is invincible.

"Why, Master Anubis, why can only see half of the attributes? Why is the other half saying hello?"

"Because the equipment is still sealed, You can’t see the other half of the attribute before putting it on."

"What is the other half of the attribute? Can you explain it?"

Anubis shook the head: "I don't know, so I can't help you!"

"Can I try it on?" Since I have to wear it to see all the attributes, it should be no problem to try it, anyway Anubis shouldn't be afraid of me robbing him. First, I can't beat him, and second, I can't get in and out of this place casually. Besides, they said it was going to be given away, so I went to grab it when my brain broke!

Anubis did not object, but it is strange that he nodded to me excitedly. "Well, you can try it on."

Although it seems that Anubis's emotions are not great enemy, but I decided to try it. Put away the equipment on your body first, and then prepare to put on this brand new set of Divine Item. Anyway, I just wanted to see the approximate attributes, so I took the headband of the suit first. After checking the attribute, it still doesn't work. After asking Anubis, I realized that I needed a complete set of equipment to see it. I had no choice but to put all the equipment on.

As I put on my body piece by piece, Anubis’s smile became more and more weird. Just when I was about to put on the last piece of equipment, Anubis suddenly opened his mouth. wide ready to say something. "Haha...cough cough cough...!"

Anubis obviously wanted to laugh, but his laughter only uttered the first syllable and suddenly got stuck, and the result was still suffocated. I cough more than ever. I looked towards Anubis with a smirk, and slowly removed the gold corset that was almost buckled with both hands. "I know this equipment is weird, what do you want to laugh at?"

Anubis paused: "I didn't laugh at anything! Did I laugh? No?"

"I want to quibble. You were clearly lying to me to wear this equipment. Even if you want to send me equipment, you don’t need to be so diligent, right? The only possibility is that there is a problem with this equipment. After wearing the whole set, something will definitely happen."

"How is it possible!" Anubis walked towards me and said: "These equipments are all collected by the Water God, even if I want to harm people..." The speed of Biss's speech suddenly increased: "Of course I will use it." Almost while speaking, Anubis, who was already very close to me, suddenly rushed up and patted me between the waist. This last piece of waistband is actually like an ultra-wide belt, which is separated from the breastplate on it to facilitate physical activity and protect the abdomen. But a waistband is different from a belt after all. It is a hard metal, not a soft belt. Open it from the back when wearing it, then snap it to the waist, and press it hard to lock it. Anubis slapped these two palms on my waist, and the waist that I had taken away by one section clicked on my waist to death.

Almost at the moment when the waistband was stuck, a halo suddenly appeared on the top of my head, and it quickly fell down my body surface to the soles of my feet and then disappeared. After the halo disappeared, my whole body flashed violently. Anubis groaned was shot out and knocked down a set of Divine Item, and then hit the water wall, then bounced back and fell to the ground. But Anubis is a very powerful god after all, and the room is covered with water on all sides, so soft that it won't hurt at all.

I thought Anubis would get up and fight with me, who knew he laughed after he got up from the ground. "Hahahaha, don’t you want to wear it in the end?"

When I heard it, I remembered that there seemed to be a problem with this equipment. Actually hit the black hand. I hurriedly started to dismantle the equipment. Since this thing is a complete set to be effective, it should be fine as long as one throws it down. I grabbed the easiest headgear and wanted to pull it down. As a result, I couldn't help but scream! "Aiya!" This pulling force is not small, and my own scalp is pulled forward, almost pulling my hair down. This headgear is like glued on with all-purpose glue. No matter how I tear it, I can't get it off, but it hurts my scalp.

The headgear couldn't be removed, so I hurriedly did not take off the wristband, but turned my wrist around but was surprised to find that the lock was missing. The brace on this wrist has the same structure as the waistband, both of which are two semicircles. It can be buckled when you pinch it on the arm. When you want to remove it, pull the lock machine next to it and it should be automatically opened. However, the current situation The lock machine is completely gone, even the closed gap on the wristband is gone. The entire wristband is like a cast molding, without any interface at all. This thing is tightly locked in my hand, unless I chop off my hand, I don't expect it at all.

"Haha, don't bother, you can't take it down." Anubis said leisurely, leaning against the water wall.

"That's not necessarily." With a snapping finger, I transformed into Purple Moon form, taking the eternity down, and then returning to the silver moon state with another snapping finger. Changing the eternal state into a dagger state, he thrust into the arm guard on his wrist. Eternity is that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, even the Divine Item is also cut open. This time Eternal played well and didn't let me down. Although I felt a lot of resistance, I still got in. The tip of the knife penetrated the cuff on my wrist and inserted it into my own arm, but I gritted my teeth and held it back. Fiercely heart, grabbed the dagger and sharpened it forcefully. The blade went all the way down with great resistance and pain, but I was surprised to pull the dagger out before halfway through. Looking at the dripping left hand, I had already scolded Anubis more than a hundred times. This damn bracer was indeed cut open, but it healed once eternity passed. In addition to the high resistance, it feels like you are cutting water with a knife. You can indeed cut in, or you can cut left and right, but no matter how you cut, the knife will close again as soon as the water passes. The characteristics of this brace are also the same, it will automatically recover after the knife, leaving no trace.

