"I can't restore your abilities, but I can restore your body cultivator, but you have to find a way for the stone of commandment." Harriet said easily, but The little girl's expression is very smelly.

"In the end, you still ruined my abilities. I really didn't expect to meet a master like you. It signals that you are no longer my master. From the moment the stone of commandment was destroyed, I started. All primordial information has been cleared, including the identification of your master-slave relationship. Now I am a free body."

"Oh? Are you free?" Harriet said to the little girl He walked to stand in front of me and looked at me up and down for a long time. Although this guy looks like a dwarf, his actual height is much higher than that of a normal person. He just stood in front of me and looked at me condescendingly. "I think you should be the helper invited by Dwarf Race, right?"

I stepped back a little bit, and then my muscles suddenly grew, and my whole body was raised to more than two meters in an instant.

Harriet stared at me in surprise: "What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, just don't like the feeling of being overlooked." After becoming a werewolf, I actually Taller than this guy.

"Oh? Ah hahahaha!" Harriet smiled exaggeratedly. "People who can have the same dream as me are really different types. Little fellow, you are really arrogant, know? But I like your character. Come on, what kind of compensation do you need? For example, smelting weapons or repairing armor Like, I’m the god of forging, and the success rate of the fusion of refined weapons is 100%, don’t you have anything to repair?"

"I can’t use repair equipment, but if possible, I I hope I can give her to me. Also, I need your help to answer a question."

Harriet looked at the little girl I was referring to. "She is not mine anymore, just take it if you want. Anyway, there is no stone of commandment and it is a pile of waste. As for that question, what do you want to ask?"

"Let's put it this way. Me I need to find a divine force gem. I heard that you know some news, so I came to you to ask about it."

"Divine force gem?" Harriet recalled for a while before he suddenly realized that he called out: " Oh, are you talking about the banned stone that can break the special ability of the gods? That’s a contraband! But people like us should not care about the ban."

"I only I want to know where that thing is."

"To be honest, I don't know." Harriet's words made my heart seem to be hit by someone with a hammer, but this guy gasped for breath. After a long pause, he took another sentence: "But I know who owns that thing."

"Who is it? How can I find him?"

"The Old Guy is called Mammoth, but I don’t know where he is now. The old stubborn likes to dig everywhere in the tomb. I heard that he once got a divine force stone from the tomb of a High God who died in battle, but I don’t know. Now it’s still being passed away. I remember that he has lived in Egypt most of the time. You might as well go and find him there."

"Do you have his characteristics or something? We will have to do it in the past. Only if you have a specific target to look for!"

Harriet thought for a while before he said: "The name is uncertain, he has the habit of using pseudonyms. What characteristics...! This guy is very thin, It looks like a corpse. He is an undead manipulator, so it is cheaper to dig graves. By the way, I seem to have his magic image." Harriet said and took it out of his pocket. A gem, and then a three-dimensional portrait suddenly appeared above the gem. The portrait does look like a corpse, except for the bones and skin, but the green eyes are very energetic. "Here you are, this is what Mammoth looks like. When you need to use it, think about what you want to see. As long as there is a record, you can display the image."

I took it and tried it. He asked: "Are you familiar with him? You actually carry his magical image with you."

"Familiar, of course." Harriet said: "The one you took is actually not only There is an image of him, and many of my friends are in it."

"Then what if I take this away? This thing is very commemorative, right?" This thing is simply a magical album , It is estimated that taking it directly may make Harriet embarrassed.

Harriet smiled heartily: "Forget it. Most of the people inside have passed away. Keeping this thing will only make me sad. No need to return it to me."

I nodded accepted the thing, and then reached out and took the Earth Meter from Jingjing's hand. "Can I restore the shape of this thing right away?"

Harriet took a look at my body, and then said: "You want this thing to return to its original shape only because of its ability. In fact, you don't It is necessary to restore him to his previous appearance. In my opinion, those two things on your back are very good. Use them and blend them with this thing. Not only can you restore its original function, you can also strengthen that one by the way. The function of a weapon."

"What's on my back?" As soon as I stretched out my hand, my back suddenly floated up for two and a half months, and then came to me in a flash. "Are you talking about these two?"

"Yes. How about? I can do it in half an hour if I want."

"Then I will trouble you."

Harriet nodded and said: "You can't be idle when I help you rebuild the weapon. Help me tell me about all the major events that occurred during the time I was sealed."



