"What? Are there other seabed cities besides Atlantis?" The words of the Great Emperor of Atlantis shocked me! "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"At that time, we weren't very familiar. In case you go to other seabed cities to trade and leave us alone, I am not at a loss, so I am also Atlanta. The leader of Di Si, I can’t help thinking about my people!"

"So what do you mean now? Want me to help you attack other seabed cities?"

"That's almost what it means." Seeing that the expression on my face was not so good, the Great Emperor of Atlantis immediately added: "Of course it won't let you fight in vain. You know, the technical power of our seabed city is better than You people on land are much more powerful. Atlantis’s technology is only mid-to-upper level in the sea. Other seabed cities have their own technical fields and are very advanced. If you help out, you will get it. We share technology. In fact, our Atlantis attacked other seabed cities not for the other’s technological civilization, but for our own safety and territorial issues. When the time comes, we will take what we need to ensure that you don’t suffer. "

After listening to the great encouragement from the Great Emperor of Atlantis, I was really moved. "If the technology of Atlantis is only at the high level, then as long as we can get one or two technologies to attack other cities, we will not suffer. Even if we destroy all the cities, I believe that one or two technologies are still You can get it."

"So you agree to help?" The Great Emperor of Atlantis looked very excited.

"Wait, don't get excited."

"Huh? Is there any problem?"

"The problem is big." I am slow Asked: "Even if I agree to help, what can we do? Most of my people are now at level 600. Although there are orderly armors to dive, there are only more than 10,000 people even if they are all dispatched. A lot of help? Besides, we are unlikely to come out all the way. At least we must keep the necessary personnel. No more than 3,000 people can play. This team does not seem to affect the outcome of the war? Not to mention our level. Are you suitable for battle? You are all at level 700 or 800, we only have more than 600, and the battle strength is one grade!"

"I know that your level is not high, and I don’t want you to attack the seabed. City."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Well! So...! I'll explain the situation to you first!" Great Emperor of Atlantis He took me to their chart room, and then let me look at the chart. "This is the Asian continent, that is, your China. The point we come here is our Atlantis, and the Japanese island will continue to the east. Now after crossing the Japanese island, we will reach the Pacific Ocean, and we will reach the location of our enemy when we move on."

"Hey! They live in the Mariana Trench?"

"What Mariana Trench? It's called the Kamoka Trench!"

Look The name in the game is a bit different! "Well, no matter what it is called, the enemy will live here anyway, right?"

"Yes, right here. There is a city group under the trench. The opponent is a descendant of the Great White Shark clan, not only the power of science and technology Advanced, and the most important thing is that our battle strength is much stronger than ours. As you know, all of us in Atlanta live in mermaids. We are definitely more beautiful than them in terms of appearance, but fighting is not a beauty pageant!"

"I understand what you mean. You just need to tell me what to do."

The Great Emperor of Atlantis said: "According to our scouts The news came back that the Great White Shark clan has recently joined a land force like us. Our seabed races lack magic crystals, and the Great White Shark clan is the same. They need to activate their fighters in order to fight. All those things are needed. magic crystal, and the reason why we seabed races have not attacked each other in recent years is that everyone’s magic crystal is almost used up, it’s already very stressful to survive, and there is no room to fight."

"Needless to say Yes, I understand. Now you have magic crystals and they also have them, and both sides are starting to prepare for war."

"Yes, that's what it means."

"Then you mean help Just cut off the other party's magic crystal supply, right?"

"Smart!" Atlantis gave a thumbs up.

"This is no problem, but at least you have to tell me who is transporting magic crystal to them?"

"Our investigators do not know the land conditions, so there is no The way to find out the specific information of the other party, but there is a clue. First, the other party is a guild on the Japanese island. Second, the Great White Shark clan has sold its torpedo-related technology and torpedo launcher-related technology in exchange for it. Two batches of magic crystal. Third, they will soon have a third transaction. It is said that the technology to be traded this time is sonic cannon technology. "Now I know what happened to the small Japanese torpedo!

"Sonic cannon? Is it the kind of principle that dolphin concentrates ultrasonic waves into a beam and emits them to achieve destructive effect?"

"It's that kind of thing."

"How about the formidable power? The dolphins seem to be able to kill small fish with that thing. Their sonic cannons are definitely not used for fishing, right?"

"Great White Shark clan I don’t know how huge the sonic cannon might actually be. Anyway, it’s very difficult to deal with, and it’s one of the few weapons that can be used for long-range attacks underwater."

Listen to Yate I got excited about the words of Landis Great Emperor. The sonic cannon can shoot underwater. Our submarine just doesn't have a weapon that can shoot underwater. This sonic cannon is simply a weapon designed for submarines! "I wonder if there is no similar technology in Atlantis?"

