"What is the name of the person who sells the map?"

"Mammoth. What's the matter?"

I took it out quickly I took the crystal stone that Harriet gave, and thought for a moment the image of Mammoth when I saw Mammoth's image. The three-dimensional projection of Mammoth appeared immediately above the crystal stone. "Is it this person?"

"Yes, it's him. What's wrong? Are you looking for this person?"

"Of course. You are not wondering what I came to Egypt Don’t do it? My purpose is him."

"So you came to find someone? No wonder you don’t know anything about the environment here."

"You can tell me Where can I find this person?"

The female mage shook her head. "If you had come earlier, it would be almost the same, I am afraid it will be a little bit miserable now!"


"at first he stood outside the Transmission Formation we just came out, and then As long as someone loses money, he will give you a map and tell you the coordinates of the leveling area to send you there. But then someone knew the location, and some people who had been there came back and told others the location. As more people knew, his maps were not easy to sell, so he left. Now almost everyone knows the news of that place, and even if you don’t know, as long as you follow the crowd, there is absolutely no problem."< /p>

"That means Mammoth has left, right?"


I nodded stood up and said to the female mage: "Since In this way, I must immediately look for clues, the longer the time delays, the harder it will be to find." As I said, I took out two holy demon blood and put them on the table. "Thank you for the news, goodbye."

"Do you need me to find it for you?" The female mage was also polite and put away the medicine pill.

I rejected her offer. It's useless to take her with me anyway. Since Mammoth had sold maps for so long in the Teleportation Hall, at least one kind of person must have seen Mammoth, and this kind of person would not run around.

It is really inconvenient to move on crowded roads, and those who dare to fly close to the teleportation hall will be attacked by ground personnel, so I can only give up the advantage of wings and follow the flow of people on the ground. Squeeze forward. But although everyone rejects people flying in the sky, no one says that they can't think of other ways. No one said that must squeeze forward on his own strength, right? There are many people on the road relying on their own demons to lead themselves forward, and those with large demons are obviously taking advantage. My large familiar is too big to be used here, but I have other things.

Open the Phoenix Dragon Space and get out a magic puppet. This kind of big steel guy is not inferior to a bulldozer, and no one can block the way in the crowd. I rode directly on the shoulders of the magic puppet, and then moved towards the gate of the teleportation hall, no matter how dense the crowd was, it had no effect on me. After reaching the gate of the teleportation hall, the item searched around and soon found my target.

"Over there, hurry over." I hammered the big iron head of the demon puppet hard.

"Understood." The magic puppet quickly turned and walked towards a sculpture outside the portal of the teleportation hall.

This sculpture is just a decorative object. My goal is not it, but the four people standing on it. The base of the sculpture is not big, but the four people can barely stand next to the sculpture. These four people are all wearing typical Egyptian-style warrior armor, and they are not too eager to get down from above, so I quickly determined that the four of them are the NPC guards of the teleportation hall.

According to system city regulations, guards are not allowed to leave their duties without authorization, so no matter what happens, the guards of this teleportation hall must be in the vicinity. But there are so many people here, I think they are also untenable, so this sculpture that is not far from the door and will not be washed away by the flow of people is the only choice.

The magic puppet carried me to the side of the sculpture. At the height of the magic puppet, I was exactly level with the four guards above. "Excuse me, are you the guards here?"

"Yes. Do you have anything to do?" one of the guards replied.

I took out the image of Mammoth. "Have you seen this man?"

The guard recognized it after just a glance. "Is Mammoth? The man who has been selling maps here the past few days."

"Yes. That's him. Do you know where he is now?"

Another guard said: "He hasn't been there since yesterday afternoon, but you can go to the altar to find it."


"It's God's Choice Day The selection altar used. That guy knows the money, and wherever you can make money, you will be able to find him there. When he left yesterday, he seemed to say that he was going to the altar to sell medicine."