Led by the battle axe, we arrived at the foundry area of ​​the dwarves. The dwarves here all jumped like crazy when they saw their gods return. Harriet comforted them briefly, and then began to help me rebuild the ring of discipline, while I was talking about some important things next to me. The dwarves here haven't left for a long time, so they are not familiar with the outside world, so I can only tell Harriet. After I said the situation, he almost completed the renovation work. Divine fruit forging is certainly not comparable to ordinary blacksmiths. It is not only fast, but also the technology is absolutely top-notch.

Half a month after the completion of the build, there has been a big change in appearance from before. The half moon used to be two crescent-shaped blades, but now it has become three parts. After they are combined, they look like a steering wheel, in the center of which is a transparent crystal with a metal rim. The shape of this crystal is a bit like a piece of Chinese chess, but the front and back sides are not completely flat, but slightly convex outward. There are eight metal rods located in the same plane in a circle around the crystal. They are connected to the outer ring-shaped metal like bicycle steel bars. This metal ring is made up of the original two and a half months, but there are a lot of reliefs and inscriptions, and some locks and other things have been added. The half-moon in the combined state is called the ring of discipline, and when it is broken down, it becomes the real half-moon. At this time, the two crescent knife wheels can still fly and attack. At the same time, the central crystal and the eight metal rods will form a magical attacker that can defend and attack, which can automatically protect the owner and counter the sorcerer when attacked.

The attributes of the new half moon are very exaggerated, but the specific battle strength has to be tested by actual combat, and the things that the God of Forge can produce should not be too bad.

After I got the information I wanted, I didn't plan to stay here any longer. After signing a trade agreement with the dwarves, I took the demons and left here. According to the agreement, our guild will completely occupy the dazzling royal capital above, and then turn it into the city of our guild. In this way, the crypt exit of the dwarves is completely protected by our city. We can sell all kinds of living supplies to the dwarves, and they can help us process all kinds of equipment. The steel city of our guild can make large-scale equipment, but dwarves are more good at transforming magic equipment, so signing a trade agreement with them is still very cost-effective.

According to the information provided by Harriet, the guy with the divine force gem should be in Egypt. At least some clues should be found in Egypt. First send back to Isengard to inform Rose to send someone to occupy the dazzling royal capital, and then use Transmission Formation to go to Europe first, and then ride a bird to Egypt from there. Our guild does not have a foothold here in Africa, and it is really troublesome to take a trip.

Although I have been to Egypt once before, I didn't enter the city at all at that time. I only stayed in the desert for less than half a day. This time I really came into contact with Egypt. In terms of area, Egypt is not a small country, with a population of nearly 70 million. However, the distribution of cities in Egypt is very characteristic. Almost all cities in the country are concentrated on both sides of the Nile River. Apart from this, there are only scattered small cities built around oasis, and the remaining areas are all no-man’s land.

If you want to find clues in Egypt, you have to go to the Nile Delta. Half of the cities in Egypt are crowded here. Asuka and the guardian long spear alternately transported me to the coast of Egypt, and I can use the teleportation ring after entering the border. Put away the pet first, and then directly turn the teleportation ring to designate it to be teleported to the teleportation hall in Cairo. With a flick of my finger, I was taken aback. Didn't respond? The teleportation ring seemed to be invalid, and there was no hint. I looked down at my hand in surprise, and moved the ring again, but there was still no response. This time I was anxious, raised my hand in front of me and flicked it again. After the white light flashed, the transmission was successful.

As soon as I came out of the teleportation hall in Cairo, I knew why the teleportation failed the first two times! The reason is right in front of me.

The hugeness of this main teleportation hall in Cairo is the first time I have seen it since I entered the game. I always thought that Isengard maintained the leading position in the entire game in the field of architecture, but when I arrived in Egypt, I finally discovered that there are huge buildings larger than Isengard's. The area of ​​this teleportation hall is almost equivalent to Twenty times the size of Isengard's main teleportation hall. But even in such a large building, it was crowded with people at this time. According to preliminary estimates, at least nearly 100,000 people were crowded in this teleportation hall alone, not counting those outside who were planning to come in.

According to the popularity of "Zero", in the average developing country, game users account for about 20% of the country’s population, slightly lower. In developed countries, the number is usually higher, like the United States. It can reach as much as 70%. Similarly, the number of backward and poor countries is relatively low. According to this probability calculation, the number of players in Egypt should be more than 10 million, and the number of simultaneous online users during non-peak hours should not exceed 5 million. Although there are not many cities in Egypt, but five million people are divided out, even if the city NPC is added, it shouldn't be too lively. But the immediate situation tells me clearly that this place is already overcrowded. The reason why I failed to teleport many times just now was because there were too many people here, and there was no place for a pin, so the teleportation ring could not be teleported. The last success may be due to a person's vacancy, so I entered. Thinking about it now, it's better not to come in.