"Our Mermaid Race has always been passively beaten, so most of Atlantis' technology is based on propeller technology and Assistive technology is the main research direction. When we encounter problems, our Atlantis troops run faster, and fast escape is also an advantage. However, the technology of the Great White Shark is biased towards offensive, and they have a lot of combat skills. In addition to sonic artillery and torpedo technology, as well as high-frequency shock wave technology, they are all very difficult to deal with attack technologies. Their assistive technologies also focus on assisted aiming and rapid firing as the research direction. This is the technical difference."

"Are there other races besides you two in the sea?"

"There are many, but we are only familiar with 4 races in Mermaid Race."

"You A brief introduction."

"In addition to the Great White Shark clan, there are Turtle Clan, the Black Octopus and the Pirate Squid Clan. Among them, the Black Octopus Clan is more friendly to our Mermaid Race. Although Turtle Clan also has contacts, the relationship is normal. Pirate Squid Clan is a group of robbers, we rarely contact. In addition to these 4 races, there are many races in the sea, but they are not familiar, and some small races do not even have a city. "

"Does the black octopus have advanced technology? If you want to fight, you must make full use of the resources you have at hand!"


"Yes, Of course, the black octopus clan’s stealth technology and silencer technology are very difficult to deal with. Their underwater battleships are all invisible and there is no sound when sailing, but the people of this clan are very courageous, except for us. Generally, I don’t have much contact with other races. If you need their skills, you can give us the magic crystal, and I will help you trade."

"Can you buy the technology of Turtle Clan?"


"Turtle Clan’s technology is mainly defensive technology. To put it bluntly, it means that it has strong resistance to attack. If you want me to help you introduce it, but you have to talk about specific things by yourself. After all, we are not with them. Very familiar!"

"Understood, as long as you take me to see their patriarch, I will take care of the rest of the matter by myself. So, let your technician go to Isengard now and let They said, "Don’t build battleship, wait until I bring back all the technology. You’re now Immediately send someone to help me find the black octopus to contact the purchase of technology, as long as you find useful technology to help me buy it. Turtle Clan, can you take me a trip by yourself? "

"Okay, let's go. "

The Great Emperor of Atlantis sent all the technicians out, and I asked Anna to go back with them, to lead the way and secondly, for fear that others in the guild would not believe it, NPC humanity After the transformation, I also learned to lie, so I can’t believe it all! After the technicians set off, a team of trade procurement teams was also dispatched. The black octopus clan and Mermaid Race have a good relationship, and the cost can be credited first. Finally, our team Xianghai Turtle Clan The city is advancing.

According to the introduction of the Great Emperor of Atlantis, the city of Turtle Clan is quite far away from here. Fortunately, there is no shortage of magic crystals in Atlantis now, so we can sit The speedboat departs. With this thing, the speed is much faster. We went all the way along the seabed mountain range in the sea. A few hours later we entered a valley-like place.

"We are here. "Atlantis Great Emperor reminded.

"Huh? "I looked around, there was nothing but rocks around! "Where is it?" "

" Right in front of us. "

"But I didn't see anything! "

"Of course you can't see it, because their city is in a cave. "

I landed within the valley under the leadership of the Great Emperor of Atlantis. I don’t know where a strange big turtle suddenly appeared to startle me! This guy! I have a tortoise shell on my body, but my hands, feet and head are all human-like. This shape reminds me of the Turtle Prime Minster of Dragon Palace.

Atlantis said very kindly: "I am from Mermaid Race patriarch, this time I have something to find your leader. "

That Turtle Man can talk easily. "Our patriarch happens to be free, come with me." "Following the big turtle man a certain distance forward, he turned into a cave. No wonder the Atlantis Great Emperor said that the city is invisible!

In this super long cave, twisted and twisted. After walking crookedly for a long distance, a huge cavity appeared. The sea turtle asked us to park the motorboat here. After putting down the transportation, the sea turtle passed through a waterproof door like Atlantis and entered. I’m in the city.

I was stunned by the sight in front of me. I didn’t expect that behind the waterproof door there would be such a huge city. What’s more strange is that the streets are covered with turtle shells. People, very funny. After we walked for a while, the sea turtle that brought us in handed us to another sea turtle man. Following this sea turtle man entered the building in the center of the city, which was obviously well-defended, with many strange things. The Turtle Man of Standing in the aisle, it is estimated that they have some kind of weapon in their hands.

"Please wait here. "The big turtle that brought us in went in to report, and we have to wait outside!

I’ll look around when I’m bored. Everything in this turtle city looks very thick, and the walls are thick. It’s terrible, even the door is the same as the vault door. It is estimated that the turtles like this stable design, after all, their own turtle shells are also thick.