Halo, this Mammoth is really going to make money. First sell the map to the altar to make a big profit, and when the news leaks that the map can't be sold, he diverted to sell medicine near the altar. A large number of players are impossible at the altar and wait for the day of God's Choice, so everyone will definitely find nearby monsters to practice leveling or something, so naturally there will be consumption of medicines and other supplies. It is not cost-effective to use Transmission Formation between the city and the altar. Players can't bring too many things. Mammoth can naturally make the difference from the players who are too lazy to run back and forth and save money. He is a smart businessman.

Now that you know the location, it's easy to handle. After thanking the NPC guard, he directly directed the magic puppet to enter the teleportation hall, and the result immediately caused a curse around him. Although I haven't been attacked like a person flying in the sky, the people around are obviously dissatisfied with my mischievous behavior of riding a magic puppet. But protests belong to protests, and they can't do anything to me. In the end, I reached the center of Transmission Formation smoothly. According to the information about the location of the altar that I asked from the guard just now, I directly chose to transmit it to the Diquan Shazhou substation in the Shahai leveling area.

The Transmission Formation here is open-air. Although there are as many people, it is not as crowded as in the city. Almost all the people who came out of the Transmission Formation walked towards the same direction. You can guess that the altar is located there without asking. Changed into Ye Ying, followed the flow of people all the way forward, and soon saw the altar.

This place is much stranger than expected. The altar is not a platform higher than the ground in the usual sense, but a large sunken pit. The entire altar is like an upside-down pyramid, with the tip in the ground and the bottom facing the sky and level with the ground. The altar has a large area, with a square sandy area in the center, which is probably the area for testing. The stepped part of the outer ring just looks like a stadium stand. But at this time there was no one in this altar, and it was completely covered by an invisible wall.

Riding Yeying around the sky a few times. There are almost tens of millions of players in the vicinity that can be seen. They gathered in groups, or scattered in the vicinity to kill monsters, it seemed that there were quite a lot of them. However, there is a place in the crowd where people are very mobile. It is probably the place where Mammoth sells things. A large number of players ran there and left quickly, apparently the equipment they got when buying and selling supplies and leveling.

Ye Ying plunged under my command, and then stood upright next to Mammoth with a very exaggerated speed, scaring some people who were planning to buy medicine and Mammoth. Jumped.

Someone started protesting as soon as I fell. "Hey, I want to buy something and go to the line at the back. I have a sense of ethics."

Mammoth is indeed a profiteer, and his reaction is different from ordinary people. Instead of rushing me, he asked directly: "How much do you want to buy?"

"It depends on how you sell it. But I think It shouldn't be too cheap."< /p>

"If you exceed five thousand crystal coins, I will allow you to jump in the queue." Mammoth stared at me with green eyes.

"It should definitely exceed this number."

"Well, I allow you to jump in the queue. Tell me what you want to buy? Medicine or other supplements? Or do you want them all?"< /p>

"Hey, it's too shameful, go to the back in line." Although Mammoth agreed with me to jump in the line, the players behind obviously disagreed.

Mammoth confidently said: "If any of you intends to buy supplies worth more than 5,000 crystal coins, I also allow him to jump in the queue. Do you understand this called a channel for large households?"

"I don't care whether you have a passage or not, anyway, you brat will give me a line at the back." The warrior who should have been his turn walked towards me angrily.

"Sorry, the things I bought are more expensive, please wait a moment."

"I don't care whether it is expensive or not, you have to queue anyway." Warrior's words caused the following The resonance of people, everyone screamed together.

Mammoth was a little out of control depending on the situation, and quickly said to me: "What on earth are you going to buy? Hurry up and leave as soon as the transaction is over."

"I want to buy your divine force gem "

With a sound of sand, the exquisite selfish calculations originally held in Mammoth's hand fell on the sand. Mammoth's eyes almost stared out, his mouth opened wide and he looked at me, and it took a long time before he suddenly screamed. "I don't, I don't know, I don't know anything... Don't kill me... I don't know anything... I don't know anything...!" He yelled and ran out, as if I were a plague god Same.

"Hey." I was about to chase after him, but the warrior just grabbed the reins of Night Shadow.