"Don't push me!" A man roared angrily at the other person beside him.

The person who was yelled at the same time yelled back: "I didn't mean it, what are you doing so loudly? It's upsetting me here. Be careful that I kill you."

Two Three personal disagreements evolved into a fighting performance, but there are so many people here, it is basically impossible to have a real fight, and the two people punched each other a few times before they were rushed away by the crowd. Seeing that there was a gap in the flow of people, I hurriedly squeezed in, but found that it seemed to be a wrong position, but the flow of people was rushed to the interior of the great hall.

Suddenly a white warrior patted me and asked. "Are you going in or out?"

"You are going out, what's the matter?"

The warrior and another Knight supported each other's shoulders and opened a space, and then A female mage stood up from the middle. "We want you to team up and go out."

"Huh? Team up?"

"En." The female mage nodded: "There are too many people here, it is difficult for us to do this. Leaving. Since they are all going out, everyone just form a team, and then use everyone's strength to squeeze out."

Halo! People are teaming up to go to the high level monster area to level up. For the first time, I heard that someone teamed up to leave the teleportation hall. But looking at the posture around him, it seems that there is really no other way. Although this teleportation hall is big enough, tens of thousands of people are crowded here, and the lineup is even scarier than the train station during the peak of the Spring Festival travel season. If you rely on one person alone, you will be rushed back by the flow of people unconsciously. Although I have strong battle strength, these are players and not monsters. It's not good to kill everyone here just to go out!

"Okay." I nodded to the female mage with a wry smile. "How do we get out?"

The warrior that at first called to my warrior said: "I use the Barbaric Dash skill to open the way in front. As long as you hit the crowd, you and Mr. The position is occupied. Miss Mage will use magic to strengthen our power. During the cooldown time of my two skills use, the two of you are responsible for ensuring that I will not be rushed back by the flow of people, and then repeatedly use the collision a little bit towards the door Move. It’s easy to get out of the gate."

I nodded: "I understand. But can I ask why there are so many people here?"

"You Don't you know?" The female mage asked me strangely.

"Do you know what?"

Just as the female mage was about to answer, she was interrupted by the warrior next to her. "I'll talk about something, OK? This is not a place to chat!"

"Sorry, let's get started!"

In fact, the zenith of this teleportation hall is very high. Yes, at first I also considered whether to fly out from above, but I decided to give up when I saw another forerunner was pulled down and beaten by everyone. The teleportation hall must stand on the ground to teleport, and the person flying in the air must eventually land here, or occupy a person's position. So flying is equal to jumping in line, so it's strange not to be beaten! Moreover, in such a chaotic scene, others will not distinguish whether you fly in or fly out. Anyway, if you enter the great hall and dare to fly, you will be pulled down and beaten.

Although flying is hopeless, our four-person team performed well under the concerted efforts. The warrior does not open the PK mode, the collision will knock people away, but will not cause malicious PK system identification, and others are at best angry, and they will not really fight you hard. The Knight and I were both faster. Every time the warrior smashed into the crowd, the two of us immediately got stuck, and then pulled Miss Mage in to protect it. Speaking of which This lady's magic is very practical. In addition to strengthening her strength, she will also shake off the aura, which is perfect for this kind of work that hits people and opens the way.

After dozens of collisions, we are only a few meters away from the gate, but the entrance is not like the hall, which is the narrowest position, so it becomes more difficult to move. But at this critical moment, the warrior has no magic power, and we can't even move.

Knight himself took a bottle of magic water back to the warrior, and then asked me and the female mage: "Do you still have the magic medicine back?"

The female mage shook her head: "I I also returned from leveling outside. I wouldn't have come back if I didn't return the potion!"

I took a pill from the small bag hanging on my waist and handed it to the warrior. The warrior picked it up and looked at it: "Just one pill?"

"Damn, this is the blood of the holy demon that accelerates the return to the demon at 8,000 points. How many do you want?"

Warrior quickly handed the medicine back to me as soon as I heard it. "At worst, wait a while, your medicine is too expensive!"

The female mage looked at me with straight eyes and asked, "Where did you buy this? How about the speed?"