The turtle man walked out after a while. Let us in, but this time he didn't take us in but let us in by ourselves. After entering the room, a turtle man asked us to enter the inner room. After we walked in, we saw a turtle man who was much larger than the outer turtle.

"Hello Mermaid Race! "The Turtleman doesn't know me, but he knows Mermaid Race, and politely greet the Great Emperor of Atlantis.

"Hello. "

"Don't know what will happen to you this time?" "

"There is something. "Atlantis pushed me to the front. "This is our Atlantis supplier, I actually brought him to see you today. "

The big turtle looked at me. "You're looking for me, love?" "

"It's like this. "I started the seduction project." I heard the Atlantis Great Emperor said that the races in the sea depend on magic crystals to live normally, right? "

The big sea turtle is nodded. "We sea turtles actually don't have gills. Although we can hold our breath underwater for a long time, we still have to breathe, so there must be an underwater city full of air. Looking at your relationship with Mermaid Race, you should know how much energy such a city consumes, so it is difficult for any water race to live without magic crystal. "

"Yes, I understand this. And I came for this. I think you need magic crystal very much, right? "

When the big turtle heard the eyes shined here, the lazy look just now disappeared immediately. "You mean you have magic crystal?" "

"Not only are there, there are also many. All the magic crystals currently used in Atlanta are supplied by me. I own several large magic crystal mines on land. I can mine hundreds of kilograms of magic crystal ore every day, and produce a few kilograms of pure magic crystal after processing and removing impurities. Not a problem. "Although I don't have a mining area yet, but there is a resource distribution map of Light God Palace, I don't need to worry, I can mine immediately if I need it.

"Then what do you want from me? "The big turtle is the head of the clan, after all, there is no such thing as a free lunch. He must know the truth.

I won't go in circles with him either. "Let me say it! I'm going to war with the enemy now. I heard that your technical force is quite strong. I hope to use magic crystal in exchange for some technology I need to arm my fleet. "

The big turtle blinked, thinking about it for a long time before saying: "It's not impossible to sell the technology, but your price...? "

"You show the technology, I will choose what I need, and you will set the price. If it doesn't work, we can discuss it slowly. "

Atlantis stepped in and said, "You have to look at the technology, so I can't stay behind. Atlantis can't live without people. I'll go back first." "


"Goodbye, I will go to Atlanta to discuss your requirements with you. "I give Atlantis an affirmative answer, at least let him know that I will help him in war so that he can be more active.

After the Great Emperor of Atlantis left, the big turtle patriarch took me In the building on the side of the palace, here is their data and technology depository, some are similar to archives.

"These are the related names and functional briefs of various technologies. You can take a look at them one by one. ! Select the technology you want and tell me, we will give you the full technical information after we negotiate the price. "

"Sure, but are these all are? "

"Only one of the cabinets here is the personnel file over there that has nothing to do with you. Look at it quickly. "

I won’t talk nonsense, and read the brief introductions of all the materials one by one. Although I don’t understand pure technology very well, I can understand most of the content with a detailed introduction. Good guy , Turtle Clan's technical strength is really extraordinary. Their technology is basically concentrated on the processing of special materials and synthetic materials, and there are also many auxiliary technologies. After more than two hours of review and selection, I finally found what I needed The technology has been selected.

This time I have selected four most useful technologies, which are absolutely necessary for battleship. The first is steel purification processing technology, which can be used to process high strength with ordinary steel. The most important thing is that this technology allows the addition of a variety of materials to produce new materials with significantly higher hardness and toughness than the raw materials. That is to say, if you use the fusion of black steel and refined steel, you can process higher hardness and better toughness Material. The second technology is structural support technology. This technology mainly uses a multi-layer composite structure on the shell of the battleship, and uses special materials to support it, which can ensure the firmness of the hull, especially when the battleship is relatively large. The supporting structure can reduce the burden on the hull caused by the waves to ensure that the battleship can be made large without breaking. The third technology surprised me that the turtles actually have an active defense system. This is a kind of photosensitive element and projectile A system composed of shotguns. The main purpose is to capture high-speed moving targets through optical components, and then the operator behind the optical components can easily make the shotgun launcher fire in the approximate direction. The advantage of the shotgun is that it has a high hit rate. In any case, you only need to aim. In general, there will be one or two shotguns hitting the target. I really have to admire the research spirit of the turtles! The last technology is the high level air lock system, this thing should actually be called the battleship anti-sinking system. It mainly uses the principle of air pressure, battleship After being injured, this system can close the damaged area to keep the water out. As long as the hull is not covered with cuts and bruises, it can ensure that the battleship is not sinking, and at least it can be supported to return. If there is this thing, our Victory will not It would sink. At that time, it sank after struggling on the sea for nearly an hour after withdrawing from the battle!

"That's it. "I handed the four techniques to the big turtle patriarch.