"If you want to leave, you have to pay for the waiting fee for such a long time before you can leave."

"I have no time to play a blackmail game with you. Ye Ying, catch up. "

Ye Ying suddenly stood up, and the warrior didn't pay attention for a while, was pulled up and threw it in the air for half a circle before taking off and flying out. But the ground is full of sand, and there is nothing at worst in a fall. After the warrior was thrown out, there were still a few people who wanted to come up and catch me, but Ye Ying was so fast that they didn't even touch Ye Ying's tail.

Mammoth stumbled forward and didn't know how many people he knocked down. Don't look at him as a corpse, running fast, Ye Ying can't catch up with him. To know the High God family like Harriet, and still live to the present, even if it is not a god, it should not be far away. It's no surprise that Mammoth ran so fast, it would be strange if he was like an ordinary person.

Mammoth might have been scared at first, just remember to run, but after we chased out the crowd, he seemed to remember suddenly. The running Mammoth suddenly turned into a cloud of yellow clouds, and then he flew up. After he flew up, he looked back, trying to make sure that we didn't catch up, but when he turned around, he saw that Ye Ying also flew up in the void, and he frightened him to fly.

To be honest, he made a mistake to fly. There was someone blocking the way on the ground, and the night shadow couldn't run fast, and the speed of the night shadow flying into the sky was obviously up. Although Mammoth is certainly not simple, Ye Ying is a pure mount-type monster after all, and his abilities are almost concentrated on speed. Although not as fast as Asuka, most people definitely can't run him.

Seeing the distance quickly narrowed, Mammoth suddenly took out a large pocket from his body. Originally, I thought he was going to take something out of his pocket to deal with me. Who knew that he turned his pocket over and put it on his head. Seeing that the pocket wasn't big, but Mammoth actually got in. When Mammoth completely entered the pocket, the pocket immediately lost its support and fell to the ground. Ye Ying sank down, and I caught the pocket smoothly. Opening the pocket unexpectedly found that it was connected to another place. I also followed Mammoth's way to put my pockets on my head, and at the same time put Ye Ying away.

I will naturally fall when the night shadow is not there, but before I land, I finally got through completely. This pocket is just a space channel, and you can get to another place after you climb over. Here is a tropical forest, but the plant species are in a mess. Compare the sky here with the system time. If this is still a normal game space, then I should still be in Egypt, at least not far from Egypt.

The situation in my pocket makes me very depressed. The forest is no better than the desert, Mammoth's whereabouts are completely blocked by trees, at least I can't see him.

"Rose vine, Bailang, come out and help." After releasing two familiars, I pointed to the channel formed by the pocket. "White waves, smell the smell here, help me find someone. Rose vine, feel the vibration of the ground, the other party may have footsteps." Although Mammoth can fly, flying in the jungle is obviously inconvenient, so Rose Vine should be able to capture some information.

After Bailang smelled it, he immediately turned around and smelled it on the ground. "I found it, in this direction."

Through spiritual contact, Rose Vine also sent back the message of finding the target. It's good to have more demon pets, and don't want anyone to run away from me.

First performed a werewolf transformation, and then used the werewolf's speed bonus to leap forward quickly among the trees. Bailang and I are both very fast, and the rose vine has been taken back. After chasing five hundred meters, we encountered a strange building, which seemed to be some kind of religious building of a minority tribe. This one is made of rough stone slabs, and what can be regarded as a house in front of it is the size of a public toilet. There are some strange humanoid sculptures carved in stone. In my opinion, the person who created these sculptures must be a student of Picasso. .

The breath of Mammoth brought the building disappeared, and the white waves circled the building a few times to confirm that the smell only ended here. According to past experience, if you encounter this kind of situation, there are things like underground secret tunnels. After releasing the rose vines and searching under the ground, it was easy to find a passage underneath. I was too lazy to find the entrance, and directly let the rose vine overturn the passage with a big hole.