"You can produce it in your own guild, but you can’t buy it outside. After taking it, it will regain 3,000 demon instantly, and then regain 4,000 demon at a rate of 200 per second, for a total of Eight thousand magic points. And within 30 seconds after the addition of eight thousand points, the rate of return to magic will double."

The female mage almost looked at me with stars shining in her eyes and asked: "This thing How many do you have? Sell it to me?"

I kindly laughed: "You want me to give you a quantity, but it’s nothing, but if you want to buy it, it’s sorry. Our own consumption is not enough. It’s impossible to export it."

"Such an expensive medicine is too sorry for you to give away! According to the comparison of the medicine efficacy sold in the store, each of your medicine is worth at least five crystal coins. And you This kind of medicine is pill-shaped, and it’s the best for mages with poor load-bearing ability! I hate that every time I go to the battlefield, I have to hang a bunch of blue bottles behind!"

"You can buy space pockets Yes! Although big things can’t fit in, they can still be used for medicines. And they are sold in the system store!"

The warrior turned around while waiting for the demons and said: "Just listen to it. You are a big money. The magic pocket requires more than five hundred crystal coins. Who is the average player to buy that thing? Generally, a certain person in a long-term cooperative team is assigned one, and everyone uses it together. My previous guild also gave it to me The leveling team is equipped with one. Although the storage space is not large, the charge and food are really suitable. We can take that thing to practice outside for a day without returning to the city."

Female The mage said: "There must be no mage in your team."

"How do you know?" The warrior was stunned.

The female mage smiled and said: "Because you said that you don’t need to go back to the city for supplies a day, so I guess you don’t have a mage. From my consumption point of view, if the general leveling area is fully fired, Basically, a bottle of blue in twenty seconds. Even if the bag is filled with potions, it’s not enough for me to use it for a day. So you definitely don’t have a wizard."

Knight smiled and said, "We still fight hand-to-hand. The system is better. You mages are simply burning money, and that bag of potions is probably not much cheaper than the space pocket itself."

Warrior patted us and said: "The magic power is almost restored. , Everyone is ready. You can go out two more times."

"Okay, let's get started."

The passage at the door is really crowded, and the warrior has two in a row. We got caught in the collision and sent us outside, but there seemed to be no fewer people here than inside. Many people on the street scrambled to squeeze in, until it was a little sparsely far away from the road. However, it was much easier to handle after passing the gate, and we just rushed out by virtue of our strength.

Leaving the teleportation hall more than two hundred meters, I can barely walk normally. Although I still bump into people around me, at least I won’t be taken away. Our small team was formed on a temporary basis, so there is nothing left to do when it comes out. The warrior and the Knight have left, only the female mage and I plan to go to the tavern in the city to take a break.

Along the way, I saw people everywhere on the streets. Almost every street in Cairo was full. There are more than 10 million players in Cairo City alone, and this number is far beyond normal standards. After I got to the tavern, I sounded to the female mage. "Egypt has a population of more than 60 million people. Why are there so many people in Cairo?" The female mage laughed: "There are many people here. It's normal. There are only two people here. The purpose is either tourism or treasure hunting and leveling. Egypt itself is a country with a very developed tourism industry. In-game tourism is much cheaper in terms of cost. Naturally, a lot of tourist hobbyists come here to play. And you want to Think, what is the tourist attraction of Egypt?"

"Of course it is the legends of the gold pagodas and the pharaohs."

"Yes. So in-game tourism. There are more people than outside. Think about it! In reality, you have to withstand the high temperature of nearly 40 to 50 degrees to see the broken pyramids. Not only is it stuffy, but there is nothing beautiful except for the pyramids. Moreover, most of the pyramids are. It’s not completely open. If you go there, only a part of it will be shown to you. Many places are not accessible. But there is a difference in the game. Not to mention the cheap price, at least the heat is much easier to deal with. In-game Although the set temperature in Egypt is the same as in reality, there are magic items that sell cooling in the game. Just buy one and bring it with you. With a portable air conditioner, you can play with the gold tower under a big sun than in reality. It’s much more pleasant. Also, you don’t have to worry about getting tanned in the game. Girls usually don’t come to Egypt to play for this reason. The most important point is the legends. In reality, you can only see the ruins that are broken and not completely open. In the game, not only can you explore the entire ruins yourself, but there are also many mythological monsters. Do you think an empty pyramid is more attractive, or a pyramid with many mummies running around more attractive?"

"Of course there are pyramids with mummies."