It is said that the ring finger soft can restrain the iron Vajra, and it seems to make sense now. The defensive power of this equipment cannot stop eternity, but eternity does not compromise it. The pitiful thing was that my wrists couldn't recover as fast as equipment, and blood ran all over the ground, staining the water under my feet red.

Since it’s like this on your wrist, you don’t need to try it elsewhere. It’s definitely the same. If you don’t take off the equipment you don’t have, it’s not going to be scratched.

"Anubis, what the hell is this thing you are wearing for me?"

Anubis said with a playful look: "Just look at the attribute for yourself. Do you know?"

I just remembered the reminder of Anubis as if I hadn't read the attributes yet. This look shocked me, not bad, but too good. The attributes previously displayed in this set of equipment are all fake, and the real attributes are displayed only after they are neatly dressed. The whole set of equipment is divided into one headwear, one necklace, one breastplate, one pair of wristbands, one pair of armbands, two bracelets, four rings, one waistband, one skirt armor, and one lining robe , A pair of calf and joint protector, a pair of combat boots, six pairs of crystal wings, and a crystal ball.

Compared with the previous fake suit, this one seems to be a little different. Although the main body is the same, there are more parts. The whole set of equipment together is called "Basic Oath", the name sounds weird.

The headwear is called the Oath Headwear, and it looks very similar to Yeyue’s goggles, but it’s more generous. The headdress is distributed in a circle, fixed on the whole head, the back part of the head is very thin, and the front is relatively wide. The front of the headdress is a long arched forehead, with a milk-white gem in the middle. Under this forehead is connected a whole red crystal goggles, which can just cover half of the face, and everything above the nose is blocked behind the crystal. However, this protective eye can be pushed upward into the forehead, which is very similar to Ye Yue's headgear. The two ears of the headdress also have the same flying cloud shape as Yeyue's headdress, which feels like two small wings.

Because the system has cancelled the digital display, this headgear has no digital attributes, it is just a text description. There are only two attributes of the vow headdress: compassion and self-regeneration. The attribute of compassion is not to increase the lethality, but to reduce the lethal effect. But this attribute is simply the best for me. When I push up the goggles, my attacks will be protected by compassion. In this state, there is usually no reaction, but if the enemy is running out of blood, I will not be able to kill the enemy no matter how I attack, and I will always leave the last drop of blood to the opponent. In other words, when the eyepieces are opened, Ben and I can't kill people, no matter how we attack, only the last drop of blood is left, but they won't die. When you need to kill the target, you only need to pull down the eyepiece to cover the eyes. It is really convenient to operate. For others, this attribute is basically useless, but it is quite different for me. I am an animal trainer, and catching demons is one of my abilities. Now that the players are so in demand, it is not because everyone can't beat the devil beast, but because it is difficult to control the damage. It is clearly indicated in the capture skill that a devil beast that is seriously injured and dying is suitable for capture. For situations like this with only the last drop of blood, the capture success rate is as high as 80%. Generally, it is difficult for others to control the last remaining blood volume when fighting monsters. The system now does not prompt to attack the blood loss, and there is no digital display. How much blood remaining in the monster can only be guessed by experience. Most people can't accurately estimate this value. Often there is too much blood left that the capture skill always fails, or accidentally killed the devil beast and cannot be caught as a devil. But don’t worry if you have this skill. Even if you let go of the slashing, the last drop of blood can’t be slashed anyway. When the time comes, don’t you want to catch it?

The other self-regenerating skill is actually equivalent to using it under the protection of the healing technique. The wound recovery speed is six times, the blood recovery speed is three times, the magic recovery speed is doubled, and the endurance recovery speed is doubled. Doubled. With this ability, I can pretend to be a cockroach, anyway, as long as I am not killed, and at this recovery speed, I can restore the peak state in a while.

The necklace on the neck is called the yoke of vows. It is relatively large in size and feels more like a longevity lock than a necklace. The usual gold body, staggered like a fishnet, the front drop part is inlaid with bright rubies, which feels too heavy and not very beautiful. But this attribute is amazing, and it is actually a source of magic. This is the first time I have seen such a great attribute, it is really a magical equipment of a wizard. This source of magic power can increase the magic recovery speed of the mage ten times. Basically, as long as the magnifying move is not connected, there is no problem of exhaustion, which is almost equal to unlimited magic power.

The attribute of the breastplate is to convert part of the damage to magic power. Considering the recovery speed of the first two pieces of equipment, it is estimated that not many people can hack me to death.

The wristband increases the attack speed, the armband actually transforms the magic attack into a physical attack, the bracelet purely increases the magic attack power, the waistband is more sensitive, the skirt armor is automatically reflected part of the damage, and the robe Strengthen the magic damage, the leggings increase the movement speed, the boots increase the movement speed and increase the ability to walk on water. These attributes are very common, but they are very targeted, and it seems that the increase ratio is very high, so the effect is obvious.

The last two things are more special. A crystal ball plus six pairs of wings, the first few pieces of equipment are only attributes, but these two pieces can be said to be a good exaggeration. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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