After entering the passage, the white waves found the smell of Mammoth again, and the smell became very strong due to the lack of air circulation in the passage. We chased it all the way to discover that this passage was simply a big maze, but this had no effect on us, because the smell of Mammoth would always guide us to the right side of the road.

Our speed is not slow, we ran for a while and finally saw Mammoth's silhouette. "Hey, stop, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!"

"Only stupid humans can believe the words of your gods." Mammoth yelled and speeded up again to flee forward.

"I'm really not sent by God. I'm a friend of Harriet. He told me you have what I want."

"hmph, the last time I was That's enough, I won't be fooled by you again." Mammoth suddenly stopped at a turnaround, then he jumped up and pressed a stone slab on the top of the passage.

With a click, the channel suddenly vibrated. The walls on both sides of the passage between us and Mammoth actually started to move towards the middle. At this speed, the passage would be completely closed before I ran over. Mammoth smiled and waved to me. "Those guys will send you such a mediocre person, but even if they come in person, they still can't find me. Haha, goodbye, poor Sir Divine Envoy."

"You dare to say My master is average?" Bai Lang said angrily: "You will pay for it." After Bai Lang finished speaking, the passage was finally closed in front of us.

I knocked on the wall helplessly, and the echo indicated that its thickness could not be broken by simply using brute force. Looking back at Bailang who was still very angry, he patted his head smoothly. "Don't be angry, he said that we are average, but in fact we should be happy."


"Because his standards are based on those High Gods. . It’s like if a Titan giant says that you’re average in height, then you’re at least a giant, because according to their standards, anyone with a height of less than fifty meters belongs to the category of not tall. If we speak of a god’s level, we It’s just mediocre strength, that at least shows that we have the basic power of the gods."

"This is true. But what should we do now?"

"Since we can’t get past, we can only Go back first."

Bai Lang gave me a surprised look. "Did you not hear?"

"What did you hear?"

"The same voice came from the passage behind us. We should be trapped in this section. It's in the passage."

"Isn't it?" I hurried back to the corner of the passage. There is a T-shaped fork road here, but the other two roads are all closed. We have become the only section of space here. "It's really unlucky!"

"At least he didn't close the middle section to squash us."

As soon as Bai Lang finished speaking, the passages on both sides suddenly banged , The huge wall actually began to press against us. I reluctantly looked at the white waves. "You really have the potential to be a crow!"

"It's better to think of a solution to these two walls than me."

"Do you need to think about it?" I stretched out my hand. "Summon, Vajra, control spirit." Although the super Spirit Physique form of control spirit cannot change the shape except the body, it can freely control the size, at least it is not a problem to enter the passage. I pointed to the two walls that Nian was avoiding. "Can you block it?"

"I will try." Vajra stretched his arms against the walls on both sides. "Ah...!"

Vajra a loud roar, the walls on both sides stopped immediately, but the sound of the machinery was still thinking about it, and some uncoordinated clicks were clearly heard. The walls on both sides compared the strength of Vajra for a few seconds, and then suddenly the passage rang muffled, and then Vajra lowered his supporting arms. "It seems to have stopped."

"Will you try to open the front wall?"

"I will try." Vajra walked to the closed passage in front On the side, I first knocked a few stones down in the gap with my hand, and came out from a position where I could forcefully, and then inserted my hand in and pulled it to both sides. With a creak of zhi zhi, the rock walls on both sides actually retreated a certain distance to the two sides. Although the gap is small, we used to be enough.

Recovering Vajra, we quickly passed through. The passage here was not closed. Bailang easily found Mammoth's whereabouts again based on the smell on the ground, and I followed Bailang to catch up. But this passage is obviously not as easy as the beginning. The switch activated by Mammoth may have activated other organ systems in the channel, and a large number of traps and hidden channels appeared in the latter channel. If Bailang's nose and ears were very sensitive, and he himself was a devil beast who specializes in fighting tomb passages, we probably wouldn't be able to get through those traps. But finally came over.

After smashing the last door, the things outside finally appeared before our eyes, but I would rather not open the door myself. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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