"So the tourism industry in Egypt is super developed in the game. Even many players who do not play combat professions will go to the special opening for tourism. Play monster killing games in the super-low difficulty pyramid. The monsters in it are all things from Egyptian mythology, and they are all set to be very weak, mainly to scare people. If you don’t resist, the monsters will only continue to scare you. If you resist, the monster will kill the player with a certain probability. But this adds to the fun, and those who like to explore will continue to hunt for treasure in the pyramid. Of course, there are also smart boys and children who bring their girlfriends. , And then take the opportunity to eat tofu."

Dizzy! It used to be popular to take girls to watch horror movies to take advantage of the ranks, but now it has become a way to take advantage of adventure games! But speaking of which, such a pyramid is really attractive. The pyramid in reality is like a zoo without animals, but the one in the game is a real zoo. Rather than listening to the tour guide telling you that this is the altar of the so-and-so god, that is the sarcophagus of the so-and-so pharaoh, it is more interesting to experience the summon Spiritual God standing on the altar or to fight against the mummy of the pharaoh.

"Tourism won't attract so many people, right?" Although Egypt's tourism industry does have great potential, there are too many people.

"The rest are in the second category. Those who came to Egypt to train or hunt for treasures. Like me, I came from the United States. The mountain range of the gods at the border between France and Germany. These four places are known as equipment concentration camps. As long as you search there, you will most likely find something good. Moreover, there are a large number of monsters on the Egyptian side, high experience, and a relatively dense presence. Suitable for high-attack players to quickly level up. So many benefits naturally attract a large number of players."

"Then why are so many people running to Transmission Formation just now?"

"You really don't know?" The female mage asked me in surprise.

"Should I know?"

The female mage shook her head and said: "You are not a tourist because of your appearance. If you are a leveling person, you should not be so leisurely. So I thought you were here for treasure hunting. But now listening to you, you don’t seem to be here for treasure hunting either. But you don’t even know about it, it’s really strange."

"What the hell is it?" ?"

"Once every two months, the election day." The female mage said flatly: "Every few days before the election day, several gods in Egypt will be in Desert of Death Central. Zone creates an altar, and then everyone starts looking for this place. The gods of Egypt will appear on the side of the altar on the day of the god election, and then send their men to challenge the players. Those who pass the challenge can be the gods and the power Avatars of the main gods Fight, and if you win again, you will be rewarded."

"What the hell is the reward?"

"I don’t know this. It is said that the reward is not necessarily Yes, every time it is determined by the preferences of those gods. I think it is equivalent to random selection. Before, someone has permanently obtained two basic attribute points, but that is the basic attribute point! The more it gets later. That thing is more important. Another guy got a Divine Item, saying that he can order Death God Legion, but when summoning requires mana, all impossible infinite summon. As far as I know, only two people have found that they have passed the test. Reward. And they all look good."

"Was it because everyone was eager to find that altar this time?"

The female mage said: "This time it’s a little bit Special. Normally, God’s Selection Day is to open the altar seven days in advance for everyone to find, but this morning someone found the altar and brought the map out and sold it on a large scale. All the people who bought the map rushed there to take the test and hope to pass the test. It’s the prize."

"What a smart man."

"Who do you think is smart?"

"The man who sells maps. His name is With business acumen, regardless of whether the person who bought the map can get the prize, the person who sold the map has already got the prize. I just don’t know if the intelligence is reliable."

"Absolutely reliable." Female The mage said: "I also sold the map, and I went to see it. The altar is really there, but the time is not up, I can’t take part in the test. So I’ve gotten back to the level first, and then I’ll come back. . This time the location is very close to a desert leveling area, so everyone is sent from Cairo to use the special positioning ability of the national patriarch Transmission Formation to participate in the test. Because of other Transmission Formatio n It is not possible to send personnel directly to the leveling area, so everyone flocked here, otherwise the teleportation hall would not be so crowded. "

I laughed. "putting it that way I admire the map seller even more." By the way, what's his name? Do you know where he is? I'll talk to him about some voice. "

"His name is Mammoth, and he is skinny like a skeleton. "

"What? "I jumped up from my seat.


The cold seems to be very serious this time. I went to the hospital and the doctor told me it was a viral cold. After thinking about it, I didn’t seem to have had any contact with anyone, but suddenly I remembered that I almost stole me at the Internet cafe that day. It seems that the thief of the mobile phone was caught stealing my mobile phone because of sneezing. I am really depressed. Even the thieves have used biochemical weapons these days, and I still have a headache! (To be continued, if you want to know what happened , Please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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