He took it and looked at the technical names on the side. "You really know how to choose. These four are the best techniques. How about this! As long as you produce 10 tons of magic crystal, you can take away the technical data, but these technologies are not transferable and can only be used by you. "

"Are you sure it is 10 tons?" "

"What's wrong?" Is it too expensive? "The big turtle said nervously: "If you think the price is expensive, we can discuss it again!" "

"no no no, I don't think it is expensive! 10 tons is 10 tons! "It turns out that this big turtle doesn't understand the market! The value of these three technologies can definitely exceed 23 tons of magic crystal. I also plan to ask for at least 15 tons of magic crystal at first! I didn't expect his price to be lower than the reserve price I thought! In fact, as long as he doesn't shout more than 20 tons, I will agree, but since he has already said 10 tons, I won't shout loudly!

"Then the transaction is going on now? How do you want to pay? "The sea turtle asked me a little excitedly. After all, magic crystal is the pillar of people's livelihood for them. Just like food, he is certainly excited to be able to buy so much. But even if the proportion of magic crystal is larger, 10 tons of magic crystal is definitely good. When he saw me empty-handed, of course he wanted to ask about the trading method.

I said directly: "You can bring the full set of technical documents, and I brought the stock. "

"Isn't it? Do you bring 10 tons of magic crystal with you? "

"What are you doing?" Can't it? "

"No, no! "The big turtle said immediately: "Then I'll let people go get things right away." "

I was taken to a lobby to wait. A few turtle technicians quickly ran over with a large amount of technical data. The four technical data can be stacked together to form a square table, which is really big. Heap! I opened the space door, collected all the materials, and let the lesser dragon cavalry move out the magic crystal inside. 10 tons of magic crystals are piled up and there is a big pile, the remaining magic crystal here is then Went more than half, it seems that we should consider mining in the future!

Because magic crystal is a precious item, the sea turtle insisted on using accurate measurement and measurement together. As a result, they used 20 large balances to weigh it all night, and the sky was fast. When they light up, it ends! The transaction was finally completed. I was almost sent out of the city like a hero. In fact, I was really a lottery! Magic crystal can be dig in the future, but these technologies can't be bought with money. /p>

After leaving the city of Turtle Clan and returning to Atlantis, I haven’t discussed the participation of the Great Emperor in Atlantis yet!

See me coming back The Great Emperor of Atlantis greeted him immediately. "How? Successful transaction? "

I'm nodded. "Yes, very successful. Have you sent the people from the black octopus back? "

"I'm back, but there are some problems. "

"What's the problem?" They refuse to sell? "

"That's not it. "The Great Emperor of Atlantis said: "It's mainly about prices and other things that you can't negotiate. In the end, we talked through the patriarch of the black octopus. They agreed to send a ship to take you to the city of the black octopus. . "

"I have to run! "I feel almost dizzy!" They didn't say any time, did they? "

"That's not it, but the ship is already waiting outside. "

"Fuck me! This is too rush! Wait for me for a while! "I went offline for a while, and then hurriedly went online again. Let Atlantis Great Emperor prepare some food for my demons. Everyone's hunger and thirst are very high. If you don't eat, you will lose loyalty. It’s over! Atlantis’s food is not only seafood but seafood. Occasionally, it’s okay to eat it every day!

After solving the food problem, the Great Emperor of Atlantis will personally take me there. I met the black octopus people. When we came to the port of Atlantis, I was startled by the black octopus people. "Is this a member of the black octopus? "The man in front of me is completely human except for his height. It is said that the octopus must have at least 8 tentacles! Will they transform?

The Great Emperor of Atlantis has not yet Answered, the member of the black octopus tribe first replied: "Our race is called black octopus, doesn't mean we look like octopuses! Isn’t there any ethnicity like Han on the land? Are you all Han? "

"I misunderstood it! "

"It's okay, let me get on the boat. "

"Ship? "I drew around with my fingers. "Which one do you say?" "

"Oh! Sorry to forget that you are not a member of our family! "The member of the black octopus clan who received me in front of me took out a strange thing made of crystal for me. "Bring it." "

I looked at the crystal in my hand, it seemed to fit on my face, and it looked a bit like a night vision goggles. I took off the helmet and put the crystal on and then put the helmet on the outside. Now I looked up and saw a flying saucer-like thing parked in front of us, that thing was no more than 10 meters away from us! I was stunned by the thing in front of me, such a big thing was completely invisible at such a close distance! /p>

"Don’t be surprised, this is a unique technique of our black octopus family. What I just gave you is a polarized light reflector, because our hull is made of a special structure, so it only emits direct light, and nothing can be seen without using a polarized light reflector. "

Such an exaggerated technique really makes me unacceptable. If our fleet encounters this thing, how should we fight? If we can't see it, do we have to blindly shoot? It's weird if we can!


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